The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 205 The Prestige of the Army Formation

Especially for the dozens of Yongye soldiers who fired the fuses, most of their calves were shaking, and some even had cramps. It was unknown whether it was from fright, or from the high-speed explosion just now, from excessive force.

The former should be the majority.

These Yongye soldiers were all carefully selected, all of them were scuds from their own medical school. Before that, they had undergone simple training, but what they lit was at best slightly more powerful firecrackers.

Where did you think that when this thing is big enough, it will explode with such devastating power?

If it weren't for their standard execution of orders from beginning to end, I'm afraid they would not even know how to die.

On the hilltop not far away, Ban Hebrew, who was accompanied by only a few guards, also stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Since they stand high enough, they can see more comprehensively.

Not only did he capture the entire layout of the Yongye Army, but he also felt the tremor of the earth-shattering, and even more clearly witnessed the two huge ice walls that took a week to build, collapsing like two slices of soft cheese, although there was no way Seeing the expressions of the mountain Kentana savages in it, it is completely conceivable that they felt desperate.

Ban Hebrew, a veteran control warlock, couldn't control his body—he was trembling.

Because Ban Hebrew thought of a terrifying possibility, what kind of terrifying situation would it be if the Yongye Army used this secret weapon on Sishui City without the invasion of the mountain Kentana barbarians?

Just imagining it made him shudder. His already old face looked even older. If he got close, he seemed to still hear his muttering.

This is the power of the mountain god. The power of the mountain god should not be controlled by mortals. If I knew that you have controlled this kind of power, how dare I fight with you? What are you fighting for? It turns out that from the beginning to the end, you didn't take me at all. As an opponent, I'm just a clown for my own entertainment, Andis Mountain is about to change completely, and the little guy you are optimistic about has such a dangerous weapon in his hands, old ancestor, do you know?

Array, array, array, don't mess up, soldier, get back to your position.

Arrangement, sword and shield soldiers in front, spearmen in the back, follow my slogan, advance.

One two one, one two one, one two one.

After a brief shock, countless Yongye soldiers rushed out of the bunker, and formed into rows amidst the shouts of middle and low-ranking officers.

The infantry armor wearing three layers of armor is at the front, the sword and shield soldiers are on both sides of him, the pikemen are behind, and finally the Andis longbow team is lined up alone.

A few people formed a small team, and the small teams lined up to form a squadron. The squadron became a guard, then assembled into a school, and finally a complete corps. It took no more than five minutes before and after, and the tops of the two ice walls on the other side had just landed.

The two regiments, like two sharp swords, pierced through the mountain Kentana barbarians who had not recovered.

The speed of the two corps was not advancing fast, and their steps were uniform, as if they were stepping on the beat of a drum.

In the beginning, the voices of the low-ranking officers could still be heard, but in the end even the voices of the commands disappeared, leaving only the long and heavy exhalation. The breaths exhaled by the soldiers seemed to be connected together and turned into white mist.

It was filled with a fierce aura that was completely different from the barbarians in the mountain Kentana charging wildly across the board.

When many people are sprayed by this breath, they are afraid that their legs will become weak and they will be paralyzed on the ground. This is the power of the army formation.

Naturally, the savages of Kentana in the mountains were not so cowardly. Many survivors stood on the pile of chaotic ice, pounding their chests and screaming, their eyes turning red.

At this moment, those mountain Kentana savages couldn't tell whether they were more angry or more fearful.

This kind of fear can only be produced when facing the ice field hurricane that tears everything on the ice field.

Because it is impossible for manpower to compete, even the barbarians of Kentana, who enjoy fighting against the sky, the earth, and people, have to stay away.

It shames them now that they should have this fear again.

And this kind of shame can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy or oneself.

After narrowly escaping death from the ice, many barbarians in the mountainous Kentana grabbed a weapon, and some even rushed up to the two corps of the Yongye Army with bare hands.

One, two, three...

This is not an individual behavior, but a collective behavior.

One after another, many mountain Kentana barbarians joined the ranks of the violent charge to prove their bravery.

Even in the face of the majesty of the world, the warriors of the cliff clan are fearless.

