The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 166 Talent Organization

Yes, yes, yes, I was a little nervous just now, and I forgot to mention the important point. Captain Carter showed an embarrassed and honest smile, The important point is the leading prairie wolf. I have dealt with wild beasts for half my life, and I have never met such a smart wolf. beast...

Wow woof! woof woof! Barton the dog let out a low growl of dissatisfaction, and aimed at Carter in a demonstrative manner, as if whose IQ do you despise?

Ahem... I said the wrong thing. I forgot Mr. Patton. It was time to fight. No, I didn't say anything wrong. Mr. Patton was not among the beasts. How could those wild ones compete with Patton, who has been nurturing the general for so many years? Compared with Mr. Barton, if Mr. Barton can't speak, he must be a well-known wise man.

Captain Carter hurriedly sent a flattery to him. Patton, the head dog of the Yongye Army, is also well-known. This has a close relationship with the Boys Army. They all lived with Patton back then. The first dog left an indelible impression on them. When raising hunting dogs, they should take it as an example. So far, there are many ferocious hunting dogs that have been trained, but half of them are as smart as Barton. There are only a handful of them.

According to the analysis of those young soldiers, apart from his own talent, the main reason why Barton is so smart is because of his owner, Sean. Apart from the teaching factor, Sean has used his magic power to guide the dog Barton's body when he was young. It is not an exaggeration to say that it grew up under the nourishment of magic power.

Whether this is the reason or not, the person involved, Sean, can't say. It's true that Barton, the head dog, was used to untangle his body with magical power. When Barton was young, he wasn't the strongest among his brothers. There's a real sense of ingenuity.

At that time, Xiao En had just mastered the power of spells, and he didn't feel so much awe. He wanted to try everything he saw. Now that I think about it, it was a miracle that Barton survived.

It is precisely because of its rarity that Barton is unique and famous.

Don't worry about it, just keep talking. Sean glared at Barton. Emotionally, he had nothing to say, but it didn't mean he allowed Barton to disrupt the business.

Barton has a bit of spirituality, and it is true that he can understand most people's words, but he is a dog after all, with a dog's nature. If you are too indulgent to him, he will piss you off. Fortunately, he is old now. less and less frequently.

Interrupted by this, Captain Carter brewed his emotions for a few seconds before continuing: That grassland wolf is very cunning. Not only can it drive its own kind to attack us, but it also knows how to bite pack horses and personnel, slowing down our speed and physical fitness. It is a bit stronger than ordinary prairie wolves, a bit like our Andis behemoth. Most importantly, this prairie wolf has an extraordinary explosive power, which can instantly increase its speed to an incredible speed. It feels like... like...

Like having magical powers?

That's right, that's right, that's what it feels like. Captain Carter slapped his thigh heavily, Your Excellency General has a lot of experience, I think this matter is not trivial, and several brothers are in the process of fighting this beast. I was wounded, so I handed over the cavalry team to the vice-captain, took a few brothers, and escorted the wounded and the animal's body to the nearest hundred guards, where the chief sent us here.

You did a good job. This matter involves a lot. Before the legion makes a conclusion, please implement the confidentiality agreement. Sean remained expressionless, and praised Captain Carter. The other party's sophistication made many low-level members of the Yongye Army The officers are also slightly inferior, which is really rare among the old Andis.

It's not that Sean has any prejudice against Andis people who are not from the Boys' Army, but that the two sides are indeed not on the same level in terms of knowledge and insight.

It's not that Sean boasted about how strong his teaching ability is, but that the normal Andis people's education is too low. The literacy rate is not marked in a few percent, but in a few ten thousandth. Ninety-nine percent of the children are illiterate. They have received family-style experiential education since they were young. What they learn are hunting and survival skills passed down from generation to generation. No matter what is redundant, it depends entirely on individual talent.

Captain Carter's ability to handle matters, before joining the Yongye Army, was by no means an unknown person, maybe he was the leader of some village.

Understand! Understood! Understood! Captain Carter nodded understandingly.

