The One Being Protected [Magical Girl Urban Fantasy]

Chapter 15: Testing

“He chose Thief Specialty, right?” The One Above All seemed to have regained some arrogance, but I felt less uncomfortable this time despite seeing his very annoying look. That attitude as if he had expected this specific outcome like some sort of fortune teller.

“It could’ve been Blue Mage.” I leaned back lazily.

The second choice wasn’t bad. Combining it with his psychic powers could’ve lead to unexpected results and future potential. Even though Blu Mag worked solely on MP, it could produce many status effects and unexpected ‘results’ that could be manipulated.

If he took that path, then it would’ve suited him.

I’d even say that it would suit him more than the Thief Specialty. He was already proficient in using forks as weapons could focus solely on himself while hunting monsters. It would take time, but he could’ve eventually became independently powerful.

Well, I’m glad he was finally thinking about others.

Not that hot garbage that made him waste 5 years.

“There’s no way he’d pass up becoming a perfect alchemist using this. Endless materials without having to directly defeat monsters is too synergistic with his crafting skill. Anyway, what was the Skill he got from the synthesis?” He made a good prediction.

I couldn’t hide it anymore.

“Let’s leave that be. It’s not really important. You’re right about his choice… He really did visualise being an alchemist of sorts via using ‘Steal’. That specific Skill didn’t use Mana or MP, so it could be spammed until it worked… despite the low chance of success.” 

“Wait…” The One Above All finally realised what I did after remembering this wasn’t a ‘story’. I nearly got kicked out of my seat again after he nearly flipped the table. Roaring in a rage: “You gave them such imbalanced powers on a Lower Realm too?!”

“Just hear me out.” I raised my hands hastily.

Forgetting why I was sat here in the first place.

Following up with an excuse: “It’s not that bad.”

“Like hell it’s not!” His eyes were scaring me.

“Trust me. I’m serious.” I didn’t make any jokes.

In fact, I’d have given him much stronger benefits if it weren’t for the fact I’d already broken the laws of causality. There was only so much the universe could take before it retaliated against me. This drip feed of power was my one and only way of nurturing Ben.

The One Above All looked into my eyes.

He seemed to use his powerful omniscience on me.

Thanks to his great power, I was able to get away unhurt. He sat back down. An astounded look was on his face at the implications of my words. He had just heard about someone gaining abilities that definitely defied the norm. Having no big drawbacks.

Supernatural power on Earth was usually worse off.

‘Silver Container’ being a clear example of that.

On one hand it had self-strengthening traits, while the other was a clear disadvantage on use. There was also the lack of information on it upon awakening. If not for that, then Ben wouldn’t have had terminal metal poisoning from absorbing too much energy.

My blessing was clearly different.

Clear and easy to use. There were instructions in how to use it attached to the makeup of how the interface worked. This might be unfamiliar with The One Above All. After all, he was not someone who cared about Lower Realms or godly interferences.

Only those who broke certain ‘rules’ were deleted.

“Earth has always been unbalanced. It has a power system that was wicked and obscene. Unfair, but was familiar to Earthlings due to their day-to-day life. It wasn’t uncommon for nepotism to happen.” I drew a picture in his head about what Earths were truly like.

None of them had anyone balancing the system.

Errors and anomalies were practically the norm.

That said, I wished there was more power I could’ve gave him. That way he’d be prepared for the difficult trials ahead of time. Those who could truly ‘kill’ him also existed in the supernatural world. Those who had lived for millennia being amongst those beings.

My blessing was fair.

“So you’re speaking the truth.” The One Above All didn’t seem to know what to say after using his omniscience to crosscheck my explanation. It was obvious that this would be the result. Him sitting back down with a difficult expression on his face.

I continued the story.

Rina was one who had been in contact with powers of the supernatural world for a long time. She was aware that every benefit had drawbacks. It was the same with how she was mutated to gain her Magical Girl powers. She believed this would be the same.

After hearing Ben’s long explanation, she hesitated.

“You had became an apostle of a mythological Greek god, and that ‘Loki’ had turned you into a girl?” Rina stared while simplifying the end context. This likely made-up explanation lacked sanity or reason… but the supernatural world was known for such illogic.

How could one understand a celestial entity?

She was aware they existed, and didn’t doubt him.

“The choice you make will be permanent.” Ben didn’t force her or pressure a choice out of her. He wanted her to really think about this. On the other hand, it didn’t seem to be a difficult choice on her end. She discarded the screen in her hand and observed him.

“…What?” He raised his brow at her long stare.

“You said that it restricted your equipment?” Rina spoke while looking at his hands. He wasn’t sure how she was seeing him right now. It was only then did he remember why she was the smart one among them. There was no decision made based on feelings.

“Pretty much.” He followed her detective inquiry.

“How?” This was a good question to ask, but…

“I’m not sure myself.” Ben really didn’t care since he felt things would be fine in the end. Confident in his creativity even when having limited choices. He was not the type to maximise benefits beforehand like his friend was doing right now. She poked at his palm.

Holding his feminine hand with her grasp.

“Then let’s test it.” Rina took him out of the room.

They went around the camp doing different things to test his restrictions as a ‘game character’. Checking what the user interface and the differences now that he was connected to his blessing. She was even more thorough than he was when it came to these things.

“Can you see anything in the top corner of your vision?” Rina seemed to be familiar with VR games and the like. Telling him about how the military used VR as controls for unmanned fighter jets and certain hidden weaponry. Things she couldn’t speak about.

