The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 104

Chapter 104:

When Li Ying was training his nephew, Ling Wei was also very busy.

Although His Majesty said that Ling Wei only needs to complete a large-scale military exercise, how can the establishment of a new department be a simple matter of making a military exercise to brush its reputation?

The deployment of officials and hardware facilities of the Ministry of Defense had been negotiated a long time ago, and Ling Wei had taken office with a bag, so he didn’t have to worry about it. Just after starting work, the problem came.

Yan Chao’s military department can only include matters such as military appointment, punishment, military status, ordnance, imprisonment, and post, and it does not involve military power. The management of the previous military archives was also transferred to the Ministry of War.

When the generals are fighting outside, they also have to write a report on the situation. After the battle, a summary of the battle should be written. These files are to be kept.

Because there was no unified department to manage the army’s affairs before, those files were piled up in the warehouse and no one took care of them. Now the Ministry of War is taking over and there is a dedicated person to manage it, and it took a long time to clean up the files.

Who knows if these files will be used in the future, if they are lost, they will be held accountable. So we must make a good handover.

Ning Xian is responsible for the deployment of other affairs-although he is both civil and military, he is a military attaché anyway, and it is still a headache to see so many words. Ling Wei was involved in the transfer and sorting of full-time archives.

He only had the headache of turning over the files. Fortunately, the two emperors of Yan Chaocai. Although wars of various scales continue, but the information is not too much. Some standardized files can be completed as long as they are available, and there is no need to look carefully for any omissions.

Even though she turned the files every day, Ling Wei learned a lot from it.

These archives record all the current major and minor wars of the Yan Dynasty. Whether they are defeats or victories, they are described in great detail-these are for the emperor to see and circulated to the ministers at the time, and they are related to the rewards and punishments of the generals who led the soldiers. , Naturally they are written in great detail.

Since the establishment of Yan Chao in troubled times, there have been constant internal and external troubles. His various types of battles are very frequent. The accumulation of various military cases is a large bibliography. In addition, heroes are born in troubled times. From the early days of the founding of Yan Dynasty to the present, there are many outstanding military generals, and it can be said that there are many talents.

Therefore, these cases are the essence of their marching battles, and their gold content is very high.

After Ling Wei realized this, under the name of counting the files, he discarded all the files and memorized all the contents, then went back to summarize and organize, and discussed and studied with Li Ying.

Li Ying knew that Ling Wei had a good memory, but he didn’t expect that he could actually write down all the big and small battles in the file. He only used Ling Wei to dabble in it a long time ago, only to ask him for advice this time in a military exercise.

Li Ying has heard of these battles, but he may not have seen all the details. During the mutual discussion with Ling Wei, he not only gave a lot to Ling Wei, but he also learned a lot.

Ling Wei combined the knowledge learned in the archives with the ancient and modern military paradigms in his memory-men are basically good at military. When he was a child, his extracurricular books were all XX military laws, and now he still remembers it, just talking about soldiers on paper, and can’t use it. It’s nothing more than the actual situation—but I have a lot of ideas about the future military exercises.

In addition, he felt that the crystallization of the wisdom of the generals was piled up in the archives. It was a pity that he had the idea of compiling a collection of military cases.

He didn’t dare to say that he could write about military books or something, but it was still possible to summarize and sort out the cases he knew for reference for future generations. In the future, when others see the collection of cases, they will know that there are still many capable people and strangers in Yan Chao.

After this time, he should go to sea. The voyage is actually quite boring, so you can make drafts on the boat.

In addition to Yan Chao’s military case, he also plans to read all the ancient military books and compile typical cases together.

Maybe when he goes to sea, he can still see the military works of other countries, and they will also be compiled together at that time.

Although he did not light up the skill points for leading troops in combat, he was still good at summarizing and sorting things out. If someone can get inspiration from the cases he summarized, grow into an excellent general, and contribute to the defense of the home and the country, it can be regarded as one’s own merit.

After Ling Wei came up with this idea, he used the establishment of the Ministry of War, borrowing and copying military books from the generals in the capital and the emperor, and then placing them in the Ministry of War. The excuse used is that since the Ministry of War is in charge of the military, it can set up a military academy. , To give lectures to those who are willing to embark on the journey of generals, and enhance the overall quality of generals of Yan Chao.

At present, the knowledge of military commanders is passed from family to family or from master to disciple. But literati still have a variety of colleges that can teach them all at once.

So why not samurai?

Now we are only a small-scale trial run, so this academy belongs to the Ministry of War. When it develops in the future, it may be able to go out independently like Guozijian.

