The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 33

Chapter 33:

Ling Wei huffed his calligraphy (?) to prepare for the exam, and suddenly he was asked by his teacher one day whether he wanted to be recommended to the Imperial College and become a supervisor before signing up for Qiuwei, or he would end up taking a college exam and get the qualifications of a student.

Ling Wei was taken aback for a moment. He had forgotten that he had only passed the first two rounds of the children’s test and had not yet obtained the qualifications for a squad.

As mentioned earlier, in the children’s test, children under the age of fifteen are called infants, and they can only be tested by silently reciting the sutras. However, Ling Wei’s age was not coincidentally. After finishing the first two exams, she found out that she happened to be over fifteen in the next hospital exam and had to test other content.

This is not to blame Ling Wei, he has never remembered his birthday clearly. I remember clearly that the princess was gone again. At that time, he was at odds with his eldest brother. Naturally, the eldest brother did not remember his birthday, so when he happened to miss the time, he was given a good meal by his teacher.

Because Ling Wei didn’t prepare for the exam, Zhao Zhao let him take the exam with a one-year postponement for the sake of safety.

As a student of Zhao Zhao, he had to get a good result even in the college exam. Not to mention flying over at low altitude, flying over mid-air is impossible.

Enke will be added this year, but the hospital exam is held every year, and it is not too late for Ling Wei to participate in Qiuwei after taking the hospital exam. Even if he does not participate in the hospital examination, he can still enter the Imperial College.

Although Zhao Zhao prefers Ling Wei to take the exams one by one, he also knows that His Majesty put Ling Wei on the fire. It is not a palace exam. In the courtyard exam, Qiuwei Chunwei has to take first place three times in a row, so the pressure is really real. Is too big. If you enter the Imperial College, you can directly participate in the examination after obtaining the qualifications for supervising students. There are two fewer examinations and a lot of pressure.

You can save time on exams, and you can review…cough cough, and practice for a period of time.

Li Yin also persuaded Ling Wei to enter the Imperial College, so that the examination pressure would be much less.

However, Ling Wei decided to take the test.

As an exam tyrant in modern society, when he was in school, he took three days, one elementary test, five days, one big test, the middle school entrance examination, the fourth and sixth grades, and the postgraduate entrance examination. He had gone through so many exams, and the experience he learned was that he didn’t know what he had learned. Okay, playing on the spot is a very important thing.

Therefore, some people usually get good grades, and they always get better than usual when they get to the big exam; some people usually get the first place in the exam, and they wilt at the big exam.

Although Ling Wei is not an exam-type contestant, but the ability to resist the exam is also good.

In this on-the-spot performance, in addition to the luck factor, the most important thing is the ability to resist pressure. Didn’t you see that many candidates are under too much pressure and failed in the examination room? Not to mention such a life-determining examination in ancient times, many candidates went crazy in the examination room.

Although Ling Wei also knows that the test is too stressful, if he has not passed the previous test and enters the examination room directly, he is not sure if he will be unaccustomed to the ancient test environment and test rules, and then the test will become abnormal. .

After all, the pressure of the hospital examination and the national examination is much less than that of the hall examination and the hall examination. Although Ling Wei said that he had practice exams, after all, he had never practiced with live ammunition. He wanted to use every exam as a training, so as not to be rushed during the exam.

As for whether you will lose…Even if you lose in the previous exams, as long as it is not too bad, you will be able to get the first place in the later exams and palace exams. In the eyes of the world, you are definitely just playing abnormally. After all, the world always pays attention to the final result. If you can pass the test directly, it will really be over.

After listening to Ling Wei’s analysis, although Zhao Zhao used a fan to knock him on the head several times for Ling Wei’s saying that he used the college and rural exams to “practice his hands,” he also recognized his ideas.

After learning about it, Li Ying proposed that he should manage the internal affairs of Ling Wei’s mansion for the time being.

