The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 284: Royal Capital (Part 1)

The black collar gave Sean the feeling that it still hadn't grown to its final form, but the doubled large Retta had no obvious effect on it.

Xiao En couldn't help thinking, if the Jinglei Golden Eagle wants to fully grow up, must it be struck by lightning?

But for a while, Sean didn't have the heart to encourage Black Collar to make this dangerous attempt.

After all, the Leita is controllable, and if the situation is wrong, it can immediately cut off the energy transmission line and terminate it.

Naturally falling thunder, not to mention completely uncontrollable, is terrifyingly powerful. If it is mistaken, a thunder will turn the black collar into a roasted eagle, and he has no place to cry. After all, this special helicopter is now the only one in the whole of Arshan. , he hasn't started to enjoy it yet.

This kind of dangerous attempt, let's wait until there is a substitute.

In addition, Sean also attacked around with a black collar, and directly touched the nest of the Sanset Giant Eagle on the Sanset Peak, killing its group in one go.

The whole process went smoothly beyond imagination. Not only was the black collar extremely cooperative, but the surviving Sanset giant eagle could not muster up the courage to resist in front of the black collar. The black collar only blew a few times. The Set Giant Eagle, obediently, lined up to return to the northern fortress with it.

A total of eight Sansett eagles and seven Sansett eggs were brought back during this trip.

The seven Sansett giant eagle eggs made Arnold feel like a treasure, and he stuffed them all into the energy reaction chamber, wanting to see if he could directly hatch the young Thunder Golden Eagle.

If it can be successful, the growth process will not be as troublesome as the black collar.

Together with the four Sansett giant eagles captured by Sean and the others earlier, all twelve were kept in captivity in the northern fortress.

However, in a short period of time, it is impossible for them to be domesticated and serve as the leader of the Eternal Night Army.

Because compared to the black collar, they are very awkward in terms of size and ability.

Carrying people is definitely not enough to carry people. It is not very meaningful to carry a half-grown child barely, and it will not fly far.

There is no air combat these days, even if it is completely domesticated, there is no opponent.

As for the ground, regardless of how they were able to entangle with the Skull Crusher McGee, Baozi and Arnold, two champion knights and a great knight, it was because the leader of the Eternal Night Army wanted to catch them alive at the beginning. Did not prepare too many long-range attacks.

If they arrived at the army formation, if they dared to rush down, an archer from the Hundred Guards would teach them how to be eagles.

They are most useful now, either awakening under the stimulation of the energy reaction chamber, or laying eggs non-stop, to see if any of their offspring can open the road back to the ancient times.

The possibility of the former is basically unlikely. They have been hovering over the northern fortress for more than half a year. If they were awakened, they would have awakened long ago. They would not wait until now.



The capital of the Byron Alliance.

Known as the brightest pearl in the Ashan continent.

Known as the center of the world, at least the people of Valesta firmly believe that as long as they are not born within the walls of the royal capital, they will be scornfully called country bumpkins, including the five satellite cities that guard it.

But they do have proud capital, because Valesta has created many of the best.

Asharn is the oldest city in recorded history, with a history of more than two thousand years.

It is Saya of the Elven Empire, Valletta of the Ancient Andean Empire.

At that time, although it was not a royal capital, it was an out-and-out military town.

This is determined by its geographical location.

Whether it is the center of Asharn is still open to debate, but it is the center of the Asia Minor Plain. It is like a giant squatting on the bank of the Jacob River.

While holding the Asia Minor Plain firmly in his hands, he looked down at the Carthus Army Leader, with his back against the Duanmai Grassland, the Twin Peninsula on his left shoulder, and the Man Yu Army Leader on his right shoulder.

Regardless of the Elf Empire or the Ancient Andis Empire, Yang or the Byron Alliance, they all belonged to the farming civilization, and food farming land occupied an absolute core position. Controlling food naturally meant controlling the entire empire.

During the heyday of the ancient Andes Empire, although there were four major granaries, there were still problems of size, geography and transportation.

Needless to say, the Huayu Plateau, its unique geographical factors, doomed it to be self-sufficient no matter what age it was.

Although the Jiangnan Plain had the Donau River-Jakob River water transportation line at that time, the transportation was quite convenient, but since it involved transportation, there would be freight charges, especially for long-distance transportation, not to mention that there was a Gu'an River at that time. Brisan, the imperial capital of the Dis Empire, needs to be fed, and more food will flow here.

