The Old Scholar

Chapter 13: Summer Class (Part 1)

The next morning, Leilani saw off the last of her students who were heading back home to enjoy their vacation, seeing off her staff and students with a smile, as the last students left around nine in the morning, she began preparing for her summer class. She slipped into her usual outfit consisting of a white long-sleeved polo with a sleeveless black vest then a larger black overcoat that hung from her shoulders with accompanying black slacks with ample pockets and black dress shoes. Standing in front of the mirror in her room, Leilani adjusted her looks accordingly and finished it with the pair of glasses that she placed on her nose. 

"Hmm, let's get to work then shall we?" She muttered to herself as she stepped out of her room and teleported away. 


Inside classroom A301 located on the third floor of the main college building known as Onesius Hall was a rowdy bunch of disgruntled college students all shouting and arguing with one another. There were ten of them in total and they were a mixture of students with different backgrounds and races. In the front row of the class sat an edgy-looking student with silver-white hair and crimson eyes,  his name was Michele Gabriellos and he was a vampire from the continent of Scallant. He was a freshman who had been regularly causing trouble to his teachers and fellow students via backtalk and using his own magic against other students in illegal duels that usually resulted in someone getting seriously injured. Next to him was a blonde elven girl named Himari Oaks who was also in the same boat as Michele but instead of illegal magic duels, she would usually use her magic to manipulate her fellow students into doing her bidding. 

Behind the two of them were a quadruple group of pompous humans who were all royals based on the regal adjustments they had made to their school uniforms. From left to right was a brown-haired prince named Augustus, then his sister named Augustina, next to the two were their best friends, a pair of blonde-haired siblings named  Statler and Sinece, both of whom were the children of a duke. The four of them were second-year students and they were here because of allegations of them being extremely abusive to other students due to them being in their words "lower class" students. 

At the back of the class on the far right side was a trio of beastkin, a wolf beastkin, a dragonkin and a centaur. Their names were Liath, Victor and Smirtina respectively. Each of them were here due to the fact that they were the ringleaders of a small bullying ring that resided in the third year students, all of them were ratted out by their compatriots after a single night which confused them as they were known to have the most loyal and ferocious gang around albeit with the gang still being small.  

And lastly on the far left side of the room was a senior fifth-year student who was human by the name of Karl who was here due to him failing a class. His average joe looks and overall quietness in the classroom set him apart from the rest of the class as he was not a troublemaker but instead, a student who just needed academic help rather than the other types of help the rest needed. 

When looking at the people gathered, one would wonder correctly why they were given such a small punishment such as summer class, or even why they were still allowed to be students in this academy. All of them, excluding Karl, were seen as still as students who could be turned around, despite them being college students at this point. And the staff that taught these students knew that there was no better punishment than letting the Dean herself teach them, or at least disciple them. For many of the staff that filled Imperia Academy's ranks were former delinquents who witnessed and experienced firsthand the teaching methods of Leilani when she saw that you were a problem that needed some serious fixing.

"So who's the unlucky sob teaching us, do you know elf?" Michele asked as he picked his teeth with his vampire nails 

"Uhh, were you talking to me pale fucker?" Himari answered, visibly disgusted 

"Yeah, I asked you a question dipshit. Do you need me to say it again?" 

"Fuck off!" 

"Tsk!" Michele said as he rolled his eyes and looked away 

"This is absolutely horrendous! To think mother and father would agree to send us to Summer Class!" Augustus cried out 

"Right?! We should be attending the summer ball and enjoying the flowing rivers of home!" Augustina added 

"I understand that, Father sent us here for such stupid reasons! Right Sinece?" Statler exclaimed, running his fingers through his blonde hair 

"Yeah! It's so fucking stupid!" Sinece replied, rolling her eyes with an angered expression 

"Dammit, to think we would get caught. Those bastards ratted us out!" Liath cried as he smashed the desk of his armchair 

"Right? To think they would be so fucking weak!" Victor added as he crossed his arms and sank into his chair, fuming 

"We will get them back for this once we get out of this fucking class!" Smirtina finished as she nodded at her friends 

Meanwhile, Karl was just staying quiet and trying his best to stay out of the view and attention of his fellow classmates, slightly scared and concerned that he had been placed in the wrong class. Hoping that him taking the seat at the far end of the class could keep him out of trouble. 