“Jintang doesn’t need to worry about vulgar things, just concentrate on preparing for the exam.” Li Yin said

He is the only master in Ling Wei’s mansion. Although he is in charge, there are always things that need to be addressed to him. Although I’m not busy, trivial matters are annoying, especially when I watch the money rushing away and my income can’t keep up. If you can concentrate on preparing for the exam, it is better not to worry about other things.

It’s just that Li Yin is an outsider after all. Isn’t it a bad idea to let him help manage the trivial matters in the mansion? However, he changed his mind and thought that not allowing outsiders to manage his housework is also because of his defensive heart. But what can he guard against Li Yin? He even got people from Li Yin. Besides, he also manages half of Li Ying’s tea garden.

So Ling Wei agreed without thinking about it long.

“We are very close to each other. We always come in and out frequently through the gate and attract people’s attention. If Jintang goes out of office, it will be even more annoying.” Li Yin said again, “If you open another side door to enter and exit, avoid others’ eyes and ears.”

When Ling Wei heard it, he immediately felt that it made sense. Even if it is a private visit, because of Li Ying’s identity, every time he opens the front door to greet him, it really makes it too eye-catching. Since Li Ying doesn’t want to go through the main entrance, it’s okay to open the side entrance, right?

“Besides, I always have to go to the frontier again. At that time, no one in the palace is in charge. It is too cumbersome to report trivial matters to me quickly. I will also trouble Jintang to help take care of it in the future.” Li Yin said sincerely.

Ling Wei nodded: “Just leave it to me.”

They all helped people take care of such a big industry, not just a royal palace, it was probably just to see if the cleaning was not done, and the monthly payment of the subordinates.

Li Yin smiled: “Then trouble Jintang.”

Ling Wei looked at the shallow dimples on Li Yin’s face, his fingers were about to move, and he wanted to poke him: “Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

After Li Yin really went to the border, Ling Wei learned that what Li Yin said was “labor” and “annoying”. There are so many heinous things that it is not a trivial matter of a royal palace at all! Okay, maybe it’s also a trivial matter of a (whole) palace, Li Yin didn’t make a mistake…

But now Ling Wei is very happy to watch Li Ying let the craftsmen of the two mansions open a door on the adjacent wall, and also made a carved arch at the door, which looks like ordinary decorative carving. No one thought that the door could be opened.

The people in the mansion have signed the deed of selling, even if they haven’t signed, they don’t dare to go out and talk about the host’s affairs. Li Yin and Ling Wei each hold a key and can go directly to the other’s house without notification.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Li Yin thought of not letting Ling Wei be bothered by trivial matters. Naturally, his eldest brother Ling Yun, who has become more and more friendly with Ling Wei recently, also thought of it.

Ling Yun now meets with Ling Wei two or three times a month, spitting at Ling Wei about the scumbag who is not reliable except for official business.

He also wanted to let Ling Wei study at ease, so he proposed to let Ling Wei live back to his home during the exam period. With Cheng Luan taking care of her at the house, Ling Wei would be more comfortable. Besides, there are many things to prepare for each examination of the imperial examination. At the end of the imperial examination, people must be followed up outside-the environment in the examination room is not very good, and many pampered scholars fell ill when they came out. Ling Yun thought that Ling Wei was young, and he must have been incompletely prepared.

But when he knew that Li Ying was taking care of it, he drove back to the house happily.

“Is this… not so good?” Cheng Luan felt that there was something wrong with this.

“What’s not so good? The prince has said that it is impossible to have a relationship with Ling Wei, why not take care of it.” Ling Yun sighed, “With the help of the prince, even the father can no longer bully the second brother, very good. Very good.”

“But this internal affairs…” I still think something is wrong, it’s very wrong!

“The relationship between the prince and the second brother is really good. The prince is taking care of it, which means that the emperor is also taking care of him. The second brother will definitely not suffer from this imperial examination.” Ling Yun continued to sigh, “And you can’t let the prince’s kindness.”

