The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 243

Therefore, getting started is the most intense frontal hedging.

Both the scene and the atmosphere exploded in an instant, but veterans who have been in the battlefield know that in this situation, the casualties caused are not that great. There are not a few people with A, and if you don't deliberately greet the fatal point, it will only arouse countless sparks.

Andis Tiger Tagore and Bull Eriksson, two army leaders, dressed in general's heavy armor, took the lead and approached each other.

The champion knight's lethality is too great, especially in this kind of small-scale confrontation, which can directly affect the situation of the battle, and holding each other is the correct solution.

There is a consensus in the Byron Union.

There are only two ways to deal with the champion knight, either take action as the champion knight, or use human lives to fill up, a lot of human lives.

After a battle, killing hundreds of enemies is not uncommon for a champion knight.

Both of them fought fast, and in just a few seconds, they had already exchanged more than a dozen moves.

There is no such thing as first-come-first-served champion knights. At their level, their physical fitness has broken through the normal range. Not only will their strengths become stronger, but their shortcomings will also be filled. It is difficult to form absolute suppression in a certain aspect.

Not to mention fighting skills, they had already incorporated it into their physical instincts when they were at the Grand Knight level, but now they only incorporate more powerful strength and speed.

When super reflexes and rich combat experience are combined, it is a divine prediction.

Prediction is already standard for every champion knight.

Then the hundred guards led by the two legion chiefs officially collided.


The battle bear of the second legion holding the banner of the centurion gave out a signature roar, and at the moment when the two sides collided, they accelerated suddenly, and rushed towards the third legion of the centurion holding the banner with terrifying momentum, which was 30% faster than the two-horse chariot. , and at the same time, it has agility that it does not have.

Spells? Beasts that can use spells? Not only did the Princess Regent change color slightly, but even Angel Bena sat up straight.

Spell-like abilities, like the racial talent of the Odin orcs, are not magic in the true sense. Xiao En explained while observing the reaction of the regent princess.

The strange expression was fleeting, but it was still caught by Sean, and it was definitely not the kind of shock that he saw for the first time.

Although it is just an expression, it has already explained many things. For example, the appearance of Warcraft is definitely not just in the Andes Mountains. At most, it is more serious here because of the existence of the energy reaction chamber.

The Byron Union has a vast land and resources, and there will always be abnormal places. The Princess Regent must have seen similar ancient monsters in other places.

On the contrary, Angel Bena's reaction was in line with the appearance of the first time she saw the ancient monster. Its appearance broke the original cognition.

The Princess Regent calmed down and said to Xiao En meaningfully: Your Excellency the Baron, I think we have a new topic to discuss. If possible, we can exchange information in this regard.

Although Sean only replied with one sentence just now, a lot of things have been revealed in it, which is worthy of Sophie Liya's heart.

At any time. Sean responded with a smile, which was exactly what he wanted.

Although the Eternal Night Commander has spread eagle eyes widely since its establishment, so far, only Xiao En and Ralph know how many eagle eyes the Eternal Night Commander has.

But compared to the Byron Alliance, which is vast and rich in resources, the Eagle Eye scattered by the leader of the Eternal Night Army is at best a handful of sand thrown into the lake. Towns cannot have one city and one person.

Such as Huayu Plain, Gemini Peninsula, these military leaders that are not bordered by the Yongye military leader, the information is almost blank.

As the titular head of the Byron Alliance, the Lancelot royal family will definitely devote themselves to managing this area, and the information in their hands is not comparable to that of the leader of the Yongye Army.

But without some real information, the Princess Regent obviously wouldn't share information with Sean.

Interest alliances are so realistic.

While speaking, the situation on the field changed.

The Third Legion's flag-bearing Hundred Guards, like a rolling flood, spit out a dozen infantrymen holding tower shields at the moment they collided with the war bear, forming an impenetrable shield array.

However, this shield array is not purely defensive. The three tower shields overlapping two-thirds of the area actively rushed up to face the bear. The other tower shields either shot at the bear from different directions, or intercepted the bear. Soldiers of the Second Legion behind the bear.

Don't underestimate the attack power of these tower shields. The weight of nearly a hundred catties is the best attack method. When they dance and form inertia, it is not something ordinary people can bear, nor can ordinary people play around. .

