The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 107: Escape (3)

As we made our way out of the long prison corridor, we found ourselves in a bandit hideout.

The Green Forest Bandits were already waiting for me, each donning a red bandana.

“Leader! Please, take the stage!”

I left Tang Hwarin for a moment and, guided by a green-haired executive, climbed onto a small, makeshift platform.

As I ascended, the red bandanas became more visible. Standing on the platform, all eyes were on me, each seated with their weapons in hand.

From young adults who had just shed their adolescent appearances to middle-aged men with streaks of white in their beards, all were eagerly anticipating my words.

The day of the decisive battle.

The day of the revolution.

Soon, the chief and his deputy would finish their task, and this place would become a battlefield.

The Green Forest Bandits, who had joined the revolution at the risk of their lives. What should I say to them?

I took a deep breath and then opened my mouth, my voice strengthened by the Soyun Sim Sang Gyeol technique.

“Today is the day of the revolution. Everyone.”

Low but powerful. A voice that could inspire them just before boiling over.

“The heavens have made us this way. The filthy, despicable heavens! It drove us into the mountains and forced weapons into our hands. Until now, we have been deceived by this world, feeding on the tears of the people.”

The blame started by being shifted to the heavens.

A normal person wouldn’t become a bandit. But that didn’t change the fact that they were criminals. First, let’s absolve them of their sins through our words.

“If this is the decree from the heavens! Should we follow it!?”

I shouted loudly, asking them.

“No! We have been deceived by the heavens!”

“We can no longer feed on the tears of the people!”

A few of the Green Forest Bandits responded to my question with emotional faces. Model students. I’d give them full marks for attitude as long as they don’t ask any questions right before class ends.

“Today! We! Will change the decree given to us by the heavens! Today, we will initiate a revolution!”

I stretched out my hands, emphasizing that they were all here for the revolution.

“The chief is a bourgeois. The chief is a harmful bandit! He and his close associates, who drink the tears of wealth like liquor, will never fully accept our ideology. Therefore! Today we will! Overthrow the bourgeoisie!”

As I spoke, a group of people, not wearing bandanas, approached, led by a man in a red bandana.

“As you said! We’ve broken the chains of the prisoners! We’ve opened the doors and brought them all here.”

These were people who had been captured in the last few days by the courier agency or those imprisoned for not being able to pay the toll.

Fortunately, they followed well. The current power structure of the Black Tiger Gang was evenly split at 50-50.

Although our numbers were similar, the other side had asymmetric strategic advantages, the chief and his deputy, who were stronger in martial arts. Therefore, the prisoners were my trump card.

Though these couriers were defeated one by one by the green forest bandits, gathering all the couriers here to join our forces makes us a match for the chief’s forces.

“Prisoners! Put on the red bandanas! Take up arms! If you don’t have weapons, hold a sickle and hammer! Today, there will be no one alive in this fortress who isn’t wearing a red bandana! Today, what you lose are your chains! What you gain is the green forest! Join the revolution!”

I truly wanted to make this a successful revolution. There were people who divided the world in two, even with sickles and hammers. If you didn’t have weapons, at least quickly join the revolution with farming tools.

The green forest bandits heeded my words and distributed weapons or farming tools like sickles and hammers among them, donning red bandanas.

Once everyone was seated, each adorned with red bandanas, I too received one from an executive.

“We do not discriminate based on social status, origin, or hair color! We shall wear this red bandana, following the spirit of Hong Gil-dong!”

Proudly, I put on the red bandana in front of them and tightened it around my head.

As I donned the red bandana, I could see the determined will in the eyes of the bandits.

Now, let’s ignite the fire in their hearts.

“In our hearts! We carry one party! The world! The heavens! Will not call us the Black Tiger Band but the Righteous Outlaws!”

I pointed to the sky, proclaiming as if shouting that we defy the fate bestowed upon us.

“We are… the Righteous Outlaws!”

“The children will shout, ‘Mom, when I grow up, I want to be a Righteous Outlaw!’”

“Leader! We will become the Righteous Outlaws!”

This felt almost like a cult meeting in terms of enthusiasm.

“Now! Let’s overthrow the bourgeoisie! Create a trickle-down effect! And transform this green forest into the true Righteous Outlaws! Everyone, stand up!”

Let’s wrap this up and release this enthusiasm now.

“Everything is!!!”

I placed my fist against my left chest, demanding the one answer that lies within their hearts.

“Everything is for one party!!!”

“Everything is for one party!!!”

“Everything is for one party!!!”

Everyone raised their fists to their chest and shouted the answer I wanted.

“Green forests of the Central Plains, unite!!!”

Let’s go! To the revolution!


I was off to Yichang!

“For the Righteous Outlaws!!!”

“For Leader Kang Mo!!!”

“For Brother Hong Gil-dong!!!”

“What the hell is this!”

The chief and his forces, returning from their daily tasks, were greeted by a revolution.

