The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 4 The Harvest

The long-haired hounds spread out, one occupied the highest point of the surrounding area, and the other lurked in the dark surroundings. This kind of hound was called a patrol dog, and it lived up to its name.

As for the wolfhounds, they seemed heartless and followed Sean in a desperate manner. They knew that there would be a fresh meal of bear's dirt to reward them soon.

Soon next to the Andis giant bear's body, a log frame was driven up, the size was just right, and it could support the Andis giant bear's limbs - it was obviously unrealistic to hang this behemoth.

For this bear hunt, from reconnaissance to follow-up finishing, it took nearly three months to prepare. If it weren't for Xiao Qi's impulsiveness, the whole bear hunting process could be called perfect.

Prior to this, Sean had made two long blood holes on the arteries of Andis's hind limbs while the giant Andis bear was still alive, draining as much blood as possible from its body.

There is a certain difference in the taste between blood-injected meat and non-blood-infused meat. Although the difference is not particularly large, it can be cooked better, so why have to settle for it.

In the process of skinning, Sean's method is similar to that of ordinary butchers.

The only thing worthy of praise is that his hands are strong enough. Except for the use of a knife when opening the seam, the whole process is done with both hands. I saw that when he tore it hard, a small half of the bear skin was peeled off. Long, but draped.

Next, Sean's method was completely different from that of ordinary butchers.

He was not in a hurry to disembowel the Andis giant bear and take out the internal organs, but started to pick the meat from one back paw.

The method of picking meat is very weird, neither cutting nor cutting, but plowing.

Plowing along the veins of the muscles, it seems that there are gaps between the muscles. His knife will follow the path of the muscle gaps, so it feels very weird, but if you look at it as a whole, it is full of a kind of The beauty is not only the beauty of Sean's knife skills, but also the beauty of creation.

With the rotation of the knife, pieces of meat with very different colors and textures were separated from the body one after another, and were sorted and arranged by Sean in an orderly manner. Occasionally, Sean would throw some fat strips of fat behind him, causing Come to the group of foodies to rob.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao En's expression was sacred and solemn, as if he was not slaughtering a prey, but performing a sacred sacrificial work.

The other children who had already set up the pot and started the fire had already gathered around, their immature faces were also solemn, and they looked very seriously, as if they were having an anatomy class, which was also the case.

This is the most essential part of every creature. If you have the opportunity to hunt alone in the future, remember to remove this part separately. If it is simply used as food, it will be a waste. Sean said from the depths of the muscles. , picked out a layer of darker muscle strips and threw them on the simple table in front of Marshall, saying to the children.

After Marshall took it, he smeared snow-white mineral salt on it very skillfully, and beat it quickly with a mallet, with a consistent rhythm. This muscle strip is more like leather than muscle, and it is full of toughness.

I know that this kind of leather can only make the most delicious soup after special treatment. A little boy with a slightly round face sucked his saliva.

Aiwen is a foodie, and he associates everything with food.

Leather muscle is the best food for high-intensity training, not for you as a snack.

However, the broth stewed from the leather muscle is indeed different from others, and the aroma alone makes people drool.

You look the same no matter what broth you eat, just like Xiaosan seeing meaty bones.

Aiwen must not have eaten less, otherwise why would he be fatter than us?

That's right, that's right, this matter must be investigated, Aiwen, have you stolen our public property?

These middle-aged and middle-aged children chattered and chatted for a while, children are children, no matter how mature they are, their words and actions still reveal childishness.

The discussion, which was serious at first, quickly went awry. It was not until Marshall coughed heavily that he blinked his small eyes and tried hard to restore his serious appearance. They still flirted with each other and continued the argument with their eyes .

The work in Sean's hands didn't stop, and he only stopped to explain some important places.

The medieval-like world we are in now has many similarities with the previous life. Most of the laws of physics are the same, and even the body structure of most creatures is similar. At least the appearance is not much different, but there are many details. Differences, such as wild creatures being a size or two larger than previous lives.

Another example is that the muscle strips in front of me are not found in previous life creatures. Sean called this kind of muscle strips leather muscles. It is a strengthened version of muscles, with a more complex structure, tougher, higher energy storage effect and explosive power.

Its energy storage effect is ten times that of fat of the same weight, which is a piece of natural military food.

If you add leather muscle to your training meal, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and it will be easier to exercise leather muscle-what you eat to make up for it makes sense in certain circumstances.

The amount of leather muscle is proportional to its value. It is a strengthened version of muscle, not a strengthened version of fat. It will only be produced under a certain intensity of exercise or training.

On livestock with little exercise, it is rare and pitiful, and it is considered as much if three to five kilograms can be removed from a strong bull.

Wild animals with a relatively large amount of exercise are obviously stronger, and the hunters have significantly more leather muscles than the hunted.

However, it is still relatively limited, no matter how smart a hunter is, they will not deliberately exercise their leather muscles like humans.

Just like the giant Andis bear in front of us, its rich food sources make it relatively limited in exercise. Although it has an outstanding body shape, the number of leather muscles is average, mainly concentrated in the limbs and head, and it can remove ten kilograms. Even if they get lucky.

Ten kilograms may seem like a lot, but when placed on a 3,000-kg behemoth, the output ratio can be seen.

In addition to leather muscles, there are also leather tendons and leather bones.

Different from leather muscle, there is no way to separate leather tendons from tendons and ligaments. The two are entangled and fused together. All living things have more or less leather tendons in their tendons and ligaments. The difference lies in the proportion of leather tendons in them. , the proportion can reach more than 70%, and it will only appear in one kind of creature - human, and it is a great knight who has undergone systematic and rigorous training.

The leather tendons of this giant Andis bear account for about 60%. Most importantly, the leather muscles connected to its limbs are long enough, especially those produced by the two hind legs. Up to three meters or more.

After special methods of removing impurities and tanning, although the weight is only one-third of the same thickness of the steel wire rope, the load-bearing capacity is three times that of it, and the toughness is ten times higher. It is an excellent bow string material for strong bows and crossbows.

Sean has been greedy for this kind of top-quality bow and arrow material for a long time, and even the supporting bow body and crossbow body have been suppressed two years ago. It is a pity that Andis giant bear is not as stupid as it looks on the surface, and the bear nature Dafa will also look at the situation, if it hadn't heard only a bow sound before, it would never rush forward rashly.

During the charge, it wasn't Sean who came out alone. It might also temporarily change direction and run away. Compared with the intact Andis giant bear in stamina, even the hounds were willing to bow down. This is why Xiao En placed the hounds. The reason is in the distance, but this cunning Andis giant bear still sensed the breath on the mountain ridge, and almost fell short.


Long-haired retrievers are typical vigilance and bird-catching dogs, between medium-sized dogs and large dogs. Its night vision is the strongest among the three dogs. They usually rest during the day and the first half of the night, and the second half of the night is their energy. at its peak.

It is difficult for predators to escape the double detection network formed by its vision and smell, and its strong sense of responsibility makes them rarely leave their posts even in the face of death threats.

In the legends of the Andes mountain people, there are many long-haired hounds who do not hesitate to use themselves as bait to lure the enemy away and rescue their masters. Their slender body and strong hind legs allow them to have more flexible turning and jumping abilities, hunting Low-flying birds are their specialty.

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