The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 43

Chapter 43:

Ling Wei saw the salutes one by one, and many ministers responded back one after another.

Zhao Zhao smiled without seeing his teeth. The emperor introduced that, saying that Ling Wei was his nephew. In the future, when others see Ling Wei, it is not just the new champion.

There are many relatives and relatives of the emperor in the capital, but there are not many who are recognized by the emperor himself and recommended to important ministers.

His apprentice must be very capable in the future.

“My nephew is good at everything, but too tired and lazy.” Li Li patted Ling Wei on the shoulder. With so much strength, he almost didn’t pat Ling Wei on the ground.

Ling Wei smiled and grinned his teeth secretly. Did he provoke His Majesty the Emperor somewhere again? Why does he always feel that His Majesty the Emperor is bullying him?

“Where and where, Ling Jintang is tired and lazy, and everyone else is ashamed to death.” Xie Rong said with a cordial smile, “I and Lu Guo are old friends. Will be very happy.”

Ling Wei’s self-cultivation was not enough, and couldn’t help but jumped.

Did this old man deliberately? Although the emperor pulled a fig leaf, ordinary people believed that it was Duke Lu who thought the battle was too tragic and left the family in advance. But people of their status still don’t know what his scumbag thinks? Isn’t it intentional?

“Duke Lu and the eldest sister will naturally be happy.” Li Yin said coldly, “This king remembers that Xie Shangshu and Duke Lu have seen each other very rarely. Old friend, really casual enough.”

Xie Rong’s face suddenly couldn’t hold back. He is polite, who is really good friends with the incomprehensible person?

“It turns out that Xie Shangshu has had a relationship with Duke Lu for a long time? This is also a good story.” Zhao Zhao stroked his beard and smiled.

Ling Wei couldn’t help but lower his head and smile. What story? Fall in love and kill? The teacher is also very hurt.

Xie Rong was choked by Zhao Zhao, haha with a very good temper, and was exposed just by joking.

Ling Weiming was guarded by the emperor, but now it seems that he is still being guarded by the Qin|wang. He heard from King Han and his nephew Xie Lin’an, Ling Wei

It’s just an opportunistic, and in the palace, it’s a cute and funny position like a choreographer. Now, it doesn’t seem to be the case?

As for Ling Wei’s reputation among literati, Xie Rong is not a literati, he is honorable. He has always looked down upon that kind of noble literati. Let his nephew take the road of imperial examination because the emperor valued the imperial examination.

Xie Rong decided in his heart to re-evaluate Ling Wei. Had my nephew and the King of Han both missed it? Or does Ling Wei hide deeply? Have you fooled Xie Lin’an and King Han?

Li Liquandang did not see the tit-for-tat confrontation between the courtiers, and after the introduction, he drove Ling Wei to the prince’s side to let him communicate with his peers. He continued to discuss state affairs with the ministers, and he also commented on this group of new scholars.

After Ling Wei left, although the Jinshi first got sour, they found that it was still good for Ling Wei not to be at the banquet. At least no one took the limelight all at once, and he was finally able to show his talent.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It is not the first time that Ling Wei has seen these princes.

After all, I have been in the palace frequently for so many years. Although I have been in contact with the little princes, I have entered the palace ten times. Anyway, I have seen other princes once or twice.

Of course, no more in-depth contact.

After all, what Ling Wei showed before was not worthy of the prince’s value (for the elder prince), and the princes would not deliberately show their interest in anyone in the palace (for other princes). Moreover, when these princes met Ling Wei, Ling Wei was either with the empress or the little prince and princess, and it was impossible to say anything.

So this is the first time for such a “deep” conversation.

Although Li Shi didn’t like Ling Wei very much, he had branded Ling Wei as a “Prince Eagle Dog” in his heart, but he was not a problem with IQ, and he still behaved very courteously in front of Ling Wei.

