The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 281 Police Post Town

In this way, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the other party is a person who knows the goods, so he doesn't need to spend too much time explaining.

The downside is that I don't have the shock and impact of seeing it for the first time. If the opponent also holds the mountain eagle, my trump card will be completely useless.

After all, since the Yongye Army Leader opened the trade route, not only has the iron-barrel-like blockade of news become less absolute, but some special products that clearly have the characteristics of the Yongye Army Leader have begun to flow out.

These special commodities were not only transferred from the two allies of the Eternal Night Army, Princess Regent Sophia and Countess Angelberina, but also sold by the Eternal Night Army leader privately and openly.

As for whether those people poached the corners of the Yongye Army Leader to fill their own pockets, or the Yongye Army Leader officially used it as a tool to make money, it is unknown.

Anyway, there are many channels now, as long as you have money, you don't have to worry about finding a way out, and the Kingsley family's worst thing is money.

I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it. Duke Buck's answer made Sir Kleist somewhat relieved, and the result was not the worst kind.

Grand Duke Buck did not hide anything, and explained to Sir Kleist in detail the remnants of the slave uprising army before and after the reaction of the remnants of the slave rebel army before and after the leader of the Carter army, and the involvement with the leader of the Yongye army, including some The relatively private correspondence between them was not kept.

This fully demonstrated the success of Sir Kleist's plan. In just half a day, he had already won the trust of Duke Buck.

Sir Kleist nodded and said: Make full use of the contradictions that you have, and use materials and other means to allocate and further intensify them, so as to achieve the purpose of profit. This is indeed the consistent style of the Yongye Army Leader. Now there is only one thing that makes them take action against Carter's army leader, and that is the Swamp of Despair, they just want to use this method to slow down the pace of Carter's army leader's march into the Despair Swamp.

Then why did they choose to pick up those remnants? Duke Buck asked suspiciously.

There are many reasons for this. Perhaps there is a secret agreement between them. As the encirclement and suppression intensified, those rebels could not continue and had to withdraw early. Or maybe they wanted to use this method to bribe Dick. Long Xin, after all, is an out-and-out titan, no one is not indifferent to him, and maybe their strategic goal has been achieved, we now lack the most basic sources of information, and the Yong Ye Army Our understanding of the internal situation is limited, if we make wild guesses, not only will it not be helpful, but it will easily lead us into misunderstandings and make wrong judgments. Sir Kleist said very conservatively.

It makes sense. This conservative attitude won the approval of Grand Duke Buck, and he took the initiative to ask, Your Excellency, how should we treat the leader of Yongye?

For this question, Sir Kleist was obviously well prepared, and he talked eloquently: The reason why the Yongye army leader is so unpredictable is because they have done a good job of blocking their own news. Up to now, no one knows exactly how powerful they are and how many soldiers they have to fight. It is imperative to collect as much information as possible about the Yongye Army Commander. Only by knowing your enemy as much as possible can you fight against them.”

Grand Duke Buck said helplessly: We have tried this before, but the geographical environment of the Andes Mountains is too unique. The sentinels sent in are like disappearing into the sea, and there is no news. Is it dead or alive? , we don't know.

There is no unbreakable city wall in this world, even the leader of the Yongye army. The reason why it was not breached is because the price paid was not high enough. We can use three prongs. The general infiltration of the leader, as long as there are enough chess pieces thrown out, there is always a chance to succeed, and that is our chance; the second is to find a way directly from the leader of the Yongye army. There was no way to do this before, and now there is no lack of Yongye. The army leader's people come in and out; the third method is to take a detour and find a way from the two allies of the Yongye army leader, they are not monolithic, and it is easier to succeed.

Sir Kleist opened his mouth and said three strategies. Obviously, this is not what he is thinking now, but he has been thinking about it for a long time.

Good, good, good! Grand Duke Buck was not stingy with his words of praise. After all, Sir Crest could be regarded as having something to say. As for whether to accept it or not, it is another matter. Let's continue to ask questions with interest. Dao, What about the policy on the Swamp of Despair? How should we choose?

Before there is no more information collected, even if a plan is made, it will be full of loopholes. The only way now is to take a defensive position and beware of their sudden intervention in the Swamp of Despair. As long as you are fully prepared, even if you can't take advantage of it. , can’t suffer a big loss, and there is the matter of flying eagles, which I think is worthy of vigorous promotion, because its strategic advantages are too obvious, and it is several times faster than champion knights sending messages in person, so it is not necessary to use Flying eagles send messages, we can definitely find our own replacement birds.

His goal has been basically achieved, and Sir Kleist began to take conservative measures, because strategies that do not combine with the actual situation are all nonsense. His understanding of the Eternal Night Army only existed in the past, and the current Eternal Night Army leader , He really didn't know the bottom line, and he didn't know much about the situation of Carter's army leader, let alone the situation in the Swamp of Despair. He was really wrong.

