The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 107

Night has truly turned cold, and the chilly days of autumn have arrived. Brrrrr!

All the trees have changed colors, and the bare, gaunt trees have increased in number. Creak!

Winter is approaching with giant strides! Thud! Thud!

As the dreary season arrives, an event has occurred from a faraway place. Dun-dun-dun!

Byeongil and Jungjae-woo. Ding!

These two have been caught by an organization called the Murim Alliance. Gasp!

Yes, two individuals who fled far away from the Cheonma Church three months ago. Whoosh!

They were detected by a Murim member due to their purple hair and were sent to the Murim Alliance for interrogation. Zap!

It was discovered there that they were from the Cheonma Church. Busted!

In short, they were drugged and tortured. Ouch!

And it wasn’t just your average, run-of-the-mill torture, either. Whew!

Their identities were thoroughly dug up using unknown techniques. Dig, dig!

There were techniques that seemed too outlandish for the world of martial arts based on faded memories. Wow!

It’s so bizarre that it’s presumed to be related to the Tongcheon leader, Daegon. Yikes!

Of course, it wasn’t Daegon’s own techniques; his were centered around bioengineering, so the tech direction differs. Hmm…

But there are other immortals in this world besides Daegon, you know. Ta-da!

There are many immortals, in fact. Ding!

Originally, Daegon was exiled from another world, invaded this one, got defeated, and fled deep underwater. Splash!

This means there’s an immortal who defeated Daegon. A stronger immortal. Whoa!

They reside on Kunlun Mountain. Mountains rising!

There are signs of techniques presumed to be from that side. Zap!

Techniques for extracting a soul from a living person and peering into their memories are on a whole different level, right? Mind-blown!

Moreover, the technology to project images into the air was something that could only exist in SF according to faded memories. Sci-fi moment!

There are such technologies in a few worlds during my harvesting period, but they’re far beyond reach. Far away!

They used wooden sculptures floating in the air to extract light from the harvesting body. Woosh!

Then, the light tinged in purplish hues burst forth from the flesh. Boom!

In the room where the harvesting victim’s soul was extracted, one person gathered others and explained that this is a fallen soul toward the light. Shhh!

They claimed that the Yeokcheonma Gi has corrupted the soul, leading it to become this way. Eek!

This color represents the chaos that turns the world upside down, an evil power that should never be associated with. Ominous!

How dreadful! Horrifying!

And indeed, the light was the soul. Aha!

In the end, I figured it out. Eureka!

But that’s not the only piece of information I’ve found. Ding!

One of the people gathered opposite the experts asked if it was possible to return the soul to its original state. Curious!

The presumed expert definitively stated that there’s no way to clean a corrupt soul. Nope!

At the very least, it means such technology does not exist in this world. None here!

If I could remove my blessing, my warmth would disappear, you know? Poof!

If I were classified as a disease, I could be treated. Yikes!

Ugh, horrifying! Shudder!

Or they might not know, but there’s a faint possibility such technology exists somewhere in this world. Hmm…

That location is presumed to be Kunlun. Found it!

Those who live there might possess such technology. Tech-savvy!

Immortals. Sparkle!

Collectively called immortals, but generally, they’re special forms of life close to one individual per species. Unusual!

No, some of them are hard to consider living beings at all. Strange!

They must be warm… Warm, fuzzy feelings!

No, ahem. Clears throat!

We must be cautious of them. Watch out!

For now, it seems there are no immortals among those interpreting the harvesting victim inside the Murim Alliance. There’s no great light visible. Shh!

Yet, there are individuals who handle special techniques. Secrets!

They discovered a woman turning people into harvesting victims from Byeongil and Jungjae-woo’s memories. Eeps!

And they designated her as an evil seductress corrupting people. Villain alert!

Yes, that would be me! Ta-da!

They figured out I was in the Cheonma Church, lamenting that many have already fallen into my grasp. Gulp!