However, his kind of courteous corporal, in contrast to his brother Li Hu’s courteous attitude, seemed particularly… embarrassing.

How to put it… Li Shi is carrying the identity of the prince and the prince, to a low-status person, showing the closeness of the high-ranking person to the talented person; and Li Hu is the closeness to a talented brother.

If there is no comparison, it can still appear that Li Shi has a particularly affinity. But when compared with Li Hu, it seems that he doesn’t show enough respect for Ling Wei.

His brothers all regard Ling Wei as a person of equal status. What qualifications does he have to think that he is a superior person?

Li Shi looked at his younger brother, who was showing his closeness and even admiration with Ling Wei and squeezing his eyebrows, once again raised a kind of impulse in his heart. If this is not his brother, he must be strangled to death.

Under Li Hu’s “bad example”, other princes also treated Ling Wei as their own brother.

No matter what you think in your heart, but on the surface it is so.

However, perhaps, they also think so in their hearts.

After all, this is the “nephew” that their father admitted personally.

Although Princess Changle is actually not related to the royal family. But sometimes blood relationship or something is not so important. Princess Changle was named the eldest princess, who was written into the royal genealogy as the first queen and the prostitute; while the other princesses who really had the blood of the first emperor were not sealed. This alone gave them a different attitude towards Princess Chang Le’s pair of children.

Li Shi has put himself in the position of a prince, and his attitude is also the arrogant mentality of the future emperor, which other princes do not have.

They will be the prince in the future. Even if they are brothers with the prince, looking at the closeness of Ling Wei and the prince, their relatives are not necessarily comparable to the cousins of Ling Wei.

Everyone is now the father’s courtiers, and in the future they will all be courtiers of the prince, so what’s so arrogant?

Ling Wei also felt the attitude of these princes. Although he didn’t understand why they were so close to him, he was relieved.

Because of the attitude of the King of Han, Li Shi thought that these princes were also the kind of careerists who wanted to pull the prince off the horse every day, and even sought to usurp the throne. As a result, although everyone has different personalities…ahem, but IQ and EQ are both online.

The topics between the three princes and Ling Wei were different, which was very in line with their own personalities.

Li Hu kept asking Ling Wei about interesting things overseas. That way, if Yan Chao didn’t have advanced shipbuilding and sailing skills, he would like to travel around the world.

“When can I go to see the countries Jintang has stayed in before. After so many years, what happened to the land of the Chinese Empire?” Li Hu felt very distressed.

Ling Wei haha Li Hu’s face in his heart. Regrettably, this person directly regarded his fictional China as Yan Chao’s land, and he was going to seize it overseas, right? Wake up boy, now Yan Chao’s technology can’t support long-distance sea travel, otherwise would he dare to arrange his overseas identity? But even if he could, he would dare. After all, there are no satellites, and the earth is round. No one knows how big the earth is and how many pieces of land there are. So even if they travel around the world, no one can prove that they have found all the land in the world.

In an era without satellites, overseas identity is so easy to use.

Li Hu’s points of interest are fairly normal. Li Jun is talking about the philosophy of life with poetry and poetry with Ling Wei.

When Ling Wei listened to Li Jun’s questioning “real me”, “fake me” and “I am not me”, he was half-dead at Li Jun’s melancholy eyes.

Is this a literary youth or a philosophical youth, or does it mean that the literary youth and the philosophical youth have something in common? Didn’t you still discuss poetry with me just now? Shall we discuss poems and songs?

Ling Wei expressionlessly threw out the unsolved mystery of “Mr. Chicken Egg or Mr. Egg Chicken”, leaving Li Jun to entangle himself.

As for Li Chun, it is like brainwashing. How little seven is little seven how little seven how little seven…Ling Wei’s mind is filled with the delusions of this brother-in-law.

While Li Chun constantly praised his Xiaoqi, Li Chun constantly felt that Xiaoqi wouldn’t take care of him, would he be in trouble all the time. Ling Wei didn’t need to answer at all, he just used pride when Li Chun was proud, and worried when Li Chun was worried, and then Li Chun regarded him as a confidant.

