The Over-Break System

Chapter 426 Preparing For The First Regional (5)


-Yeah, right, as if it will be that simple. Hey, Dummy Cyn, get those idiotic ideas out of your head right now and let me clarify something for you.-

-Even if you have a special healing Ability brought about by your new Mana Body, thanks to how much damage you have incurred over time, the amount of damage you need to sustain to get a power boost has also increased.-

-For starters, it isn't as simple as losing all of your HP and triggering you're, as you call it, 'Zenkai' boost. LIFE OR DEATH is the crucial deciding factor here. To put it in perspective, if your HP hits zero, that's all she wrote, but that still isn't enough to trigger your passive Bloodline Trait.-

-If your Trait was that simple, you could become a monster in no time flat; however, Three things or a clause need to occur for your trait to trigger. First, you must fight an existence more powerful than you in Combat. This is where the Clause comes into effect; aside from Combat, you must deal with forces otherwise out of your control.-

-For example, the time you stupidly interacted with the Chaos Affinity Gem. That Element was not only WAY outside your purview but was so high up on the proverbial food chain that the Mana particles, both dormant and active, stored in your body, began being destroyed. Thus you met the First requirement.-

-SECOND, your dumb ass needs to physically and mentally exert yourself beyond your limits, and last but not least, MANA and ESSENCE, you need to be dealing or interacting with copious amounts of both. Once you meet all three requirements, then and only then will your Bloodline Trait trigger.-

-So, do not pass go, do not collect senzu beans, DO NOT GO SUPER SAIYAN!-

Tobs finished her explanation by scolding Cynrik so loudly that he, Selene, and Brance flinched.

[[I meannnn, TECHNICALLY, I can still go SSJ by using [Lightning Armor]…]]

-Shut your stupid big ass head up, Cynrik.-

[[Sheesh, Tobs, no need to yell, hehe, fine, I understand, I won't be able to abuse my OP traits and abilities. Tsk, you couldn't even let me have a minute of happiness, could you.]]

In response to his words, Tobs snorted loudly, which brought a smile to the three Over-Break Host's lips.

[[Still, I don't see any downside in rapidly increasing our Grav Resistance. In theory, if the whole party attacks Brancie and me with KIN, any damage we take should be healable in no time flat, so I guess that is a pretty good workaround to reaching massive gains on that front.]]

The entire conversation in the mind link had transpired in less than a second, so once the idea of rapid strengthening was tossed aside, Cynrik smacked his lips and crossed his arms.

"Say, Headmaster, how come I didn't get notifications about all this Mana Body Stuff? Shouldn't it be no different than, say, Class skills, where I receive a skill description and whatnot?"

"Simple, you haven't unlocked them yet. I am confident you received at least one notification about your Mana Body, but having the ability and Using it is not the same. One has to unlock their abilities befor…."


Time seemed to stand still as everyone in the room except Cynrik held their breath in horror. Turning slowly to look at him, everyone saw the hidden blade on Cynrik's left arm extended…and stabbed cleanly through his right hand.

"STUDENT IVAR, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Headmaster Rivia roared with a mixture of anxiety and rage.

While Cynrik ignored the curses spouted by the Headmaster and the angry howls emanating from his mind link, he merely tilted his head to one side and retracted the black blade with a flick of his wrist.

The odd part was he didn't make a sound or wince throughout the whole process; it was as if Cynrik hadn't even felt the pain of having a blade stabbed entirely through his hand, leaving a hole which one could see the other side.

-You have inflicted 500 points of damage to yourself.-

-Non-life-threatening Injury has been identified.-

-You have unlocked the Supreme Mana Body Special Trait: [MP to HP conversion].-

-Would you like to activate your Special Trait to heal your wounds? (Y/N) Reminder, the Conversion Rate of MP to HP is 100 to 1. -

'Tsk, that is practically fucking useless. 100 Mp to restore 1 HP of damage, that means if I want to heal this little fucking hole in my hand, I'd have to burn 50 fucking thousand MP.' Cynrik thought as he poked a finger through the bloody wound and out the back of his hand before wiggling it curiously.

"IVAR, QUICKLY GIVE ME YOUR HAND; DAMN IT, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?" Appearing beside his student, Geralt snatched Cynrik by the wrist and pulled out a high-grade HP potion. But before he could even remove the cap on the bottle to pour its contents on Cynrik's hand, he noticed the flesh wiggle and begin mending itself at a visible rate.

Cynrik, on the other hand, felt slightly light-headed as he gave Tobs the go-ahead to burn his MP to heal the wound.

-You have used 50,000 MP to heal 500 Health Points of Damage.-

-You have healed a Minor Wound with your Mana Bodies Special Trait.-

-You have become more proficient in using your Supreme Mana Body Special Trait: [MP to HP conversion]. The conversion rate has decreased.-

-Current MP to HP conversion rate, 99.9 to 1.-

"Tsk, what kind of bull shit annoying crap, OI, Headmaster, I thought you said this healing trait would be overpowered. It fucking demands 100 to 1 MP to HP conversion." Clicking his tongue and looking up at the man holding his wrist, Cynrik complained but didn't withdraw his hand from Geralt's grasp.