After a few more minutes, the door to the classroom suddenly opened, and in strut in a beautiful woman wearing a white long-sleeved polo with a black vest and a black overcoat hanging from her shoulders with a matching pair of black slacks and black dress shoes with a pair of glasses on her face to complete her look. The students in the classroom except for Karl stood up and was about to greet her but Karl locked eyes with her and when she nodded he sat back down. 

"Greeting class, I am Professor Leilani, your summer class teacher" Leilani stated as she looked at the class, still seeing that besides Karl, no one was listening. 

"Oh yeah? Sucks to be you then bitch" Michele commented as he was still picking his teeth, his legs were propped up on another of the arm chairs 

"Put your feet down and sit properly" Leilani ordered as she looked at him

"Oh? And what if I don't slut? I think I should place a scar on that pretty face of yours to let you know your place" Michele said as he quickly stood up and raised his vampire nails, letting them near her face. 

With an unmoving and unreadable expression, Leilani snapped her fingers and Michele suddenly began screaming as his limbs were stretched out in a spread-eagle formation. Leilani then flicked her wrist upward which caused him to float and then flicked it to the right, letting him hover near the window, before mimicking a motion of turning down a dial to make his screaming quieter. This caught the class off guard, with their attention now focused on the unmoving and unreadable teacher standing before them. 

"Hmm, you three, move forward, there are other chairs here" Leilani ordered as she pointed at the chairs in the front row. 

But as they were moving, Leilani raised her hand and stopped them 

"Which one of you broke that desk for the armchair?" She asked as she saw the damaged desk, her eyes boring into them. 

The trio froze as they glanced at one another, unsure of what to do nor what to say as neither of them wanted to end up like the still-screaming vampire by the window. Victor and Smirtina glanced at Liath who glanced back at them, the two of their gazes telling their wolf beastkin friend to turn himself in, while Liath's gaze was that of disbelief. 

"You there, wolfkin. did you smash that armchair?" Leilani asked, causing Liath to face her, his expression that of fear 

" Ma'am. It was like this when I got here" Liath lied through a small smile that was trying to cover up his terror 

"Mhmm...well that's a lie...I checked the room last night and none of these were either tell me the truth or end up like the vampiric disgrace by the window" Leilani ordered as she tilted her head in the direction of Michele 

"Uhh...I broke it...." Liath quickly answered 

" will have to pay for that, I'll be sending the bill to your parents. Now the three of you in front now" 

"Yes Ma'am" The trio answered 

As Leilani's gaze shifted from the trio of terror-filled beastkin, she saw that the room was by this point thoroughly terrified just as she intended. She glanced at each of them and saw that they were still momentarily glancing at the vampire she propped up on the window, although there was sunlight coming through the window, Leilani had cast a barrier that spanned the entirety of Imperia and her two towns that kept it from killing her vampire students and staff. 

"Right, before we begin some words, you four, remove those golden ornaments on your uniforms, they look unseemly" She ordered as she glanced at the royals. 