In fact, before this, someone had already read it to them and signed the highest-level confidentiality agreement. It is estimated that the horse team will not be able to run in a short time.

As for his own safety, Captain Carter is not too worried. Although the Yongye Army has not been established for a long time, its relatively humane management is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Up to now, it has not done any vicious things such as crossing rivers and demolishing bridges.

What's more, the things involved in this matter are too profound. Captain Carter couldn't figure out the special meaning it represented. Sean overestimated him a bit. The guard who handed over the special wolf corpse to the medical research base Chang Yili took the lead. At that time, he just felt that the presence of prairie wolves in the mountains was a bit abnormal, so he went to warn the police with the wolf carcass.

While speaking, the research room of the medical research base arrived. No matter whether Captain Carter or non-professionals such as McGee, Tagore, and Baozi, they were all turned away. Only Sean washed it briefly, changed into special clothes and went in.

The research room has been turned into a temporary dissection room. Four dissection tables are juxtaposed together. There is a wolf carcass on each of them. The dissections have been completed and are in large characters. The wolf skin is stretched, like an open leather wing. , The viscera are clearly visible, revealing every detail, showing the superb skill of dissecting people. The scene is very scary, and the timid people will definitely leave a psychological shadow when they see it.

Even Sean, a veteran who has been honed for a long time, felt short-term discomfort in his heart. Fortunately, he has a strong self-control ability and did not show it.

Ms. Elena nodded at Sean and said, Here, have you understood the situation?

Usually, Ms. Elena is careless and somewhat unreliable. Once she enters the research state, she is a completely different person. The cautiousness and rigor that Xiao En sighs to himself is incomparable. Compared with him, he sometimes has Some modern people are eager for quick success, although they know it, but it is difficult to correct it.

Generally understand, are you sure it's a talent organization? Sean's eyes stayed on the innermost dissected wolf corpse from beginning to end.

In terms of size, this prairie wolf is indeed a bit unusual. It is not smaller than a mountain wolf, and it is as big as a calf. Among the small prairie wolves, it is definitely a giant, and Xiao Xiao is the most attractive. Well, it's still the opponent's hind legs, obviously thicker for several laps, and must have had strong bounce and explosive power during his lifetime.

Although there are some differences, I can be 100% sure that it is indeed a talent organization, and it is as high as 80% similar to the speed of the leopard, which is the speed burst talent of the Leopard Odin orcs. Ms. Elena He nodded solemnly and said, What needs to be verified now is whether the appearance of this kind of gifted organization is genetic or is it a variation of one's own case. What is the proportion of occurrence? What is the incentive?

The innate tissue in the mouths of Xiao En and Ms. Elena is a proper term they jointly determined, referring to the abnormal structural tissue found in the anatomy of the Odin orc.

After returning from Sauron, the exploration of the mysteries of the Odin orcs did not stop, but shifted to the medical research base.

Nothing in the world is difficult for those who have a heart. If you really come here, there are not many Odin orcs in the Byron Alliance. The two sides are in a state of war all year round, and there are prisoners of war for each other.

There are even quite a few Odin orcs who have lived in the Byron Alliance for generations. Except for the differences in appearance, they are no different from the local Byrons in terms of living customs and accent. Do you think he is an Odin orc? ? Or a Byronian?

After comparing the autopsies of Odin orcs of other races, it is found that most of the organs of Odin orcs are undoubtedly the same as normal people, only a small part of the organs are different, and these organs directly correspond to their racial talents. This situation is a special case, and everyone is in this situation, so it is probably true.

This part of the abnormal organ is named the innate tissue - implying that it is related to the innate talent of the race.

Someone has been sent to investigate. Sean said with a solemn expression, Whether it's the prairie wolves invading the mountains, or the gifted organization appearing on them, the whole thing is a bit abnormal, we have to prepare for the worst.

