The Over-Break System

Chapter 428 Preparing For The First Regional (7)

Instructor Garrison's gaze fell on the ghastly four-colored Mana Construct rib cage surrounding Cynrik's body, and he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Welcome to the party, Instructor Garrison; I was only disciplining this little chicken shit that showed up right before you. Would you believe he had the gall to demand leadership of my team? The balls on this guy." Cynrik snorted as he dismissed the Mana Construct surrounding his body.

Looking away from Instructor Garrison and toward Brance, Cynrik's eyes fell on the half-dead senior, and he snorted loudly once again.

Seeing this reaction, Brance frowned before channeling some Light Mana into his hands, followed the Runic Diagram in his mind, and activated [Lay on Hands] to bring the poor young master to a point where he could breathe without gasping.

At some point, several of the guy's ribs had punctured his lungs, and not only was there clear reddish liquid leaking from his lips, but a hissing sound could be heard on each exhale the broken young man made.

[[Shit, Cynrik, couldn't you have gone easy on the guy? I know you wanted to vent, but a few more hits and he would be dead, even if he is Tier-3.]]

[[Fuck him, dude waltzed in wanting to show off and act high and mighty, NO WAY!]] Cynrik stated as his eyes flicked to the left, and he saw Selene had at some point appeared beside him.

Through eye contact, Selene asked if he had calmed down, to which Cynrik merely blinked as if saying "duh," causing her to sigh and release the pent-up tension the situation had created.

"Student Ivar, care to tell me why you have assaulted your new teammate, Student Kurza?" Walking over and grabbing Cynrik's shoulder roughly, Garrison already had an idea of what had happened since the fourth-year student was known to be arrogant.

"What do you expect, Instructor? The dumb ass chicken shit walked in demanding I hand over leadership of the team, so I put him in his place." Shrugging his shoulders and easily prying off the vice-like grip Garrison had on his shoulder, Cynrik crossed his arms and began walking toward Brance.

"Seriously…that was all it took to put him in that state?" Ignoring that Cynrik was being his usual rude self, Garrison caught up and walked alongside his student while pointing at the bloodied and broken Kurza.

"ARG, *Pop*, Damn damn damn *pop*!" The closer the group of Cynrik, Selene, and Instructor Garrison got, the clearer the curses, popping joints, and bones became.

"Cut it out; I don't need your low-Tier healing, Junior; I am, after all, an Illustrious Cleric; I can AHHHHH *THUMP CRACK*." Before Kurza could complete his pompous speech, Brance dropped him on his face and kicked him square in the ass, sending the annoying Senior sprawling into the dirt, re-breaking his half-fused fractures in the process.

"Ha, see, even my kind-hearted little brother is fed up with the guy's shit." Cynrik chuckled as he arrived by the crumbled mess of flesh and blood.

Without looking down, Cynrik then stepped on the back of Kurza's head, pressing his face deeper into the dirt amidst the cries of pain and sputters of blood.

"Ivar…" Garrison cautioned Cynrik with an aggravated side-eye glance.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, don't go too overboard. Still, how do you expect me to get this guy straightened up without breaking a few bones? Had you let me get my hands on him sooner, we wouldn't be having this problem two days before the Competition starts." Rolling his eyes and removing his foot, but not before kicking Kurza in the shoulder, Cynrik complained, earning him a hardened glare from Garrison.

"Listen here, Ivar, if you and the rest of your faction weren't so damn Anti-Social, we wouldn't have struggled to find a suitable team member to fill the final slot. Now let Student Kurza heal himself and join your training. Although I don't expect you to allow him to join in on too many events, he is still one of the best healers in our Academy." Shaking his head and waving over Melody and Benny, Instructor Garrison took a step back and examined the members of MyrkLys for the first time since their Evolutions.

During the brief meeting in the underground hallway, his attention had been directed solely to Brance and Benny since, physically, they had gone through the most significant change. Still, now that he looked at everyone well, he could only nod in approval.

All three ladies had filled out and were not only beautiful enough to be ranked in the top most attractive female student list, but each one gave off an oppressive feeling, one that made even Garrison, a battle-hardened expert, sweat.

'Dangerous; I knew Ivar, Selene, and Björn had an air of viciousness surrounding them, but now even Melody and Selene have it too; the only one who seems to be good at hiding it is Benjamin.' Observing the six members of MyrkLys, who now looked to be in their Early 20s, Garrison no longer felt confident in winning against them in a 1v1 fight.

'I must be getting old,' he thought as his eyes drifted to the ground, where Kurza was trying his best to heal himself with a combination of his three Affinities, Light, Water, and Chloro.

"Oh, would you look at that; our little nanny happens to have all three healing Elements; isn't that interesting." Snickering as he crouched beside the broken senior student, Cynrik was still calming his mind down and trying his hardest not to look over at Melody, so he used Kurza as a distraction.