"Umm...with all due respect Ma'am...they are not unseemly" Augustus hesitantly said as she locked eyes with her 

"Hmm? And why is that so?" Leilani asked as she crossed her arms and stared down the brown-haired prince 

"Uhh...uhh" Augustus began to stammer as the answer he had in his mind disappeared, glancing at his fellow royals to help him out 

"It's because we have to distinguish ourselves from the commoner rabble..Ma'am" Statler quickly added to back up his friend 

"Oh? Do you not know the core tenant of this university?" Leilani asked them as she leaned on the blackboard behind her with her unreadable expression still giving off unsettling vibes 

"Uhhh" The four of them were left speechless as they looked at one another for answers 

"Tsk, pitiful. You there, elf, what's the core tenant of this university?" Leilani asked with a disappointed look as her gaze shifted from four royals to the lone elf in the front row 

"Uhh...oh! To provide quality education to all freely regardless of race or class" Himari answered, still terrified 

"If even a first-year remembers it, then why can't you lot?" Leilani said as she shifted her disappointed gaze back to the four 

"It's because the tenant is wrong Ma'am!" Sinece answered 

"?" Leilani raised her eyebrow and was slowly getting angrier at the answers she was getting 

"Explain" Leilani ordered, with her words sending shivers down everyone's spines as they felt the room drop in temperature 

"Uhh...its...its because...we are royalty....we deserve to be...." 

"Held in higher regard?" Leilani cut off the young woman's answer, causing Sinece to freeze 

"Stupid. All four of you are stupid" Leilani stated as she took a step forward, causing the four to lean in their armchairs 


She then flicked her index finger and the uniforms that were covering their bodies suddenly evaporated, leaving only their undergarments. The four of them flushed red as they tried to cover up their suddenly uniformless bodies. Their eyes widened and their expressions turned into embarrassment and anger, but no one in the room was laughing as they were all looking away. 

"You! How dare you do this to us you fucking commoner!" Augustina shouted as she looked at Leilani, her eyes filled with rage 

"You will pay for this! Do you know who are parents are?!" Augustine added 

"I do. And they were my students. I know who the four of you are, Augustine and Augustina, the third and fourth child of little old King Aubery of the Kingdom of Skaan, and the two of you, Statler and Sinece, the only son and daughter of little Duke Harper" 


At her words, the four of them had their eyes wide, how did this person know their parents and say they were her students? Confusion was evident in their expressions as they tried to decipher who the person standing in front of them was, the person they had angered and had stripped them down to their undies.  While not clear to the second and first years who the person was standing in front of them, the third-year trio and the fifth-year at the back however knew full well who it was in front. 

"Yeah, I even know your father Himari, Elder Kratkriss" Leilani added as he looked down at the elf in the front row, causing Himari's eyes to widen 

"Even your parents. your three" She said as she glanced over at the beastkin trio 

"And even yours. You repugnant disgrace of a vampire" Leilani finished as she snapped her fingers and dropped Michele to the floor 

As the young vampire hit the ground he began coughing and wheezing as he stopped screaming, he barely moved as his limbs felt like fire as pain still surged through them. He lifted his head and locked eyes with the unreadable Leilani who could only see anger and fury behind the eyes of the young vampire. 

"You bitch!" He shouted despite the pain, trying to get up 

"Hmmm. Maybe a few more minutes then" Leilani said as she snapped her fingers again and Michele once again was put into spreadeagle position and began screaming in pain, with Leilani making the screams inaudible 

"Now. if you still fail to believe me, then let me show you" 


With the flick of her wrist, she conjured up a portal that suddenly spewed out a tall and well-built man dressed in peach-colored regal clothes, his brown hair cushioned a golden crown with emeralds embedded on it. His green eyes scanned the room and quickly landed on the two young adults who shared a likeness to him, before quickly swiveling around and seeing Leilani, causing him to remove the crown from his head. Following him was an overweight blonde man dressed in a large blue coat with a white shirt and slacks, who stumbled out of the portal being stopped thanks to the man from earlier, confusion abounded in his expression as well but the moment he looked around, and locked eyes with the two other young adults who shared his likeness he quickly swiveled his head and bowed his head at Leilani. 

"Aubery, Harper" Leilani greeted with a small nod 

"Professor, it..has been a while..." King Aubery replied with his deep voice, bowing his head deeply before looking back up 

"It truly has been so long to see you Professor, how may the dynamic duo be of service" Duke Harper added 

"Hmm, just wanted to show your kids that I was serious" 

" I was not seeing things" King Aubrey said as he looked back at his children 

"Neither was I then" Duke Harper added as he turned to his kids

The two nobles locked eyes with their kids with disappointed expressions, they knew why their kids were here and were even in agreement to send them to summer class to get them fixed up or at least hopefully taught a lesson that they could not teach them. 