Ling Wei put forward this suggestion, initially just to have an excuse to borrow books-many of these military books are isolated from the family, and it is not easy to borrow without an excuse.

However, after the establishment of the State Military Supervisor, it really gradually developed and expanded as Ling Wei said. After Yan Chao was restructured, the State Military Supervisor became the No. 1 Military Academy of China. In the future, most of China’s famous military generals came from this academy. In the entire world, this military academy belongs to the legendary level.

Ling Wei also successfully borrowed the book he wanted, and copied it very diligently—the books at that time were not thick, Ling Wei and Li Ying helped. Laid a solid foundation for his own writing.

What surprised Ling Wei was that he didn’t meet fierce opposition to opening a new college—the people who questioned were only entangled in budget and enrollment, and they didn’t say that the establishment of the college was wrong. There was no objection to his borrowing of books.

Ling Wei thought that this kind of military books were secrets of his own, but he didn’t expect to borrow them so easily.

“Not every military commander will have a general at home, and not every powerful general is a good teacher.” Li Yin answered Ling Wei’s doubts. It’s definitely better for children and grandchildren to teach. After learning and discussion, as well as practical opportunities such as military exercises, the young warriors certainly have great potential for growth. Moreover, the establishment of students can not only increase the overall military strength of Yan Chao, but also increase the generals’ strength. Status. Of course they would.”

“Why doesn’t Wenchen object?” Ling Wei asked.

Li Ying smiled and said, “Of course the civil servants have no objection to the matter of preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles.”

Ling Wei still dumbfounded and didn’t quite understand. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, as long as the result is good. Instead of entangled in these, it is better to copy the book quickly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Because of Ling Wei’s “whisper” this time, he added a lot of extra work to himself.

His Majesty the Emperor couldn’t laugh or cry.

Everyone knows Ling Wei’s exhaustion, but every time after he takes the errand unwillingly, Ling Wei always finds things for himself, and never can’t be free.

So it’s no wonder that His Majesty the Emperor always likes to dig pits for Ling Wei.

Ling Wei’s asking for trouble will always bring many surprises to His Majesty the Emperor.

He always thinks of many things that seem to be taken for granted, but that others just don’t.

For example, the establishment of the State Military Supervision.

There is a literati’s Imperial College, why didn’t you expect to come to a military’s Imperial College?

There are Wen champions and Wu champions.

Probably in the subconscious, everyone did not unite the martial artist with those who read and went to school.

When Ling Wei proposed it, they were surprised, yes, it could still be like this.

The State Military Supervisor also has to learn the basic cultural courses of the Four Books and Five Classics. In addition, it is the study of military knowledge, even including astronomy and geography and other necessary knowledge when marching and fighting.

Later, the students who came out of the Imperial Military Supervision Institute had a broader knowledge than the Imperial Military Supervision Institute. The Imperial College was not reconciled, and followed the reform.

We literati can also watch the stars at night, and can invent and create (what the hell). As a result, Guozijian gradually began to develop natural sciences. After the reform of Yan Dynasty, Guozijian became a comprehensive university with both liberal arts and sciences.

This is the result of healthy competition.

Now people can’t think of going so far, they feel that the establishment of the National Military Supervision and training of future generals is a very good thing.

In addition, literati must also teach these students, which is also a very happy thing for literati.

They decided to wear away all the vulgar customs of the military commander!

So the literati rushed to take up posts. The military attaches were not happy.

How can we let our future successors be brainwashed by your sour scholars? We also want to be teachers!

The generals are declining rapidly because of the war all the year round. Therefore, the legendary generals in the early days of the founding of the country are now living in the capital for retirement.

One by one, all the lice came out.

With such a good thing to kill time, the veterans are all rushing to sign up, willing to teach them what they have learned, and continue to shine for Yan Chao.

Especially the veterans whose descendants do not live up to their lives.

To teach can also establish contacts. Maybe in the future, those students will be able to help their unreliable children and grandchildren in the face of being a teacher.

And even though he can’t teach his children and grandchildren, he can’t be sure that other old men can teach them well?

For this reason, everyone expressed their enthusiasm for the establishment of the National Military Supervision. When the Ministry of Households talked about the budget, the military commander of the DPRK brought his father’s words, and even willing to donate a portion of the money from the family so that the National Martial Arts Supervisor could be established sooner.

The sooner this country’s military supervision is established, the sooner the family will benefit from it.

The emperor was not short of money, and his courtiers were so active, the State Military Supervisor soon prepared.

In addition to the affairs of the Ministry of War, Ling Wei was also busy with the establishment of the National Military Supervision, and the military books he copied had to fill the National Military Supervision library.

