The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 54 Mother Arrives

Sean?! Elena stood up abruptly.

Her careless upbringing is not a qualified mother. It doesn't mean she doesn't love her child. It's just a piece of flesh that fell from her body. The hardship and price she paid when she was pregnant is even less humane to outsiders.

That is the greatest treasure in my life. When I first heard about him, I inevitably overreacted, What's going on?

The thing is like this! Alviria repeated what the Fox Kleist reported to Duke Borg, word for word.

The Duke's Mansion is strictly guarded, but it is only aimed at ordinary people. In the eyes of those who are interested, the Duke's Mansion is like a sieve that exposes its eyes everywhere. In less than half a day, no less than ten people will know about the things reported by Kleist the Fox. .

Three days later, the number will expand to a hundred.

A month later, even some people in the capital or other capitals will get the news.

It's really similar to Sean's handwriting. That idiot McGee can't play this kind of handwriting that takes advantage of the situation and makes surprise attacks from thousands of miles away,

When Ms. Elena heard that the Andis Mountain People were the winner, she breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, there was a look of embarrassment on her face.

As expected of the son I brought up. I don't know whether she is praising her son or herself.

It's natural. What Angelina said this time was purely flattering.

Although she met Sean once, it was already more than ten years ago. At that time, Sean was just born a few days ago, wrinkled, small, and ugly.

The only thing that left a deep impression on me was the pair of adult-like insightful eyes and the temperament of not crying or fussing. The rest is learned from Ms. Elena, all of which are boasting and praising words. The credibility is estimated to be only Thirty percent.

It's not that there is something wrong with Ms. Elena's character. It is precisely because she believes in her character that she will keep 30%. When every mother talks about her son, she will inevitably exaggerate.

No, I have to go back and have a look. Ms. Elena hesitated for a while, after all, she was worried.

No matter how mature the son is, he is still a child in the mother's eyes. Who knows if there is a bump, that old killer Bolton has some ability after all.

My illness will not cause serious problems in a short period of time. Aunt Elena, don't worry! It's because of me that I delayed my aunt's schedule, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles.

Angel Bella's face was full of self-blame.

Let Alviria take you back, so that the journey will be faster.

If you have this heart, even if your aunt doesn't love you in vain.

Elena couldn't help pinching her baby-like smooth face, sighing in her heart that it's good to be young.

I don't know how many times I have walked this way, even if you close your eyes, you can walk back. Your identity is too sensitive. If you can show up as little as possible, you should show up as little as possible. The matter over the Bastille should be settled. No matter how fast you rush, it won't help. Their main threat comes from your father, but this lion is too old, and its reaction ability and deterrent power are not as strong as before. The spoils distribution plan and the mobilization of the army will take at least a month's time.

It's not too old yet, and it can still move disgusting people's absurd thoughts. When talking about her father, Duke Borg, Angelbena's delicate eyes could not see a trace of nostalgia for her family, but only an unforgettable hatred.

If she hadn't awakened her talent as a warlock, if she hadn't met her teacher, it is still unknown whether she would have survived to this day. Even if she survived to this day by chance, she might become a plaything of her father.

This is not conjecture, my other two half-sisters are a lesson from the past.

One self-disfigured five years ago and went to a women's convent.

After giving birth to a twisted freak three years ago, one went completely crazy, crying like a ghost every night, and every time Angel Bena had the urge to escape from this huge cage.

Even now, every time she sees Duke Borg, the beast-like aggression in his eyes always gives her goosebumps.

Facing such a father, how could there be any affection? Usually hide as far as you can, wishing that your father would forget the existence of his daughter.

If it wasn't for the help of some facilities in the Duke's Mansion for this treatment, and if it wasn't for Ms. Elena's company, she wouldn't have set foot here at all. She usually lives in a private house in a civilian area far away from the castle, or even away from the aristocratic area.

It is the teacher's property, the private property of a core member of the Witches' Secret Society. Even if Duke Borg is the supreme ruler of the Manyu army, he will not trespass without authorization.

I didn't expect him to degenerate into this state! Elena sighed, time is really a butcher's knife, it can change a person's appearance, and it can also change a person's character.

With the growth of age and size, the talented and bold lion became more and more brutal. When he couldn't show his force on the battlefield, he brought this cruelty to his castle and family.

Your current treatment has been completed. Within three to five years, there will be no serious problems. When your teacher comes next time, you can go to Twin Islands with her!

No! Angie Bella's porcelain-like face had a determination that didn't match her weak appearance, I'm not going anywhere, I want to watch here, and I want to see with my own eyes that he pays the price for what he did. I want to see his family betrayed with my own eyes, and I want to see his family fall apart with my own eyes.

