The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 100

Chapter 100:

After all his sons came back, Li Li was finally ready to close the net.

A good emperor always makes a hundred forbearance. Li Li tolerated his father, his favorite concubine, tolerated his brothers and sisters, tolerated the civil and military officials who pointed at him in the nose, the family who was always eager to move, tolerated his stupid eldest son, tolerated The Burmese tolerated the Japanese and the Turks. Until now, there is no need to tolerate anymore, and they have taken care of them one by one.

His father has slept in a luxurious coffin, his beloved consort is dead and can’t die anymore. The life of the brothers and sisters who have bullied him and his brother is hard to say. All civil and military officials who obeyed and disobedient have already retired, Myanmar The Turks would not be able to overcome the storm after the Japanese were destroyed, and now it is finally the turn of the clan and his eldest son.

In fact, he just cleaned up his eldest son. If he hadn’t kept his elder son as bait to disobey the discipline, he still dreamed of regaining the glory of the old family. The son photographed the ground.

Now that the wings of the clan have slowly come into contact with him, he has the domestic power, and no academics and martial arts are already in his hands. This voyage has brought a lot of money to the national treasury, and he has completely no worries about the future-the reason why he dare not move the clan immediately, It is because after all, the family has been entrenched in the land of China for so many years, and they have a lot of Yan Chao’s economic lifeline in their hands.

Li Li hadn’t noticed this before, so Ling Wei reminded him.

Upper decision decided by the economic background. If the domestic economy is in chaos, they will not be far from the chaos of the people.

Some subjugated kings were not really cruel and mediocre, but touched the interests of certain big groups. As long as those big groups unite, the economy will be chaotic, the people will be sad, and the society will be chaotic.

The reason why the aristocracy is so arrogant now is also well aware of this.

With the blessing of the plug-in Ling Wei, Li Li closed the salt and tea trade, filled the country’s granary, and made new weapons. Now even the most scarce money is piled up in the national treasury. It can be said that there is no worries at all. Even if the family makes any trouble, the country has enough military and financial resources to settle it.

Not to mention that Ling Wei, intentionally or unintentionally, attracted the emperor and the prince to an extremely terrifying popular support.

Li Li’s support is scary.

No matter what the clan wanted to do, as long as Li Li raised his arms, the enemies would be beaten into chaotic evildoers by the people every minute.

The North Korean wings were cut off, the economic and financial power was weakened, and the public opinion was completely on Li Li’s side. Now Li Li can even squeeze out any evidence to kill this group of people.

Of course, Li Li wants to be a perfect and good emperor. A perfect and good emperor must be a benevolent emperor, so he still has to produce enough evidence.

Li Yin’s interrogation finally got the result he wanted, and he also got the evidence he wanted, so that Li Li could put a perfect end to his patience.

This evidence came unexpectedly, coming from a little transparency that no one had ever paid attention to.

Do you still remember the poor woman who was used to frame Xie Qiong? She is not alone in Beijing, she went to Beijing with her, and has a sick brother.

The woman’s parents were killed when the passenger ship sank in sudden extreme weather. The woman was staying at home, but the son was accompanying her parents. Because of his youth and strength, coupled with his familiarity with water, the son finally persisted until he was rescued. But because of the cold and the death of both parents, although he was barely rescued, he injured his body and became inseparable from the decoction.

The good future seemed to have disappeared.

Later, he decided to bring his younger sister and his family to Beijing to join his family. Not only could he find a better husband’s family for his younger sister, but he also hoped that there would be more famous doctors in Beijing to take care of his body.

He also understands that it is impossible to rely on others after all.

It’s just that he was young after all, and overestimated the hearts of the people, so that his sister was used as a pawn, her reputation was ruined, and she was even married to someone who she didn’t understand at all.

Because the young man was recovering from illness in the small courtyard all day long, the family members have never looked at him squarely. Even if they ‘sell” the only family member of the family, they didn’t put people in their eyes.

How can you know that the young people can secretly snoop some important information, such as information about the group of dead men raised by the family and the secret code to contact the dead men, as a small transparent family.

With the determination to break the boat and sink the boat, the young man contacted the fellow senior who had just entered Beijing to prepare for the exam. He believed in the hearts of the people for the last time and asked him to find a chance to pass the news to Ling Wei.

The reason is Ling Wei, because Ling Wei is a great saint with the best reputation. Moreover, Ling Wei is the chief literati. As a scholar, it is only natural that he wants to meet Ling Wei?

Coincidentally, the fellow brother really got in touch with Ling Wei—he was the child of Ling Wu’s family, and Ling Wu’s subordinate was very optimistic about this nephew, and specifically asked for Ling Yun’s recommendation letter for him (even if it was Subordinates also knew that Ling Wu was unreliable in private life), so he had the opportunity to ask Ling Wei for advice.