However, this conservative strategy, in the eyes of Grand Duke Buck, is an out-and-out symbol of stability, and his evaluation of him is a little higher in his heart.

Humans are such strange creatures.

When you have prejudices against a certain person, there are problems in every word and deed of this person, and you can find faults from them.

When you have a good impression of someone, the situation is completely reversed, and many behaviors will give the brain a perfect explanation and further beautify it.

It took Sir Kleist half a day to complete the transformation from the first type to the second type in the mind of Grand Duke Buck, which can be regarded as a successful self-promotion.

The next thing is much simpler, the two men hit it off immediately.

Sir Crest the Fox swore allegiance to Duke Buck, and Duke Buck knighted him and hired him as a special advisor to deal with matters related to the Eternal Night Army.

As for the news of the birds, the Kingsley family has been doing it since Ake Messer suffered a series of big losses in the hands of Dickron and found the crux. Now they have found several good substitutes, among which The mallard and jay are the best.

Compared with the mountain eagle led by Yongye Army, these two birds have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The flat-headed mallard is an out-and-out migratory bird. Its long-distance flying ability and road recognition ability are stronger, but its speed is slightly slower.

Gray-backed crows are good at short-distance flying and fast, but their ability to recognize the way is poor, and it takes more effort to train.

One thing they are not as good as the mountain eagle is that it is an indispensable raptor, has a certain ability to protect itself, and is not easy to be intercepted in the air.

But this is a matter for the future, and we can't think about the long-term. It will take a long time to cultivate them and put them into use.

The mountain eagle brought by Sir Kleist is not useless at all, at least it has a comparative reference value, which is convenient to find out the pros and cons of the mountain eagle led by the Yongye army.

As for Sir Kleist's former employer, Viscount Philip, both of them chose to forget, and they didn't even think about explaining to him.

The Kingsley family has made subtle adjustments to the deployment of troops in the Swamp of Despair. Now they are not only targeting the crocodile tribe, but also guarding against the sudden military intervention of the leader of the Eternal Night in the Andes Mountains, catching him by surprise.

When Akemeser received the detailed information from Duke Buck about the leader of the Yongye Army, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Because he, as the supreme commander at the front line, is more aware of the danger, he has been entangled with the crocodile tribe for so long, and he didn't realize that there is a third-party force watching him, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time.

No, Ake Messer has already noticed the strangeness, especially the recent crocodile tribe, whether it is the equipment or the level of training of the soldiers, it is obviously different from what it showed at the beginning. Before this, he has been puzzled. Emotional reasons are here.

The world is most afraid of caring people.

Grand Duke Buck's intelligence operation against the leader of the Yongye army has not yet yielded results, but the sentry sent by Akemesser has already achieved something.

After all, compared to the Yongye Army Leader who was a piece of metal, the Swamp of Despair, which has shrunk in natural dangers, is a sieve full of holes. As long as you are willing to pay the price, you can easily touch it.

In the past, I just simply thought that it was not necessary, and I was unwilling to bear the loss. Now I naturally want to increase the investment in this aspect, not only to increase, but also to a crazy degree.

Soon, they got the news that the water level of the Donau River had receded seriously, revealing a natural water channel, and the fleet led by the Yongye Army could freely enter and exit the Swamp of Despair.

The most surprising thing is that the leader of the Yongye army has already cooperated with the crocodile tribe. All the merchant ships shuttled by the leader of the Yongye army on the Donau River are building ports, training troops, and even the food that the crocodile tribe people are in short supply. They are all being transported continuously.

The Kingsley family wanted to take advantage of the changes in the Swamp of Despair to kill the crocodiles to death.

The Kingsley family thinks they are keeping secrets, but in fact, their every move has never been hidden from the eyes of those who are interested. Under the calm surface, undercurrents are surging, and pieces of information are gathering in a secret way. It seems that there are countless voices. Whispering secretly.

The confidential document is urgent, so please take it back to your hometown.

This is top-secret information that the brothers risked their lives to obtain. It is related to the safety of the hometown. Please send it back.

Even if the person is gone, the information will arrive safely.

Don't worry, I will protect it with my life, and there will never be any mistakes.

When all the information was gathered at the headquarters of the Eagle's Nest under the leadership of the Eternal Night Army, Ralph, nicknamed Eagle Brain, took a deep breath, rushed to the northern fortress of Jingshao Town like fire, and sent a message To Sean, please see urgently.

Jingshao Town, as the name suggests, means guarding and guarding.

Its function is not only to defend the northern fortress, but also to prevent the citizens from breaking in casually.