Not to mention that these tower shields are all carefully designed. The shield surface is covered with blunt bumps, making it stronger and at the same time turning it into a weapon, making the force point more concentrated and more lethal. , is not a simple fracture, but multiple fractures.

The tower shield is not the regular equipment of the Eternal Night Army. Obviously, it is a secret weapon prepared by the Third Army. It is specially designed to deal with the attack of war beasts or cavalry like the Second Army.


The crash was deafening.

The thick paws of the war bear slapped firmly on the shield.

Even the man and the shield retreated four or five steps, his arms trembling uncontrollably.

The three regular knights worked together and barely resisted the opponent's blow.

The war bear couldn't help but growl. It was a roar of pain. When the bear's paw that attacked just now landed, it didn't dare to exert any effort. It was obviously injured during the attack, and the bulge was badly damaged by the tower shield. It's a pit.

However, this specially trained war bear is not easy to get along with, its big butt twisted, instead of advancing, it retreated, and rushed towards its own formation.

Returning to the ancient times not only endowed them with spell-like abilities and body changes, but also improved their intelligence to varying degrees. At least the one in front of them has left the ranks of the three idiots in the Andes Mountains.

The main defense direction of the Hundred Guards of the Third Legion was in the front, and there was no way to block the Zhan Xiong who was running back.

In the first round, there was no winner.

The Battle Bear of the Second Legion failed to break through.

Although the Third Legion withstood the frontal attack, the separation and elimination plan failed, and the three regular knights were semi-disabled, unable to recover their combat power in three to two minutes.

Two or three minutes, which seemed very short in normal times, slipped away inadvertently.

On the ever-changing battlefield, it is extremely long, enough to decide many things.

After a short rest, Zhan Xiong rushed up again aggressively.

This time, although it didn't have the acceleration brought by the previous rush, but there was a small team of sword and shield soldiers around it, and it was impossible to launch a siege to it. All very scary.

No tower shield soldier dared to take its frontal attack alone.

Under the harassment of the sword and shield soldiers swarming around it, it is also difficult for those tower shield soldiers to make the previous coordinated attack and defense.

With the skillful cooperation of the Zhanxiong and the sword and shield soldiers, the tower shield soldiers retreated steadily, but the formation was not completely broken up. The very first attack made Zhanxiong not dare to use too much force with his right palm, regardless of the attack power. Or flexibility, are greatly discounted.

But this is only the corner of the battlefield.

On the other side, the second army's flag-bearing centurion without the cooperation of the bear was retreating steadily under the wave-like and continuous offensive of the third army's flag-bearing centurion.

Wave attack.

It is not a secret in the Yongye Army, all the Hundred Guards can play it well, including the Skull Crusher Corps, this tactic was developed to deal with them at the beginning.

However, there are not many who are as focused as the Third Legion and have polished all kinds of coordination to the extreme. If you look down from a high place, the entire Hundred Guards is like a whirlpool that is constantly rotating, scraping through layers, smashing the enemy to pieces. ,

From a local point of view, the achievements are not outstanding, but looking at the overall situation, they are quite amazing.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Andis Tiger Tagore yelled wildly, slashed his knife, turned around and ran towards the war bear, ready to cooperate with it to break the formation.

Eriksson the Bull is not willing to give up.

The two went from fighting alone to a multi-party melee.

Others can't intervene in their battles, but they can intervene in other people's battles.

Now the offensive and defensive mode has changed, no longer simply attacking the opponent, but also protecting the soldiers around.

This kind of situation also occurs in military exercises.

When it comes to the battlefield, when two champion knights collide, they don't care about the lives of ordinary soldiers. It's not that they are cold-blooded and ruthless, but that if they do so, they will probably risk their own lives.

Andis Tiger Tagore's battlefield insight is quite keen. When it meets the War Bear, although Eriksson blocks it, there is no way to cause overwhelming damage.

But like a rock, he blocked the core point of the Centuries of the Third Legion holding the flag, directly disrupting their rhythm.

The reaction speed of the Third Legion was not unreasonable. There was no need for Eriksson's order, and the head of the Hundred Guards dispatched in the middle had already responded.

Like waves hitting the shore, endless.

Hundreds of people, in such a complex environment, made such an exquisite cooperation, which is shocking and pleasing to the eye. This is by no means a one-time effort, but can only be achieved after countless drills.