However, when he got close to the Light Mana Particles swirling around the worse injuries, Cynrik winced slightly with a twitch of his hand and scattered the condensed Light Mana by overpowering it with his Fire.

"Now then, Kurza, was it? Do you still want to take over, or will you be a good lad and keep your head down?"

"f….y…!" Between spitting up blood and the lack of oxygen, Kurza tried to get his words out, but they only came out muffled.

Still, this was plenty for Cynrik to understand the intent behind his words, so he reached forward, caught the guy by his hair, and stood up, carrying the guy along with him.

"Gimmie like 15 minutes, I'll break him."

B: [[Knock it off.]]

S: [[Break some fingers first!]]

G: "Big Bro Ivar, come on, you already beat him up; just let him rest."

BE: "Big Bro, come on, you'll kill him at this rate!"

M: "He kind of deserves it, though, it is one thing to piss Ivar Off, but it's another to drive him to WANT to hurt you."

"Student Ivar put him down. I know he is a bit…er…overconfident, but he is still your teammate for the duration of the tournament." Heaving a sigh, Instructor Garrison was about to step in when suddenly, the Elemental Particle cloud around Kurza whipped up and exploded forward, separating himself from Cynrik.

"Who….who the FUCK, do you…huff, think you are?" Landing on his feet but barely standing, Kurza leaned forward with his hands loosely hanging, and his head was looking at the ground.

"I am…huff, Kurza Reed Bralley, Heir to the Bralley Pharmaceutical Conglomerate! By my hand alone huff, I guided our team two years in a row to a higher placing in the yearly Competition than ever before in VSFA History. HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME WITH SUCH BLATANT DISREGARD FOR MY STATUS, YOU LOWLY PEASANT!"

Brance, Gabby, Benny, Selene, Melody, Instructor Garrison, and even Milo let out a collective groan of agony before saying a silent prayer for Kurza.

Meanwhile, Cynrik was softly giggling in his creepy way.

"Kuekuekue, are you done with your stupid young master dialog yet?" Tilting his head to the side and pulling down his hood to reveal a sinister sneer, Cynrik began emitting a heavily dense particle cloud formed from all his Affinities.

"FUCK YOU! Do you think that I am scared of you? Do you believe me to be just a regular Cleric? NO! I am a Tier-3 War Bishop; if you think I will stand here and let you speak to me this way…."


Before anyone could react, Cynrik flashed forward too fast to see and unleashed a devastating front kick right to Kurza's chest; the force of the attack sent him ragdolling through the air helplessly as his particle cloud instantly dispersed.

"Free time, go ahead and get up to speed with your skills while I deal with this fucktard, Instructor Garrison; I will leave my team in your more than capable hands." Tossing Garrison a quick salute, Cynrik activated his [Lightning Armor] and teleported away to beat some sense into the idiotic young master Kurza.

As much as Garrison wanted to scold Cynrik, he knew it was simply a waste of valuable time; thus, he gathered the other five members of MyrkLys to guide them on Runic Diagrams.

All the while, the explosive sounds of thunder could be heard on the far side of the arena, followed by blood-curdling screams.


For the next several hours, while Cynrik beat the living shit out of Kurza to bring him down a peg, Instructor Garrison methodically worked from one student to the next. His goal was to ensure they all formed, at the bare minimum, their Tier-1 skills and, once satisfied, moved on to more complex diagrams for Tier-2 and 3.

The occasional thunderous boom reminded everyone that Cynrik was disciplining the new hire while they were focused on improving. Melody was the most affected since she was Kurza not too long ago.

Feeling like she was no longer the lowest notch on the totem pole, a sense of happiness swelled in her heart, causing her to work extra hard so she wouldn't earn Cynrik's attention.

Eventually, after around four hours of merciless beatings, Cynrik finally showed up, dragging along the unconscious and filthy Kurza. However, if one looked closely, they would notice that under the layers of filth and blood, all of Kurza's wounds were healed, and none of his bones were broken.

Walking over and joining the group, Cynrik carelessly flung Kurza into the center of the forming circle and smiled.

"I can officially say I have broken his arrogance; although he may have some mental damage and trauma from this experience, it technically isn't any worse than what I have done to y'all. It's just I was forced to condense his conditioning for the sake of time." Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik no longer worried about poor Kurza, who would twitch every so often as if his brain and body couldn't keep up with the pain he had been subjected to.

The moment the word "conditioning" left Cynrik's lips, Gabby, Benny, and Melody flinched so hard that they ended up losing control over the Skills they were currently channeling, causing them to fizzle out.

"Well, I can't say I didn't expect this, but at least he is still alive and breathing. I watched you earlier, and I have to say, Student Ivar, I am quite curious about that Mana construct you keep using. There seem to be several different stages of it as well. Is it some kind of ability or a new skill."

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