If you want to enter the northern fortress, even if you are a citizen of Yongye, unless you have a pass to pass the medical examination, if you come to the northern fortress for the first time, you must live in the police station for three days without any abnormal reactions before you can get someone to accompany you. Temporary pass, a permanent pass can only be obtained after successfully living in the northern fortress for more than a week without any discomfort.

The reason why the procedures are so troublesome is entirely for the sake of the lives of the people entering and leaving the northern fortress.

Facts have proved that the northern stronghold is fatal to some people.

It's not that the leader of the Yongye army has done frenzied human experiments in this regard, but that there are always unbelievers and rebellious people who ignore the repeated warnings of the leader of the Yongye army and quietly approach the northern fortress.

As a result, one can imagine that with the increasing development of the energy reaction chamber by the leader of the Yongye army, the scale of application is getting larger and larger, and the concentration of magic energy in the northern fortress is also becoming more terrifying.

After all, the methods used by the Yong Ye army leader are not purely pure, and in the process of calling, a lot of magic energy will be scattered and overflowed.

If it is in an ordinary environment, the overflow of magical energy basically means returning to heaven and earth, and it will flow with various natural movements.

But this rule obviously doesn't apply to the northern fortress. The energy reaction room is in operation for 25 hours. These overflowing magic powers are naturally locked up firmly, and then flow back to the energy reaction room.

In other words, in the northern fortress, Sean extracted the spell energy from the energy reaction chamber to cast spells, which would not reduce the total amount of spell energy in the energy reaction chamber, but just changed from one form to another. It won't be long before it will re-transform back.

If it is used to strengthen the Soul Beast Card, or to recharge the Soul Beast Card, or use it for experimental transformation in the hatchery, integrate into the living body, and be taken out of the northern fortress, then it is really consumed.

In the current northern fortress, even those who have undergone strict screening will feel uncomfortable living for a long time, because their blood is stable, which is relatively speaking.

When the energy concentration of the technique exceeds the stable limit of their blood vessels, they will naturally react.

The leader of the Yongye Army now has to establish health records for everyone in the northern fortress, conduct regular physical examinations, and take rotations to ensure safety as much as possible. Even so, many soldiers have abnormalities every year.

This kind of abnormality is not limited to malignant ones, but also benign ones, similar to Barton's secondary development, with the same amount of training, the effect is better than that of other legions.

Spell power is a double-edged sword.

If you can't get used to it, it's just a glass of poisonous wine. Once you drink it by mistake, it will be very fatal.

If you can adapt to it, the positive side will bring you to a higher level in all aspects.

Among the many regiments led by the Eternal Night Army, apart from the Skull Crusher Corps, which has a special source of soldiers and is known for its high physical fitness, the soldiers in the northern fortress rank second in terms of physical fitness. If this continues, it is not impossible to surpass the Skull Crusher Corps.

This put a lot of pressure on McGee the Skull Crusher. Don't look at him with a big belly and a big belly, and he doesn't care much about anything, but he attaches great importance to glory, especially the collective glory of his commanding corps.

Not only are they constantly increasing their training volume, striving for better equipment, but also the new research results produced by the northern fortress, such as monster food, can be drawn to their own army. That's a big fool!

No matter what method is used, it is a good method to grow up.

Problems can occur under such strict supervision, let alone those knight-errants who know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to travel to the mountains.

When the personnel of the northern fortress found them, most of them were as miserable as they wanted.

It is good to die of blood vessel breakdown.

Those who have mutated, become human, ghost or ghost, are the scariest.

Now every post town. There are such a small group of people who are not particularly mutated to speak out and warn those who dare to act recklessly.

Ralph belonged to the kind of people who were forbidden to enter and leave the northern fortress, and he was the most serious kind. Even if he lived in Police Post Town for more than a day, he began to feel uncomfortable, his blood flow accelerated, and he had difficulty breathing.

What made him unbearable the most was that his body was about to move, as if something was about to burst out of its shell.

Fortunately, Sean didn't keep him waiting. With a loud eagle cry, Sean descended from the sky.

Come and see, come and see, it's the messenger of the mountain god, the Sansett giant eagle.

It's really the giant Sanset eagle. I've heard that there are giant Sanset eagles near the northern fortress, but I haven't had the chance to meet them.

The giant Sanset eagle is bigger than the legends. No, this giant Sanset eagle is about to come down. Get out of the way. If you are taken away by the giant Sanset eagle, your soul will be taken away by the mountain god. of.

Damn it, is it my eyesight? There seems to be a person sitting behind the Sanset Eagle?

It's really a person, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how can a person ride the Sanset eagle? This must be a mountain god, that's right, only the mountain god can ride the Sanset eagle.

That person is coming down, why do I think this person looks so familiar?

Nonsense, can you not be familiar? Isn't that our lord?

My lord? Did my lord come riding the Sanset giant eagle?

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