Yes…Is that so? Although Cheng Luan felt that something was wrong, her husband had said so, and she had no room for refutation. Maybe… she really thinks too much?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

With Li Yin’s help, Ling Wei was really relieved, and his nervousness before the exam was relieved a lot.

The college exam is the same as Qiuwei and Chunwei. There are two exams, one is a regular exam, and the other is a re-examination. Candidates over fifteen years old will test the four subjects of Confucianism, Poetry, Current Affairs and Policy, and History. Each subject is one day at dawn Before admission, papers will be handed in on the same day, and you will not spend the night in the examination room.

Ling Wei was mentally prepared for hard work, but found that the examination room of the college exam was actually in a good environment. Although the discipline of the examination room was indeed strict, and the things brought into the exam room would be strictly checked, it was not as good as the Qing Dynasty imperial examinations written in the history books. Perverted, the compartment is also large, you can sit or lie down, and there is a small stove where you can put charcoal to boil water for cooking. Ling Wei specially brought pots and pans, fresh vegetables, and marinated meat strips this time, and placed them in a small box full of ice. The ice can cool down.

Moreover, because everyone was in a cubicle, so there was no chance to see other candidates, Ling Wei felt that the atmosphere was not so tense.

As for the nervous candidates when entering the exam, Ling Wei has always ignored them.

This number of people, let alone the college entrance examination, is far behind, and even the scale of his school examination is not up to the point. What can be anxious.

The ancients did not pass through the intensive examinations before Ling Wei crossed, and they had tempered a strong heart with thousands of trials and hardships. Therefore, Ling Wei is probably the most relaxed candidate in the examination room.

And the first Scripture also gave him a lot of confidence. Well, according to the very good test habit cultivated before the crossing, before the test, Ling Wei

I checked my writing tools first, and after the paper was issued, I read the test paper again, and found that I had seen the silent writing in the test, and the last tension in my heart was gone.

He graciously wrote the answers on the draft paper, checked whether there were any typos, and then used the serious attitude of completing the calligraphy, and copied the answers on the test paper. Looking at the handwriting that he had practiced hard, Ling Wei nodded in satisfaction. Seeing such a good handwriting will definitely leave a very good impression on the examiner.

Although there are enough Scripture test questions, but for those who know the answer, the number of words together will not last long. For Ling Wei, who never forgets, he doesn’t even need time to think. Therefore, even if Ling Wei showed his attitude toward calligraphy when transcribing, after finishing writing, it has only been an hour and a half, and the sun has not yet fully risen.

Because Ling Wei is so famous recently, the examiner who invigilated the exam was also quite curious. Therefore, the invigilator deliberately inspected the examination room where Ling Wei was located, only to find that Ling Wei was already in a daze. Looking at his desk, the ink on the test papers had dried up, and it was obvious that he had finished answering for a long time.

The invigilator glanced at Ling Wei’s test paper, and in the exposed page of the test paper, the answers were full. For the content of the Jingyi exam, the invigilator has left the exam for a long time without special review, so the answer may not be completed. But as far as he knew, Ling Wei made no mistakes. And even if the answer is not clear, but regardless of the words, I know that he is not hurried and confident when answering the question.

The invigilator sighed. It’s better to hear a hundred times than to see it. With this handwriting, you know that Ling Wei is really well-deserved.

If you don’t look at the name, who can believe that someone with such a good hand only started learning Yan Chao’s writing three or four years ago?

Other things can be seen in talent, only calligraphy, in addition to talent, hard work is more important.

In ancient examinations, there was no mention of handing in papers in advance. So Ling Wei was boring and waited, and in the end he started cooking slowly. Because the toilet is in the compartment, although it is covered by a thick wooden lid, it will inevitably have a smell, so Ling Wei dare not drink more water, but moisturize the mouth and throat when he is thirsty, cooking is also steaming Of dry rice. However, after this meal was made, the fragrance was still overflowing, making many candidates want to scold their mothers.

The invigilator was attracted again, looking speechlessly at Ling Wei, who had spent half an hour steaming the rice on a small fire, and was pouring the cut bacon and fresh vegetables into the pot. Start to stir fry.

