The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 58: Eternal Night

The adaptation of the Boys' Army was originally part of Xiao En's plan. It didn't matter if they had a formal name or not for the small fights at the beginning. Anyway, the number of people was small, and the conventions were customary.

They never thought that they would really take down the Bastille, let alone that Sean's call-up order caused such a big commotion in the Andes Mountains. With so many people gathered, Sean became like a tiger.

The speed of their expansion is so fast that they need to change from top to bottom, not only the adaptation of the Boys' Army, but the most important thing is Sean's own mentality.

He can no longer continue with the idea of ​​taking one step at a time and seeing one step at a time. That is definitely not what a qualified leader should have. It will only push the entire team into the abyss of eternal doom.

A few weeks ago, after the night attack, he hugged the cold body of his familiar brother and screamed silently. He didn't want to experience it again.

In the dead of night, Sean was always reflecting on himself, what exactly did he want?

Sean has been lost since waking up in this world again.

Having experienced the horror of reincarnation, he has little regard for many things, such as fame and fortune that he was more keen on in his previous life. When death comes, no matter how much money, power, and fame you have, powerless.

Ever since he was able to walk again, Sean started training day after day to make himself stronger. In the final analysis, it was to get rid of the shadow left by death in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he especially understands the current bull Eriksson. Some things have been engraved deep in his soul, and they cannot be forgotten if he wants to.

If the village hadn't been destroyed, Sean didn't know how long he would sink into the small world he built.

Witnessing the tragic situation in the village, when holding the cold little Elena, the boiling blood in his body clearly told Xiao En that his heart was not dead, he just covered his eyes and defrauded his ears.

The tragic situation of the Bastille slaves gave Sean a second shock. He knew that life as a slave was not easy, and it was not uncommon in movies and TV dramas in his previous life, but those artistically processed things are far from the real situation. The distance of a star and a half-people can live worse than animals.

Sean felt that he had to do something, not with lofty ideals of changing the world, but for himself and for his own sleep in the future.

The appearance of spicy fruit powder made Xiao En's thinking change even more.

He realized that he had stayed in this ignorant environment for too long, and he became a little stupid. If he had so many people in his hands a month ago, why did he spend several months hunting and killing the giant Andis bear himself?

Over the past month, there have been no less than a hundred beasts of various kinds dragged back by the outposts alone, among which there are five giant Andis bears, and two of them are bigger than the one Sean hunted and killed at the beginning. A bit huge, bear bones, tiger bones...

Sean can't run out of them. If you need any kind of herb, you only need to say a word, and it will be delivered in sacks in the afternoon.

It's not that Xiao En suddenly became interested in power and wealth, but he remembered the added value they brought.

Sean is not really wanting nothing. He has never stopped studying and researching magic arts. Climbing to the peak of magic skills is one of his life goals that he has set long ago.

French couple's wealth.

What I said is not wrong at all. If I have sufficient manpower and material resources, I will get twice the result with half the effort when I practice in the future.

After thoroughly thinking it over, Sean no longer passively pushed away, but started to plan actively. When he started to do something seriously, the burst of energy was beyond his expectation. .

The first thing to do in the adaptation of the Boys' Army was naturally to choose a number. This time Sean was dictatorial for a while, and directly threw out the name Yong Ye, which means the night is long, and the dawn is approaching.

Although it is Xiao En's autocratic name, it is quite popular, especially the former Boys Army and Boys Reserve, but they have given another meaning explanation-they are the army in the eternal night, waiting for the moment of tearing the darkness.

Then establish the composition of the army. Because of the feudal lordship system, the formation of the army on the continent of Ashan is full of strange patterns, such as knights, legions, noble private soldiers, local defenders, village militias, bandits, mercenaries, etc. There are many legions of various names. Countless.

Of course, there are all kinds of strange titles. As for the so-called leaders, legion commanders, generals, lords and so on at the highest level, needless to say, most of them are linked to the identity of the highest officer.

Let's take the units at the bottom of the army as an example. Some are called corporal leaders, some are called group leaders, and some are called small captains. The number of people varies from five to thirty.

As the nominal supreme ruler of the Arshan continent, the royal family of Lancelot formulated and announced the norms and standards for the regular army thirty years ago.

Five people form a team, and a team leader is set up.

Two Wuwu are a group, and a group leader is set up.

