The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 117

I was led by a person into a house in the village. Surrounding the house are people with white cloth wrapped around their heads.

Tick tock…

Thinking back to when they mentioned calling for a master earlier, I suppose I won’t be here for long.


I quietly enter and wait inside.

The interior of the house is quite nice. However, there are traces of someone’s living habits. The fact that every corner is clean indicates it’s a well-maintained place.

As I sit in a chair, someone presumed to be the highest-ranking of the group sits across from me. He sends a subordinate to bring drinks.


Looks like a conversation is about to start.

“You mentioned going to Kunlun Mountain. What’s the reason for that?”

Crack crack…

Interrogation time.


What to do now?

If he’s a good person, there’s no reason to provoke him. Well then, I can just create a reason.

I pulled out the Makya Sword from my robe.

“This is a treasure known as the Makya Sword. When infused with Qi, it produces a blade of light and heat. I can’t use it, so I intend to return it to its original place.”


I can see the gaze of those around me fixated on the treasure.

“A treasure, you say?”

Fidget fidget…

The man in front, fumbling, examines the Makya Sword closely.

So I decided to explain in detail.

“This part is the weapon from which the blade of light emerges. So when infusing Qi into it, you should avoid this spot. The Taoist Hwangbo Cheon right before also had a few encounters with the blade on his skin.”

Ding ding!

Since I carry some of Hwangbo Cheon’s memories, I can say this as if I know everything. My words hint at a certain fact.

Could it be that I’m connected to the Taoist?

This illusion will disappear when the master arrives, but for now, it’s useful. The gazes of those looking at me have notably softened.

“Would you like to try it out?”


At that remark, the man’s eyes widen.

“Oh dear, I haven’t introduced myself. I am Yoo Dae-jeong, the leader of the Hyungsan Sect. May I ask your name?”

Ding ding!

With him immediately being polite, he must be quite interested in the weapon.

The knife-wielders inside can’t resist, their desire shining through.

“I’m Choseol.”


I handed the treasure to him.

Carefully receiving it, the man examines the item with a curious expression. So I gave him a warning.

“Be careful with that part. Flames will shoot out from there. If you’re not careful, you could get killed, so watch your position if you plan to infuse Qi.”


In other words, if you’re cautious with that spot, you can wield the weapon. It’s also a tempting invitation to give it a try.

Hearing my words, the man stiffened, then slowly directed the blade-shooting angle toward the ceiling.

And then…


A shorter yet bright red blade shoots out, shorter than the one Hwangbo Cheon used.


“That’s a treasure?”

“A sword of fire…”


The onlookers who had been quietly focusing around also left their comments.

“Mind if I give it a swing?”


Unfortunately, his expression shows no greed. Instead, it’s filled with a child-like curiosity.

Oh dear…

Really awkward.

Since it’s not even my weapon, I nodded.

Holding back excitement, the hesitant Yoo Dae-jeong stepped outside with the Makya Sword and swung it.

Swish swish…

Like something out of a classic space opera from faded memories, the light danced around, leaving trails behind.

The gazes of everyone present seemed to be drawn toward the sword.

Among them, I took note of a few faces that shimmered with desire, while I quietly sipped tea.

After quite some time of sword dancing, the sweaty man returned with a bright expression and casually placed the Makya Sword in front of me.

“That was a wonderful experience, Choseol. However, this item seems a bit too much for a person to handle. But how could you so lightly pass such a rare item to me? What if I were to take it?”


I’m not about to lie. But I can share only part of the truth.

“Are you not on the same side as the Taoist?”


On the same side, yes, but there’s no guarantee that things won’t go south. Humans and Immortals, strictly speaking, are different factions.

“Choseol, it would be wise to be a bit more suspicious of people.”

“I trust people.”

Such innocence!

When I countered, Yoo Dae-jeong smirked wryly. He then looked at me as if I were a clueless child.

“I hope that heart of yours lasts long. Well then, rest here until the master arrives.”

Thud thud…

Yoo Dae-jeong took everyone inside with him. As soon as he left, people started asking about how the treasure felt.

Even after the door closed, I could still hear Yoo Dae-jeong’s excited voice explaining his experience with the weapon.


I raised the Makya Sword.

In a world like this, precious swords bewitch people. I can already see a few who have fallen under its spell. Just how long can they resist?

I don’t think everyone will necessarily be morally upright.

Even with strict rules, if there are many people, at least one of them will surely let desire overcome reason.

So I strapped the Makya Sword to my waist and settled down comfortably in the room.

Even away from this world, the harvesting season of another world still awaits, so I won’t be left bored.