Seeing the invigilator staring at him helplessly, Ling Wei was startled: “This…sir, are you allowed to cook in the examination room?”

The invigilator looked at this half-aged teenager who was even higher than him and called him an adult, and twitched his lips: “Yes, just don’t make too much noise and disturb others in doing the questions.”

Ling Wei nodded quickly. Fortunately, the dishes are ready. It seems we will eat steamed vegetables tomorrow. How about steamed pork ribs? It just happens that the new batch of potatoes is ripe, and potatoes can be placed under the steamed pork ribs. It’s a pity that when the pumpkins weren’t ripe, last year’s pumpkins were eaten less than a month after they matured. Otherwise, steamed pork ribs with pumpkin powder would be good. The steamed ribs with sweet potato flour are also delicious, but the sweet potato is not yet harvested.

Then the day after tomorrow, I will eat the pork with Mei Cai. It’s just that Mei Cai Kou Po is a bit salty, so drink more water. It’s better to eat lighter ones. The salt-baked chicken seems to be good. Although it took a little longer, you will definitely have more time to study poems the day after tomorrow.

What do you eat the day after tomorrow? Worry…

The invigilator asked Ling Wei about the scent of the food, and wanted to say that even if you don’t make a sound, it disturbs others to answer the questions very much. Just this scent makes people hungry.

The invigilator also came all the way to the imperial examination, knowing that during the exam, he would suffer from the pain of eating dry buns with cold water. Smelling the fragrant food at this time is simply cruel and outrageous.

However, the small stove provided in the examination room itself allows candidates who stay in the examination room all day and do not go out to use hot water and rice. It is just that among scholars, let alone those who can cook, even if they do, it is estimated in the examination room. No one has that leisurely mind, even hot water is not in the mood to burn (of course, the candidates who can’t even burn hot water are not excluded, which is still the vast majority).

Like Ling Wei, the invigilator has never seen anyone who finished answering the questions long ago and started cooking slowly.

Well, the cooked food smells and looks delicious, and it seems to be more delicate than the one in the restaurant.

On the charm of Xiaochao that has not yet appeared.

Stir-fried pork with cabbage, the double temptation of nose and taste buds |

At this time, it was not time to change shifts, and the invigilator was empty. Although he could take out the cakes, he felt hungry when he saw and smelled this delicacy that he had never seen before. But as an invigilator, he couldn’t ask the students what they wanted to eat. In the end, he could only turn around and leave without seeing and worrying about it.

Before leaving, he silently mourned the candidates in the cubicle around Ling Wei.

Ling Wei breathed a sigh of relief as the invigilator left. It’s embarrassing to be stared at while eating. He carefully folded the dried test papers, placed them on the corner of the table, and covered them with silk cloth. Then put a pen holder and other things on the other side to prevent accidental dripping of the food cup on the test paper. Then he spread the linen cloth on the table top, carefully brought the food up, and Meimei began to enjoy her own meal.

After eating and washing the pots and pans and going to the toilet again, it was just after noon, Ling Wei continued to wait boredly for the exam to be over. Originally, he wanted to take a nap, but remembered the storytelling in the TV series that the test paper was smeared during sleep and failed to pass the test (actually not), he decided to doze off while guarding the test paper.

When he handed in the paper, Ling Wei had already memorized several books in his heart.

The exam was so boring, Ling Wei was speechless.

The invigilator was equally speechless.

After the science popularization of the invigilator in the morning, all the invigilators in the examination room knew that Ling Wei was cooking in the examination room, which caused the candidates to be impetuous, and even the invigilator was impetuous.

In addition to being speechless, they were a little bit sour in their hearts. Sure enough, they are highly talented people. When they were in the imperial examination, they thought hard, and when they turned in, they might not be able to complete all the questions. However, Ling Wei completed all the test questions early, and looking at it like that, he seemed very confident, which was envious and hateful.