There are many ways to live in this world. Don't be blinded by hatred. Ms. Elena held Angelina's little hand and said, If your mother is still alive, I definitely don't want to see you like this. There are some things Let go of what should be let go, if you destroy yourself for revenge, it's not worth it.

Angel Bena smiled softly again, and turned her head to comfort Elena.

Don't worry, aunt, I know what I'm doing, and I won't do the kind of stupid things that put me in it. He has caused a lot of crimes in the past few years. All I have to do is watch from the sidelines. No one seeks revenge from him, sooner or later it will bring trouble to Xiao Qiang, he will not be sure about the heir, and he will choose the best one as the heir by raising Gu, which seems to be a smart move, but in fact it is extremely stupid, and the process of raising Gu consumes all the money. If the vitality of the Lun family is exhausted too much, then all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear.

Angel Bena's real hatred is limited to her own father, and she still has a certain affection for this family. There are many kind-hearted people like Alviria here, who once provided her with the greatest warmth with insignificant strength. And Sanctuary, it was they who kept her mind from being twisted like the rest of the family.

You know it yourself, it's best, take care of yourself, and my aunt will come to see you when she finds time.

Auntie, take care all the way. If there is any important news, I will notify you through the old channels.


Elena didn't want to delay for a moment. After saying goodbye in a hurry, she didn't even pack the luggage in the hotel. She only picked out the important belongings, changed her attire, bought two fast horses, and changed horses along the way without changing people. One day and one night , ran four hundred kilometers, and appeared under the city of Bastille.

There were also a few small episodes during the period. Several bandits and bandits took a fancy to Ms. Elena's war horse and wanted to do business without capital. When they found out that the seller was a woman, a beautiful woman , and impromptu, wanting to rob a color by the way.

The result can be imagined, if Ms. Elena usually spends a little time to investigate the degree of evil they usually do, and give them different degrees of punishment. Spicy punishment method.

At the same time, I secretly lamented Angie Bena's political vision. The Duke of Borg has become more and more powerful in recent years, and the entire Manyu army has been centralized. The ability to control the local area has not only not been strengthened, but has been continuously weakened.

The lives of the people at the lowest level have become more miserable, and they have to embark on this road of no return. There is a huge disaster buried under the seemingly prosperous Man Yu Army. Once it spews out, it will inevitably bring unimaginable disasters turmoil.

Another episode was that the sentry sent by Bastille had a solid fight with Ms. Elena, and the scene was naturally one-sided.

Ms. Elena is a secret language magician, capable of crushing the terrifying existence of the great knight. These outposts armed by mountain hunters can't go two rounds in front of her.

Ms. Elena was also deeply impressed by the wolves' cooperation ability and fearless fighting power displayed by these outposts. Elite prototypes can already be seen on them. Fortunately, Ms. Elena saw They are the faces of the Andes mountain people, and they didn't kill them, otherwise the scene where the mother and son meet again would be embarrassing.

When Ms. Elena was looking for Sean under the leadership of Ralph who rushed over after hearing the news, he was training profusely in the school grounds, leapfrog, bench press, variable-speed running with weights, three-shot——still the brand of fire in real time. Monitor the strengthening exercises your body has worked out.

Even in the most difficult period, Sean will complete it in stages, not to mention that now Bastille has entered a relatively stable state, let alone uninterrupted.

To put it a bit irresponsible, in Xiao En's eyes, no matter how important things are, they are not as important as his own training. If he does not have a healthy body, everything else is empty talk. This is the biggest lesson he has learned from his previous life.

The imitation effect is sometimes amazing. On the first day, it was just a training session for Sean, but on the second day, there were a lot of tails behind him.

Needless to ask, he must be a fanatical follower in the Youth Army. If he had the opportunity to get in touch with his follower, he would naturally refuse to let it go, even if he didn't say a word to train with him.

Then there are the soldiers of the Skull Crusher Legion. They were purely for fun at first, but after a try, they were surprised. Even if the knights wanted to follow, it was very difficult, especially in their eyes. After the set of training, many people's legs trembled.

The training plan Xiao En made using the brand of fire was aimed at tapping his own potential and strengthening his own functions. Although his physical fitness was still a long way from the knight level, his control of strength was beyond the reach of many knights. All these labor-saving techniques have been taken into consideration. If these reckless men resist without knowing the techniques, they will naturally suffer.

On the third day, those mountain hunters and affiliated soldiers joined in one after another. Their purpose is relatively simple. As long as the things the Boys do must be good and useful, these may be the unique training skills of the Boys , They don't shy away from it, so naturally they have to learn how to speak.

Then it became what it is now. Sean changed from individual training to group exercise. The entire school field was crowded and filled with a strong hormonal smell.


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