“Hwarin! Kill all those who aren’t wearing red bandanas!”

I was holding Tang Hwarin’s hand, rushing through the streets of the revolution.

“Are we running towards the chief now? Are we finally completing the revolution?”

Why was she like this?

“No! We’re running away like this!”


Despite Tang Hwarin’s puzzled voice, I dragged her to the stables.

Upon arriving, a green-haired executive from the forest was waiting for me.

“Leader! As you requested, the best horse! I’ve loaded it with your luggage, travel expenses, and the weapons needed for a long journey.”

The executive pointed to a magnificent horse laden with luggage.

“You’ve done well! It looks like a really good horse!”

“It’s called a triple crown horse, whose parents both won big races three times. There’s a rumor that it’s so clever it understands human speech.”

Just hearing about it, it seems like a remarkable horse. If it were a car, it might not be in the million but in the billion range.


“Why is it like this?”

As I tried to mount the horse, it violently resisted.

“…That one has a bit of a temper and doesn’t like to carry people.”

Then why choose this horse? As I sent an incredulous look to the executive, he confidently met my gaze as if he had followed my instructions to the letter.

No time to argue, maybe we should switch the luggage to another horse.


Suddenly, as the horse screamed, I turned around in surprise to find Tang Hwarin next to the horse, holding an acupuncture needle.

“Who do you think you are to act up, horse! If you don’t carry us, know that I’ll keep jabbing your butt with this needle!”

Hwarin. Would the horse understand if you do that? Guess I needed to tell her to hurry up and unload the luggage.


It understood.

The horse, as if conceding it would no longer act arrogantly, submitted as if to say, “Fine! I won’t be cocky anymore!”

Now we just needed to escape.

“Leader. Are you really going like this?”

The executive, who had been watching for a while, asked me worriedly.

“Didn’t I tell you? Even if the revolution succeeds, the Righteous Outlaws don’t need a leader. If I stay here, I’ll just become a bourgeois like the chief. I want to remain only as a symbol, like Hong Gil-dong, to them.”

“If you leave, Leader, we’ll be lost.”

“You won’t lose your way, Jeokrin. I’ve heard you’ve written down everything I’ve ever said.”

I reminded my ardent follower, Jeokrin, that he knew how to write and had documented all my teachings.

“It’s true I dared to write down everything the Leader has said. But that alone is insufficient.”

“With you, who has documented my words and reviewed them daily, I’m not worried. Jeokrin. You lead the Righteous Outlaws.”

Hey. I didn’t have time to argue with you. You be the leader. I was not interested in that role.

“Me, me? Someone as lowly as me… Ack!”

Slap! Annoyed by the time-waster, I slapped him hard across the cheek.

“How dare you wear a red bandana and call yourself lowly! Have you forgotten the words of Brother Hong Gil-dong, that all people are equal!”

As I yelled, Jeokrin, holding his cheek in shock, then knelt down, shedding tears.

“Leader! I’m too afraid I won’t be able to uphold the values of the Righteous Outlaws or lead them properly!”

It didn’t matter how you led. If I spoke my mind, I wouldn’t be able to escape, so I guess I had to sugarcoat it a bit.

I grasped Jeokrin’s shoulders and said with a determined face.

“Jeokrin. Even though I’ll remain as a symbol, if it seems like the Righteous Outlaws have lost their way, I will return. So, lead the Righteous Outlaws until then.”

I looked at Jeokrin, hoping he’d just take the bait and let me go.

“…Leader. Until the day you return, I will! I will lead the Righteous Outlaws.”

Jeokrin looked at me for a while, then, with a determined expression, saluted me.

No. You couldn’t make me come back. It’s not like you’re a mobile game company that ruined operations every time someone else was put in charge of distribution.

I developed it, so you’re expected to handle the distribution and operations properly.

After glancing at Jeokrin with a slightly anxious expression, I mounted the horse alongside Tang Hwarin.

“Take good care of the Righteous Outlaws! Let’s go!”

Grasping the reins, I helped Tang Hwarin up behind me and we left the stables.

“Down with the bourgeoisie! The chief is a harmful bandit!”

“Are you listening? The angry song of the green forest!”

“For Brother Hong Gil-dong! For the Leader!”

“We’re not the Black Tiger Gang anymore! We are the Righteous Outlaws!”

“Join the revolution! You too!”

What chaos.

Exiting the stables, we found ourselves in the midst of a battlefield.

“…Hey. Yun-ho.”

Tang Hwarin, trembling with unease, clung to me.

I knew it would come to this. Our only chance to escape. Can we break through here and flee from the Black Tiger Gang? No time for anxious thoughts.

It’s time to utilize the horseback riding skills of the notorious Joseon playboy, Kang Yun-ho, who rode countless fine horses.

“Hold tight! We’re going!”

I tightened my grip on the reins and shouted to Tang Hwarin as we began to gallop away.

A golden opportunity! One that would never come again!

We’re escaping like this!

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