The Over-Break System

Chapter 451 Extracting Information And Recon Mission (3)

​ ***PLEASE REAUTHOR'AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER FOR VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION"!! I don't want to see comments in either the discord or chat saying, "Where did t"e Author Go?" or "Did he drop the series?" ***

"About time you two woke up; get on your feet; we have a recon mission to complete." Garrison shook his head, grabbed Rimsfel by the shoulder, and pulled him to a standing posture.

Blinking slowly and shaking his head, Brance shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants and sighed heavily.

"You are both lucky my brother isn't here right now. If he were, well, I don't have to explain the kind of bullying and abuse he would subject you to, especially you, Head Dean Rimsfel." Brance said in a consoling tone.

"Kurza, at least you would somewhat get a pass for passing out due to G-force being a student and all, but Head Dean, as both a Military Veteran and a high-ranking staff member at VSFA, 12g of movement force shouldn't have been enough to put you out cold."

"I apologize for showing you such an unsightly thing HolySon." Bowing at a perfect 90-degree angle, Head Dean Rimsfel surprised those present by lowering his head to someone less than a quarter of his age and a student at that.

"Uh…what is going on. Rimsfel, is there something I don't know about?" Giving Rimsfel a weird look, Garrison frowned and examined the more prominent young man whose real name he had only just learned.

"He is the HolySon, one who has the legendary HolyFire. As a Light Affinity user, I feel deep in my bones that I should show him the respect he is owed." Still staring at the ground, Rimsfel replied, causing Garrison to squint while attempting to comprehend his coworker's words.

Like Instructor Garrison, Brance was gobsmacked at the actions of Head Dean Rimsfel. After what happened before the passing down ceremony, Brance already knew his relationship with the Head Dean was bound to end up skewed.

But never did he imagine that the guy would practically end up worshiping him given the opportunity.

"Cut it out, Head Dean Rimsfel, and please stop with the HolySon talk. I'd prefer you didn't give people the wrong idea about me." Before things could progress any further, Brance stepped forward and forced Rimsfel to break off his bow.

"There are far more pressing matters; currently, we are in a unique place that only my brother can access called the Shadow Realm. That was how we escaped those guys chasing us. If you look to the sky, you can see we are underneath the Arena right now, so our present goal is to locate any suspicious people, be they vagabonds, bums, or hidden spies." While he spoke, Brance pointed to the sky and looked up, causing a gasp from Rimsfel and a slight whimper from Kurza.

Hearing the noise made by the new hire, Brance grimaced softly, knowing it would be his job to try and help Kurza through the apparent PTSD that Cynrik had established in the young man's mind.

"As you can see, we have a full view through the ground of the Arena's first floor, which is both good and bad considering we can only catch a glimpse of the second floor onward. Still, it should be enough to locate anyone wanting to jump out and capture us when my brother inevitably shows up to bring us to the surface.

"Head Dean, I need you to bring along Kurza and get eyes on the southern exits. I have already sent out the rest of MyrkLys to each cardinal direction, leaving only the south side of the Arena unventured."

"Of course, HolySon, consider it done; come along, Student Kurza; there is no time to waste." With that said, Head Dean Rimsfel and Kurza took off running toward the nearest exits and began their search.

Hearing Rimsfel once again address him by the title of "HolySon," Brance groaned and palmed his face with his right hand.

"What are we going to do?" Realizing he was the only one without a task, Garrison scratched the back of his head and watched everyone else in the group running around like turkeys in the rain, with their heads tilted toward the sky.

"Instructor Garrison, I would like you to run a path around the Arena, beginning at the southern exits. Check the surrounding alleyways and buildings around the right side of the Arena."

"I will be running the left-hand side doing the same thing. Since the whole Arena is covered, we will search the surrounding area." Rolling out his shoulders and kicking at the air a few times, Brance took a runner's stance and smiled over at Garrison.

"Last one to reach the Northern Exits pays for dinner," Brance said as he kicked off the ground and half ran, half skipped through the zero-g environment leaving Garrison in the dust.

Instructor Garrison smirked and chuckled lightly as he watched Brance swiftly cover ground.

"Hah, these brothers are quite the handful; oh well, I've been assigned a task, and my wallet definitely can't afford to feed everyone in MyrkLys on my teaching budget." He said as he took off in an eastward direction, following suit with what Brance requested.



"You, *BAM*, shouldn't *BAM*, lie through what little teeth you have left, moron." Cynrik snarkily said between the impact of him slamming the helpless spy mercilessly head first into the cobblestone pavement.