The situation of the Man Yu army leader is similar, but it mainly supports the direction of the Odin Prairie.

As the head of the four major granaries, the Asia Minor Plain not only has the largest area, but also has the most places to support it. Not only the Carthus Army Commander, but the Gemini Peninsula is also full of food demand. Valesta is naturally the top priority.

Not only does it have an important position in the military, but it is also an important economic artery. These military leaders all pass through here.

The other most is the most population.

It is the city with the largest population in Arshan, and the recorded population alone has exceeded one million, not to mention the large number of black household registrations.

The huge population base determines that it is the busiest city in the world, the busiest city, the city with the most nobles and nobles, and the city where gold flows everywhere. Every year, it attracts countless Byrons to come to pan for gold.

The gold mines were found here, but only a few of them became masters. Most of the people got a bad nose here and went back to their countryside in despair, and some of them became its spacious underground tunnel directly. One of them, slowly rotting here.

Therefore, in addition to these beautiful names, it also has some not-so-good names and the best, the city with the highest cost of living, the paradise of the successful, the hell of the loser, the city with the most complicated interpersonal relationships, and the most private transactions the darkest city, the most luxurious city.

It is these many faces that make up this lively city.

Its fame and infamy continued to spread far and wide, attracting all kinds to Valesta.

Among these many names, Valesta also has an inconspicuous name, the capital of public opinion and fashion trends.

Needless to say, the latter is derived from the circulation of personnel and the largest number of lords and nobles.

Especially those aristocratic women who like extravagance and comparison lead the fashion of the entire Byron League.

Although the Byron Alliance is not an imperial system, except for the Asia Minor Plain, which is directly under the Lancelot royal family, it has very limited control over other military leaders.

But after all, they have a common enemy, the Odin orcs, and they also signed the Magna Carta, sharing common obligations and responsibilities, and the Strachey family is basically one with the Lancelot royal family, advancing and retreating together, Lancelot The voice of the special royal family is naturally the loudest, and many decisions here will directly affect the entire Byron Alliance.

Several other grand duke families have long been accustomed to this model, and here they all have their own ears and tongues, and they play power games remotely.

The biggest topic of discussion in Valesta right now is the Baron of Eternal Night, who was conferred by the Princess Regent not long ago, and his power, the Commander of Eternal Night.

There are too many places where there are disputes.

First of all, who is this Eternal Night Baron Sean Don Augustine and the Eternal Night Army Leader?

The Princess Regent canonize it herself. You must know that since Sophie Liya became the regency, the number of new nobles canonized is very small. It is unthinkable if she does not make great contributions to the benefit of the entire Byron Alliance. She is more committed to weakening the old ones. The power of the nobles and nobles took back the power and land in their hands, and implemented the New Deal.

The most important thing is that this Baron Yong Ye seems to have jumped out of nowhere, and no one has ever heard of him before.

The title of Yongye Army Commander also makes the first listener confused.

Even the most ignorant and ignorant farmer knows that when the Byron Alliance was established, there were only eight military leaders, and there was no such thing as the leader of the Evernight Army.

It wasn't until someone pointed out that it was the Andes people of the Andes Mountains that people suddenly realized.

They are no strangers to the Andes Mountains. After all, there is Sansett Peak, which is known as the roof of the world. Human prisoners of war were taken as slaves and flowed to the plains of Asia Minor.

It was also a large household of serfs back then. With the release of slaves, these Andes and their descendants gained freedom and joined the Byron Alliance as freemen.

However, obtaining the status of an official free citizen does not mean that they can fully integrate. The status difference formed by slave status for a long time will not simply disappear. Racial discrimination has always existed, which caused those Andy The Sri Lankans and their descendants are more united.

I have always had a good impression of my hometown, the Andes Mountains. It has not disappeared with the passage of time. The Lun people heard the name by the way.

In addition, it was also because just a few years ago, they had just discussed this name - because of Jacob Jiang Fuliu.

The return of the Jacob River has naturally affected this place, and the disadvantages are minimal, and the rest are all advantages.

Because its geographical location is already in the middle and lower reaches of the Jacob River. When the flood peak arrived here, it no longer had that terrifying and destructive power. An important lifeline for the plains of Asia Minor, whether for agricultural irrigation or transportation.

When Valesta, the capital of the kingdom, was established, and when the Jacob River was at its peak, after the re-flow, not only would it not have an impact on it, but on the contrary, it would make its transportation more convenient and its economic status would rise.