Although this kind of bravery has an element of crazy bravery.

Even the officers and soldiers of the Yongye Group Army who are their enemies have to admit that this is the most determined enemy they have ever seen.

If it were them, facing such an unprecedented, unmeasurable, terrifying and inhuman attack, the collapse of the whole line would be the only result.

For their bravery, the Yongye Army gave the warmest praise.

Longbowman ready, let go!


Play it again!

Play it again!

Play it again!

During the short 100-meter hedge, the longbowmen of the two affiliated engineering corps had completed four bow-opening actions.

The dense armor-piercing arrows slammed down like a heavy rain.

This time, the barbarians in the mountain Kentana did not have the simple but abnormally defensive log shield in their hands.

Not to mention shields, many people don't even have a weapon in their hands, and if they just pull a piece of ice, it's considered a weapon.

Facing the rain of arrows, the only thing they could do was to lower their heads, raise their thick arms, protect the vital parts of their head and chest, and rush forward recklessly.

For a moment, there was the popping sound of sharp arrows piercing the flesh.

But the situation in front of them made all the officers and soldiers of the Yongye Army present gasp for breath and gasped for breath.

Andis Longbow has been known for its ultra-long range and powerful armor-piercing ability since its appearance.

Whether it was the slave hunting army of Bastille Bolton or the ace iron cavalry of the Man Yu army, the golden camel heavy cavalry, they all suffered from this.

Except for the slightly weaker lethality when facing sealed plate armor, regardless of whether it is leather armor, pierced armor, back-up armor, or scale armor, if it is hit by a heavy armor-piercing arrow falling from the sky, the result is usually Not very nice.

And being hit by dozens of heavy armor-piercing arrows, the chance of surviving is really pitiful.

Now those mountain Kentana savages on the opposite side broke this perception.

The equipment worn by the mountain Kentana barbarians has absolutely nothing to do with iron armor. Those who can inlay a piece of iron on their leather armor are probably warriors in their tribe. The significance of being a symbol of bravery is far more than that of defense.

All thick leather armor.

The better ones are made from the hides of Kolei beasts.

This kind of strange beast unique to the Kentana Icefield has long evolved thick fur in an extreme environment. After tanning, its toughness is far superior to that of ordinary animal skins, and its puncture resistance is very strong.

The second one is made of native Andean beast skins, and its defense ability is average.

One thing is the same as the Skull Crusher Legion that was not reorganized at the beginning. The greasy ones can no longer see the original texture and color, the rich taste, and the wind blows for three miles, which more or less provides them with a little more defense.

The rest is completely up to his own body to resist. The tight skin and muscles are not much worse than the thickest old cowhide, and the whole body is thicker than ordinary people. Armor-piercing arrows can only be nailed into it, but Hard to do penetrating damage.

As long as it is not unlucky to be directly hit on the main artery, many of the arrows on their bodies are like hedgehogs, still alive and kicking, the whole body is soaked in blood, and there are blood marks on every step, like a demon crawling out of hell. With visual impact.

However, some of them fell to the ground because of their rushing, never getting up again.

No matter how strong they are, they are still human beings. The blood flowing in their bodies is limited. When they are full of arrows, they still charge at a high speed to make the blood flow faster, and the end result is to let themselves bleed to death. .

To die is also to die on the road of charge, which may be the most noble way of death for these simple-minded barbarians.

But behind this noble way of death, there is still a deep sadness that cannot be concealed.

The disparity in equipment can only be made up with flesh and life.

If it was an army with a weak will, it was very likely that they would have been frightened and collapsed before the fight.

Of course, this does not include the two corps of the Yongye Army.

They may be young, may lack experience, and may not have been tempered by too much blood and fire, but they do not lack courage, especially when guarding their homeland.

Use the blood of these barbarians now to lay the foundation for the future prestige of their Eternal Night Army.

The stronger the enemy is, the more they can prove their own strength. Their Yongye Army is unwilling to fight head-on, but it doesn't mean that they are afraid of head-on and cannot fight head-on.

Not only did the young Yongye soldiers not show any emotions such as fear and fear, but the fighting flames in their eyes became more intense, their hands holding weapons became firmer, their steps became more powerful, and their steps were not chaotic.