If it is said that the berserk charge of the Second Legion's War Bears made the Princess Regent's eyes light up, it would be thoughtful.

Then the flexible use of the Third Army on the formation had already shocked her, and she couldn't help but sit up straight.

This massive collaboration.

The princess regent has never seen or heard of it before, including on the world-famous broken blood knight.

In fact, the stronger an individual's force is, the less he pays attention to cooperation. Let alone a champion knight, when he reaches the level of a great knight, he dislikes ordinary soldiers as a drag, and sometimes it is difficult to restrain his own personal heroism.

The Odin orcs, the biggest enemy of the Byron Alliance, are not particular about it. They rush forward in a swarm, and retreat in a swarm.

Where, like the Third Army, advance and retreat are well-founded, and everything appears to be calm and unhurried.

At the end of the fight, Eriksson found the feeling even more. Five tower shield soldiers surrounded him and defended together. They actually helped him withstand nearly one-third of the attack from the champion knight Tagore.

What is this concept?

When Tagore's attack was resisted, it meant that Eriksson the Bull did not need to parry, but continued to attack.

In other words, Eriksson's attack frequency increased by a third out of thin air.

Not only suppressed the war bear for life, but also forced Tagore into a series of dangers.

Five knights teaming up with one champion knight can actually suppress a champion knight.

If someone told the princess regent before this, it would probably be regarded as a fairy tale, but this kind of scene has really happened now.

Not to mention the Princess Regent, even Xiao En showed a look of surprise.

It is really surprising that the knight-level tower shield soldiers can display such a powerful defensive ability, especially when they cooperate with the champion knights, they can produce such a wonderful chemical reaction.

If the champion knight is freed from defense, he only needs to attack, attack, and attack again.

This is still a match against the champion knight. If it is replaced by an unoccupied battlefield, the method of killing the champion knight with human life will be greatly reduced.

The princess regent looked at Xiao En even more subtly. She thought she had picked up a gold ingot, but as she got in touch with it longer and dug deeper, she realized that it was not a gold ingot, but a pile of gold ingots.

Judging from the situation in front of me, I still underestimated the other party. This is a gold mine, and it is also a rich gold mine that I own exclusively. There is a sense of surprise overflowing.

The princess regent calmed down, smiled and said to Sean, The two generals are one-on-one warriors, worthy of the name of champion knights, and the soldiers they lead have their own characteristics. Let us open our eyes today, how about So far, how about a draw?

Compared with the past, the expression on the princess regent's delicate face is three points softer, and this proposal is even more considerate. It is obvious that as the two sides fight for real, the number of wounded soldiers increases sharply, and Sean is a little impatient.

His Royal Highness's proposal is very good. Xiao En followed the good advice, Ming Jin withdraws troops.

The gong sounded and the war ceased, without any delay, which perfectly interpreted the order and prohibition.

There was no need for Xiao En's instructions, the medical soldiers who had been waiting for a long time entered the field quickly, stopped the bleeding, and bandaged, everything was so skillful.

Fighting with each other, even if it is a contest with the nature of acting, it is not uncommon to be injured.

Fortunately, both sides were relatively restrained, and there was no real make-up on the battlefield. Therefore, although there were many injuries, there were no deaths in battle.

The scene of the first aid by the medical soldiers also made the Princess Regent watch with great interest, and she sincerely praised: I have heard that Your Excellency the Baron has a lot of insights into medical skills, and even introduced a new type of medical technology that combines the power of spells with alchemy. I didn't expect you It has already started to be used on a large scale internally, and this is the first time I have seen such a professional battlefield ambulance personnel, I would like to invite such an army to serve as an instructor in my fief, I wonder if I have such an honor.

The Princess Regent is not purely flattering. When it comes to professionalism, even Angie Bena's Medical Knights are two-up. Bella has learned a little at best.

Some modern medical techniques were not available at the time, or took time to accumulate. Only some theories were discussed, but they were not put into action, such as blood transfusion.

With the manpower, financial resources, and material resources of Yong Ye's military leader greatly tilted, through the analogy method, analog blood types are screened, and the database is accumulated to provide the most basic security guarantee for blood transfusions and prevent blood transfusions from dying.

Among them, the Yongye soldiers are the most important. Their identity plates now have an additional item, which is their own blood type, which is convenient for the medical soldiers to transfuse their blood when they are unconscious on the battlefield.

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