After such a setback, Ling Wei received this vital message and told it to Li Yin, who was investigating the matter. With this clue, Li Ying finally gave the organization that was established when the previous dynasty was destroyed, and took the imperial decree and directly led the soldiers to surround the family. When the family was still asleep, all the dust settled. .

However, the family’s lack of fuel-efficient lamps, docked their tails to survive, threw out the collaterals as scapegoats, and preserved the family’s direct line. In addition, Li Ying did not find evidence that this gang of dead men was the assassination of Ling Wei—this is what everyone knows, but there is no evidence. That’s why the family just violated national laws and kept private arms that exceeded their specifications.

When the side branch of the scapegoat was exiled, the family was even seated and paid a large fine. Somehow, everyone was ransomed from the prison. The demoted officials and the expatriates were completely silent in the court, only barely speaking. Maintained the position of the poor official family.

The so-called Yang family no longer exists.

Li Li wanted to kill him. Anyway, as long as you grab one handle, you can make other handles by yourself. Anyway, everyone knows that this family has committed a crime. He only has to make an order and say that he is guilty. Is there anyone who can’t find it?

Ling Wei persuaded that besides the Yang family, there were other generations. Although there were those who followed the Yang family, most of them had already submitted to the emperor, and worked hard to transform themselves from an uncontrolled family to the nobleness in the palm of the emperor, either by making military merits or participating in the imperial examination. If His Majesty the Emperor treats the Yang Family too harshly, I am afraid that other clan will have a heart of death, but will be frightened out of dissatisfaction.

It’s better to give people a feeling that the emperor is still very kind and paralyze them.

Anyway, the biggest thorn has fallen, and the rest is Xiao, who can clean up as much as he wants. For them, spend money and noisy

Arrest, demotion, and exile are enough to erase their names from the list of so-called families, which is worse than death. His Majesty the Emperor cannot kill. There are too many murders, but they will be caught.

His Majesty the emperor said so when he saw the bitter master who was assassinated, that’s all.

Anyway, he actually endured it for so long, didn’t he just want to lose his reputation as a tyrant? And he also knew that for those families who value face and family more than anything else, losing their current status is more uncomfortable than death.

What awaits them is either to live a life that others have spurned on, or to completely abandon the family and history and put them in the arms of His Majesty the Emperor.

Either way, the aristocracy that can influence the government no longer exists, and there is no threat to the imperial power.

Sure enough, His Majesty’s seemingly benevolent approach won unanimous favor from inside and outside the court. Everyone chanted that His Majesty the Emperor was kind and fair.

Anyway, in their opinion, as long as there is no slashing or blood flow, there is no fear of frightening them, that is good.

The emperor’s timely release was the result of Ling Wei calming his anger. Ling Wei said that anger should not influence his reason, and that he must keep smiling when he is regenerating…Bah, he must also act justly in accordance with the laws and regulations.

So Ling Wei became a good man again.

This time, Ling Wei was not wronged.

Ling Wei is indeed a saint. After all, he had traveled from a modern society under the rule of law. Although he was assassinated, he still couldn’t do it when he saw that all the innocents would be killed.

He can kill the enemy on the battlefield without fear, but he still can’t do it against these cruel continuous sitting systems.

In fact, he didn’t really want to save anyone, but hypocritically didn’t want to disturb his conscience, so he ran to his Majesty the Emperor and whispered a few words. The mentality is probably that whether it is useful or not (in fact, Ling Wei really thought it was useless, which time in history did political struggles flow in blood), anyway, if you do it yourself, your conscience will pass. It doesn’t matter what the other people’s end is, and he can sleep peacefully.

I don’t know if it really succeeded.

I can only say that I happen to be a tyrant and I don’t want to lose my reputation as a tyrant, and I am confident that I have mastered the government.

His Majesty the emperor with different intentions coincided with each other.

However, although His Majesty the Emperor did not sentence anyone to death, several of the exiles “died” as soon as they walked out of the capital. In the capital, the few people who had the right to speak in their own families who had just cut their officials at home were also “violently killed.” Those who deserve it, should be taken away by God or taken away.

It is said among the people that these people have eyes, even if the emperor is kind, God will not let go of these evildoers.

But anyone with a little brain knows what’s going on.

It’s just that this kind of small bloodshed, even in the hearts of understanding people, will not reduce the emperor’s benevolence evaluation.

They also felt that this family should die for the crime of assassinating courtiers and colluding with foreign countries. Not to mention all the crimes, even the nine tribes should be afflicted-Huaxia people are deeply sick of traitors. Although they wiped out the evidence very cleanly, his majesty did not grasp the pigtail, leaving his life. But this damned mastermind still has to die, otherwise it’s not enough to calm the anger.