Three groups form a team, set up a team,

The three teams form one guard, with one guard chief,

The three guards are a school, and there is a school lieutenant,

The three schools form a group, with one group seat,

The three regiments are one army, with one general.

The implementation of any new policy, especially when it involves sensitive military affairs, must either have a strong economic strength or a military strength that makes people look up to, as a guarantee for a strong implementation, otherwise, it is just a dead letter.

Eisenhower Lancelot, the king of Lancelot who formulated this rule back then, was talented, but the Lancelot royal family has been weak for a long time. Obedience and violation, close the door, and do your own thing.

In addition, King Eisenhower was assassinated and killed at the golden age when he was preparing to display his ambitions. Various policies during his lifetime also came to an abrupt end.

As time went by, people of insight still discovered that King Eisenhower had a lot of merits in implementing military reforms. The five-man army was taken from the most classic model of a knight leading four followers, and then formed units in turn, and kept going. It is very convenient to accumulate and build on the Internet, separate into teams, and gather into an army.

Gradually many people began to use this standard, but usually a lot of private goods were added in the process, which became specious. The old Bolton is one of the representatives. Although the model is somewhat similar, the essence of it has not been absorbed.

It was this kind of military policy that Sean was planning to implement. As for the so-called squad, platoon, and company modern military concept, he wasn't going to introduce it at all.

Using the concept of hot weapons to modernize the army to manage the cold weapon army is simply nonsense, and compared to using a brand new concept, it is better to use the well-known, especially those subordinate engineers adapted from the Bastille slaves, which is easier to understand , get started quickly.

Sean needs to take care of most people, not ex-Boys who are super fast learners.

As I said before, if you really want to make a big deal, it is not enough to rely on the Boys Army. They are at best a skeleton, and the flesh and blood underneath need to be filled by ordinary people.

If you don't realize this point, both Xiao En and the Boys' Army will have a very small structure, and even in the Andes Mountains, there will be no big waves.

Ralph has now become the master of the monkey with sticky fur. He is very shrewd. He knows that Sean's words are not meant for him alone. The entire Boys Army and the Reserves.

The news of the adaptation was also spread out first, which was to inoculate them and prepare them psychologically.

It is also beneficial for the Boys Army to unknowingly turn Sean into a saint. At least Sean has enough power to speak in it, and a casual sentence will be highly valued, let alone this rare rage.

In their impression, it was unprecedented, and the degree of attention was beyond imagination. Before the adaptation plan was officially released, they held no less than a hundred internal interpretation and review meetings to deeply analyze their own problems and correct themselves. wrong thinking.

After discussing and revising overnight, the draft of the formation of the Eternal Night Legion was officially released.

Although the military concept of King Eisenhower was followed, it did not follow the scriptures, but added its own things to it, and each level independently set up dual positions, one officer and one officer.

One is in charge of formation and charging, and the other is in charge of logistics support and ideological work. The former's force and command ability take the main position, while the latter's head is crucial, and its own force is secondary.

There is no doubt that this is Xiao En's handwriting. Naturally, he imitated the political instructor system in the army of the country where he was in his previous life. If he wants to firmly grasp an army in his own hands, ideological work is the most important thing.

And the position of the deputies is far more than that. Sean is going to provide simple psychological training to those grassroots deputies, let them act as grassroots psychologists, help those soldiers vent their inner pressure, and reduce the occurrence of tragedies.

After Bolton was wiped out, there have been more than a dozen cases of Andes mountain hunters committing suicide. Most of these people were killed by slave hunters. It was endless darkness, and their only mission to live was revenge. When the Bastille was destroyed, they lost the motivation to continue living, and finally walked on the road of self-destruction.

Fortunately, Xiao En responded in a timely manner. After discovering this sign, he immediately started to investigate. If he found such signs, he forcibly controlled them and provided psychological counseling. The number has reached hundreds of people, but many people discovered it too late. Healing them is not an easy task.

Lessons learned from the past, Xiao En naturally needs to prepare for this, even if there is no psychiatrist in this world, he still has to create a batch.

In other words, Yiwu is not five people, but seven people.

Another change is that the three-three system is implemented from top to bottom. It is no longer a group of two, but a group of three.

These two changes do not seem to be big, but as the most basic unit, it directly affects the final size of the entire legion. If the original division is followed, after the formation of the army, the total number of people will be around 3,000. After switching to the new model, the number of legions will directly double times, nearly six thousand in total.


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