The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 263 Ake Messer's conspiracy

It is definitely an inspiration for them to have idols attend their military meetings in person.

Not to mention the character and character, people with such a loyal and selfless temperament are always given more favors.

However, Di Kelong is really not very good at words. Every time he participates in the military council, if he is forced to do so, most of them are silent, but if you observe him carefully, you will find that he is not sitting there in a daze, but is very serious. Listen carefully to everyone's opinions and think carefully.

Judging from the fights in the past few years, I feel that General Akemesser is very contradictory. In terms of general tactics, he always adopts a relatively conservative strategy, but in some local conflicts, the tactics he uses are usually very conservative. Bold, very risky, a little careless, easy to suffer.

Di Kelong's speech is very characteristic, and the speed of speech is very slow, giving people the feeling that every word he said has been carefully thought out.

This is a very important piece of information. Maybe the Akemesser we usually see is not the real Akemesser, but the one with his hands and feet bound. Don't forget that there is a Duke Buck standing behind him. In the overall situation, he must be undefeated, and only when he has no scruples in small conflicts can he show his true nature. If we analyze this person completely according to the tactics he has shown in the past, when we really face him, it will be easy to suffer. Overthrow all of his character calculations, and re-collect and analyze, this time not only starting from strategy and tactics, but also starting from his previous life experience, and the relationship with Duke Buck.

Sean's eyes narrowed slightly, and he attached great importance to the news brought by Di Kelong.

Ax Messer is likely to become their main opponent for the Swamp of Despair. If you fully understand your opponent, the greater the chance of winning when you fight.

I will deploy people and set up a special task force to follow up on this matter. Ralph replied in response.

This matter must belong to the Hawkeye Special Service Division.

Compared with Sean, this young soldier who has followed him from the beginning has changed a lot in the past few years. I don't know if it is because of the work he is doing. It was very clear, growing a beard made him look more mature, and he was meticulously groomed from top to bottom.

It's not that I suddenly became obsessed with cleanliness, but that I got married and started a business, and I'm also the father of two children.

Speaking of which, his karma was caused by one of Sean's mischievous experiences. His wife was the confidential secretary whom he had picked up in the pigtails back then.

Sean asked him to supervise the new confidential secretary to recite the confidentiality regulations. Unexpectedly, the two of them would develop feelings for each other. Sean made fun of this matter for several years.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the youth army from back then had already started families one after another.

On the contrary, Sean, because of his increasingly high position and weight, marriage will be a matter related to the entire army. There are not one or two sons, and they are all old men and women.

Fortunately, Ms. Elena, Sean's mother, was very open about this matter, and never talked about him, and never let him experience the feeling of being urged to marry again.

Akemesser's method of catching small fish with small shrimps, and then using small fish to catch big fish, is shrewd. It's just that he didn't fully understand the internal situation of the crocodile tribe. I'm afraid this kind of coalition of multiple tribes will not Do you care about the life and death of the trapped soldiers? Kelman asked.

I think on the contrary, Ake Messer is very familiar with the internal situation of the Crocodile tribe, so he used this move. It is precisely because of the coalition forces that they cannot sit idly by, because this involves internal trust, because once they choose to sit idly by, other People can't help but whisper, if they fall into this situation, will other people treat themselves like this? When trust is lost, the so-called coalition will collapse without fighting. This is a surefire move It’s a public conspiracy without deduction.” Ban Hebrew, the current chief of military staff of the military staff department, said.

However, his starting point is a bit strange, not from strategy and tactics, but from human feelings and human nature.

After listening to his analysis, everyone gasped, because he was right on point.

They have fully experienced the complex situation within the crocodile tribe, and they are very reluctant to reach an agreement and put it together. Once there is a trust problem, they will inevitably fall apart, and there is no possibility of reuniting.

Compared with the harm caused by not being rescued, it is better to have a head-to-head confrontation with Ake Messer. Even if the loss is heavy, the situation is better.

But what kind of choices those elders will make is really unknown, because they are not one or two, but a group of people, and there is no way to figure it out.

Everyone couldn't help but gathered in front of the military sand table, deduced various situations, and calculated the worst situation.

It is convenient for the Yongye army leader to react according to the battle situation.

The fact that the Yong Ye army leader didn't send troops to the Swamp of Despair doesn't mean they don't pay attention to the situation here.