"Father! Are you going to just let this commoner bitch do this to us?!" Augustina cried out as she looked at Aubrey,

"Excuse me? What did you say young lady?" Aubrey asked again as his expression soured 


"This "Commoner Bitch" is someone I highly respect and so should you. So don't you dare disrespect her like that! HELL EVEN DISRESPECTING COMMONERS!" Aubrey roared as he stomped forward, causing his children to reel in surprise 

"He's right. Stalter, Sinece, I have heard from your teachers that the two of you and your friends are responsible for some troubling reports that I had received from numerous upset parents" Duke Harper stated as he looked at his children 

"I got the same" King Aubrey added as he leaned on his friend 

"So, we decided to let you attend summer class under Professor Leilani because we know she can turn that around" 

"There will be a lot of screaming and crying"

"And a lot of death-defying" 

"But it will be for the best" 

"As me and Harper here were just like you lot" 

"Brash and ignorant and very much in need of a good lesson" 

"So you shut up and listen to her! since there is no one else in the world who is as smart as her nor as caring for her students, and I will not be even mad if she tells me she ended up killing you, just disappointed she had to" 

Leilani had a small smile as she heard her former students defend her. She remembered how she dealt with these two when they were put inside summer class, they were both very arrogant and would always challenge authority, she would usually take them up on their challenge and then show them the insurmountable gap in their skills and strength compared to her, and she would often give them punishments if they failed to read the readings she had assigned or failed to do the homework she gave them, like when she tied them together and let them dangle from a long piece of rope tied to the talon of a dragon that she had ordered to "Fly Fast and Fly Far" which resulted in them being more productive by the end of the experience. And by the end of the summer class, the two of them were no longer the arrogant and brash duo they had entered to begin with. 

"Alright, I think you both made your points. Now if you will, please return to your homes" Leilani said as she gestured to the portal still open for them 

"Of course Professor. We are happy to be of help and we trust our children into your care" King Aubrey said as he gave a bow before going through the portal 

"I have the same words as well Professor, but before I go...does the cafeteria still sell those butterscotch snacks?" Duke Harper asked as he glanced at the portal 

"Here, have some before you go and don't forget to share" Leilani replied with a smile as she conjured up a large plastic sack filled with the snacks, tossing it over to Harper who caught it easily 

"Thank you Professor, Statler, Senece, listen up alright, or else" He added before he disappeared into the portal

As the portal disappeared, Leilani looked at the group and saw them still in disbelief. Neither of their parents had ever talked to them like this and it was surprising that they willingly threw them to what they now viewed was a monster of a being that was going to do anything to fix problematic students. And they were terrified of what other punishments there would be if they disobeyed. 

"Right, considering we are all college students here, I would have expected all of you to be at most, emotionally and mentally mature to an extent, or at least smart enough to act your age, but you aren't" Leilani said as she shifted her glance from the lot and then back to the trio and elf in the front row 

"Now, for you lot. You three, Liath, Victor and Smirtina. The heads of the bullying ring that has been harassing the third years and freshmen, your parents were very descriptive in the punishments they wanted me to give each of you when I told them and showed them proof of your bullying"  She added as she glanced at each of them, seeing their eyes widen 

"For Smirtina, your mother wanted me to smash your legs in and leave you in the middle of the woods to run from monsters. Victor, your parents wanted me to clip your wings and bind your limbs together and leave you in a deep ditch surrounded by those flesh-eating worm monsters known as Skipaari. And for you Liath, the head honcho of the whole thing, your clan themselves told me to basically keep you permanently in werewolf form, bind your limbs together and place a magic bomb spell inside you that explodes when you do not listen to me, but those were just the less brutal ones" Leilani finished 

She saw that the three of them were visibly shaking as she described the punishments. All of them were terrified as they visualized the punishments in their heads and what scared them more was that their own family had suggested these punishments that were apparently the less brutal ones that they had suggested to the Dean of the university. 

