The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 179 In-depth Research

Now Xiao En has developed a strong interest in this ancient empire, not only because of the beast mutation incident, which is likely to be related to it, but because he discovered that the ancient Andes Empire is to the Arshan continent, just like the Roman Empire is to Europe , has been extinct for so many years, but the influence is everywhere.

However, the influence of the Roman Empire on Europe was positive in many places, while the influence of the ancient Andes Empire on Arshan was more negative.

In particular, the Byron Alliance, in order to eliminate the powerful influence of the ancient Andes Empire, overcorrected, but left behind a lot of vulgar customs, which hindered the normal development of society to a certain extent, such as medical skills and spells.

In fact, this effect still exists, but in a different way.

To understand the ancient Andes Empire, wait for you to understand Arshan from another level.

One week is enough for Sean to revisit and read all the books in Lanxili's collection. In addition to the amazing memory now, Lanxili's collection of books is amazing, but relatively speaking, compared with the super library of Sean's previous life, his place is at best. It is a small bookstore that cannot be smaller. If it is sorted out and summed up, it can print millions of words.

With the growth of a person's outlook on life and experience, re-reading a book, even if it is a book that is still fresh in his memory, he will find something different from it.

Sean is no exception. In addition to finding a bit of reading pleasure in it, he also refreshed his cognition and sense of the ancient Andes Empire.

Perhaps the ancient Andean empire was not as evil as the Byrons claimed. In any country, if there is a good side, there must be an evil side, and vice versa.

The madness of the high-level officials of the ancient Andes Empire was just an inducement. In the final analysis, it was the intensification of social conflicts between different classes that led to its demise.

During this week, he would read books during the day and spend time studying the mysterious animal skin paper at night.

After some attempts, Sean has a deeper understanding of them.

They are indeed full of thirst for magical power, as long as Xiao En lets go of the control, cooperates with the injection, and drains his magical power, it will only take ten or eight seconds.

These five pieces of animal skin paper are not a whole, they can be separated independently, each has its own limit to accommodate the magic power, and the capacity is also different.

In other words, the five animal skin papers are five buckets with different volumes, and Sean's magical power is water, which can be divided into five equal parts and poured into five buckets, or poured into one bucket separately.

As long as you are not a fool, you know how to do it.

Of course, fill a bucket first and see what effect it will have.

It's just that the bucket is a bit big, and the water flow that Sean can provide every day is a bit small. If you want to fill one alone, you can't do it in a day and a half.

Roughly estimated, based on Sean's current speed alone, it would take at least three months to fully charge the animal skin paper with the smallest capacity, no, full of magic power, and three years for the one with the largest capacity.

However, Sean calculated it based on the current magical power, so there must be a big error. After all, he is still in the high-speed growth stage. Three years is enough for him to go up to another level. By then, the magical power he possesses will definitely surpass it. several times.

These few pieces of animal skin paper are very helpful to Xiao En's cultivation of magical power. Every time he completely empties the magical power in his body, he is on the verge of fainting and wakes up until dawn.

When he woke up the next day, Sean not only felt comfortable and full of vitality, but also extremely full of energy, and his spell power was not only more concentrated, but even showed a slight increase.

At first, Sean thought that this was just an exaggerated perception caused by excessive consumption of magic power, but when he habitually inspected the flame brand, he found that his will and perception had skyrocketed by several zero points in just one week, and he realized that , This time I really picked up the big baby.

Just relying on this function alone is worthless, so many warlocks have racked their brains to find ways to increase the growth rate of their magic power, trying to make it more cohesive, but there is no way out.

If they knew that Xiao En had such a treasure in his hands, even if he was the general of the Yongye Army, he would try his best to get it.

As for the principle behind it, Sean is still unable to figure it out for the time being, so he can only throw it to the back of his mind and make a fortune in silence. Just in case, this matter, except for his mother, Ms. Any warlock mentioned.

Ms. Elena is usually careless, and she seems to have a very poor sense of secrecy.

In fact, it depends on the situation. When it comes to interests, especially his own son's interests, his mouth is stricter than anyone else.