In fact, their current strings are tighter than ever. Not only have all the Eagle Eyes that could be cast been cast out, but Sean is stuck in time to use the Thunder Giant Eagle to conduct aerial reconnaissance, trying not to waste any time.

The situation in the Swamp of Despair has not deviated from the calculations of the Yongye Army Leader from the beginning to the end.

There is a tactic called retreating to advance.

The attitude of the Elder Council of the Crocodile Clan made Yongye Army Leader very disappointed. Judging from their state, even if they hold a meeting for decades, there will be no results.

Sean was unwilling to follow the old path of forceful invasion.

In his view, armed invasion is forced and helpless, and the worst method.

Even if it is forcibly conquered, unless the aborigines are slaughtered, the hatred between the two races will last for hundreds of years.

If the two races simply confront each other, then there is nothing to say, the leader of the Yongye army will never grind his teeth with the crocodile tribe for such a long time, and he sent envoys to remind them, and invited their elders to visit the leader of the Yongye army, and negotiated conditions to show off their strength , Directly drive the fleet into the Swamp of Despair, start to conquer by force, and beat all the resistance forces to death, that is the right way.

But the presence of the Kingsley family allowed them to see other possibilities.

First get in touch with the crocodile tribe, get acquainted with each other, and promote the Kingsley family's full-scale invasion. When the crocodile tribe is scared of being beaten and beaten, and asks to come to the leader of the Yongye army, that's another situation .

It is precisely because of this consideration that the trip to Kellman was made just now, and the evacuation plan for the remnants of the slave rebel army was implemented in advance.

According to the original plan, after Sean contacted Di Kelong, he turned him into a nail buried in the Kingsley family, and was responsible for holding back the main force of the Kingsley family, so that the Eternal Night Army could lead the Swamp of Despair.

At that time, Grand Duke Buck will be in a hurry, put aside the internal hidden danger of Di Kelong, and mobilize the main force to compete with the leader of Yongye Army for the Swamp of Despair.

At that time, Di Kelong will become a time bomb in the hands of the leader of the Yongye Army. Once activated, he will definitely be fatally stabbed. Afterwards, Di Kelong can take his brother and retreat to the leader of the Yongye Army .

It's just that the number of aborigines living in the isolated area of ​​the Desperate Swamp far exceeds the expectation of the Yongye Army Leader.

At this time, the strategic plan has to be adjusted.

To put it bluntly, Army Leader Yong Ye not only wanted land, but also wanted people.

This difficulty is much more difficult than simply taking land, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved by simply invading by force.

The existence of the Kingsley family allowed the leader of the Yongye army to find a more feasible path. Although it was a tightrope walk, there was still a chance.

However, judging from the previous situation, the Kingsley family will not launch the conquest plan for the Swamp of Despair for a while, and it is more important to clear the chaos in the territory of Dixon.

Without the intermediary point of the large-scale invasion of the Swamp of Despair by the leader of the Eternal Night, the Kingsley family will not easily let go of the remnants of the slave rebel army. It is getting more and more difficult. After all, it is quite difficult to secretly transport resources, and the quantity is not as large as imagined.

Instead, it has become a medium for Di Kelong to lead the remnants of the slave rebel army to evacuate from the Calter army, and become the medium for the Kingsley family to invade the Swamp of Despair, allowing the Eternal Night army to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and find opportunities for the fisherman to profit from it. point.

So far, everything is going according to Yong Ye's plan.

At least until insight into Akemesser's strategic plan was revealed.

Ake Messer's conspiracy has added many variables to the plan of the Yong Ye army leader.

Because the leader of Yongye wanted to use the hands of the Kingsley family to severely injure the crocodile tribe, instead of directly destroying them with a combination of punches, the leader of Yongye didn't have a chance to do anything.

When the time comes for the Swamp of Despair, the Eternal Night Army Leader and the Kingsley Family will fight head-on, and it will be difficult to take care of them, and more than half of their plan will go to waste.

Fortunately, among the elders of the crocodile tribe, there are smart people like Ban Hebrew who can see through the nature of human beings. They sensed the most dangerous trap in Akemesser's plan and persuaded others to rescue them even if they lost troops. Those who were besieged.

What's more, their strength is not less than that of the Kingsley family, and with the internal and external attacks of the besieged people, it is not that they have no chance at all.