And I’m curious just how helpful the compressed information of the “One Stroke Cheonma Martial Art” left behind by Cheonma will be. So I sent that information to those who could receive it.

Compared to Eunjai’s memories, it’s a minuscule fragment of knowledge.

How effective will it be?

With anticipation for how good the results might be, I sent it out bit by bit.

As I spent my time like this, the noise outside grew louder.

Whoa! Whoa!

I’ve taken longer than expected. I arrived in this village in the morning, and now I can see the sunset out the window. A large gathering of people forms outside.

They have arrived…

I stood up from my spot and headed back to the place where we were conversing to wait. Not long after I sat down, a group of people entered through the door.

But none of them were holding any equipment like treasures.

Just people with white cloth on their heads. In other words, members of the Murim Alliance.

“This person……. We shall take directly to Kunlun.”


Did they realize at a glance that I’m connected to the harvesting season? Or maybe someone recognized my face? Their lack of animosity seems odd, though.

Standing beside them is the middle-aged man, Yoo Dae-jeong, from before. He furrows his brows and asks.

“Oak Six Sect’s deputy leader. Didn’t you say that Hyungsan Sect would be granted autonomy when they joined Oak Six Sect?”

“I’m sorry. I’d love to do that, but we received orders to transport all living prisoners from Kunlun to Kunlun, and the Murim Alliance Lord accepted that.”


Surprisingly enough, both harbor strong dislike toward the Taoist.

Well, it’s not like they’re strangers—I can understand why it would feel unpleasant if something not human was controlling them.

“How could the immortals involve themselves so much in human affairs…”

“What can we do? But without the immortals, it would have been difficult to conquer the Cheonma Church. You haven’t seen the end of Cheonma, have you?”


Interesting. The Oak Six Sect deputy leader must have been present when Cheonma fell.

After all, with such striking hair color, if they witnessed the harvesting season’s end, they’d immediately recognize me.

So I’ve been found out.

“I’ve glimpsed the appearance of the divine weapon the elder spoke of. Now I understand why Oh Myeong-seong went into a frenzy when tainted by evil. Truly an astonishing power.”


The man who said that glares at me.

“Thus, if there is anyone with even a trace of evil, they must be eliminated. No one should ever wield such evil again.”


Deputy leader of Oak Six instructs his subordinates to take me away.

The men who rushed in immediately restrained me and bound me tightly with ropes.


This situation isn’t too bad.

No need to walk far; it’ll take me right there!

Most importantly, I really don’t think I’ll go there properly.

“And we should take this properly, right?”


The Makya Sword, which flew out of my waist when I fell. The Oak Six deputy leader catches it and holds it.


I can read people’s expressions well.

Countless memories. Especially the faces of people who’ve endured the worst situations let me recognize the expressions of those with bad intentions right away.

Because it’s the face that comes to mind when drowning in despair.



Desire glows.

The gap in skills.

Why would there be any reason not to grab the chance to have even better goods?

Sadly, the downside is that there’s a high chance I will become a non-existent person on this journey.

The deputy leader of a huge faction under the Murim Alliance wouldn’t be naive enough not to find various information from someone who entered Kunlun.

In the last moments of Jungjae-woo and Byeongil, I saw the light in them reflecting those nearby.

There were people watching memories pulled from souls, like a hologram.

Not everyone present was an immortal or a Taoist. After all, there were those who were astonished by the level of skill.

This person seems to be absent at that time, but it’s hard to keep such stories to oneself.

Still hoping for a more convenient drop-off moment, I was quietly dragged away.

Slide slide…

While being pulled along the ground, Yoo Dae-jeong looked at me with a heavy expression and mumbled.

“I’m sorry.”


What could he be apologizing for?

Feeling guilt in a situation where he’s clearly a criminal? Such a nice person.


He won’t make it far.

“Just do trivial things in the mountains.”

Upon my words, he showed a very pained expression.


Oh no, I didn’t mean to hurt him.

There are many people here, so I hope it sounds that way.

But it’s hard to expect good things from the deputy leader.

At least, it’s better if good people stay as they are until we reach Kunlun.

Those who consider my value sufficient will be those who are driven by their desires.

However, those with clear objectives are a bit harder to deal with.

I prefer those who compromise a bit with desire. They won’t go too far for their own interests but can easily dismiss minor matters.

Just about that much.

Thump thump…

I was loaded onto a battered carriage. Looking around, many similar people seem to be about.


The carriage begins to move.

Just how long will it take to get to Kunlun?

I took it easy and rested in the carriage.

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