The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 147 Cyclonus Rush

From the establishment of the Eternal Night Legion to today, except for setting off a premeditated fire in the Bastille, they have not made any major moves. Apart from infrastructure construction, they are engaged in training all day long.

It was okay at the beginning, but after a long time, it is impossible for these young people to have no complaints in their stomachs. Fortunately, the Eternal Night Army has paid close attention to ideological work from the very beginning.

Especially when it was heard that Grand Duke Borg, the supreme ruler of the Manyu army, was assassinated to death. Driven by slave gladiators, a slave uprising broke out, and the entire Manyu army fell into great turmoil and chaos.

Not to mention those low-level officers, even those low-level soldiers are all gearing up, thinking that the time has come for them to show their talents, and they will spread out along the ancient Jacob River like a flood, let alone a small Bastille. , that is, the entire Manyu military leader, and even the entire Asharn Continent trembled under their iron hooves.

Especially the General of the Eternal Night Legion, Xiao En, who hadn't shown up for a long time, held an enlarged meeting of the Eternal Night Army officers as soon as he showed up. Everyone thought it was the time for the pre-war mobilization meeting.

Unexpectedly, what greeted them was a cold water. Not to mention that the low-level soldiers were a little confused, even those low-level officers were full of opinions and complaints. It was generally believed that the top level of the Eternal Night Legion was too conservative.

Just when everyone thought that the Eternal Night Legion would not launch a large-scale war against the Walled City Alliance within three to two years, the order to attack across the board arrived.

Carrying out orders is the first job of a soldier.

Whether it is a conflict, or an order that is happy to see it happen.

Orderly and efficient execution is the only thing they must do well.

Woody led his hundred guards and went straight to his military target.

The Hundred Guards deployed at the junction of the Walled City Alliance will have one or more military targets that need to be targeted.

These military targets are not only imaginary defense targets, but also imaginary offensive targets. The usual research and military exercises are all aimed at them.

I dare not say that the chances of winning are full, but knowing the enemy and knowing yourself is the most basic.

What they need to do now is to turn what originally existed only in theory and exercises into practical actions.

Therefore, when Woody led his own centurion, it took less than two hours to fly thirty miles, and appeared in front of his military target, the other party was defenseless.

A classic raid battle that couldn't be more classic started. The battle lasted less than 20 minutes, and the city with more than 300 residents fell into their control.

The loss of Woody's centurion was almost zero, and the only wounded was not caused by the battle, but a non-combat attrition caused by a hole dug by a jackrabbit during a rapid march at night, and a broken leg. .

The reason why the battle went so smoothly was that the Eternal Night Legion had been making corresponding preparations for several years.

It was also because the Walled City Alliance's own will to resist was not strong. Except for the ruling class that the Walled City Alliance had planted here to resist stubbornly, the other mountain people saw that it was the banner of the Eternal Night Army and surrendered on the spot.

Some mountain people even held Woody's hand, weeping bitterly and chanting.

Why did you come? Why did you come? If you had come earlier, my husband would not have been killed by these beasts.

It's good to be here, it's good to be here. We have been looking forward to the day for a long time. These guys are becoming more and more inhumane. They don't treat us as human beings at all. They treat us like animals! No, even animals are not as good as animals, at least animals plow the land When you are still alive, you still have enough to eat! Kill, kill all these inhuman scourges!

Are you still recruiting soldiers? If so, count me in. I am strong and run fast. I only give two full meals a day. No, one full meal. Just kill these scourges. Where do you point, I will Where are you rushing to?

Are you still going to fight inside? Many people in the city walled inside are also expecting you to come over. If you continue to fight, I will guide you. I know a mountain path that can kill them directly and sneak attack them.

Hearing the end, the soldiers of the Eternal Night Legion were filled with excitement and guilt at the same time, as if they were really late.

As for those who are stubbornly resisting, they simply cannot withstand the frontal crushing of the Eternal Night Army, no matter in terms of equipment or training.

Let's not talk about training, let's just talk about equipment, the soldiers of the Eternal Night Legion have an absolute advantage.

Regardless of the heavy armored infantry, whether it is the Walled City Alliance or the Eternal Night Army, they are all armed to the teeth. Let's talk about ordinary soldiers, the Andis longbowmen with the largest number in the Eternal Night Army.

