The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 17 Root Cause

Fortunately, at that time, the first batch of orphaned children who followed him had become half-grown children, and they could help a lot. The most important thing was that Sean still had a good mother.

Although this mother is not qualified to take care of the child, she is very capable in handling affairs. After learning about her son's plight, she disappeared for only a month and came back again, not to mention bringing back a whole caravan of food. Since then, every year Someone sent a batch of food of varying quantities to Sean, and it never stopped.

It was also from then on that it was not easy for Xiao En to confirm his motherhood, and it was not easy to think about it. How could it be easy for a secret language-level warlock? This is the same level as the Great Knight.

The relationship between Sean and these people is that of a teacher, a friend, a master and a benefactor.

When they became adults, they left Xiao En one after another, or returned to their original villages, or started families.

But no matter where they are, Sean left an indelible imprint on them. Many people unconsciously imitated Sean and tried their best to gather and educate those orphaned children. The knowledge Xiao En learned around him helped his village and taught the orphaned children around him.

In Xiao En's view, it is only natural to provide the most basic education to the children around him. After all, his soul comes from a modern society where compulsory education is universal, and receiving education has long been a matter of course.

Just at that time, when Xiao En was in the midst of his past life memories, he copied all the teaching materials he could recall from his original education, and picked out things that were common in both worlds and taught them to them.

Based on those incomplete knowledge, not to mention high-achieving students, I'm afraid they can't even reach the level of junior high school. In Xiao En's opinion, most of them are at the level of the third or fourth grade of elementary school when they are graduated from the teacher.

But this is only Xiao En's own perspective. In this entire village, there is no world where he can write his own name completely. People who can read, write, and count are all existences at the level of wise men. It is overkill.

After the orphans who grew up with Xiao En went away, every village offered them like treasures. With a certain influence, more orphaned children were adopted. This is a virtuous circle.

After their continuous diversion, and as Xiao En gradually grew up, the proportion of exercise time became more and more important. Under conscious control, the number of orphaned children around him gradually decreased. By this year, there were only a dozen left. Sean didn't take the initiative to adopt it.

Except for Marshall, the others are all good seedlings sent by the orphaned children who went out first. They thought that being with him delayed them, so they sent them to Sean.

One is to hope that they can learn more from Sean that they haven't learned;

The second is to cultivate feelings.

All the orphaned children who have followed Sean firmly believe that Sean will do a great job in the future, and now he is only in the dormant period of his young dragon, and he will soar into the sky in a short time. Before that, they must Get him ready and ready for his call.

Only the client, Sean, never had such an idea.

To be a savior, to save the people from the fire and water, is a nonsense thing for him.

You can't be a hero just by talking about it, but you need to pay various prices, especially the one of selflessness and selflessness. Ask yourself, from head to toe, he is a very selfish person inside and out.

Rescuing these orphaned children is also out of self-interest. Those orphaned children who are helped can't help beautifying Sean in their hearts, especially those who have left Sean.

As time went by, they consciously or unintentionally forgot about Sean's shortcomings and bad roots, and beautified Sean in their hearts, almost becoming a saint in the world, and they also like to instill this view in others.

Therefore, for the children they sent in recent years, Sean only accepts those who are seven or eight years old, and those who are not deeply abused by them. When the children who are spared come, they look at themselves like a statue enshrined on an altar , making myself uncomfortable.

Knowing that I will come to rescue you, why do you still do this? Sean was not so calm, he punched Chad hard, knocked him staggered, and growled in a low voice, Did you guys first Singing Faetwo, tell the truth.

It's not as good as people's calculations. The previous riot was completely beyond Sean and Marshall's expectations, completely disrupting their deployment.

According to their original plan, Sean chased up the slave hunters, harassing them continuously, delaying their way out of the mountain.

When necessary, Sean will find a way to kill or irritate the opponent, making the opponent lose his mind and hunt him down, so as to buy Marshall more time to gather more reinforcements, and then wipe out this hunting slave team and kill the Andes mountain people. Casualties were minimized.

