The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 124

I must be quite noticeable even to the sage.

Shifty gaze

I can feel the stares directed at me. In between them, there’s something that doesn’t look human standing there. It looks beastly but is dressed like a person.


It turns out I found something non-human, and the reason there was no subtly prejudiced gaze was rather intriguing. I thought I had to at least go to a place with an immortal to see such a thing, but here it is right from the start.


People generally don’t remember things they don’t care about, so even if I rummage through my memories, I don’t really notice such entities.


If someone were a racist and had a disliked race, they would remember them with a sense of disgust, but there was none such among the dead immortals and sages.

Mood lighting on that faded memory

According to my dim recollections, there are only good people here.

Not my fault!

Following the sage, we went to a place that looks like an elevator. Then the elevator floated up into the air, taking us higher.


It wasn’t connected by any strings; just a box floating up in the air. The Cheonma Church Main Hall had steel cables and mechanical devices, but this was something else entirely.

Wobble, wobble

It didn’t move in a straight line but rather glided in elegant curves, ascending towards an island in the sky. It halted not at the top but somewhere in the middle and got closer to a rock.


It seemed like we were colliding with the rock, yet we passed right through it.


It looked like a real rock, but as I passed through, the illusion was apparent, shaking as I went by.

Mind blown!

In the midst of marveling at the hologram, the box landed at a place like a dock. The door opened and I stepped outside.


Looking around, I saw a huge octagonal pathway with wood and stone floating and moving about.


This path extended longer than the mountain I had previously seen. Following this path leads to the Kunlun where the immortals live.


“I will stop here. This ahead is where the immortals reside, so I cannot enter. I shall take my leave now.”

Bowing gestures

I returned the courteous bow to the sage. He hopped back into the box we came in and descended immediately.


Left alone then.


I know the way, so I can enter. Well, there’s really no path to speak of. It’s a straight shot, and if I keep going, I’ll definitely enter the immortal’s world.


But since nobody told me to go, I won’t.


If I wait, someone should come to greet me.

Tick tock

And hey, I’m all alone, right? If I stumbled in blindly, I might just be scorched with sudden attacks.


Security systems at the entrance are typically pretty overpowering.

Spooky vibes

In other words, I’m just scared. I wonder if it’s strong enough that I can’t handle it.

Ponder, ponder

I’m not dying yet.

Not today!

At least not until I meet the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

Keeping calm!

So, I stayed put, and after a while, a man approached me.

Footsteps echoing

I’m taller than the average man of this era. This guy was a bit taller than me, making me feel slightly shorter in comparison.

Whoa there!

“I came to find you as you didn’t come in despite waiting. My name is Bohyeonjin. Is there something you need?”

Chipper voice!

His tone suggested it was natural to walk over, but it isn’t all that simple for someone who doesn’t know what’s ahead.

Bit of a leap!

Instead of whining like that, I just stated the facts like usual.

“Hello. I’m Choseol. I stood still thinking our timing was off.”

Confusing time leap!

Those in higher positions often wish to showcase their authority by showing up late to places they’re supposed to be.

Oh look, the king has arrived!

For instance, in meetings, it’s a demonstration of confidence that they must be there for it to start.

Cue the smug face!

But if immortals share the same emotional system as humans, this guy displays a look of embarrassment.

Oh, awkward!

In other words, he didn’t purposely come late to establish dominance over me.

Nice save!

“It would’ve been fine if you just came. This is your first time on Kunlun Mountain, right?”

“Yes. It is.”

First timers!

Then Bohyeonjin started to brightly explain various things about Kunlun Mountain. You’d think a big, muscular guy is here to pick a fight, but he’s actually a pretty nice guy.

Plot twist!

The man from my faded memory, for some reason, is not that.

Strange vibes!

So, you realize the timeline’s a bit off, huh? You should know well enough that fiction and reality differ, so why the confusion?

Time traveler issues!

Following the cheerful chatter with Bohyeonjin, we entered further into Kunlun Mountain.

Adventure calls!

Walking along the path for a while, I spotted a forest and floating stones inside.

Nature vibes!

It looks like we penetrated the floating island I’d first seen, but in reality, that island played the role of a door.

Hidden passage!

The sky’s color seemed strangely off, with bizarre creatures passing between the islands.

Wild world!

Bohyeonjin appeared thrilled with a guest and took quite some time explaining the charms of Kunlun Mountain. Then he led me to a place, and instead of a room, it was a pavilion with a great view.

Best seats in the house!

He seated me there and stood across from me, looking at me as he began to speak.

“This is Kunlun Mountain. Excuse me, but I’ve heard you came looking for the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign. May I ask what brings you here?”

Curious eyes!

A purpose.

Eager ears!

Right, thinking back, I guess there was something like that.

“Well, first, I came to inform you that I fought the Tongcheon Sect Leader.”

Gripping tension!

He immediately wore a sympathetic expression.

Ominous moment!

“You fought with a frightening person, indeed. Were you perhaps seeking help from Kunlun Mountain? We’ll sort out the details, but if you came to seek help, you needn’t worry.”

Yikes, pal!

There’s a hint of fear on his face.

Oh no!

Searching through Daegon’s memories, I don’t see this guy. Did you end up in a fight with one of Daegon’s subordinates, perhaps? The faint fear hints at a strong likelihood that there was a clash back when the Absolute Disciples invaded.

Digging deep!

“That’s not the reason for my visit. I came to meet the one known as the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign regarding that incident.”

Open up those channels!

At my words, he furrowed his brow. His gaze meant something like, “You dare seek out the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign?”

Womp womp!

