The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 35 – Patrick Redfield

Emperor and his girls enjoyed their time partying in San Faldo, the Carnival City.

As with most carnivals, there were plenty of games and sports. 

Emperor, being extremely skilled in nearly everything won all the prizes, giving them to his girls who happily walked with him carrying multiple plush toys and other prizes. 

Of course being with so many gorgeous girls, and winning practically all his games and every bet, made Emperor alot of enemies, but every back alley attack turned into nothing as his girls were powerful enough to handle it without him. 

After a few weeks, they got bored of the parties and decided to head to Pucci, the Gourmet City. 

Unknowingly, they were followed by someone, who also travelled from San Faldo to Pucci. 

Emperor and his girls enjoyed their time eating extravagant creations of the chefs there, eating and drinking their fill. 

They enjoyed themselves there for another few weeks, eating everything from all the famous places every day. 

Finally, growing bored of just eating and drinking, Emperor decided it was time to set sail again. 

As they walked towards the docks, they were suddenly surrounded by an incredible force, one that would shake the foundations of the world if anyone witnessed it.

There were the 7 Shichibukai namely Mihawk, Doflamingo, Kuma, Hancock, Law, Buggy and Whitebeard Jr.

There was the Marine Fleet Admiral Sakazuki as well as Admirals Kizaru, Fujitora, Ryokugyu and even Kuzan who wasn't even a Admiral anymore.

There were the 4 Yonko's Blackbeard, Big Mom, Shanks and Kaido.

And most shockingly, there was the two dead pirates Gold Roger and Whitebeard!

Robin was so shaken, she fell to her knees in fear. The others were not from this dimension, so they were not as fearful, although they could feel the shocking power of this group of attackers. 

Emperor looked at them and laughed, immediately attacking. 

One by one, he smashed them, each killed in one punch or kick!

He hasn't had a good fight in a long time where he could let loose since he took Saitama's body. 

He went through his movements of Suiryu's "Void Fist Style", killing all the Shichibukais. Then he changed forms to Bomb’s “Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist”, killing all the Admirals. 

Then he used Bang’s “Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist” to illuminate the Yonkos effortlessly.

Then two "super serious punches" killed both Roger and Whitebeard. 

He kissed his fist after destroying all the ambushes and said in a loud voice. 

"Like what you are seeing Redfield? Or would you want to give a try too?" he asked. 

Patrick Redfield walked out of the shadows, his hands up surrendering in defeat. 

"I knew you were powerful, but I can't believe how powerful you are!" Red said. 

"You know who I am?" Emperor asked. 

"I know you are named Emperor from your conversations around, but I believe you are the pirate known as the mysterious but powerful Panty Pirate!" Red answered. 

"Good deduction" Emperor smiled. "So what are your intentions? Do you want to fight too?" Emperor asked further. 

"I did. But not anymore. You're obviously superior. I was once the equal of Rogers and Whitebeard. But I've grown old and it looks like even in my prime I was no match for you" Redfield shook his head. 

"I can hold back and fight in a non-lethal manner, if it will unloose a knot in your heart, removing all doubts" Emperor offered, knowing Red was still unconvinced yet terrified at how easily he destroyed all the clones. 

"You can? Alright. Please enlighten me" Red smiled. 

Emperor released his fighting aura, similar but different to this dimension's Emperor Haki. 

Red suddenly trembled and fell to his knees, pee clearly flowing down his thighs and wetting his pants. 

All he could see was his death in front of him, looking at Emperor like a God squashing an ant. 

"Satisfied?" Emperor smiled. 

Red was still shaking as he nodded. 

"Anyway, I have to thank you. I haven't let loose for a long time, an although it was brief, I enjoyed myself" Emperor said walking past him and towards his ship. 

As Red looked at Emperor and his girls from the back, Emperor waved backwards as he disappeared. 

Red subconsciously waved back, then slowly stood up. 

"Damn, so embarrassing to wet my pants" he said to his companion Pato. 

"You did more than that!" Pato said holding his nose. 

Red suddenly noticed that his butt was sticky and he was starting to stink. 

"Damn. What a terrifying guy" Red said walking like a duck to avoid shit flowing down his pants. 

Back at the ship, the girls asked "Who was that?"

"He is Patrick Redfield" Emperor answered. 

"Patrick Redfield!" Robin gasped.

"Do you know him?" Elsa asked.

"He's a former legendary pirate who was Rogers and Whitebeard's match before he was imprisoned in Impel Down. Apparently he escaped when Luffy crashed the prison, like Bullet did." Robin explained. 

"Alright then. Computer, head to Saboady" he ordered and the ship started running and headed towards the archipelago.

"Excited to rejoin your crew?" Emperor asked as they stood on the deck as his arms draped around Robin's body, his hand entering her top and kneading her breast. 

"Yes and no. I still have 4 months before the deadline. I want you inside me till then" she said, removing her top and turning around to kiss him, pressing her breasts on his bare chest. 

"Yes ma'am" Emperor said as she removed his briefs, releasing his already hard cock. 

The other girls got on with their duties as they watched Emperor fuck Robin loudly on one of the deck chairs. 

"Is she going to monopolize him the whole time till she leaves?" Brandish asked. 

"You know how it is. Emperor get's fully immersed in each dimension, he spends the most time with those he meets in the dimension, leaving the rest of us as mere props." Tatsumaki said in a disgrunted manner. 

"Luckily, he's made these for us" Elsa said, bringing out all the copies of his cock. 

They were real, not mere dildoes, and he could feel every one of them as if they were the cock attached to his body. 

"How considerate" Dimaria said as she took one and started playing with it. 

Soon, all the girls were fucking replica's of Emperor's cock while he enjoyed Robin. 

Over the following weeks, ships that had entered the Florian Triangle were assaulted by strange sounds. 

Instead of creepy silence that scared the crews, instead all they heard were sexy groans and moans. 

Instead of being afraid, the crews got aroused and could not think of anything other than sex. 

They could even swear that they could smell the smell of sexual fluids in the air. 

As more and more ships disappeared in the Florian Triangle over the following weeks, their last thoughts were not of fear, instead they were too entranced with fantasies of sex as they vanished mysteriously. 

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