In addition to carrying a long bow and two pots of arrows, each of them also has a relatively small folding hand crossbow, a machete, military water bottles and the survival supplies in the military backpack, not to mention, the Eternal Night Legion has always paid attention to this. .

The military backpack contains food and emergency medicines for a well-trained soldier for three days. Even without logistical supplies, with a military backpack, they can persist in the wilderness for half a month, enough for them to find large troops.

The armor is Tang's nail-studded armor. Of course, it is not the semi-finished product sold to people outside the mountain. It has undergone strict fire prevention treatment, and the key parts have been studded with iron plates in the true sense. Although it is leather armor, its protection It has surpassed the inferior armor and scale armor.

Of course, there is no way to compare with those finely crafted infantry armor and full-body armor, not to mention monsters who can wear starter armor and full-body armor, they will never wear single-layer armor, double-layer or even three-layer armor, that is normal Phenomena, anyway, they have given up speed, and don't care about giving up more thoroughly, in exchange for absolute defense.

I have to admit that this kind of monster has obvious flaws, but it is invincible in frontal conflict and attack.

In the previous 20-minute battle, the two Wu's infantrymen equipped in Woody's hundred guards only played for three minutes, and they tore apart the opponent's last will to resist.

Facing a dozen or so moving monsters that they couldn't kill even if they stood still, they couldn't even arouse the desire to fight.

Looking at the equipment of the Walled City Alliance, it still stays at the level before the formation of the Eternal Night Army, with all kinds of leather armor as the main force, not to mention the well-made scale armor and plate armor, even the armor is rare.

The only improvement is to plagiarize the Andis longbow of the Eternal Night Army, replacing the most commonly used Andis hunting bow.

The Andis longbow really has no technical content, as long as a hunter with a little bow-making experience can imitate it by taking a look at it from a distance.

However, compared to the Eternal Night Legion coming off the assembly line, the size and specifications have been fixed, just like the Andis longbow made from a mold.

The Andis longbows of the Walled City Alliance are of all kinds, different lengths, colorful, full of personal style, obviously handmade, and made by different people, maybe the user himself.

In Xiao En's previous life, the industrial assembly line sometimes represented rough workmanship, which was far less famous and expensive than pure handmade. This point was most vividly reflected in luxury goods.

A high imitation bag processed by a machine is exactly the same, not hundreds of dollars, at most a few thousand, but a handmade famous brand costs tens of thousands.

In fact, it only appeared when industrialization reached a certain level, and it may not be so good. Most of the time, artificial labor is sold. After all, when the labor force is liberated to a certain extent, labor is more expensive—except for real masters, which are made by others. These are not called handicrafts, but works of art.

In the Eternal Night Legion, what comes out of the assembly line is synonymous with advanced, because the things from the assembly line are most suitable for the army-the uniform size and specifications make them universal.

Once damage occurs on the battlefield, it is possible to find a replacement or disassemble different parts from multiple waste products to form a finished product.

Although the mountain people in the Walled City were full of enthusiasm, Woody still verbally rejected their move to join the army, and even rejected the seemingly tempting shortcut of sneak attack.

Before the action, the Eternal Night Legion had already formulated a rigorous battle plan. They seem to be fighting alone now, but they know that perhaps across a mountain, or across a canyon, there are other forces in places that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The Hundred Guards of the Eternal Night Legion are fighting.

This is a coordinated operation, and their actions will directly affect the left and right allies. Therefore, it is more important to advance in an orderly manner according to the plan than to make troubles.

As for those mountain people who volunteered, the Eternal Night Legion also expressed gratitude.

The Eternal Night Legion itself has no strong men, not to mention the Eternal Night Legion, even the affiliated engineering corps has already achieved semi-professional soldiers, so how can they use strong men rashly, let alone whether they can keep up with the Eternal Night Legion The marching speed is so fast, and people's hearts are sinister, it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false, and there is no big mistake in being cautious.

Woody led a hundred guards to knock down the city wall, and the affiliated engineer corps followed behind them.

The two sides completed the handover in a tacit understanding. The hundred guards led by Woody replenished the consumed military supplies from the attached engineering corps, and continued to move towards the next target.