Due to the increase in the current and the rising water level, the Jacob River can once again use various large ships and restore the scene of passing through the east and west. Even some large ships can go upstream from the inland sea of ​​Zambia and go directly deep into the three inland areas. More than a hundred kilometers, directly turning this place into a part of the coastline, the trade is booming.

As the source of the Jacob River, the Andes Mountains naturally became famous.

It's just that the leader of Yongye's own secrecy work is too good. If it is not for someone as caring as Sir Kleist, it is really difficult to find out the pivotal role they played in this matter. Most people will pay more attention to it. Bet on the princess regent, who has been making big moves from the beginning.

Although he is only three years older than Sean, it is only natural that he has a prominent background and brilliant achievements, which are more eye-catching.

What's more, the Princess Regent has indeed benefited a lot from it, and her territory has been completely integrated, and it has become one through Jacob River. In a short period of time, her status cannot be shaken.

When the leader of the Yongye army gave himself the name of the leader of the army, and it was obvious that he wanted to be on a par with the other eight army leaders, it would inevitably attract countless attacks and criticisms.

Leaving aside the fact that the current military leadership structure was established hundreds of years ago, how can you be qualified to keep pace with other people and call yourself a military leader?

What does this mean?

Ready to become the ninth leader of the Byron Alliance? Become the ninth Grand Duke family?

But now you are the lowest baron, and you have sworn allegiance to Princess Regent Sophilia.

The other grand duke families are not happy either. Once this kind of precedent is established, it will be fine. Is it possible that these grand duke families will have to swear allegiance to the Lancelot royal family in the future?

Even if the leader of the Yongye army is a self-proclaimed leader, it won't work.

It was precisely because of these concerns that the title of Baron of Eternal Night encountered far greater obstacles than Sophilia expected when it came to fruition.

Up to now, Sean's title of Baron of Eternal Night is still fake, because the last step of the canonization, the registration of the family crest and logo in the Heraldry, has not been completed yet.

In the eyes of orthodox lords and nobles, if this step is not completed, there will be no real legal benefits.

Secondly, the entire process of canonization is too arbitrary, completely inconsistent with the previous prudence and solemnity, and it is full of a strong sense of transaction.

Those lords and nobles are not fools, how can they not see the doorway inside, this is simply the nature of affiliation, and the two parties do not need to perform their duties of loyalty.

The Byron Alliance gained almost nothing from it, but the Andes people became part of the Byron Alliance in the name of the leader of the Eternal Night Army.

This is definitely a bad atmosphere. Once it starts, everyone will follow suit. It is possible that those Odin orcs are willing to be loyal to a certain family and become part of the Byron Alliance.

Normally, those lords and aristocrats poached the corners of the Byron Alliance one by one, and never tired of it, but this time they became out-and-out loyal people, and they were more able to jump than one.

The reason is that they did not benefit from it.

The most critical step in the matter of Baron Yongye was stuck in the Heraldry Academy.

The House of Arms, as the name suggests, is the place that is in charge of the registration of the coats of arms and logos of all Lords and nobles of the Byron Alliance. They faithfully record the rise and fall of every mainstay of the Byron Alliance—the noble families.

Although this department is located in Valesta, it is not under the direct control of the royal family, but is jointly managed by eight academicians.

The eight academicians represent the eight princely families, and only the most upright and selfless people from the eight major families can be academicians.

The power of this department can be said to be very small, even if it is a Qingshui yamen, there may not necessarily be a few things throughout the year. After all, the changes of a family of lords and nobles need to last for decades, or even hundreds of years, and the entire Lords and nobles of the Byron Alliance Not much to say, not much to say, as for those knight families, they are not qualified to let them record. If you want them to write, at least baron starts.

The authority of this department can be said to be very great. If it has not passed their review, even if the princess regent speaks in person, it will not work.

I don't know if it is a common problem of government departments. The longer it is established, the more internal rules and regulations will become, and the implementation will be more procrastinated.

And the Academy of Arms, which existed since the establishment of the Byron Alliance, is even more old-fashioned, exuding a decadent atmosphere from the inside to the outside.

The princess regent had submitted Baron Eternal Night's review for as long as one year and three months, but it took less than half a year for the review to really start.

There will be another update at 8:00 pm. For the remaining ten days of this month, there will be double updates, one chapter each at 8:05 pm in the morning and one chapter in the evening. If you find it troublesome, you can watch it together the next day!

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