The Over-Break System

Chapter 424 Preparing For The First Regional (3)



Upon stepping up to the door, the Professor tapped her Watcet against a small panel, opened the Mana tight stone door, and stepped out into the noisy hallway.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the members of MyrkLys had already finished their Passing Down Ceremony and were all conversing while waiting for Cynrik to enter the fray.

Following behind Professor Morningdale, Cynrik sniffled loudly before pulling up his hood and crossing the threshold. Before he had the time to register who was present, he felt someone tackle him and wrap their thin frame around his body.

Wearing a smirk under his hood, Cynrik reached down and pried Selene's arms from around his waist, then lifted her chin and gave her a sneaky peck on the lips, much to the young woman's joy.

His actions didn't go unnoticed by the staff, but since dating wasn't banned, only the final act, the Professors, Head Dean, and Headmaster only snorted in discontent.

"It is pretty unexpected, but I congratulate each of you for passing your Stage Evolutions. Never before in the history of our Academy have so many students been successful at the same time."

The moods of Melody, Gabby, and Benny perked up as pride flushed across their faces; however, unfortunately for Geralt, his words fell on deaf ears when it came to the three Over-Break Hosts.

[[YOU LITTLE SHIT, HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET EVEN TALLER! AND WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOUR SIZE? YOU ARE LIKE A REFRIGERATOR AND A HALF WIDE!]] Cynrik screamed into the group mind link in panic after seeing the physical changes Brance had undergone.

[[I know, right, he is freaking massive, like one of those juiced-up Wrestlers.]] Selene chimed in as she fought to wrap herself around Cynrik again.

[[Knock it off, you two, the Headmaster is talking. Plus, Benny isn't much smaller than me now.]] Rolling his eyes and pulling Gabby closer to him, Brance's annoyance levels reached what Tobs must have been feeling when she heard the never-ending questions in his mind about her Clipboard.

[[Nah, NAHHH! Brancie, you don't get to blow off being bigger than Lesnar and Overeem like it's a matter of fact. Can you even put your arms down anymore? YOU LOOK LIKE A POLAR BEAR THAT ATE A FUCKING KILLER WHALE…no…you are like one of those cracked-out Kangaroos!]] Walking to join the group, Cynrik completely ignored the presence of the Professors, Instructors, Head Dean, and Headmaster to continue his verbal assault.

[[I feel so bad for Gabby, you are going to break her, hell, she got even slimmer. Tsk, OH DARRRRRLING~~ Did you notice anything different about me?]] Selene added while going out of her way to push her breasts against Cynrik's arms.

[[Hm, OH HO HO! Naisuuuu, D-Cup, I am sure we will have a lot of…]]

[[SHUT UP!]] Brance screamed with his voice peeking into a high octave as he predicted and feared the following words from his brother's mouth.

"Right…we should make our move back upstairs; there is quite a bit to go over, such as the changes you all are experiencing, and we still need to discuss the arrangements for the First Regional in a couple of days." Noticing Cynrik, Selene, and Brance seemed to be in their own world, Headmaster Rivia released a tired sigh and then turned to the five Chaperones standing in an orderly line off to the side.

"I will be expecting your reports on my desk first thing in the morning. You five are dismissed."

"Yes, Headmaster," Professor Morningdale, Professor Claire, Instructor Alistar, Instructor Garrison, and Head Dean Rimsfel stated loudly with a salute before leaving to what Cynrik could only assume to be a Staff Elevator on the opposite end of the long hallway.

"Come along, students." Nodding in content that at least his staff could be counted on when it came to listening to his words, Headmaster Rivia walked to the elevator, which led to his office with the Members of MyrkLys following behind like ducklings.

All six members of MyrkLys chatted about their experiences during the quick ride in the compact yet large elevator. The most prominent topic was how physically large Benny and Brance became, which had somehow become a heated debate.

At one point, the two young men were even coaxed into a "Flex Off," where they would imposingly flex their biceps as hard as possible. The result was that Brance, of course, won. Having spent years flexing on Cynrik on Earth due to being a workout-a-holic in his previous life, Brance had way more experience than the naive and honest Benny.

"It's ok, Big Brother; I am sure you will get the hang of it," Gabby chirped as she used Brance's arm like a swing by hanging on like a monkey. Her actions caused everyone, the Headmaster included, to chuckle.

A few minutes later, the group arrived in Geralt's office and sat in front of his desk; well, everyone except Benny and Brance. Due to their increase in mass, not only was it uncomfortable to sit in the small wooden chairs, but they were even afraid of breaking them if they somehow could wiggle their large frames into them.

Cynrik clicked his tongue as he glanced at both and noticed their differing physiques. Although the two were built like brick shithouses, there was a definitive difference between their new builds.

