The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 66 Burning Flames

The number of sentinel riders has doubled, with the army as the center, to investigate all information within a radius of 20 miles, and not to miss any suspicious information.


The marching speed of the army has slowed down by 30%, pay attention to the connection with the food transportation team, and ensure logistical safety is the top priority.


Camp up outside Bastille tonight. Do not enter Bastille without authorization.


After a brief adjustment, the army led by Man Yu's army once again marched towards the Bastille.

Although the marching speed has decreased, the entire army has turned into a giant hedgehog.

Ambush such an army, it is difficult to get good, not to mention, if you are a little careless, you will be bruised all over your body.

Until the army drove outside the Bastille, let alone an ambush, not even a single living person was seen.

The empty door of the Bastille was wide open, all kinds of flags, dilapidated armors, were thrown all over the ground, even the city walls were dilapidated, covered with dark red bloodstains, which were the bloodstains that had not been cleaned after the motivating fight, the whole city was shattered. It looked like it had been devastated by the flames of war.

Christopher did not directly drive the army into the Bastille. This has nothing to do with Conrad's suggestion, but because of the instinct of a veteran. In the face of any abnormal situation, although being cautious may not be the most correct choice, it is the safest choice. .

At first, those noble private troops carried out the orders of General Christopher, but with the accidental leak of a piece of news, they completely exploded—I don’t know if the Andis people withdrew too hastily, or they didn’t know the goods, the bus There are a large number of antique calligraphy and paintings in the bottom that I haven't had time to take away.

In order to win the title of nouveau riche, old Bolton likes to collect antique calligraphy and paintings, and put them in his inner castle, pretending to be aristocratic and elegant, and he is famous in the whole Man Yu army.

It is said that nearly half of the wealth created by Bastille was bought by him. There are many famous authentic treasures, many of which are hard to come by. Four thousand Byron gold coins are more than the annual fiscal revenue of a small town.

Not to mention those little lords and nobles with serious deficit crisis, their eyes are shining, even many noble lords with rich families are also very eye-catching. Why did they come here so far away?

Kill the enemy and serve the country.

That's for those young people whose brains haven't grown up yet.

Make contributions.

This is true, but the real purpose behind making contributions is still for wealth.

But now wealth is right in front of them, within reach.

At the beginning, many people still had scruples, but after more and more people poured into the Bastille, they became impatient.

No matter how many old Bolton's collections are, they are limited. Now they are all fast, and they are late, and there is not a single hair left. As for Christopher's military orders, they have long since thrown them into the sky.

It was too late for Christopher to stop them. After all, they belonged to the nobles' private army and had great freedom of action. What's more, they were not the only ones who were jealous. The direct descendants of the Faerun family led by him were very jealous.

The generals of the four main armies had entered and exited his camp no less than three times, and they all suggested that he move the army directly to the Bastille. For this reason, he racked his brains and listed several plausible necessities.

In the final analysis, I was still jealous of the temptation of wealth and wanted to get a share.

Not only the leaders, but even the soldiers below, many of them fled out of the camp with envy, and wanted to follow them into the Bastille to grab a fortune. Some were bold and reckless, and some were instructed by their own superiors.

It was only after dozens of ranks of leaders, including several school guards, that Christopher completely curbed this greed, but since then, his reputation among the four legions will plummet.

As the saying goes, blocking people's way of making money, such as killing parents, how could it be possible for him to kill so many parents today?

However, this resentment only lasted for half a night. When the fire blazed up into the sky, and when Donglei echoed in his ears from the bottom up, everyone's eyes on Christopher changed, and all the cursing in their hearts turned into praise. words.

Such things as predicting the enemy's opportunity, predicting things like a god, being wise and powerful, and predicting the future... all fell to the old general.

Little did they know that the heroic and mighty general they spoke of was also covered in cold sweat at this moment—he was shocked.

Only he knows that he is far from being as tough as he appears. Under the pressure from the bottom to the top, his heart has been shaken. It is not because of his greed for the wealth in the Bastille, but because his seat comes from the soldiers. Support, if he loses the support of the soldiers, his value in the eyes of Duke Borg will plummet.

If the opponent starts later, he will be ready to drive the army into the Bastille tomorrow morning.

Whence the fire of the Bastille began no one can say.

It seemed that in just a few minutes, the entire Bastille was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and those lords and nobles who were fascinated by wealth and their private soldiers panicked like frightened mice.

Screaming, cursing, and crying were intertwined. At this moment, they didn't care about wealth at all. They only hated their parents for giving birth to their own two legs, and there was no way to escape from this fiery purgatory.

The frightened crowd began to swarm towards the city gate, and in just a few minutes, a large city gate was tightly packed.