When Ling Wei appeared in the first test, Ling Yun, Zhao Gui, and Li Ying were all waiting at the door. Seeing Ling Wei coming out of the examination room vigorously, in stark contrast with the surrounding candidates, the words “Jintang worked hard” stuck in their throats and couldn’t say anything.

Then they listened to Ling Wei saying that the exam questions were answered very early, so bored in the exam room, they wanted to fall asleep, steamed a piece of white rice and fried pork with cabbage, and was told by the examiner that they could not make a sound to affect other candidates in the exam. It was really stressful. Shanda.

The three were silent. What you said, it seems that there is no pressure. And I think that what the invigilator said to affect candidates is definitely not the sound made by cooking…

“What should I do on the day of the exam questions? It must be even more boring.” Ling Wei frowned and sighed. “Why don’t I bring some flour and steam some pastries in the afternoon? This takes more time.”

Three people: “…”

Yes, you are happy. But it is estimated that the candidates on your left and right will be very unhappy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next test really made the test takers who were with Ling Wei a deep memory.

Ling Wei said that he would really eat steamed pork ribs the next day.

Although the test was on the theory of history the next day, all the history books were well understood, and any allusions were readily available. For Ling Wei, who had also been tortured by high school and university graduate students many times, it was a piece of cake for Ling Wei. Even if he used Pian Fu to make the historical theory look better, it took some time to think of beautiful words and parallel sentences, but when the draft was finished, it was not yet noon.

This article is more than a thousand characters long, and it takes time to write it, but not to copy it. In less than half an hour, Ling Wei finished answering the question again. After checking a few times, he spread the test paper to air and started cooking.

I still ate white rice at noon. Before the rice was steamed, Ling Wei took out the ice cube box, cut it and soaked it in blood, then put it in **** garlic rice wine and self-mixed five-spice powder to pickle it and coat it with rice noodles. The ribs, and the potato pieces, which are peeled and cut into pieces, mixed with a little salt and put in a bowl. Potato chunks are under the bowl, and ribs are neatly stacked on top. Then he took out a double-layer steamer specially made by craftsmen, put water and rice under it, and put the ribs on the upper layer. When the rice was steamed, the ribs were also steamed.

Because the pot was covered when it was steaming, and there was not much smell coming out, the candidates on the left and right breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ling Wei had finally given up cooking in the examination room. But the moment Ling Wei opened the lid, the scent began to seduce the gluttons in the stomach again, and once again attracted the invigilator.

The invigilator and Ling Wei, who was holding a piece of ribs, looked at each other for a while, and said helplessly: “Eat slowly, don’t dirty the test paper.”

Ling Wei nodded vigorously, like a bird pecking at rice.

On the third day after only writing five poems, Ling Wei brought the flour mold fillings and started to make desserts.

The invigilator and the surrounding candidates have nothing to say. Whoever makes a talented person finish the test paper early, and whoever makes a person with superb cooking skills do a good job, the people around can only suffer.

What, you said that the food is too fragrant to affect your answer? Sorry, the examination room only prohibits noise, and there is no such thing as prohibiting fragrant meals. and

For the convenience of candidates in the examination room, hot water and rice have always been available. You don’t know how to do it yourself, but do you blame other people?

Because the free time after answering the poem test was the most, Ling Wei steamed the cakes and moved the salt-baked chicken that he decided to eat on the third day to the end. It took the longest time to discuss current affairs, so after Ling Wei finished writing the draft, he wrapped the marinated and wrapped chicken in paper, buried it in a crock pot with coarse salt, and simmered it.

After Ling Wei finished the transcription, the salt-baked chicken was almost simmered and matured, so Ling Wei put down the crock pot and steamed the rice. Because the coarse salt is very hot, when the rice is ready, the chicken is fully cooked and the temperature is right.

Ling Wei enjoyed his lunch beautifully, while the invigilator and other candidates continued to choke silently.

Whether Ling Wei is taking the exam or in the newspaper office is a very serious question.

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