The opening of the Mangekyo Sharingan: the top war killing

Chapter 396

Hanan followed the sound and looked at it, and there were several huge stones standing on the east side, about twenty or thirty big men with fierce faces, coming out from behind, all tall and strong, with muskets and various cold weapons in their hands.

The last one was imposing, about two meters tall, shirtless, extremely muscular, wrapped in a black turban on his head, printed with a skull pattern blindfolded with one eye, seemingly the leader of the gang.

Han Nan saw their dress, quickly determined their identity, and whispered to his partner: "It seems that I have encountered a pirate!" Jessica nodded in agreement.

The leader cut through the crowd, walked to the front and stood still, and looked at Hanan and the others viciously: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, hell has no door to break into, and when you hear the warning, you have to seek death yourself, and you can't blame others!" There

was a scar at the corner of his right mouth, and as soon as he spoke, the right half of his face was deformed, making it even more hideous.

"Wait," Hanan said in his heart that this drama was not right, squinting his eyes, "Don't you ask who we are?" The

man did not answer at all, and with a wave of his hand, his men with muskets raised their muzzles one after another, and he shouted: "Shoot!" "Without asking, he directly ordered the shooting.

"Close to me!" Hanan shouted to his companions, and the spiritual shield was immediately activated, and a layer of almost transparent protective walls firmly covered several people,

'Bang bang...' The gunfire sounded like firecrackers.

The dense white smoke suddenly floated up, and the smell of gunpowder quickly spread.

After a moment, the shooting stopped, and the leader ordered: "Go and collect the corpses of a few people, the old rule, bury them on the slopes of the back mountain, and hurry up." A

few people in the crowd were just about to go over, but suddenly they froze in place.

One of them pointed ahead and exclaimed to the leader: "Captain Bose, they are not dead!" The

leader of Bos hurriedly raised his eyes, but saw that Hanan and several people were still standing in place, unscathed, his pupils shrank, and he shouted to his subordinates: "These are not ordinary people, swords are serving, shoulder to shoulder!" "

The pirates were very fierce, brandishing their swords and rushing straight over.

Several people in Hanan were surrounded by groups and soon fell into a melee.

Hanan didn't want to kill him, but he didn't expect that this group of pirates were outlaws, leaving no room at all, inviting people to die, even if they were knocked to the ground, they quickly got up and slashed again with their swords.

Even some people were broken leg bones, but they still howled and stood up, making people feel sore teeth when they saw it.

Hanan's eyes flashed coldly, and he said angrily: "Everyone doesn't need to keep their hands, kill!" With

that, he jumped out of the crowd and headed straight for the leader.

From just now, Bose felt faintly uneasy.

According to the boss's orders, he has been stationed here for some days, just to take care of some goods, and send them to Alabastan in batches at a fixed time.

Although boring, this matter is very important, as the boss's most trusted and closest subordinate, he had to take over the heavy responsibility.

This unnamed island is originally a desert island, there is almost nothing on the island, food supplies are all transported outside, it has always been inaccessible, and there are no shipping routes, almost no one has ever discovered.

Even if the occasional ship passes by, after hearing the whistle, it will leave quickly, even if there are daring people, the final end is just a few more graves in the back mountain.

But this time the people who came, obviously different, not only bile, the destination seems to be this island, but also came up to explore around, is it the people of the army of the king of Alabastan? It's not right, there is obviously a pirate flag Bose on the ship

who is stunned, Hanan is already close, he can't think about it anymore, he hurriedly took out a pair of fist holsters from his arms, put them on his hands, and punched Hanan.

Hanan dwarfed over, and at the same time the demon knife stabbed straight over, Bosi took a step back and let go, just wanted to pounce again, but there was no one in front of him, turned his head in shock, and there was a whirring sound behind him.

With a 'poof', Bose's back had been slashed, and he rushed forward in a hurry, only to avoid the fatal blow.

Hanan was slightly surprised, this person's hands are not bad, he wanted to leave a 'tongue' for questioning, so this knife was not solid, but the other party's reaction ability was somewhat unexpectedly fast.

Han Nan stood with a knife in his hand and said coldly: "Your name is Bosch? Which pirate group? Why sneak up on us? "

Hanan just heard the group of pirates call him by this name, in order to remember.

At this time, there was a dense gunfire in the distance, still in different directions.

When Hanan heard the sound, he looked left and right, one was the seaside, which should be the direction of the Great Vulture, and on the other side was the forest where Krabatel and others went to explore.

Hanan frowned, knowing that the other party had laid an ambush earlier, it seemed that there was indeed something strange here.

Bose reached out and touched his back, the wound was not deep, his hand was full of sticky blood, he glanced at Hanan viciously, did not answer, and suddenly shouted: "Go and die!" "Rushed up again.

Seeing this situation, Hanan knew that it was useless to talk more, so he raised his sword to meet him.

Bosch's fist sank vigorously and smashed straight into the south door of Yu.

The corner of Hanan's mouth raised a sneer, his feet slammed to the ground, the 'Six Style' shaved out, instantly flashed to the right side of Bose, and his right foot followed and kicked out, banging, kicking Bos out.

Hanan didn't give him a chance to breathe at all, and dodged over again.

Bose just got up, before he could react, his head was hit by another knee, and he immediately flew out backwards, the person was still in mid-air, but Yu Nan was faster, and he flashed to him, followed by a high slash, smashing into Bos's abdomen.

Bose was hit hard and fell to the ground, spraying several mouthfuls of blood, struggling to get up, but unable to move, the huge pain in his body made him tremble, but the horror in his heart made him despair.

Seeing that he had lost his resistance, Hanan turned his head to look to the other side.

At this time, more than twenty villains, all strangely fell, either severed hands and feet, or separated heads, what surprised him even more was that the ground was full of stump and broken limbs, and several partners were also splashed with blood, even Jessica and Harvey were no exception.

Ah Jin was even more terrifying, the heavy sword in his hand was full of blood, and there were some flowery and green organs and minced meat, and the whole person seemed to have just been fished out of bloody water.

Hanan said in his heart, Akin is not a soft-hearted person, why is Jessica and Harvey so cruel?

Jessica walked over with a confused face and said to him: "Hanan, this gang is not right, they are not afraid of death, and even do not hesitate to fight for their lives, there is really no way to stay alive."

Harvey squatted on the ground, touched the snort of a pirate, only shook his head, pried open his mouth to see, his face changed, got up and checked a few, all the same situation, and walked to Yunan's side with a livid face.

Harvey wiped a handful of blood stains on his face, flicked it casually, and said helplessly: "It's really a bandit, I deliberately kept one, thinking that I was hit by the paralysis skill, so I didn't care about him, but I was still careless, they all have poison hidden in their teeth." "

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