Even other families who have already submitted to His Majesty the Emperor feel that these few died well. In their opinion, no matter how infighting, everyone is a Chinese. It is so shameless that they will try to connect with foreigners?

Collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, this is a national thief, which can no longer be called a human. They are ashamed to associate with this kind of people, and this kind of family is not worthy of being called a family.

The clan also has its own persistence and vigor.

Therefore, the death of these people also made them feel that the cleanup was a great pleasure.

The rest of the Yang family were worried all day long. Even if some were officials in Beijing, they had all been people with their tails between them for a long time. Needless to say.

The so-called grand plan of the so-called family united to overthrow the Emperor Yan and the prince, and revitalize the family’s glory, was completely collapsed because of the collapse of the leader (Yang).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After the Yang family’s accident, Li Shi finally became smarter, knowing that he was completely finished.

He only reacted when he heard that even other families cast aside the destroyed Yang family, saying that they were traitors and not worthy of being called a family.

Come here, I have already failed.

How could he think of bringing down their Li family with the family? Go with the Japanese kingdom to overthrow them Yan Chao?

No matter how vying for the throne is, it’s the internal struggle of their Li family, how could he think about digging the roots of Li family together with outsiders?

The roots of the Li family have been dug up. What’s the point of being an emperor? When an emperor controlled by a clan? It’s not as good as surrendering to the prince honestly and being a real power prince just like his three younger brothers.

Seeing that the three younger brothers who were despised by me now have their own careers, and they have a great reputation among the people in the DPRK and the Chinese people. Both the emperor and the prince are happy to see it, and there is no intention to stop it, Li Shi Also regret it.

But it’s too late to regret.

This kind of regret that he had failed, said that he was praised after an afterthought, but it was the complaint of the loser.

What did you know?

After the emperor punished the Yang family, he was not in a hurry to act on the eldest prince and other families that belonged to the Yang family.

He is still very kind, waiting for the group of people to express their opinions.

This attitude is more frightening than treating people directly.

It’s like waiting for the verdict, no one knows what is welcoming oneself.

In an instant, the families who had hidden evil intentions or were noble and glamorous and maintained neutrality took actions one after another. The old guys in the family told the old and returned home, and “requested” the emperor on the grounds of returning home, hoping to sharpen them. My nephew, and the children who are officials in the DPRK are released for “experience”.

They also scattered their family properties and donated them to the state treasury, and even donated some fertile land to the country, saying that they would use it as a righteous land to house wounded and disabled soldiers.

These measures, according to their previous attitudes, have taken different degrees. The closest family that went with the Yang family has simply exhausted everything, just hoping to get the emperor’s words “not to be held accountable”.

As long as His Majesty does not hold them accountable, their descendants will have a day to rise, and their property will be repaid. But as long as they are labelled as a fellow of the Yang family, they all bear the pot of traitors. That is a stain that their ancestors will not wash away for generations, unless history is completely discarded.

The heritage of the aristocracy lies in history, without history, they are nothing.

Ling Wei didn’t expect that the foreshadowing that the prince had laid for so long at the time would work now.

At that time, the prince only wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, and raise the assassination of Ling Wei from a personal grudge to a major national event, so that no matter who was behind it, he could avenge him.

Unexpectedly, this foreshadowing had such a big impact and became a reminder for the family.

Not to mention Ling Wei, the prince himself was dumbfounded.

“This is terrible.” The prince said, “This is what Jintang said, and then move on.”

“Don’t use idioms indiscriminately.” Ling Wei corrected. “This is called blind cat encounter dead mouse.”

The prince was choked: “Jintang, a blind cat meets a dead mouse, isn’t it an idiom…”

“His Royal Highness, you are a lucky star.” Ling Wei sighed, “It’s a silly person who has a silly blessing.”

“Yeah, I also think I am a lucky star.” The prince said proudly, “It’s so stupid… What do you mean Jintang!”

“Oh, I accidentally said that I missed my mouth.” Ling Wei covered his mouth with his sleeve, especially innocent.

The prince jumped with anger: “Where am I stupid? Where do you say I am stupid?!”

“The officials are talking nonsense.”

“You obviously just accidentally said what you were saying!”

“The lower official is really accidentally talking nonsense, your majesty, you have to be confident.”

“It has nothing to do with self-confidence!”

“Jintang and Qichen are quarreling again.” Li Li was in a good mood, “Two little kids who grew up.”

Li Ying nodded: “The Xie family now wants to welcome Xie Rong back to the clan.”

“I framed Xie Rong, but now that something happened, I want to pull Xie Rong back to clean up the mess.” Li Li smiled, “Xie Rong shouldn’t be for the sake of the family’s face, did he promise to go back?”