“I see nothing upwards.” He turned his head up.

“No, I mean your eyes.” Rina made it clear.

Her words made Ben squint. He clearly didn’t know what she was talking about (judging from the slowly hesitating look on his face).  It made Rina sigh as she mimicked the eye motion she wanted him to do. Just looking at the above left and right of his vision.

Only then did he notice a blue and green gauge.

[Ben Frasko]

[HP: 100%]

[MP: 100%]

It wasn’t too detailed, but he was shocked still.

“Since when was it there?” He wasn’t familiar with things like Virtual Reality. The only things he ever heard was fictional stuff. Moreover, he was sure that his interface purely came from blue screens. Never having occurred to him that it’d have these traits.

After confirming it with Rina, they had moved on.

“Try holding this for me.” She took out a knife from her pocket and put it in his hand. From what he told her, the Thief Specialty could only fight with daggers specifically or with ‘Thief Swords’. There was little difference between a dagger and a one-sided knife.

The proportions of military knives were also unlike kitchen knives. They were made not to be a balanced weapon, but an option when close. The focus was on instantaneously having cutting or stabbing use. Not having any utility when it came to defending oneself.

[Weapon Equip: Tactical Knife

Description: Used more as a cutting tool than as a weapon. You will gain greater proficiency bonus and critical chance on a target that isn’t living. Designed by Dawn City to be used by soldiers in extreme situations. Is tough and cannot be easily broken.]

You could call it a sort of ‘fixed’ knife that was much stronger due to not being foldable. To test it out, he tried to scratch her with it very lightly and found no difficulties. Switching to different types that could be found at this place. No one understanding their deal.

“Are they playing around?” One soldier had thought.

It looked like two girls playing around with knives.

Rina was familiar to them and was so physically strong that they never dared having weird thoughts about her, but the ‘new girl’ looked kinda hot. Seeing her wave a blade about was somehow intriguing. It made them gather around to see her performance.

Only some remembering the scene from earlier.

How she busted the commander’s future lineage.

The sound of fist hitting family jewels made some feel bells were ringing traumatically. Not daring to look at the new girl l for too long while she was holding a knife. Especially the smart ones that should’ve held back their commander early on.

Ben ignored his surroundings and picked up a fork.

It wasn’t hard finding a fork in this base of their operations. They were within the city and resources could get here easily. The meals of these soldiers was not bad. Only keeping things like rations for when they were needed. Not using them without reason.

He attempted to poke Rina with it.


A flash of static electricity struck the weapon out of his hand. He felt his hand numb. Seeing that it was only when he tried to harm another with an object was it considered a ‘weapon’. Moreover, he also seemed to have an inventory of sorts to hold items.

“Pause.” He spoke to the user interface he had.

[Pause Menu:






He clicked on Equip.

[Weapon: None

Head: None

Hands: None

Body: None

Accessory: None]

Just as he expected. Thanks to Rina’s advice, he was able to understand many things. Using his indie game knowledge and RPG games understanding to fill out the blanks. Trying to understand exactly what were the components that made up this ‘game’.

There wasn’t any complicated mechanics.

He’d tested it before, but general purpose knives only added a ‘+’ to his Stats. It couldn’t improve his rank within them. The knives here were apparently only ‘Common Tier’ equipment at. A colour was designated to them, so he called it the ‘White Rank’.

Non-magic and had no mystical properties at all.

There was something he didn’t expect though.

“Unpause.” Ben no one reacted when he spoke it out.

It seemed like him saying ‘Pause’ wasn’t registered.

They’d tried having him duel wield as well to test if he could have more than one weapon. Holding a knife and fork seemed impossible. The fork would always get struck out of his hands whenever the knife hit anything intentionally. It couldn’t be done.

Even holding a tactical and folding knife didn’t work.

But holding TWO tactical knifes together did.

Ben couldn’t understand the logic. Maybe it was considered to be holding the same knife if they were both the same. The tried changing up the colour by borrowing a green one from Rina’s friend. The result was no difference. He could hold two similar knifes.

“You two seem to be having fun.” Someone familiar had approached them. The person looked at Ben with a different gaze from those meatheads that had muscles for brains. There was suspicion in his eyes when seeing the two of them interacting easily.

Ben had a hard time keeping himself from reacting.

“You must be a friend.” He smiled while trying to look like this was their first meeting. After all, the restriction on his time looping was still there. As a woman who was imprisoned, he wouldn’t be able to explain it if he just blurted out the youth’s name. 

“Alex, what’s with that look?” Rina pulled Ben behind her protectively after seeing his eyes. There was clear suspicion and danger lurking within. She didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this. Maybe knocking out the commander wasn’t a good choice.

“I heard about why you two fought. Commander Vascovitch is up, and is willing to listen if you can give a proper explanation.” This wasn’t exactly what was agreed, but Alex wasn’t consulting him. He had simply spoke that message before walking away.

A lot more distrustful than in his past life…

“Are you going to go?” It was only when Rina asked did he remember that he hadn’t explained why this was so important. He wasn’t sure why she was out of the loop, so he gestured her to come along. There was something he needed to show them quickly.

Perhaps the only way to really convince them was by going on a mission. Only when they saw it with their eyes would they believe him. It wouldn’t make sense to them if he used his supernatural jargon. That’d be like a teen trying to text an old man with their slang.

It wouldn’t be easy getting them at the same wavelength, but he was willing to put in the effort.

This couldn’t be ignored by them any further.

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