By the way, he established a library system. As for the books inside-he didn’t bother to copy, he worked out movable type printing, and printed out all the military books.

If it weren’t for this incident, he really hadn’t thought about movable type printing.

What kind of sensation caused by movable type printing, the Imperial College also introduced a library system, and he didn’t bother to manage it.

Anyway, the spread of books is a good thing.

After Ling Wei organized the files, he also assisted Ning Xian in perfecting the military registration management system. After these systems were played to His Majesty the Emperor, His Majesty the Emperor readily approved them and said that he would do the same.

Ling Wei uses a mature system in later generations, can he not approve it?

Ningxian was very happy.

Sure enough, it couldn’t be more correct to pull Ling Wei into the Ministry of War. Ling Wei is really a good friend of the military commander. It’s completely different from those acid scholars. It would be great if Ling Wei could stay in the Ministry of War.

Yes, now there are five departments that are robbing people. It’s really a Shura field.

I have to say that fortunately, the Penalty Department is still preparing for the establishment?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After Ling Wei digested so many military documents, the Ministry of War gradually became more regular, and the preparations for the Imperial College were also very smooth, it was finally about to usher in the first large-scale military exercise.

The location of the exercise is a large hunting ground. There are mountains, waters, trees and plains, which is very challenging.

Ling Wei stepped in with Li early, and made the map and sand table.

Li Ying and the four princes surrounded the sand table, their eyes shining.

“…Don’t look at it, it’s been a while.” Ling Wei was speechless.

“This… is amazing.” Li Ying held a flag and stuck it on one of the high ground. “This is so intuitive.”

“Well, this is intuitive. It’s just that you have to step on the terrain in advance, and there is a certain error.” If the satellites of later generations are used, the sand table will be very accurate. Ling Wei added in his heart.

“It’s already very powerful.” Li Yan couldn’t put it down. “This must be promoted…well, after this exercise is over.”

“I suddenly feel like I can’t possibly win.” The prince said excitedly, “If I win, I will definitely be unable to sleep happily.”

“His Royal Highness, let’s sleep well.” Ling Wei sighed, “Whether you can win or not, you must first hold the mentality of winning. How can you think that you are going to lose before the war, and just want to lose beautifully?”

Li Ying nodded: “Morale.”

“I have written a few manuscripts for you, so you can take a look first.” Ling Wei pulled out a few pieces of paper, “It is better to be able to modify it by yourself. Even if you can’t modify it, you will have to learn it by heart.”

Several princes took a look, and they were filled with all kinds of words full of… well, young people with high spirits, similar to that we must defeat the group of old people, and the future belongs to young people.

Why… a little ashamed?

Ling Wei touched his nose and looked at the sky. Although the words on that page are in the second grade, sometimes the second grade is the only way to mobilize the atmosphere.

“I’ll learn it by heart.” The prince felt that he couldn’t be more fighting spirit (shame) than Ling Wei wrote, so let’s learn it by heart.

The other princes nodded. They just recite it, and then go…cough, to boost morale.

Is it really useful?

It’s really useful.

Driven by several princes, a strange fighting spirit in the barracks began to spread. It seemed that everyone was full of hope and felt that those veterans were no big deal.

Their leader is Li Ying, the victorious prince, and Ling Wei, the deified Zhiduo star, and the prince prince is also in their team, they are also blessed by the dragon.

Moreover, how young are their leaders. Youth means strong action and flexible brains. The group of veterans are old, and now it is the age of young people.

The prince and the three brothers looked at each other.

Well, sure enough, Ling Wei can’t be questioned, it’s really amazing.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Military exercises are based on simulated military confrontations in modern society.

Ling Wei has watched military exercises in China or other countries many times.

Although I can’t achieve the great momentum of later generations, many of them can be used for reference.

For example, the confrontation between the red and blue armies.

The arrows and knives they issued were without gun heads and were covered with paint cloth. As long as there is a “wound” on the body, there will be marks on the body.

The acting has an observation team to calculate the loss.

For example, when the Red Army is defending the city, it shoots arrows at the Blue Army under the city and implements “fire coverage.” Factors calculated corresponding to the Blues

Loss: When the loss of equipment and soldiers reaches a preset value, it is determined that a certain unit of the Blue Army loses combat effectiveness and withdraws from the exercise field; or how much loss is reached, correspondingly withdraw the same proportion of Blue Army personnel and equipment.

Of course, there are many other situations, such as outreach training in modern society, and capturing the banner is one of them.

And among them, there are also conditions for “capture” the opponent’s generals.

all in all…

“Very fun.” Li Yin commented, “Very interesting.”