"I know that despite the differing cultures of beastkin, the value and importance of honor and the discouragement of abusing your strength on weaker opponents and the less fortunate is still very much upheld by all, so I am very surprised that the three of you decided to shatter that value...regardless, I will not be doing those punishments as I am not that least to my students, students who do not threaten me at least" Leilani added as she glanced at the still in pain vampire 


Then with a snap of her fingers, a few floating marionettes that resembled each of them respectively manifested near their heads, much to their confusion as they looked at these floating puppets with curiosity and fear. 

'These mini-me puppets will be floating around you for the duration of your summer class, they will do everything you did to those you bullied every day for an uninterrupted thirty minutes every hour. And you cannot hit them back otherwise they will shock you and paralyze you for eight hours" Leilani told them, watching their eyes widen even more and an uncomfortable expression filling their faces 

"And finally. You, miss Himari, the manipulator of freshmen. While not as extreme as the rest of these people here, I am very disappointed that you used your great magical abilities to try and force people to submit to you. And for that, I will simply do this you primadonna" 


At the snap of her fingers, Leilani removed Himari's ability to tap into her mana pool and access her magic. Himari could feel it as the warm feeling she usually had whenever she felt her magic was now gone and replaced with the stone-cold emptiness of the void. She looked up at Leilani who bent down to her level and stared her down, waiting for the elf to say something, anything in defiance and then follow it up with another punishment, but Himari was very much terrified after witnessing everything so far and she was not willing to be defiant if it meant it was to bring her more pain, so she kept silent, quickly accepting that there was nothing she could or should do now. 

"Now, for the more annoying of you lot" Leilani said as she snapped her fingers again and let Michele down a second time, this time with his body convulsing as he coughed and wheezed more violently than before. 

"Listen up kid, I have your daddy dearest on the line" She added as she conjured up a crystal ball that had the image of a pale-looking vampire man with slicked-back white hair 

"Is it on Professor?" The voice boomed from the crystal ball 

"Yes Vladimir, here is your son" Leilani answered as she placed the ball next to Michele

"You insolent brat! I thought I told you to stop abusing your power! Me and your mother have tried countless times to get rid of your arrogance and none of our teachings have gone through that skull of yours! Trust me when I say that getting punishment from us was a mercy and that we had no other choice but to entrust our old teacher in giving you an ass whooping, and by the looks of it she has already started. If you come back like the arrogant asshole you currently are Michele, expect to be banished from the family, from the clan, from everything! Because with a personality like that son, people will kill you and no one will bat an eye" Vladimir shouted as he looked at his son who was groaning in pain, seeing the pain in his eyes but not flinching one bit 

"Professor, I leave him in your care, I give you full permission to do what is necessary to correct this boy. Not that you needed it before anyways" 

"Heh, I appreciate the gesture Vladimir, see you soon" 

"Of course" And with a nod, Vladimir and the crystal ball disappeared into the air. 

"Himari, help him into his seat" Leilani commanded, with Himari following diligently 

"Right. Now with all of that out of the way, let me remind you another reason you are here. All of you failed a subject or subjects and have shit grades, except for Mr. Edelweiser in the back who is here due to a failed major that I will personally teach you so no need to worry Karl. And I am going to correct your personalities and clean up your act while also helping you pass those lessons, and once again, I am Leilani Augusta, the dean of this academy, and your teacher for this summer. Let's get along now shall we?" 




A/N: And here we are Chapter 13 and the start of the summer class arc. I hope it will be a good set of chapters that you will all enjoy and I believe I will continue to include Leilani's pictures in these chapters going forward hehe, I also hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I had fun making it! Let me know your thoughts below and once again, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 



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