This confidant is really easy.

As for the little majesty Jinque. He was too comfortable to be held by Ling Wei’s professional child-holding technique, and he fell asleep in Ling Wei’s arms.

Ling Wei dealt with several great high priests, while protecting the little one in his arms. To be honest, a three-year-old child is completely different from a three-month-old child. Even if he is sitting, Ling Wei still feels sore hands.

When will this grace feast end?

As for His Royal Highness, he was dragged by his emperor’s father to get acquainted with the court officials. The bear child is almost ten years old, and it is time to get in touch with one

The minister of the next dynasty is no longer in the palace.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief when the Enrong Banquet finally ended, but he immediately realized that it was too early to be relieved.

After the En Rong Banquet, there was a private celebration banquet specially prepared for him by the Empress.

This is simply the only honor in the country. Ling Wei is simply grateful to Dade, although he even wants to go home to sleep.

If the private banquet was just talking to the little princes, Ling Wei would not be so tired. However, His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be addicted to being an ordinary elder, and Ling Wei wanted to kneel after pulling Ling Weiyi to think about sweetness for an hour.

Ling Wei reminded His Majesty not to say anything. Besides, the key to the palace gate will be released. His Majesty waved his hand and said that Li Ying had a place to live in the palace. Ling Wei lived with Li Ying and would go back tomorrow.

Ling Wei: “…”

Your Majesty, are you really addicted? But I can’t find anything to flatter me anymore!

What made Ling Wei collapse even more was that after his majesty the emperor remembered his pains and thoughts about sweetness, the empress also followed him and talked about some of his housekeeping experience, and he would contact more people in the future. What should I do? Manage your internal affairs well, and you can’t be exploited by others. When Chang Le is not there, her aunt will act on her behalf, and there is no mistress in Ling Wei’s family to teach her the experience of being a housekeeper.

When the emperor and the empress left with unsatisfactory intentions, Ling Wei’s head was already two big, and even the previous ambiguous behavior towards Li was left behind.

Know when he is going to bed.

When Ling Wei saw the bed, his head instantly became sober.

and many more! His Majesty the Emperor is so stingy, is this a small wing room where Li Ying lives in the palace? ! There is only one bedroom and one bed!

No, no, I must be thinking too much. There is also a small bed for the night watch outside this bedroom, right?

Ling Wei thought he was right, and when he turned his head, he saw Li Ying’s crimson ears that could not be hidden in the bright candlelight.

Although this person’s eyes are very upright, his face is very normal.

“Tonight I will be wronged by Qu Jintang and I will be asleep.” Li Yin said calmly.

Ling Wei: “…” Hehe, he still can’t feel anything wrong at this time, he is a fool.

However, since Li Ying had to pretend to be upright, Ling Wei would not break it either. He also said with integrity: “I was wronged by Yingfei. I didn’t sleep well, and Yingfei don’t blame me.”

Li Yin said hurriedly, “My sleeping face is not good, Jintang don’t blame me.”

Ling Wei nodded honestly, and then finished bathing with Li Ying uprightly, wearing the newly changed jacket, lying down in the same quilt upright, and sleeping.

Did the emperor stingy only give a quilt?

Ling Wei couldn’t help sighing when he felt the stiff body of the man next to him.

He had actually been aware of it before. It should be said that people who bend have a radar-like intuition for people who are also bend. It was just because of Li Yin’s identity and current ancient background that he didn’t dare to think about that, so even if he noticed signs, he quickly deceived himself and others and ignored the past.

But once I figured it out, it became obvious that many things were wrong before.

Although Ling Wei was still worried about Li Yin’s identity and the emperor’s attitude. But when he thought that Li Ying might be interesting to him, Ling Wei couldn’t help but feel a little swaying.