They declared that they must attack the Cheonma Church before the Cheonmas increase. Charge!

And at the end of that declaration, they said to purify the evil aura, they inserted light into a strange device. Zing!

The light that entered slowly melted away into nothingness. Sizzle!

At that moment, my gaze snapped off. Wink!

I can break the light. Boom!

That’s right; I can break the vessel. Smash!

Thinking that the vessel is indestructible is quite an irrational thought. Duh!

They obliterate the soul. They incinerated it so that no trace remained. Burn, burn!

Such technology exists too. Surprise!

But I’m not overly worried. Eh, whatever!

Because I remember what Eunjai did. Remembering!

After becoming a harvesting victim, Eunjai killed people at will in the Murim. Slice!

He did it all in the name of revenge until he eventually returned to the Cheonma Church, started a family, and died of old age. The circle of life!

Though he acted a bit strangely in his later years, resembling someone with dementia, he still achieved everything he wished for. Hmm!

So, if Murim is like that, with Cheonma and Oh Myeong-seong, it shouldn’t be a big problem. Easy-peasy!

So, to put it another way… Ready?

This means that after this winter, when spring arrives, a significant warmth absorption event will occur! Spring has sprung!

Still, given the times, it would be tough to fight in winter. Brrr!

Even with the clumsy knowledge at hand, it seems fast approaching this spring or late. Fast forward!

If it’s delayed, it might push a few years back, but I don’t think they’ll let it slide that easily. Hold on!

Ultimately, from what I learned through Jungjae-woo and Byeongil, they’re bound to invade. Watch out!

They are in a panic fearing that more Cheonmas like me might emerge. Eek!

I actually saw the Law Keeper, who is merely strong, use the Cheonma Martial Art before my own eyes. Are they going to just watch as the Cheonma who turned Murim into a mess is mass-produced? Oh no!

Fear is a powerful driving force, you know. Frightening!

Hehehe! Evil laughter!

Now I just have to wait. Patience!

As I’m watching the happenings far away to the north, Soo-oh walks into the room. Swoosh!

“Choseol, what are you doing?” Curious!

“Just sitting still.” Chillax!

“So that’s why you’ve gotten so chubby?” Belly rub!

Soo-oh slyly approaches and places her hand on my chest. Thump!

It is indeed considerable. Given my physique, I’m broader than Rebecca, but in terms of proportion, I just look like a tall woman. Tall tales!

However, in this world, being tall is a demerit. Even if the face is beautiful, if you’re too tall, they’ll say you’re ugly. Womp womp!

Or maybe people don’t come to become harvesting victims because I’m ugly? Doubtful!

That’s a possibility. Hmm…

But I can’t choose my vessel. No, to be precise, I can choose, but when the opportunity arises, I’m not so easygoing as to reject it simply because I’m not human or my appearance is terrible. Not picky!

However, both vessels were beauties, that’s for sure. Fabulous!

Standards of beauty change with the ages, that’s unavoidable. From that standpoint, Soo-oh is too skinny. Yikes!

“You’ve been too skinny all along. Soo-oh, you’re still too slender.” Health tip!

“Tell that to the Martial Uncle. I’m saying it’s really tough these days. I’m not gaining weight; I’m losing weight!” Dramatic sigh!

Soo-oh sprawls over my legs, whining. Pout!

From around the time the weather got tremendously cold, Cheonma and Soo-oh started sparring, both wielding swords. Slice, slice!

Looking back on my memories, it seems a bit early. Oof!

Considering Soo-oh’s late start… Hmm!

Well, with the teaching Cheonma having better knowledge than I do through memories, I’m sure they’ll teach well. Smart cookie!

“I’m not good at fighting, so just follow what Cheonma teaches you.” Teacher mode!

“Waaah!” Surprise!

Yet she still doesn’t say no. Okay!

It seems she doesn’t dislike getting stronger. Flex!

But Soo-oh is staring at me. Gaze!