“We are the red team, they are the blue team, and each has a city.” Ling Wei said, “Even if the flag of one party is cut off, even if the exercise is over. Lost soldiers, captured soldiers, etc. will have corresponding bonus points. Of course. If you cut off the opponent’s flag and the captive at the same time or kill the opponent’s general, then victory goes without saying. If the general escapes by cutting off the flag, points will be deducted.”

“Very realistic.” The prince was eager to try.

Listening to it makes people excited.

After Ling Wei specified the specific details of the exercise, not only was the prince gearing up, but the veteran on the other side was also excited and eager to try.

“How does Ling Jintang’s head grow? Why is it so different?” Xuanyuanbao laughed.

Participating in this exercise are Ning Xian and several other generals who are legitimate in North Korea and China, while the observation team are veterans who have retired.

“I thought we would work together this time. Although our opponent is Qin | King, the winning rate is also our 7th and 3rd.” Ning Xian also smiled, “Now it seems that Jintang is the biggest enemy.”

“Duke Ling is now your subordinate?” Shi Ci asked, “Is he really as magical as the legend?”

“What on earth is he, even people who are not in the Ministry of War can see it?” Ning Xian smiled and shook his head. “You don’t all know about the State Martial Arts Supervisor.”

“Leave aside that for the time being, is it true that Lord Ling Jun, as the legend has it, might have made suggestions for the King of Qin?”

“I don’t know about this.” Ning Xian said, “But I have discussed some previous battles with Jintang. Guess what? Every battle between Jintang and Yan Chao is precious, and many of the battles I have participated in. , I have forgotten the details myself, he still

Can remember clearly. ”

“Besides, Jintang is familiar with…no, I am familiar with memorizing military books. I have never failed him.” Ning Xian said, feeling incredible to himself, “You think that the borrowed military books are only published and printed for the National Military Supervisor. Did you prepare? Jintang copied every military book and seemed to memorize it all.”

“At least I was curious at the time and deliberately guided Jintang to comment on the contents of the basic military books that I learned well. Jintang is all clear.” Ning Xian sighed, “If I only copied it once and memorized it, obviously it’s impossible. Obviously. Jintang had already memorized these military books before. Although he didn’t know some of them, how he learned about them. But he borrowed the military books, probably just to find a reasonable source for which books he knew.”

“What’s weird about this, there are a lot of military books in the old mansion, the princess originally…cough, and the family has a profound family background. Not to mention that the old man Ling is deeply trusted by his majesty, and the library in the palace is not affected. “Limited.” Xuanyuan Leopard said, “The so-called orphans are just our own thoughts. Who knows if other families have Tibetan books? Who knows if there are Tibetan books in the palace? Jintang has seen it long ago, and it’s not surprising.”

“Yes. So although I don’t know if Jintang made suggestions for Qin|His Royal Highness, he really did not take credit for it, but only from Jintang’s understanding of the military…” Ning Xian said, in fact, he has already affirmed the military in his heart. The rumors before the middle.

With such a talented person, His Majesty the Emperor could not abandon him. What’s more, your Majesty has always favored… and even spoiled this junior.

It is estimated that it has something to do with Ling Wei’s exhaustion. Doing meritorious service and being too lazy to take credit, or being afraid of getting a reward, fits Ling Wei’s personality very much.

“If Duke Ling is awarded for his credit, it is estimated that Duke Ling will be impeached if he wants to stay at home again.” Shi Ci smiled.

Such a good general, why should he be thrown into the barracks to shine?

Ling Wei didn’t even want to be the attendant of the four departments, and went to the barracks…impossible.

“It’s rare to be lazy.” Xuanyuanbao said with a smile, “If it were in my house, I guess the old man would chase him and beat him.”

“I heard that Jintang was indeed chased by your majesty…had been beaten a long time ago.” As the prince’s father-in-law, Ning Xian had talked about Ling Wei with the prince, so he knew some gossip. Beat. But it is said that His Majesty personally beat him, and it didn’t hurt. After the beat, Jintang should do whatever he wants, and his Majesty was helpless.”

The three generals looked at each other. This pet is also boundless, it is estimated that ordinary princes do not have this treatment, right?

But thinking about Jintang’s patience and temperament, they can also understand.

“This time, let’s see how many catties Jintang has.” The three generals were fighting high. This opponent needs to be evenly matched to be interesting.

When Ling Wei trained special arms according to modern military standards and wanted to make surprise attacks, he didn’t know that he had become an imaginary enemy.

Well, it’s not an imaginary enemy…

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