The immediate surrounding area was plastered with a smattering of gore, flesh, and bone fragments. While Brance was preoccupied with getting the group on track surveying the area, Cynrik had spent his time torturing and beating the spy within an inch of his life before force-feeding him healing potions to begin the process anew.

"Ahhhh, I told you everything! I swear, all I know is there was a bounty issued for any information about you and the other VSFA's Tier-3 Competition Team members." The spy blurted out with snot, blood, and tears covering his face.

"And I am telling you that you are lying about not knowing more information. Look, man, I already know everything, so you might as well come clean. I want to know your employers and how many people are in the area searching for us. I want to know how you guys got the Enforcers and Military officials on board to track us down."

Spinning one of the ejected hidden blades around the fingers of his left hand like a pencil, Cynrik caught it and stabbed it into the spy's left eye before pulling the entire organ out of the man's skull, then plucking it off the blade.

His actions caused another horrific scream of pain from the spy. Cynrik had started with less essential body parts, such as ripping out his fingernails one by one, but when that didn't get the answers he wanted, the sadistic young man had moved on to cutting off fingers and extracting teeth.

Now, with his eye removed and the poison still eating away at the left side of his face, the spy was at a loss. Was he supposed to admit that he was just a low-level grunt in his underground organization that had been placed at the Teleportation Transport Terminal solely to intercept the group and get them to sign a false contract?

His group had purchased all the available information on MyrkLys members through a forbidden channel on the dark web from an unknown party, and wanted to either bully MyrkLys into throwing their matches or take control of them.

It wasn't every day a group of first-year students flew through one Tier after another. How could the hidden underworld groups not want to get their hands on this batch of geniuses? If they could find out the secret to their training regiment, then wouldn't it be simple to replicate the process and strengthen the strength of their forces by several folds?

When the spy was given the mission, he thought it would be a cakewalk. But he should have known when he saw the payout for completing the said mission. The price tag was simply too high, and with greed in his mind, he had overlooked that fact.

The worst part was he had never even expected anything to go wrong. The original plan was to have them sign the contract and then lead one of the Tier-3 teams from an Academy under the control of a shadow organization to attack VSFA's Tier-3 Team. Then, with the false contract already officialized in the system, it would have taken effect, disqualifying the team from competing.

Unfortunately, all the planning and infiltration of the Event Staff Organizers was for naught due to the paranoia of a single first-year student. After being found out and arrested, the spy became a laughingstock among the other spies.

However, none of that mattered now; his life was over. Even if he could somehow escape, he had no idea where he was, and to make matters worse, if the leader was here, then so was the entire team, along with the two supervising School Staff.

What did it matter if he told the brutal young man beating the shit out of him everything he knew? It wasn't like the big bosses of the underground organization would come after him. In their eyes, he was already dead when he disappeared from his post. With that thought bouncing around his head, the spy made up his mind.


"Fine ACK, STOP ACK, I'LL TALK!" The spy cried through what few teeth were remaining in his mouth.

"Oh? That's no good. I haven't finished my fun art project yet. You still have another eye, and I haven't practiced carving runes on your skin. How am I supposed to learn the runic alphabet without practice." Cynrik sighed with a sad expression spreading across his face.

'Monster, this fucking kid is a goddamn psychopathic monster.' The spy cried in his heart as he followed through and began spilling all of the promised information.

"Tsk, that's about what I figured. Great, so those bastards Viktor and Lithlen not only leaked our info in some kind of high-cost package but also sold it to many underground organizations, the government, and even other Academies." Cynrik complained under his breath.

"Fooo, when I reach Tier-fucking-4 I will take my time fucking up everything they love from the ground up. Aside from myself, my brother, and my parents, I will uproot the entire Jetlensr Family, wiping every single other mother fucker with that bastard's bloodline from the face of Vinestra. But not before I deal with the Opurn Family."

Then with a flick of his wrist, the hidden blade Cynrik had been playing with flew out of his hand and buried itself deep into the spy's skull, killing him instantly and triggering a kill notification.

-You have killed a level 38 Tier-4 Master Knife Fighter.-

-You have killed a being more than ten times your primary level and a Full Tier above your own; rewards will be multiplied by the Maximum Multiplier, a sextuple.-

-You have received 228 SPN-XP.-

-You have received 24 AGI.-

-You have received 24 DEX.-

-You have received 24 MIND.-

-You have obtained 6 KIN points-

-You have recieved six Tier-4 Wind/Earth Codexes.-

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else...You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the Discord,

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