Fortunately, the plan failed halfway before it was implemented. When he saw Chad and his gang, Sean's first reaction was that they led it. The previous riot looked like an emergency, but any sudden Events have their own inevitability behind them.

Someone must have done relevant agitation work before this, and even used bewitching means to make those Andes mountain people so united, respond so quickly, and so thoroughly, and the one who is capable of doing this is naturally the one in front of him. This wave of people.

I am a failed teacher, an out-and-out realist who actually teaches a group of idealistic students.

These guys dream of doing great things all day long, becoming heroes who solve the suffering of the Andes mountain people, but they don't know that being a hero requires blood.

Although we didn't sing it first, the root of the disaster is indeed on us. Several Andes mountain people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally Chad spoke bitterly, No matter how much ambition we usually have, at most we will take Your own life is a bet, and you will never take the lives of so many villagers as a bargaining chip. What's more, we know that when you find out that the village has been captured, you will never stand by. We know your character best. There is a perfect plan, we are secretly preparing, but we are just preparing to wait for you to carry out the rescue, and try our best to keep the captured villagers safe.

Since you all know, why did such a disaster happen. Sean's brows were frowned, knowing that they didn't do it, the guilt in his heart was more or less reduced.

The children we brought out did it behind our backs. The bitterness and regret on Chad's face were about to flow down, They heard that you were coming, and they couldn't wait for it. They wanted to make some achievements for you. You see, no need to look at it, the development of things is completely out of their control. In order to atone for their sins, none of them are willing to withdraw. They all died on the mountain ridge. In the final analysis, they still blame us. Having become heroes, they should have a better future, but they were buried here in vain.

Obviously, the life and blood of the clansmen taught these young people a vivid lesson, making them more rational in their perception of ideals and reality, and sometimes compromise is a necessary means to realize their ideals.

Don't blame yourself so much, at least they used their actions to prove that our spine has not been broken. Sean patted them on the shoulder and comforted, If everyone becomes as realistic as I am, we will be safe. The Diss people's spines are going to bend in eight directions!

How come, Tang is the strongest backbone of our Andis people.

Don's modesty made us feel ashamed.

In the past few years, with a little achievement, I am a little proud and a little carried away. I'm sorry, Tang, we let you down.

Okay. Sean waved his hand, interrupting their self-examination, You are not called to hold you responsible, you are all free people, you only need to be responsible for your own actions, and you don't need to be responsible to me. Come on, what are you going to do next?

What else can we do? Of course, gather the people who escaped, and then fight with them, so that none of the beasts that destroyed our homeland and killed our people can get out alive.

Shut up, with Tang here, you don't need to be silly, Tang, you can do whatever you say, we will listen to you.

That's right, you can do whatever you say, and we will listen to you, Don.

After wandering around, the ball was kicked back to Sean's feet.

No matter what idea I come up with, will you listen to me? Sean asked.

Listen. Everyone said in unison, extremely firm.

Well, pack up and take the people from your own village back.

The six people looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, this order was completely unexpected, and finally they set their sights on Chad, who was one of the first group of children who followed Sean.

In addition, they have been living in the same village as Sean, unlike them who only meet a few times a year during gatherings. At that time, there are usually a large number of people, and there is no chance to say a few words to Sean.

Over the past few years, they are somewhat unfamiliar, and not as close and casual as Chad. This is also a normal phenomenon, and people are always changing and growing.

Chad forced a smile that wasn't a smile and said, Don, don't make a joke, this kind of joke is not funny.

I'm not joking. Sean said with a serious face, They are the few survivors in each village after encountering a catastrophe. They are now the seeds of each village and family, and we can't let them lose any more. And you have done enough before, after this wave of heavy damage, without three days or two days to repair, they have no way to continue on their way, enough for the reinforcements I am looking for to arrive, don't worry, none of them can get out of the mountain.

Although the Andis mountain people's counterattack had affected Xiao En's plan to a certain extent, it made things much easier in the overall situation. Now it only needs to delay the opponent for three days or two days. The fully exposed hunting slave team will undoubtedly die, and the Andes mountain people who come from all directions will tear them to pieces alive.

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