There is no way to characterize this matter for the time being, because the scope and source of the involvement are unknown. It is okay to say that there are very few cases. If there are a relatively large number of them, the danger will be greatly increased. The most terrifying thing about them is not this kind of talent. organization, but the extraordinary cunning that Captain Carter had previously described.

Xiao En is not optimistic about this. If it is really a small probability event, why is it so small? Let Captain Carter hit a head-on?

Compared with the small probability of this small probability, another possibility is greater, that is, no matter whether the grassland wolf or this abnormal grassland wolf has a large base, Captain Carter bumped into only one of them.

Although Ms. Elena gave an affirmative answer, Sean went off the field to check and compare it himself. No matter how serious the research is, it cannot be overstated.

Sean's verification results are the same as Ms. Elena's, and they are indeed surprisingly similar to the leopard speed talent organization of the Odin orcs of the leopard clan.

How could such an organization appear in two very different species?

Odin orcs have this kind of innate organization, which was stabilized by the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire through crazy experiments and countless generations of inheritance.

And the prairie wolf obviously came from a mutation, because before this, I had never heard of the wild wolf on the Odin grassland with this unique ability!

If it really comes from mutation, what is the cause?

The genes of most species can also be called bloodlines. Although the names are different, they essentially describe the same thing.

The genes of most species are relatively stable, even the Odin orcs, because the result of instability is that there are a large number of deformed children among the born offspring, which will be gradually eliminated by the cruel laws of nature.

Mutation, although it is a neutral word, like radiation, because it does evil or brings more malignant results, it will naturally become a negative word after a long time.

This prairie wolf has a benign mutation, which makes it have a similar innate organization to the Odin orc, and can cast spell-like abilities like drinking cold boiled water. It does not mean that the mutations in other prairie wolves are all benign. .

Compared with his own genetic mutation, Sean is more inclined to have external forces intervene, such as radiation.

When mentioning radiation, Xiao En couldn't help but feel a sudden bump in his heart. With the recognition of the power of spells, he thought it was also a kind of radiation. He didn't hate this word at first, but he definitely didn't like it. After all, some knowledge in previous lives was deeply rooted. .

If it was really caused by radiation, wouldn't they have been exposed to radiation and received a second radiation?

Xiao En didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly mobilized his magic power to test all the prairie wolves in this regard. The test results surprised and delighted Sean.

Surprisingly, there are more or less abnormal energy fluctuations in all the prairie wolves, especially the prairie wolf with a gifted organization. From the perspective of magical power, it is shining brightly, like a big light bulb, emitting colorful energy fluctuation.

The only good news is that this kind of energy fluctuation is obviously biased towards magical power rather than material radiation. Although both can be understood as energy radiation, the threat of the former is obviously much lower than that of the latter, especially It is not only harmless to the owner of the same magical power, but also beneficial to the growth of magical power.

The good news is that this is the best pointing sign, pointing out the direction for their investigation.

Raise the level of vigilance and make the sentries you send more careful. I suspect that this matter is not that simple. Ms. Elena said solemnly, Let them find an abnormal situation, report it immediately, and don't handle it without authorization. This matter is ordinary. Soldiers can't handle it.

Xiao En took a breath, and hurriedly asked: What does mother mean, is there a human factor in this matter?

It's not that there is no natural magical power in nature, and it's not that it won't have an impact on creatures, but this impact is definitely non-directional, but you see, the positions where these energy fluctuations stay on these prairie wolves are very similar, very Being purposeful and being able to use spell power like this, I only thought of one possibility!


Sean and Ms. Elena spat out a noun at the same time.

A warlock is conducting forbidden experiments?! Sean said with a somewhat ugly expression.

The possibility is very high. Those who dare to do this kind of experiment are all lunatics. There is nothing they dare not do, and there is no method they dare not use. It is impossible for ordinary soldiers to even see their faces. They try their best to pay attention to some special places, such as large-scale withering of trees for no reason, such as canyons that wild beasts and birds actively avoid...

I know! Xiao En didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly sent the second Shanying message. Compared with the first one, this one was much more cautious and detailed.

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