“The Primordial Heavenly Sovereign doesn’t often meet people, so it would be hard to see him even if you called. I do have the role of a representative for him, so please speak to me about anything I might convey. If that’s difficult, I’ll try my best to ensure you meet him somehow.”

Rights of passage?

Looks like their hierarchical approach isn’t as harsh as I thought.

Just chill, right?

In a normal class society, it would feel like a building with floors, while here, it’s more like a staircase’s setup. I imagined Taoism would be rife with sharp class distinctions, but I was mistaken.

Misconception alert!

In the memories of the immortals, most people complied without grumbling and stood up when there was something to be done. So I assumed that there would be punishments for not doing so, making me think someone raised in such a coercive culture would be obedient.

Serving the greater good!

Instead, it felt like a culture of responsible individuals simply doing their jobs.

Taking care of business!

Well, if there’s a good number of these obedient folks around, odd commands shouldn’t arise, and if that’s the way it is, then they’d naturally act accordingly.

Wouldn’t you know!

Heavenly society comfortable for humans, or so I feel through the faded memories.

Golden land!

Of course, “obedient” doesn’t mean they’ll listen easily to any commands. These people would effortlessly raise and put anyone who tarnished their leader’s reputation on trial if needed.

Justice served!

In short, society bears responsibilities equally.

Sharing is caring!

“First, I will criticize you.”


Uh oh!

“The Cheonma Church. Or perhaps the Martial Church. Or maybe the facility run by the Tongcheon Sect Leader. A person who lived there like family has died.”


Bohyeonjin’s expression immediately turned stiff. I guess he realized where I came from.

Uh oh!

“So you’ve come all the way here to criticize us. We do not apologize for that extermination. While it may be an atrocity for those living there, leaving them unchecked would have resulted in dangerous outcomes. And, you have that ominous purple aura too.”

Yikes, buddy!

“Eliminating the Cheonma Church was the right choice.”

With a mic drop!

So I told him he made the right choice. Bohyeonjin stared at me in sheer surprise.

Jaw drop!

“The Cheonma Church taught murder from a young age, corrupting characters and inserting bugs within their bodies to enforce absolute submission on those below them. And that place was also where the Tongcheon Sect Leader grew hosts to create his kin.”

Oh my!

Strangely enough, that’s the truth. Guseongyong suspected it but ignored it, while Cheonma didn’t know at all.


Historical references show that the foundation for the Cheonma Church’s rise came from Daegon’s might, but outside of Woljedang, the Absolute Disciples had no influence whatsoever.

No way!

If we look in faded memories as an example, it would be like running a drug trade but opening a café to cover it up. Not for profit, they’d sell it cheaply, and the café would be bustling.

Business ethics, folks!

People working there would have no idea that they were fruits of a hidden organization at work.

Blind loyalty!

The relationship between the Cheonma Church and the Absolute Disciples was just that. Woljedang acted as the café’s owner. However, to easily sever ties if something went wrong, it remained a small entity overseeing sacrificial methods and bugs.

Keeping a close eye!

Restraining people’s behaviors and controlling their bodies—that’s what the Cheonma Church was mixed up in.

Big picture!

“Such a group is indeed a malignancy in human society, and the right thing is to eliminate them immediately. You did the correct thing.”

High five!

Bohyeonjin gazed at me, somewhat begrudgingly.


“You’ve come to criticize, right?”

“Condemning the act that led to a close companion’s death is a separate issue.”


After pondering my words for a while, Bohyeonjin nodded.

“Yes. That does make sense. Even a wicked human has family and friends, and it’s not odd to pour out emotions when they die, regardless of guilt.”

Humanity prevails!

So he doesn’t apologize to me. That’s rather right.

Respect the journey!

He has no reason to apologize since he believes his actions aren’t wrong.

Stepping stones!

For instance, picture a large dog suddenly mauling a kid. To save the child, the dog must be killed. Yet the large dog was someone’s beloved pet. The person who owned the dog is free to blame the man who killed the dog, while the man who killed it owes no apology.

Clear as day!

Because he did the right thing.

In the moral right!

Criticism is free, but responses to that are not obligatory.

Truth hurts, huh?


Clocking out!

I finished what I intended to do.

“And second. Regarding the Tongcheon Sect Leader.”

Getting serious!

Before diving into the main subject, preparing to do what I truly wanted.

“…I killed the Tongcheon Sect Leader.”

Mic drop two!

At my remark, Bohyeonjin shot up. Rightly so.


Once upon a time, the Cheonma Church and Absolute Disciples fought to near extermination levels. The Cheonma Church may have won, but it was a pyrrhic victory, and though Absolute Disciples lost, the gap wasn’t that wide.

Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Now, I’m stating that the other side is dead.

Major implications!

Determining whether that’s the truth or a lie is tough.

Truth sleuthing!

But at least, this should paint a clear picture of where I stand for Bohyeonjin.

Link the dots!

“I believe this gives me enough qualification to meet the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, don’t you think?”

Stirring the pot!

I asked, aware of how it would sound to him.

Threat level: orange!

A force this powerful calls for the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign before him.

Get the boss!

With that, Bohyeonjin stood there rolling his eyes for a moment before nodding.

“I will summon the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.”

“Thank you.”

Appreciation vibes!

I’ve interacted until now, criticizing without using violence, remaining calm no matter what occurred, waiting patiently.

Zen master!

How would benevolent beings see me?

Shining star!

I’d likely appear to them as someone reasonable for dialogue, right?

Talkin’ it out!

Running away openly makes it hard to catch me, but stepping forward suits interacting better. I feel bad for inadvertently throwing the most important person to be a monster’s prey. Sorry, Bohyeonjin.

Good intentions!

But I came here to devour like a monster.

Evil genius laughs!


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