He hasn’t interacted with real people in his two lifetimes. As a person with a double cleanliness in the relationship, sex, Ling Wei doesn’t want to go out to find □, nor does he want to be a cheating gay, so he is ready to spend a lifetime with his foldable boyfriend .

After traveling to the more conservative ancient times, instead, he met a very good man who met his appetite and was interesting to him, and Ling Wei couldn’t help but feel a little airy.

Regardless of the future, at least Ling Wei is a little bit happy now.

“Jintang, aren’t you tired? Go to sleep.” Li Ying said, his voice a little nervous.

He also knew that seeing Ling Wei finally fulfilled his dream of Sanyuan and Die today, he was too happy to behave a bit out of control. Coupled with the opportunity that his elder brother and sister-in-law, who is worrying about, prepared for him, it is estimated that he will not be able to deceive this time.

Li Yin also felt that Ling Wei was not meaningless to him. But he was also worried. Interesting doesn’t mean that Ling Wei is ready to embark on this path.

After all, it is ordinary people’s choice to be a biological child and to pass on from generation to generation.

He wanted to boil the frogs in warm water, and wait a few years to see. But now, it doesn’t seem to matter.

Li Ying knew that Ling Wei had far more ideas in his heart than his peers, so he discovered it earlier…it seemed to be nothing. If he is not happy, he will not entangle him. If he gets along again, he is afraid that his feelings will get deeper and deeper, and eventually he will not be able to get out.

The longer he spends with Ling Wei, the more he is greedy for peace and happiness when he gets along with Ling Wei.

The two had their own thoughts, but in the end they all fell asleep.

Nothing **** happened.

There was no misfire or rolling together.

The sleeping appearances of the two of them were completely different from what they had said before, and they were all well-behaved. How to sleep before, how to sleep now. After the two got up, they were fortunate and somewhat regretful.

Obviously they are looking forward to a little progress, but they are not yet ready to make progress.

Both of them are uncertain about each other’s attitude.

So when the two emperors and queens came to have breakfast with the two with gossip, they were overwhelmed by their normal attitude.

Li Li and Empress Liu looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Originally, I was worried that Li Yin would shave his head and pick a son, but the emperor’s eyes were so poisonous, how could I not see that Ling Wei was also a bit interesting to his younger brother. Originally, a couple whose eldest brother was like a father and a sister-in-law, were very worried about Li Ying’s lifelong loneliness. Now there is a younger brother who likes, probably also likes the younger brother, and someone who is also very popular with him. , They also moved their minds.

Counting on the two to get along like this, it seems too difficult to pierce the window paper. Therefore, after discussing with Empress Liu, Li Li took advantage of this “celebration” and deliberately asked Ling Wei to talk for a while, leaving Ling Wei in the palace so that they could ‘sleep on their feet” and ‘share the bed.” Opportunity to sleep together.

As they thought, both of them were healthy, and they were both interested in each other, and the men were not worried about making each other pregnant, even if they didn’t do it.

What is it, but the intimate thing about sharing the same bed will always change the relationship between the two?

However, the results made them very heartbroken.

Is it possible that the two of them are so dull that they can just talk and go to sleep under a quilt, without any awkwardness at all?

Still said that he was lame, but in fact, the two of them were boring to each other?

No matter how much the empress’s heart is, Ling Wei and Li Ying can really do nothing happen-at least in the palace, it seems that there is no difference in peace.

It wasn’t until they were out of the palace and sitting in the same carriage that Ling Wei and Li Yin’s expressions showed a hint.

How to say it, the two are still a little embarrassed when they are alone in the confined carriage space.

Especially for Li Ying, it was obvious that the degree of frustration on his expression was about to be confined into a dark cloud, covering the top of his head.

Ling Wei was sitting on the side of the carriage, and then glanced at him secretly, struggling hard in his heart.

If in modern society, no matter whether it will succeed or not, now he definitely wants to see it everywhere.