"You little crazy bastard. Who the hell stabs themself only to find out how something works? I knew you were touched in the head, but for crying out loud, Ivar." Wearing a frown, Headmaster Rivia dropped Cynrik's wrist and wanted nothing more than to beat some sense into this Masochistic Student.

It was one thing to experiment to find out how skills work. But Cynrik had just proven that his health didn't matter in the least bit and that self-destructive tendency was more dangerous than even the most fearsome beast.

"Eh? Twas but a flesh wound, why are you…." Cynrik started to say but stopped as he felt an ominous pressure coming from his left. Turning his head robotically, Cynrik saw what could only be described as a look of pure evil in the most beautiful light as Selene glared daggers into his face.

Not far away from her, Brance seemed infuriated beyond words, and it was only then that Cynrik unmuted the Group Mind Link. However, not even half a second later, he had Tobs remute it because all he could hear was jarring screeches, curses, and words that should not be spoken.

Despite Selene and Brance's insults, Cynrik shrugged his shoulders and looked up at Geralt.

"Heh, why are you guys all so damn sensitive? All I did was poke a hole in my hand, which could easily be fixed by using ANY grade of Mana potion."


This time, Geralt had enough, and with a Mana-filled backhand, he flung Cynrik across the room and planted him into the stone wall.

"God forbid your Friends, and I care about someone as mentally challenged as you. You five would do well not to pick up any strange habits from Ivar, lest you want to end up in the same situation as him."

Headmaster Rivia grumbled as the members of MyrkLys glanced across the room at Cynrik, who was embedded in the wall with arms and legs splayed out like a starfish.

"Ow…" Cynrik said aloud as he struggled to extricate himself from the person-sized hole in the stone wall half a meter deep.

"Student Björn, since your brother has figured out how to trigger the Healing Trait, I recommend you don't act with self-harm when activating your own."

​ "Still, it is pretty troublesome that the ratio of MP to HP is so high, but I assume it can be trained like any other skill or ability, so in time, it will become a valuable asset that I hope you never find yourself required to use." With the topic of Mana Bodies concluded, Headmaster Rivia proceeded to explain Runic Diagrams and the basic method taught to Tier-3 students on how to recognize, learn, and utilize them before moving on to the actual reason for gathering everyone in his office.

"The First Regional Tournament Event will begin in Two days, so you will only have a little over 48 hours to adjust to your new strength and learn how to cast skills. The competition will spread over three months, provided there are no losses; you will have one Event a week until the end of the second month, so eight weeks of competition."

At the mention of the tournament, Cynrik finally got out of the hole in the wall and appeared in his seat with an excited look on his face; funny enough, his appearance went completely unnoticed by everyone in the room as they had chosen to ignore him entirely.

"Our first Regional Event will be against Romeoville Academy; as you all know, each large City will generally have its own private and public Academy. However, unlike normal Academies, our Campus is already large enough to be considered a small city, which means that we are our own territory and don't require the backing of a City to sustain ourselves."

"The structure of the tournament bracket is reasonably standard. We must obtain 300 points in the Regional Qualifier stage to reach the championship rounds. After that, we move into the quarter-finals, followed by the semifinals, and finally, the Grand Championship."

"Each Regional Qualifier will present a maximum of 20 points per event in the early bracket rounds, followed by 50 in the top cut and 100 in the finals, and each team can compete in up to 3 events." With a wave of Headmaster Rivia's hand, a virtual monitor appeared behind him. On display, there were exactly a thousand names listed.

The diagram was further separated into eight groups of 125 names, and according to the chart, VSFA was located in Bracket 3A, seed 17.

Cynrik's eyes darted around, and he eventually snorted loud enough to draw everyone's attention.

"Looks like we won't come up against any of the other Top Academies; our bracket looks pretty weak; this will be a walk in the park." Although numerous unfamiliar names existed, Cynrik quickly noticed that the other top 6 Academies were in different bracket groups." As Cynrik memorized the Tree, including the other seven groups, he brought his hand to the center of his chin in contemplation.

"125 participating Academies in each group, that is an annoying number. With an odd number, there are two different Trees, A, and B, and we are in Group 3A. That sucks because only one team in A gets a bye-round the first Seed, Winter Springs, whereas, in B, there are two teams with a bye, seed 2 Charleston and Seed 3 Scottsdale."

"Additionally, with the way the bracket is structured, not only do we need points, but it is technically single elimination. One loss, and we are out and can't gain any more points." Leaning back in his chair, Cynrik noticed Headmaster Rivia nodding in approval.

"You are correct; the team with the most points in each round will be considered the winner and will advance further into the bracket."

**Bracket Posted in Discord**

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