It is very appropriate to describe the self-confidence of the crocodile people in one sentence. The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny.

There is a difference between the army and the army.

Leaving aside the intensity of training, the difference between the two is far behind in terms of equipment alone.

The army of the Kingsley family claims to have the highest rate of armor in the whole continent, even the simplest ones have armor, let alone the elite.

Not long ago, Di Kelong tried to gnaw on the elite army composed of steel cans, and in the end he shattered a bunch of his own teeth, but did not hurt the other party's bones. How much less, because those plate armors were stripped from the dead, repaired and repaired, and worn on other soldiers, the combat effectiveness did not decrease much.

Looking at the crocodile tribe, not to mention iron armor, even iron weapons are difficult to obtain. The Swamp of Despair is not rich in minerals, even if it is rich, they have no way to mine in large quantities.

They do not produce hardwood and have a humid environment. They basically do not have the custom of using bows and arrows. Their main means of long-range attack are blowing crossbows and throwing spears.

The former is not applicable on the battlefield, but the latter has a certain power. The premise is to install an iron head. The crocodile tribe obviously cannot do this. The result can be imagined. When a round of spears is thrown, only a few dozen people are killed However, they have fallen in pieces on the charge road.

When fighting close to each other, the situation is even more embarrassing. My own weapon is not as strong as the opponent's armor.

Then there is the gap in command.

Needless to say, the Kingsley family army has been defending the slave rebels who were still under the command of the Manyu army, and Ake Messer has been the supreme commander. It has been seven or eight years. , has already completely controlled it in his own hands, commanding it like an arm.

The crocodile tribe is a coalition army, nominally under the control of the five-member elder council. In fact, most of the power is still in the hands of the elders. From the order to the execution, it has taken a lot of twists and turns. On the ever-changing battlefield, Huanghua The dishes are cold, in this case, it is better to have no command than to have a command, and to charge forward with one's own bravery.

The crocodile tribe finally discovered this, so they no longer use overly complicated tactics, just simply head-to-head.

The only commendable thing about the crocodile tribe is their bloody bravery. Although most of them have not received formal training, their fighting will is no worse than those of the blood-tested soldiers. Let's die together.

In the process, they found their greatest weapon - the unique environment of the Swamp of Despair itself.

Those steel cans sank more easily than they did when they got into the mud. Once they got stuck, three or two people couldn't even try to pull them out.

In the end, the crocodile tribe adopted suicide tactics, using absolute superiority to force into the Jedi, or luring the enemy in, and took them to die together.

This kind of fearless style made Akemeser very passive, because even if he won, he would not dare to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Who knows if this is the opponent's suicide tactic.

The crocodile allied forces forcibly used their own flesh and blood to tear a gap in the iron barrel array of the Kingsley family, and rescued less than 15,000 trapped people.

In order to save them, the crocodile people took a total of 25,000 lives into it.

Whether it is worth it or not is hard to say clearly in one or two sentences.

But one thing is certain, after this battle, the relationship between the crocodile clan coalition forces has become closer, and morale has not suffered a devastating blow.

Of course, this can't change the fact that they have lost their troops and generals and their vitality. If they continue to collide head-on with the Kingsley family, what awaits them will only be complete destruction.

Therefore, the crocodile people also used a trick to advance and retreat, and moved most of the tribes on the west bank of the Donau River to the east bank, preparing to rely on the complex terrain along the Donau River to give full play to their strengths.

It has to be said that this is a very clever tactic.

This time it was Ake Messer's turn to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Danube River is not in the center of the Swamp of Despair. It is like a long winding snake, which is inclined to the east as a whole. The east bank only accounts for less than a quarter of the area, and the real big head is on the west bank.

Not to mention that Grand Duke Buck will not be satisfied with this little achievement, even Ake Messer doesn't think much of the land that is less than 100 kilometers wide and 300 kilometers long.

What's more, the crocodile people didn't really give up there, they just turned it into a strategically deep place of war, where the crocodile people lurked, making trouble and attacking everywhere.

This time they learned to be smart, and they didn't confront them head-on at all, and only relied on the geographical environment that was beneficial to them to attack the enemy.

All of a sudden, the flames of war raged in the Swamp of Despair, and hundreds of soldiers from both sides fell on this land forever every day.

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