The One Being Protected [Magical Girl Urban Fantasy]

Chapter 1: Regret

Ben Frasko. A high schooler with a pretty ordinary life overall. He was not a secret descendant of some legendary hero. Not someone who had to deal with the fate of the world on his shoulders... but one could say that one's own world was heavy enough.

Normality didn't mean tranquility.

"Son, just become an accountant. You have decent memorisation and are good at applying it. Your grades are good. Why settle for less?" His father had spoken with the typical 'glasses' personality type. His slick hair and suit was proper at the dinner table.


"Screw that. It's boring!" Ben tried to flip the table.

Only for a hand to intervene in his lunacy.

"Break the table again, and I break your face." His mother spoke lovingly while putting more toast on his breakfast plate. A chill ran down his spine when he saw her cracking her knuckles. Not daring to do anything reckless when his mother was around.

Guess he'd have to leave flipping the table for later.

He looked at his father's judging eyes.

"Can't you just support me?" Ben had a lonely look in his eyes while making eye contact. It wasn't like he didn't respect his father, but he also knew that this man wasn't at all bothered by boredom. A man who sat at a desk all day long doing thick paperwork.

That was his choice.

"Grow up. Your mother spoils you rotten, but this is reality. I had dreams when I was your age too, but I'd found my calling. You will too one day." The man dabbed a pocket handkerchief on his mouth and straightened his tie. Looking up towards his wife.

They shared no words or said any goodbyes.

Simply hugging before he left early for work.

Ben could see they had a harmonious relationship despite his antics. It was a bit annoying. Making all his serious words turn into a child's tantrum. The things he said always felt like they had no value in front of them. Like he really WAS just being childish.

"Mom?" He looked at her messy appearance.

She seemed to be making lasagna in the oven. The smell of grated cheese and tomatoes lingered on her apron. Her hands were washed, but one could easily see that she wasn't as stuck up as his father. Having a milder and more accepting attitude towards him.

She didn't outright tell him to chase his dreams.

Nor did she speak to him or understand them.

He looked at the egg on toast in front of him. The love and care put into the presentation. It wasn't like she wanted to be a cook, but she DID manage to learn how to make good food despite not 'dreaming' of being one. What was her own dream in the past?

Did she ever achieve them?

Ben suddenly realised he didn't know his parents as well as he thought he did. Perhaps he too would have to 'grow up'. Learn his limitations and aim for a more stable environment. Settle down and to one day become a replica of his father. Live a boring life.

"Hoooh..." He slapped his cheeks and got off too.

Taking the yolk stained toast with him on the way.

"Bye!" His mother waved at him in an upbeat tone.

"...Bye." Like always, he waved at her back.

The warmth of such a simple goodbye melted the awkwardness. For a brief moment, he felt like his mother was supporting his efforts. It might have been just his delusion. Maybe she was just waiting for him to fail. Showing him why he should give up.

He hoped that wasn't it.

Doubt creeped into his heart.

"This is my life." He tried to tell himself.

Feeling the urge to scream out his feelings in public.

He walked a little too fast despite being completely immersed in thinking. Believing in his intuition and familiarity of these streets. He didn't even have to look ahead to avoid people. There usually weren't any variables when taking this mundane route.

"Should I take a different path today?" Ben thought while eyeing the bridge nearby. Going under would be a different route indeed, but it wasn't that faster than going the normal way. If there would be ANY difference, it was that not many took this route.

Some say bad things happen under that bridge.

Maybe robberies or just shady people hanging out.

"Let's go!" Ben didn't think about it.

He'd just run past regardless of what was there.

He turned around and started heading towards the underside of the bridge. Skipping merrily under the warm sunlight with toast in his mouth. The bees were buzzing and the flowers were letting out a strong scent. Springtime had arrived for him.

"I worry too much." What his parents said faded.

Going to the back of his mind for the nth time.

Breakfast tasted great like always. He was such a fan.

"Gotta praise mom more." Ben licked his lips.

Still swallowing down the toast after chewing.

He walked under the bridge. Ready for whatever that might be lurking here. His gaze steadfast and ready for anything. After leisurely coming from around the corner, he looked into the path. Seeing that it was just as dark as expected. No artificial lights working.

But the other end was within his sights.

In fact, this situation was actually good.

There were no strange lurkers to be worried about.