Brance's muscles were bulky, similar to what you would expect from a person competing in the world's strongest man competition, whereas Benny's muscles were lean, like a heavyweight boxer. Overall, the two were fucking jacked, and even though his athletic body was cut, Cynrik couldn't help but feel the jealousy rising in his chest.

Regardless, once he got past that thought process, Cynrik moved on to how annoying it would be resizing their Armor, especially Benny's, since it was form-fitting. Either way, with Benny's Temperature Affinity, and his control over intense fire, Cynrik knew it wouldn't be THAT difficult, just slightly annoying at best.

"I am sure you six have noticed by now, but in case you haven't, you all need to be aware that by stepping into the Supernatural Stage, the aid you receive from each of your systems when it comes to using skills has been terminated. The same can be said about using your Affinities, which have now become Manipula…tions…huh?" Unable to continue speaking, Headmaster Rivia stared incredulously as all six members of MyrkLys manifested a form of each Affinity above their outstretched palms.

"That shouldn't be much of an issue, Headmaster; I have long since predicted the System Skill Assist to be a temporary thing. Thus I have spent quite some time getting everyone adjusted in the likelihood that we lose that aid in the near future." Glancing at the priceless expression on Geralt's face, Cynrik channeled a bolt of lightning, a ball of inky black Mana, and a ball of blue fire and proceeded to spin them like planets orbiting his body with Wind Mana.

"All of us can, at the very least, manifest our Affinities; however, when it comes to activating skills, other than myself, we will probably need a bit of time to get used to using our Skills without the System. I will say, though, the Manipulation upgrade is quite useful." At that moment, the inky black ball devoured the lightning and wind mana before turning into an electrified ball of BlackFire with a swirly purple wind.

Next, with a wave of his hand, the four Elements separated as he moved on to create BlackLightning, BlackFire, and a gust of what visually appeared to be purple haze, not unlike what he saw Jormie spew.

"You…what the hell kind of monster are you, Ivar? How the hell can you fuse your Affinities so easily? Even at the Manipulation Stage, you can merge all four elements." Kicking back his chair and standing up, the wide-eyed Headmaster Rivia pointed rudely at Cynrik with a quivering finger.

"Bah, easy work is easy work, Headmaster. You seem to forget that I already had several fusion skills, even at Tier-1. Now that I have reached Tier-3, I can merge them more easily, thanks to my Elemental Manipulations, and create new skills or abilities given enough time." Wearing a cocky smirk under his hood, Cynrik flicked his wrist and merged all four Elements back into one, creating the inky black charged fireball with a swirling purple haze.

[[Knock it off, Cyn; you're gonna give the Headmaster a heart attack at this rate. Plus, as it stands, only me, you, and Selene should be able to use our skills; that is assuming you guys got the same speech about Runic Diagrams from Tobs as I did.]]

[[Runic what? Hold up; you got a whole lesson from Tobsie? What kind of blatant favoritism is that?]] Glancing at Brance, Cynrik's eyes narrowed.

[[I only poked and pulled on Tobs' cute cheeks, she didn't give me any tutoring, what are these Runic Diagrams you are talking about, Brancie?]] Selene added while puffing out her cheeks in protest.

-Unlike Brance, you two didn't have a life-or-death battle to jump into, so of course, I had to bring him up to speed on using skills, or else he would have DIED! Also, do you think I won't get my revenge for every time you call me that fucking name?-

Before she could get scolded by Cynrik, Tobs spoke up to defend herself, and by the end of her Statement, Cynrik had to stifle a chuckle as he imagined the cute Tobs puffing her cheeks in a pout.

"Hold on; you said that you can already use your skills? Does that mean you already knew about Runic Diagrams, even before your Tier-3 Evolution?" Sensing something wrong with Cynrik's words, Headmaster Rivia cut in, unknowingly breaking up a potential argument in the mind link.

"Runic What?" Turning his head away from Brance, he met the Headmaster's expectant gaze.

"Hahh, in light of all the surprises you have given me today, it is quite refreshing to find out you don't know as much as you thought you did, Student Ivar. I was half expecting you to boast about building an Advanced Mana Body as Student Selene did." Geralt said with a sly smile.

"Hm, I didn't get an Advanced one, but I did form a Supreme Mana Body. I suppose if I can use that name as an identifier, Supreme should be above Advanced, right?" Tilting his head to the side, Cynrik countered with a sneer creeping onto his lips.

"Haha, yes, yes, as I figured, even if you are by far one of the best students to grace these halls, even something like the Legendary Supreme Mana body would be expected…." Finding his words weird, Headmaster Rivia froze as his brain finally caught up with his mouth.

"S…su…supr…SUPREME MANA BODY!" Instantly Headmaster Rivia appeared next to Cynrik, yanked him to his feet by his collar, whipped out the scanner, and began examining Cynrik from top to bottom, scaring the shit out of him in the process since he never expected to be assaulted so blatantly twice in the same day.

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