Angel Bena, who usually talks about everything, and her junior sister, Ms. Karin, came to Jacob Jiangjun Prefecture. They didn't even know where the medical research base that Ms. Elena was in charge of opened, let alone a research project. up.

Sometimes, mothers can endure and do what ordinary people cannot do for their sons, including changing some of their own personality defects, but few sons can do this for their mothers.

At some point, Ms. Elena is indeed not a qualified mother, but at some point, a qualified mother cannot be qualified anymore.

According to their capacity for spell power, Sean arranged the five animal skin papers in a new order, namely the Vampire Shadow Vine, the Shadow Soul Eater Leopard, the Earth Armored Bear, the Mist-breathing Mirage Python, and the Thundering Golden Eagle.

There is a big difference in their magical power capacity. If Sean's current daily magical power is set as one unit, the Vampiric Shadow Vine needs at least one hundred units.

Shadow Soul Eater Leopard is around one hundred and fifty.

The earth armored bear doubles directly, and it takes about three hundred.

The mist-breathing mirage python needs about five hundred.

The Jinglei Golden Eagle is the scariest, without a thousand, it cannot be taken down at all.

Now it's one of five.

No, choose one of the two.

After a rough comparison of the required spell power, the last three were directly excluded by Sean. It took too long, and even the fastest one had to wait for nearly a year to see the effect.

Sean didn't hesitate for long, and made a choice - the Shadow Soul Eater.

There are several reasons for his choice.

The most important reason is the beast mutation incident. Regardless of whether the animal skin paper helps or not, Sean still subconsciously favors animals.

The second is that the vampiric shadow vine, whether it is in the dream or on the drawing screen, gives Xiao En a strange and fierce feeling, and he doesn't like it very much. The note also said that it is a kind of activated plant.

I understand the literal meaning. It should be said that it is like an animal, it can run, jump, and even eat meat.

However, I was still a little uncertain about the real situation. It would be safer to choose an animal that I was more familiar with.

Because the spell energy is fully injected, 99% of the changes produced by these animal skins are related to the biological pictures above.

As for how the birth will change, Sean can't speculate on his own.

It's not that the brain hole suddenly became smaller, but it's meaningless. It's better to fill it up honestly, see the changes in it, and then decide how to deal with the remaining four animal skins.

After Xiao En bid farewell to Lanxi Pear, he rushed back to the medical research base to find Ms. Elena, and conducted the second experiment on the animal skin paper—whether all warlocks can activate the animal skin paper.

After a try, it is hard to say whether it is good news or bad news.

Ms. Elena's magical power could not be injected into the animal skin paper. During the injection process, what appeared was not a suction force, but a strong repulsive force, which caused the animal skin paper to appear tear marks, and the two people were so frightened that they hurriedly terminated the experiment .

Fortunately, the animal skin paper itself has a strange self-recovery ability. After swallowing half of Sean's magic power, it recovered as before. Ms. Elena was amazed.

This well-informed veteran witch has never seen such a unique artificial creation.

Ms. Elena has been on the road of warlock, after all, she has been on the road for decades more than Sean, and has a profound background, so she quickly gave a relatively reasonable explanation that both of them agree with.

These five pieces of animal skin paper, because they absorbed Xiao En's magical power to repair themselves, left a spiritual imprint on them, which automatically repelled other magical powers.

Don't think that the power of spells is the same. It contains a person's spirit, just like fingerprints. They are all unique and have a very serious exclusivity.

Sean deeply understood this point during the medical treatment process.

If the person being healed is an ordinary person, it's better to say that the rejection of magical power is not so serious.

If the person being treated is also a warlock, it will be troublesome. Once foreign magic power enters the body, the magic power in their body will react, reject the foreign magic power, and then use the patient's body as the battlefield to fight. It is easy to injure the patient.

Why was it so troublesome for Ms. Elena to treat Angelina in the first place? It has been more than ten years to help her dredge the blood vessels in one day. It is not because of the rejection of the magic power in her body that Ms. Elena dare not use too much magic power. She squeezes Angel Bena's body every time like squeezing toothpaste. the chill.

As a result, Xiao En's original idea of ​​letting his mother put magic power into the animal skin paper died prematurely.