At this moment, they don't have any intention of being friendly and courteous. They all want to be the first to run out, even if the lords who once held the power of life and death are crowded next to them. In order to grab the right to leave the city first, many people even draw their swords. , Blood flowed like a river in front of the city gate.


Their only hope of getting out of the city was dashed with an earth-shattering bang.

The entire city gate exploded, and the flames soaring into the sky were tens of meters high, covering hundreds of meters in the rain of fire, like a volcanic eruption.

The fire rain has a strong flammability, falling on people, the wind will not disperse it, and the water will not extinguish it. Even iron armor will burn violently for several minutes. Even if it rolls around the world, the effect will not be great.

Hundreds of human-shaped torches appeared on the spot, wailing frantically and fleeing, intensifying the spread of the fire in the entire city.

Only then did everyone realize that the inconspicuous places in the Bastille were piled up with oily wood, and the other party had already turned this place into a huge oven, just waiting for them to jump into it.

They were blinded by wealth before, and they didn't even notice these deadly threats. Even if someone noticed, they didn't think about the traps, but thought about how to transport them back and make a lot of money.

ah ah ah...

Countless soldiers who were already on fire and had nowhere to go jumped directly from the walls of the Bastille.

The city wall of Bastille is not high, which is the level of the county level, but it also looks like seven or eight meters. Jumping directly from the top, even if it is a knight level, it is easy to be injured if you are a little careless, let alone ordinary soldiers.

Broken legs abound, and occasionally a few lucky ones were nailed to death by countless arrows before approaching the camp a hundred meters away.

Compassion does not command soldiers.

An old general like Christopher would never allow anyone to attack his camp, not even his comrades in arms.

As for rescue.

Such thoughts did not even appear in Christopher's mind.

In the face of this near-natural disaster, manpower is limited, and they have no choice but to watch from a distance.

What's more, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them in the dark, as long as they show a little flaw, the other party will rush out from the darkness like a hungry wolf and tear their throats.

At the beginning, I could vaguely hear various screams, but soon disappeared completely, leaving only the crackling sound of burning, and the air was filled with a strong smell of barbecue, and countless people knelt on the spot Vomiting endlessly.

I don't know how many inflammables the other party has piled up in the Bastille. The fire lasted for a whole day and night, and it was not completely extinguished until a heavy rain in the morning of the third day, but still no one dared to enter the city.

The entire city was burned by the fire, and when the heavy rain poured, the entire city wall was crumbling and collapsing.

The battle damage was quickly counted. Thanks to Christopher, the direct line of the Phelan family was basically intact, but the private army of the nobles was less than one third of what it was when it arrived. That is to say, the fire killed two people. More than ten thousand people.

One of them is a hereditary earl with the same title as him, eight hereditary viscounts, and more than 30 hereditary barons. As for the number of lords and knights, they cannot be counted in a short time.

This fire completely burned to death one-third of the powerful local nobles in the Man Yu army leader. Such a battle loss has never been seen in the Man Yu army leader since its establishment.

Even General Christopher, who doesn't know much about politics, knows that Commander Man Yu is in big trouble this time.

Behind a hereditary lord represents a hereditary family, and every time one dies, a hereditary family will change power.

The alternation of power in hereditary families has never been called harmony, especially in hereditary families with real power.

It is commonplace for brothers, uncles, nephews, sisters, and fathers and sons to be beaten to the head, especially when the previous patriarch did not leave a last word and died suddenly, the possibility of violence caused by this change of power is higher.

With so many lords and nobles dead all at once, General Krystov couldn't imagine what kind of demons and demons would be like in the future.

The most terrible thing is the blow to morale. When you mention the fire and the explosion like winter thunder, many soldiers are still pale.

The enemy's face was never seen. An empty city, a pile of antique calligraphy and paintings, cost so many lives.

The topic of the soldiers' discussions has completely changed. They no longer have the ambition to make contributions, nor the confidence that they can kill a few on the battlefield.

The good ones just want to go home, while the bad ones are saying that the enemies they face this time are not humans, but the evil spirits and spirits in the Andes Mountains, to punish them for the harm they have done to the Andes mountain people over the years , it is not invincible at all.

Once this kind of person was discovered, Christopher cut them down without hesitation.

There is no way to go down this battle. Without the cover of the Bastille, the ancient Jacob River is not like an undefended girl with her legs spread apart, but an invisible bottomless giant opened by the Andes Mountains. Mouth, just wait for them to deliver to the door.

Who knows if there is another big fire waiting for them inside-there is no shortage of trees in the Andes Mountains.

However, neither General Christopher nor the titular supreme commander Patram dared to make such a decision. They sent sentry rider Xingye to report to Duke Borg, waiting for his instructions.

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