After getting along for so long, Ling Wei also knows that Li Ying is a very reliable person who doesn’t mess around. If you get along, you can divide. As a **** who can’t get along anymore, it’s not easy to meet a suitable one, and it’s definitely not easy to let it go.

But now in ancient society, Li Yin is not an ordinary person, he is the real power prince trusted by the emperor, so you can’t say that.

It doesn’t matter whether he is vulgar, realistic, or even cowardly. He still thinks life is more important than love. After God knows that he is really with Ling Wei, would the Emperor think that he taught Li Ying badly, and then find a reason to kill him or something.

Well, he is honorable, and it may be impossible to kill with a rod, but what about exile? This is very possible.

Even though his Majesty the Emperor now regards him as a nephew, he is a fart compared to his brother who was brought up from childhood like a son.

What’s more, Li Ying is still young now, who knows what it will be like in a few years or more than a decade. Does he want to marry a wife and want to have children? He hates this “black history of youth and frivolousness”.

To put it bluntly, Ling Wei has no guts, even if he has been fascinated by Li Yin’s beauty many times, he does not dare to put in feelings.

If you put in feelings and want to develop your feelings, no matter what Li Ying is, he will definitely take it seriously. One double for a lifetime, even if

It is too rare for men and women, Ling Wei has this extravagant hope. But really, he is not optimistic about this relationship.

Ling Wei wanted to deal with it coldly, but assumed that this hadn’t happened. But seeing Li Yin’s depressed look, I suddenly felt very distressed.

Maybe he has quietly put in his emotions without knowing it.

However, when it breaks, it breaks, dragging it around, and he will not become a scumbag. It’s just that, it is estimated that it will be embarrassing in the future, even friends can’t do it.

Ling Wei sighed and said, “Yingfei, sorry.”

Li Yin, a man who was about 1.8 meters tall, actually shrank with a very obvious movement, his eyebrows and lips drooped, his eyes looked at Ling Wei, he looked very pitiful, and he almost didn’t make Ling Wei regret his decision on the spot.

However, Ling Wei persisted. He said with difficulty: “I… was born like this… Maybe other people don’t understand or even hate it, but I like men by nature. There is no way. I am not going to be a biological son in the future. , To harm other innocent girls. I don’t know when Ying Fei saw it, I… I thought I was hiding it well.”

Since I have been found to like men, and I probably know that I have bad intentions with him, the first thing is to confess, do not cause additional misunderstandings, and strive not to cause resentment even if you are a stranger.

“I know that scholar-bureaucrats in the former dynasty used to be masculine, and Yingfei would not reject it. But I am different from other people. Even if the **** of the person I love is wrong, I never feel that I am different from others. To me In other words, this is not a matter of elegance, but life. If I have a lover, I will not betray him, nor do I want him to betray me.”

So I know that there are also brothers in this dynasty. However, even though they “play” together, they will also marry each other. I can’t do it.

“In the future, I guess I will inherit the incense from the children of the clan, and my father and mother will not take care of me. But Ying Fei is highly valued by his majesty. In the future, his majesty will call the shots, and his wife will be a filial piety in the future…”

Therefore, the two of us are not suitable. Ling Wei sighed. This was the first time I felt heartache in my two lives, and my eyes were red. I had no hope before, but now I have hope to push it myself. It is estimated that I will never meet someone as good as Li Ying in the future. This is the rhythm of Zhuansheng.

What’s more tragic is that he had a foldable boyfriend before, but now he can’t even buy a boyfriend.

“Jintang’s meaning is… If the emperor’s brother agrees, Jintang would be willing to be with me?” Li Yin’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Ling Wei: “Huh?” What?

Li Yin held Ling Wei’s hands at once. If he weren’t still in the carriage, he would jump up immediately: “Great! Brother Huang has agreed!”

Ling Wei: “…”

and many more! What? ! I didn’t figure out the situation!

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