Maybe people were being superstitious.

Ben shrugged before taking a step forward. He felt a sensation he could not describe upon entering. One that made him pause. His brows furrowed slightly. A suspicious glint in his calm eyes. He turned around and stepped out of the tunnel, and felt the change.

What was this sensation?

It felt like there was a stone on his heart when going under the bridge. A sense of unease... No, there was actual pain. This wasn't a vague feeling. He really felt a stone on his heart whenever he'd entered. It wasn't familiar to him. This couldn't be something simple.

Curiosity made him look at the tunnel again.

He felt like something was drawing him inside.

"Maybe just a little bit more distance." Ben thought before walking inside a second time. His eyes were entranced. The light on the other end of the tunnel was becoming blurrier. The weight on his heart was becoming heavier. Taking steps towards the light.

He forgot why he was even here or where he was.

Where was he going?

After suddenly falling to his knees, the light on the other end of the tunnel was becoming smaller and smaller. The path ahead was murky. The walls were expanding outwards. The darkness swallowing him whole. He started to wonder how long he'd walked.

"Am I too late?" It felt like he'd walked for hours.

Feeling fatigued and restless.

It drove him back to one particular thought.

"I have to move forward." He thought like a mantra.

The exit wasn't getting closer, and time started to feel more detached. He checked his phone. It wasn't turning on. Was it out of battery? How long would it be before anyone would notice he was missing? Was he forgotten already? How long had he walked?

"No, it is still daytime." The light was his hope.

He couldn't turn back now.

Fear festered within his heart. He started to be scared of looking back. Scared that turning away from the exit would make him forget the path set forward. He didn't want to go back like this. He had to finish what he had already set his mind to do.

"Huh?" Again, he fell to his knees in agony.

This time, he could no longer stand.

He felt his mind tearing. Irrelevant thoughts were being erased. All he could think of was getting up and continuing, but his heart was in indescribable pain. Feeling the threat of death. Damp sweat and tears dripping down his face. His eyes were dry.

He could feel his vision was blurring.

The sound of his heartbeat drumming calmly.

Unaffected by the stressful situation he was in,

A feeling of vertigo made him imagine himself sink.

Like he was underwater.

The light in his eyes was fading. He could no longer feel his arms or legs. The frigid atmosphere and cold temperatures were freezing him. The desire to resist the urge to sleep was waning. Eyelids heavy. Slowly but surely succumbing to this mysterious influence.

"Wake up!" Someone disturbed his peaceful rest.

Ben quickly opened his eyes.

The sound of the world shattering could be heard at that moment. Someone was there to help him at his darkest moment. He could feel this place was turning back to 'normal'. The distance between the exit and entrance of this tunnel corrected itself.

"What is this light...?" He raised an eyebrow silently.

Looking up the 'pink girl' completely covered in that one colour scheme. She had a black mouth mask with cool-looking scribbles on it. Wearing a frilly and pretty dress. A very out-of-place sight to see in this now regular tunnel. Especially her pink dyed hair.

Was she a cosplayer?

No... He had almost died.

"Thank you-" It was only after the weight on his heart had completely vanished did his sight become better. Able to see the second pair of fluffy ears along with her cat-like features. A tail with pink stylised bows and bells. Similar to the one on her chest.

But that wasn't what surprised him the most.

"You're welcome, good citizen. Don't go walking into strange places next time." The girl spoke in a feigned manly tone from behind the mask. She sounded like a local hero doing her job. Proudly straightening her back. His focus completely taken by her cat-like eyes.


They were slit pupils. Real pink cat eyes.

But that wasn't important.

As if her job here was done, she started to leave.

Turning without putting up her guard at all.

"Oh no you don't!" Ben's stamina had returned.

He shouted out aggressively before lunging at her.

"W-what?!" The mysterious girl didn't know why he was doing this. She stood her ground. Despite him being physically larger than her, that small frame had an enormous amount of strength. Completely fine despite him putting all his body weight on her.

"You're not getting away...!" Ben wrapped his arms.

Clinging on her like he would die if he didn't.

"Sir, please mind your manners." The pretty girl spoke heroically. Her voice was heavy and tough to the bone. Like she was a woman of steel. The only reason he wasn't hitting concrete right now was the gentleness behind that. Not wanting to hurt him.