I can tell where her gaze and body are moving, but I cannot discern her thoughts. Hmmm…

If I don’t know, I should just ask. Ding!

“Why?” Curious!

“Um, I just think it’s strange how Choseol insists on using polite language. You talk formally, regardless of who you’re dealing with, right?” Hmm!

Yeah, I’m speaking formally. Respect!

Respect and etiquette can sometimes become powerful weapons. Ding ding!

For me, crawling beneath others is more advantageous than standing over them. Crawl!

It’s not too late to dominate others after knowing everything about me. Sly!

“Does that seem strange?” Questioning!

“I think it’s odd to use formal language with someone younger. Especially toward a servant.” Hmm…

That’s more like referring to oneself. Awkward!

I thought I accepted it without much questioning, but I guess it’s puzzling for them. Hmm!

Originally, Soo-oh was sent here as my servant. And I obtained ownership from Cheonma. Bingo!

But I gave Soo-oh her freedom. Freedom to do whatever she wants. Freedom!

“I had no choice. I decided that from the start.” Stubborn!

Upon my words, Soo-oh stares at me intently. Her expression mixed with curiosity, disappointment, and various other emotions. Awkward!

“I feel like I’m hitting too many walls.” Slam!

Yeah, it’s understandable. You’ve hit the nail on the head. Ding!

I’m indeed building walls. Brick by brick!

Very, very, very solid walls. Whoosh!

I’m blocking the view behind them at all costs, with walls. Block!

What lies behind those walls, I have no intention of showing anyone. Secret!

Behind them are only screams driven mad by the cold. Cold scream!

While it seems the Cheonma has glimpsed the traces, judging by their sympathetic feeling towards me, they haven’t seen the horrific and disgusting reality. Ew!

If the door behind those walls opens even once, it’ll be all over. Ding!

Like having been injected with a drug that completely destroys brain cells, I’ll never be able to return. Oh no!

If it opens, behind it will be nothing but fierce deeds that will become trapped somewhere, never to regain warmth. Trapped!

“This is something I want to show, but I can’t.” Sigh!

“Are you not planning to open up your heart?” Awkward!

That hits quite close to home. Bingo!

This topic is troublesome. Yikes!

At least, while I’m in the Cheonma Church, I don’t intend to act harmful to anyone. Peace!

Let’s shift the focus of our conversation. Change!

“Oh, oh, it seems I’m stuffed now. Do you think I feel like this is enough? Given that I was given so much? That’s not enough… I see! Try to take away what you can!” Greedy!

I pinched Soo-oh and tickled her. Tickle, tickle!

Soo-oh screamed and fled. Run away!

I chased after her, and Soo-oh squealed as she dashed out of the house. Squeal!

“Oh… Perhaps I should have come at a different time?” Eep!

A beautiful woman in white clothes is standing at the entrance with a bemused expression. Surprise!

This person is not a harvesting victim; she seems unaware of that. I thought a person wouldn’t come anyway, so maybe a lost stray cat showed up. Meow?

“Soo-oh, we have a guest.” Welcome!

“Come on in!” Hello!

Soo-oh runs over, as if nothing had happened, and guides Gumi Mil inside. All good!

I head to the kitchen to prepare the tea that Inshimwon had brought as a gift. Tea time!

“I’m the disciple of Cheonma, you see.” Proud!

Gumi Mil adds honorifics to Soo-oh with an awkward tone. Ugh!

“You don’t have to use formal language since I’m not one of the formal disciples!” Chill!

Soo-oh bursts into laughter as she talks with Gumi Mil. An official disciple denotes a disciple who inherits everything from their master. Inheritance!

Soo-oh just gets martial arts advice, which means she isn’t at that level. What’s up?

“The one in the higher position is actually you, Gumi Mil!” Spotlight!

I wonder what kind of relationship exists over there. Curious!

Thinking that, I boiled the tea with an unextinguishable flame. Boil, boil!

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