The affiliated engineering corps is positioned as a miscellaneous worker in the Eternal Night Army. It is very similar to the concept of strong men, farmers, and auxiliary troops. They can do everything, such as paving roads and bridges, transporting military supplies, assisting in the defense and occupation of towns and so on.

However, the engineering corps affiliated to the Eternal Night Legion is more professional and better equipped. Because of the different tasks, their main arms are naturally different from the main battle corps.

The infantry armor, which is good at attacking and moving slowly, has a small number of affiliated engineering corps. Even if there are, it is the main combat corps who are injured. They are thrown to them to recuperate. Most of them are Andis longbowmen who are light in equipment and fast in movement. The master, all kinds of war ordnance as the deputy, the typical good at defending but not good at attacking.

Once they are allowed to settle down in a certain place, they will use the shortest time to build a relatively three-dimensional fortification. With the support of powerful war ordnance, they even dare to challenge the main battle army.

In the Eternal Night Army, the main battle corps and the subsidiary engineering corps complement each other. If the main battle corps is described as the head of a long spear, then the subsidiary engineering corps is the spear.

If there is no main battle corps, the subsidiary engineer corps is just a stick, and although it hurts, the lethality will be greatly reduced.

The main battle corps without the subsidiary engineering corps is indeed extremely sharp and invincible, but without the support of the subsidiary engineering corps, their attack distance will be greatly shortened, so it is no longer a spear, but a dagger.

The main battle corps is rushing in the front, and the subsidiary engineering corps is behind to reassure people, build fortifications, guard the back of the main battle corps, meet them, and prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

This kind of situation didn't just happen to Woody's hundred guards, but also happened to dozens of hundreds of guards at the junction of the Walled City Alliance. He stabbed fiercely into the body of the giant Walled City Alliance.

Not to mention that the Walled City Alliance was unprepared, even if they were prepared, there was nothing they could do in the face of this multi-line attack from the Eternal Night Army.

The connection between them is not as close as that of the Eternal Night Army, and it takes a lot of time to ask for help. They come back and forth, and before the rescue arrives, the front wall has been breached, and the back wall has not had time to make a move. Respond, the enemy has already killed himself.

Those big city lords of the Walled City Alliance are now dead, captured and captured, and Ban Hebrew, the city lord of the Three-hole Alliance who escaped back by chance, is too busy to take care of himself. He doesn't care about the life and death of those allies at all. The Walled City Alliance fell into a war of its own, and was eaten away one by one by the Hundred Guards of the Eternal Night Legion.

At this time, the flexibility of the Eternal Night Legion was revealed. The hundred guards were only a basic combat unit. Once a large fortress was discovered, and the strength of the two sides was very different, they would send out a signal to call other hundred guards around to fight together.

After gnawing down this hard bone, and then according to the size of the next target, determine whether to divide or combine, full of flexibility.

In just three days, the Eternal Night Legion advanced 300 kilometers to the hinterland of the Walled City Alliance, and directly hit the inland lake of Andis, which is already the core area of ​​the Walled City Alliance.

Rather than saying that they came here, it is better to say that they rushed over like the rulers of the Walled City Alliance all the way like a flock of sheep.

At first, the ruling class of the Walled City Alliance tried to fight a defensive battle, but soon discovered that the fighting power of the two sides was not on the same level at all.

Once the situation of rout occurs, it will be difficult to stop the car, and in the end it will not be able to retreat to the end.

Four Waters City, Andis Inland Lake, is their last line of defense.

If Sishui City is lost again, the Walled City Alliance will completely disappear. Although the Andes Mountains still have five or six hundred kilometers in length and width to the east, the terrain there is more steep, with high west and low east, and it is no longer Andy. Sri Lanka's world.

Part of it is occupied by barbarians from Kentana Icefield, and part of it is dominated by Odin orcs.

In front of these two brave and fierce peoples, the Andis people there had a very miserable life, and they could only survive in the cracks between the two sides. It is said that during the famine, they may even become the slaves of those two barbaric races. food.

Unless it is a last resort, the Andes mountain people are not willing to go there to ask for a living.

Just when the Walled City Alliance was anxious, worried that the Eternal Night Army would not care about life and death, and was preparing to do everything in one battle, the Eternal Night Army's pace slowly stopped and turned to the defensive stage. There are many reasons for this.

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