"Rina, do you seriously think a mask and a tough voice can fool me? EXPLAIN! I'm not letting go until you do!" Rather than being thankful or entranced by her beautiful appearance, Ben retrained her without caring about his look. She would not escape him!

"W-w-who? I don't know who-"

"Rina!" He put her in a chokehold and pressured.

Although she wasn't being hurt, the uncomfortable feeling on her neck made her look like she'd really throw him. She tried to pry him off of her, but he was like a sticky-fingered monkey. Latching onto her again and again without being ashamed whatsoever.

It drove her nuts.

Eventually, she had to give up on keeping it a secret.

She was sure he'd find her at school and repeat this.

There was no hiding anymore.

After they calmed down, Rina showed him a very amazing sight. With a bright flash, she turned back into the girl he remembered. The pinkness that dyed her entire body vanished. The cat ears and tail also vanished with the outfit. Only her cat eyes remained.

"Can you let go now?" The tomboyish-looking school girl, wearing male uniform pants, glared at him. The crude yet feminine voice he was used to was paired with sharp yellow slit pupils. She took out a pair of thick shades from her pocket and covered her eyes.

Looking 'normal' after putting them back on.

This would be the start of a long cooperation.

The memory ended there. Events that unfolded after that started to fly through his head. He was unsure if this was simply seeing his life flash before his eyes at this point. He still remembered the fun adventures they had. Defeating these strange 'Apparitions'.

They were practically a mystery solving duo.

Rina would be the brawn and brains, while he would be the chaotic element. Choosing to use anything that was available to help her. Eventually even putting on a grand performance by wearing a cape and costume he'd 'borrowed' from the drama club.

"I liked that outfit." Someone gave an opinion.

In this world of darkness, it seemed like he couldn't escape Rina's ghost. Not even after death was he allowed solace. She'd visit him in his dreams after what happened to her, and now she visited him even in death. This time, he was actually happy to see her.

"You did?" Ben pretended nothing was wrong.

She looked no different from how he remembered.

Short hair and a cute hair-clip she adored in life. The only thing that made her look feminine besides her girly figure. She spoke to him casually. Like a sibling he could be open with. Relaxing with her even when they were both supposed to be already dead.

"It was a fun run." She closed the distance.

Seemingly aware of his thoughts. Stroking his hair like she was trying to comfort him. There was a surreal look of pity in her eyes. Unlike her. This was the first time in a while he'd seen her appearance without those cat eyes mutation. She was a normal girl like before.

Before she met 'that man'.

"You know... I'm sorry for never really doing much to help. You worked so hard, but all I did was joke around. Never taking anything seriously." Ben had lowered his head when feeling her fingers run through his unkept and messy hair. His ears were burning red.

He didn't want to show her this side of himself.

The class clown was gone. Now he was truly the slayer of the supernatural. Someone who had been tracking down the werewolf that killed her for many years. He used his life to take revenge, but all that amounted to was self-harm. No one was saved.

Would she blame him for his incompetence?

"It wasn't your fault. You did your best." She spoke with an unnaturally gentle tone unlike what kind of attitude she'd usually make. Her eyes having the maturity she'd never got to experience, as she never graduated: "You can rest now. This is the end." 

Ben understood why his brain formed this illusion.

Simply comforting himself in his last moment.

He closed his eyes, but found that there was this strange feeling bothering him. Not being able to understand what it was. There was this heaviness on his chest, but it didn't seem to be weighing on his heart in particular. What was this strange feeling?

"When will this end?" Ben sighed in thought.

Reaching out to touch his chest in response.

Boing. Boing boing boing...

"Eh?" Something about his chest felt really weird.

He opened his eyes to see the world around him had changed. It was no longer darkness. The illusion now seemed similar to his old school life. He felt like the big weight on his lower body was gone. Feeling like there was this discomfort coming from his clothes.

He opened his eyes to see people staring at him.

Most of them looking at him in absolute shock.

"Ben turned into a girl!" One of the boys roared.

The female teacher shot to her feat immediately.

She looked at Ben like she was completely and utterly flabbergasted. Looking at him up and down with a piercing gaze. It took awhile before she was able to regain composure. Keeping the kids around them from staring at his new appearance too much.

"Erm... Miss?" Ben felt there was something wrong in this illusion. Everything felt so real to the touch.

Especially when he was being dragged out of class.

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