“Xie Rong didn’t agree.” Li Ying said, “Xie Qiong came to Jintang again and complained that their family had lost face long ago, so why bother to go back?

For the sake of face, if the Xie family also got involved in collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, wouldn’t it hurt their reputation? Anyway, it’s okay for my own family to take care of other people’s life and death. ”

“That old fox Xie Rong wanted to show his loyalty to me through his son.” Li Li was obviously satisfied, “I think he is sober.”

If Xie Rong chooses to go back, Li Li is indeed not going to take the Xie family’s operation, but Xie Rong’s family shouldn’t think about any future.

He is equivalent to using the future of the family to exchange the face of the family’s Xie family.

After Xie Rong went out and stepped on his own face, he finally became faceless and selfish. Xie family or something, since there is no benefit to your family, why use your own small family to fill it? It is really good if you are good, your children and grandchildren are good.

The second prince pointed out a right way for his two stupid sons to have a future. How could he have the mind to care about others? Or take advantage of the fact that you still haven’t retired from the Shangshu position in the household department, and quickly pave the way for your sons.

“What will Emperor Li Shi do?” Only Li Yingdar asked so blatantly.

“I wanted him to guard the mausoleum.” Although Li Li was so disappointed with Li Shi, he didn’t even “kill” the courtiers. Naturally, he could not kill his son. If the injury is so deep, I still intercede for them. That’s it, put Li Shi in the capital, let him be a king of leisure, do not need to go to the court, and are not allowed to go out of Beijing. Xie Fei, go to the Buddhist hall to live. ”

Li Ying nodded. His imperial brother is still soft-hearted towards his son. The conditions for guarding the imperial tombs are tough, and living conditions in the capital are better or better. Although it is impossible to have much income as an idle king, and life is a little embarrassing, but with Li Hu’s relief, he can live on.

Moreover, Li Ying knew that Li Li was still worried about Li Shi. Although the prince always buckled Li Li Bingming for the collusion with foreigners, Li Li still doubted that the Yang family really colluded with foreigners. It’s safer for Li Shi to put it under his nose.

Li Shi was not banned in the mansion, just banned in the capital, which was pretty good.

In fact, all officials and clan members are not allowed to leave the station without imperial decree? From this look, it seems that Li Shi has not been punished.

But the biggest punishment is actually “the king of leisure” and “no going to court or entering the palace”.

This is equivalent to depriving Li Shi of the identity of the prince in disguise, and even the clan is inferior.

The clan can still enter the palace.

Cannot enter the palace and cannot go to court. In terms of status, it is no different from being demoted to a commoner, but it looks better in terms of face.

Li Yin could imagine what Li Shi would look like when he received this will.

Not to mention Li Shi, when Concubine Xie got the will, there was a big riot.

In order to appease the concubine Xie, Li Hu also specifically begged the emperor to let himself make an decree.

He thought, the mother and concubine honestly eat and recite the Buddha, the eldest brother honestly reflects at home, and the father and the emperor have reduced his anger towards the mother and the eldest brother after a few years. , It is said that the mother concubine can be released from the Buddhist hall, and the eldest brother can enter the palace again.

The eldest brother has not been deprived of his prince status, it shows that there is still room for return, right?

Even if the father doesn’t let go. He felt that the prince was taught by Ling Wei to be very kind. If the eldest brother and mother concubine do not make trouble, for the sake of fame, when the new monarch cannot be enthroned, he will use the eldest brother and mother concubine to show the kindness of the new monarch, right?

Li Hu is still smart. Li Li kept the Concubine Xie and Li Shi, so he kept them until the crown prince became the throne and used them to make a name for themselves.

But Concubine Xie obviously had no brains before, and now she still has no brains, trampling on the love that Li Hu had finally asked for. Not only did he fail to appreciate Li Hu’s kindness, but he abused Li Hu for taking her and Li Shi to kneel and lick the emperor and the prince. Unless Li Hu used herself to exchange for Li Shi, she would not have the son.

Listening to Concubine Xie’s curse, from the time he even harmed his princess and his one-year-old son, Li Hu was completely cold.

Maybe people are abuse. The mother and the eldest brother have never treated Li Hu well, and never treated Li Hu as a relative. But Li Hu understands it intellectually, and always has a hint of illusion in his heart.

After all, this is his mother, after all, this is his compatriot’s eldest brother, this should be his closest relative.

But what did he get?

He went out to provoke his father and might even pay the price of his hard-earned future to intercede, only to get vicious curses, and even harm his wife and children.

“Mother concubine can do it for herself.” Li Hu said with a straight face.

People always have to grow up, and they have to see reality clearly.

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