They may not have the strong and unreasonable physique of the mountain Kentana savages, nor their terrifying individual combat prowess.

But they have sharp weapons, strong armor, unyielding fighting spirit, and brothers who share life and death.

They may not be their opponents fighting alone, but now they are fighting against each other, and they are fearless.

It is a collision between brutality and order.

These mountain Kentana barbarians are the best symbol of barbarism, not only their own strength, but also the formation of the charge, with the chaos and disorder unique to barbarism.

The Yongye Group Army has brought order and collective power to an extreme. In this world, there is no army that focuses on coordinated operations like them. It is not only between corps and corps, between school guards, but also There are between teams and members of teams.

For a long time, unremitting training has enabled them to comprehend the collective power and how to use subtle coordination to make one plus one exert greater power than two.

Drink! The infantry armor and the sword and shield soldiers on both sides took a step forward at the same time.

The infantry armor collided head-on, and two sword and shield soldiers flanked each other. They used their shields to assist the infantry armor to meet the opponent's most ferocious first attack. In the typical ground saber technique, those who are recruited will have a wound on the leg at least, or their ligaments will be cut directly, and their mobility will be disabled.

From the beginning to the end, more than half of their stature has been huddled behind the shield. Injuring the enemy has never been their top priority. Protecting themselves and their teammates is their most important duty.

The three spearmen stabbed forward with their spears at the same time. They did not try to find those throats, but directly stabbed at the largest part of the body. This is not necessarily fatal, but the hit rate is the highest. The three spears echo each other , it is difficult to avoid all of them.

At this time, most of the steppers have already reacted from the initial collision, and the long and narrow hands of the Yongye Saber have already slashed down on the head and face.

With a set of combined punches, even if the opponent is a sturdy knight, he will be disabled even if he is not dead.

It doesn't matter if everything follows, the team behind has already followed up, and it will be a set of exactly the same combination punches.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

Countless squads tumbled past it until it was brought down.

The entire corps is in the form of waves, with squads as units, constantly staggering and surging. Once swallowed by it, it will feel like there are enemies all around.

This formation is especially useful for dealing with the scattered charges of the mountain Kentana barbarians, because it is tailor-made for them-hands trained with the Skull Crusher Legion.

Where the Eternal Night Legion was established, the Skull Crusher Legion was its strongest force, and other legions naturally took it as the main target to defeat.

Most of the time, they were crushed by the Skull Crusher Legion using force and equipment.

By pooling their wisdom and attacking their weakest cooperation, they trained the Die Lang Army Formation and reversed the situation.

Fighting alone or in teams, the Skull Crusher Legion still holds the absolute advantage.

But if you are promoted to a hundred guards, you will get nine out of one, one for the other corps, and nine for the Skullbreaker Corps.

If you come to school, the winning rate will be greatly improved, and it can reach 30-70.

Don't look like it only has a 30% winning rate. This is already a great achievement. Don't forget that the Skull Crusher Legion is a heavy infantry. It is best at confrontation. In terms of its absolute advantage, there is no way to obtain an absolute advantage. It is absolutely A kind of failure.

Since the Skull Crusher Legion only has 1,500 members so far, its members are too special, and it is extremely difficult to replenish them.

I haven't been able to try the confrontation between the corps, but judging from the situation shown at the time, the Skull Crusher Legion is likely to face the ground, rubbing and rubbing.

Skull Crusher McGee, the direct commander of the Skull Crusher Legion, is also unwilling to admit defeat. He got into the Skull Crusher Legion and started crazy training for his old subordinates. It is several times higher than other corps of the Yongye Army.

Even those tough guys lost several layers of skin in half a year.

The results are also remarkable. If it weren't for the burly figure standing there, in terms of order and prohibition, it would be no worse than other corps.

The winning rate of the military exercise has returned to its original rolling advantage.

The Skull Crusher Legion has proved with their own facts, what is wild and unruly, what is natural temperament.

It's all nonsense, and the reason is that I didn't make up my mind.

When you are determined to do one thing, even the most explosive personality can be smoothed out and become a qualified soldier.

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