As for how to erase the mental imprint, don't say that Sean doesn't know, even Ms. Elena can't say it. After all, this is the first time she has encountered this situation.

But one thing is certain, if Xiao En is killed, the spiritual imprint on it will disappear immediately.

Therefore, Ms. Elena also repeatedly told Sean that these animal skins must be cleaned up. The fewer people who know about it, the better. The safest way for insiders like Lan Xili is to dispose of them. You have to be in your own control to prevent leaks.

Getting rid of Lanxi Li, such a frenzied thing, Sean can't do it yet, so he can only speed up the pace of inviting Lanxi Li to the Yongye Army.

As long as he is willing to put in the effort, the problem Lan Xili raised is not a problem at all, it just consumes a few more carts of kraft paper, and Xiao En can solve it with his own money.

Xiang Lanxili said that the military courses in the military academy were very heavy, and there was a shortage of cultural teachers. He wanted to teach a language course in the ancient Andes Empire and asked him to be an instructor in the past.

The reason is that Lan Xili, who is committed to promoting the knowledge of the ancient Andes Empire, cannot refuse. The language class of the ancient Andes Empire will naturally involve the history of the ancient Andes Empire. It will be very convenient to carry private goods at that time, and find a counterpart by the way. .

Sean probably turned a blind eye to this. After all, he himself was studying the history of the ancient Andes Empire. It wouldn't hurt to learn more about things like knowledge.

As for whether Lan Xili will brainwash the students of the military academy, Sean is not worried. Those who can enter the military academy are selected through layers of selection, and they are outstanding in all aspects, including ideological awareness.

When we got there, it would be nice if Mr. Lan Xili didn't get brainwashed by them.

The horse teams and porters entering the mountain also have a new task, which is to pay attention to collecting all kinds of antiquities in the hands of the Andes mountain people, not limited to animal skin paper, regardless of pots, pans, jewelry and rings, as long as they look old , some history, let’s draw back and talk about it first, when the time comes, Sean will buy it out of his own pocket.

The lords and nobles of the Byron League may already have the hobby of collecting antiques, while the Andes mountain people still maintain the most simple pragmatism. If those scraps of copper and iron can be exchanged for some living supplies, everyone will be happy. , rummaging through boxes and boxes, and taking them out to trade with the Yongye Army, lest the other party go back on their word.

This is a very risky investment. After working for a long time, you may end up with nothing, but once you get something, even if there is a creation similar to animal skin paper made by the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire, Sean will get back the money.

This is purely a private act, and Sean naturally pays for it out of his own pocket.

From the very beginning, Xiao En put his position in the right place. He didn't intend to make the Yongye Army his own private property, but a group. The salary system was implemented from top to bottom. As a general, he naturally had The salary is paid every month, and never in arrears.

Although most of the time, Sean didn't go to collect it at all, because most of the time he didn't lack money to spend.

In addition to salary, Sean also owns his own private estate and private factory.

This has nothing to do with the Yongye Army, but Sean pays for it himself, hired people to reclaim the wasteland, and set up factories, all of which need to be paid to the Yongye Army.

It may sound contradictory, but in fact, it is not contradictory at all.

Public is public, private is private, public and private are distinct, this is Xiao En's attitude from the beginning.

The benefits of doing this are many.

The public treasury is separated from the private treasury, and the Yongye Army has a huge financial deficit. This does not mean that Xiao En has a personal financial deficit. On the contrary, Sean should be the wealthiest one in the Yongye Army.

There is no water in this wealth, and none of it was obtained by power for personal gain. Behind it, Chad led the Military Supervisory Council to watch over it. Even if Xiao En is the general of the Yongye Army, if he is about to make a mistake, he should be warned. Punishment is not ambiguous at all.

This is the law and rights established by the Military Supervisory Council at the very beginning of its establishment. Only in this way can any loopholes of using power for personal gain be eliminated.

This is what Xiao En considers from a long-term perspective and a selfish perspective. Can he guarantee that he is clean, diligent and fair, and can he guarantee that all his descendants will be like him? Can he guarantee that his servants and employees can act stably and do things right?

The former is still far away, but the latter is in front of us, and this situation has already appeared.

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