The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

“Overseas really value commerce.” Seeing the prince cheered up, Ling Wei felt that it was a good way to divert attention. “What kind of taxation, what kind of economic development, these are too complicated, let’s talk about it later. Let me first talk about the rule as a ruler.” Those who care about most.”

“Chang Geng, what do you think your Majesty cares most about?” Ling Wei asked.

The prince said: “Isn’t it people’s livelihood?”

“Your Majesty really cares about people’s livelihood, but why should your Majesty care about people’s livelihood?”

The prince was stunned for a moment. He hadn’t thought about it yet.

Li Yin looked at Ling Wei thoughtfully.

Ling Wei touched his nose: “Don’t look at me like this. I guess it’s only me who dare to say so bluntly.”

Li Ying said, “That’s why Brother Huang asked Qichen to study with Jintang.”

“Didn’t you follow the prince?” Ling Wei said.

“Uncle Wang, Jintang, don’t play dumb riddles. You know, I don’t know yet.” The prince said dissatisfied.

“Then you can’t call me Uncle Wang.”

“Prince! Don’t play dumb puzzles! I don’t know yet!” cried the prince.

Ling Wei smiled and said: “Okay. Didn’t you really expect the prince? Then let me change the question. When people’s lives are better, society will be stable, right? Why should your Majesty care about social stability?”

“Of course it’s because…” The prince blinked, his face narrowed, “Jintang, you should dare to say it.”

“I am over-flattered.”

“It really deserves to be a lone teacher hahahaha.” The prince said happily.

Ling Wei couldn’t laugh or cry. This topic turns too strange.

“Since your Royal Highness already knows, then your Royal Highness will be able to understand what the minister will say next.”

“Call me Chang Geng.”

“Okay, Chang Gung.” Ling Wei took out the pen and paper and drew two circles. “The so-called people’s livelihood is to eat and wear warmly at first. But to eat and wear warmly is to produce food and cloth locally. Now there are In both places, they can produce food and cloth. This is called self-sufficiency. One place can be self-sufficient, so even if there is no communication with the outside world, it doesn’t matter, right?”

The prince nodded: “Jintang, you might as well just say that a place can be self-sufficient, and someone who occupies this place can become the emperor of the land.”

Ling Wei turned black for a moment: “Is this what the minister can say?”

“Why can’t this be said, I can say that I can say, that’s it anyway.” The prince said indifferently, “Go on, and then.”

Ling Wei and Li Yin looked at each other and saw the smile in Li Yin’s eyes. They held a pen and poked the paper angrily: “It takes money to produce grain and cloth. We are now measuring it by silver. This land is suitable for grain production but It’s not suitable for cloth production, and land B is suitable for cloth production but not for grain production. Take one catty of grain and one piece of cloth as examples. A place needs one hundred dollars to produce one catty of grain, and one piece of cloth needs two hundred dollars; On the contrary, it takes two hundred dollars to produce a catty of grain, and only one hundred dollars for a piece of cloth. And if they sell them, it will cost fifty dollars more than the original price.”

“Then A place produces its own cloth, a piece of cloth costs two hundred dollars, but it only takes one hundred and fifty years ago to buy cloth from place B. The same is true for place B. If the two places have convenient transportation and convenient business exchanges, what will happen in the end? The results of it?”

The prince thought for a while, and said, “It is better to buy the cloth by yourself. It is better to grow grain and then sell the grain to Land B and buy the cloth. The same is true for Land B. It is better to weave the cloth and sell it to Land A for food. ”

“Yes, in the end, land A no longer weaves, and land B no longer grows food.” Ling Wei smiled, “Then land A and land B are integrated?”

The prince slapped his tongue: “It seems like this! What a great look!”

Ling Wei said again: “In fact, this is only the most extreme example. Of course, every place cannot be so simple. But business is inherently interconnected. There are more economic exchanges, and the connections between people, places and The ties between places are getting closer. The most important thing is that, like A and B, when each is self-sufficient, they think that the other is a foreign place. But if the two places get closer and closer, A You can buy things from the land and land B, as well as land B, and both belong to the same country and the same kind of people. Then they will have an idea in their hearts, that is, we are all people from the same place. .”

This is not the case in modern society, the global village.

“In fact, it is almost like this now.” Ling Wei continued, “How much territory did we have in China during the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties? How much territory does Yan Chao have now? Even when Yan Chao first founded the country, there were not so many territories. But no matter it was People or officials, they all know clearly that there are still places that have not come back. This’come back’ is a sense of identity. Even if they are not now, they belong to the Chinese nation and belong to the Chinese nation. Even if they are temporarily split, everyone will still come together. . How does this sense of identity come about?”

“After the economic ties are established, everyone’s thoughts will become closer and closer. And economic ties will become closer and closer together with the exchange of people and intermarriage.” Ling Wei said of this. , It’s a bit of enthusiasm, “So even if it’s a new place, as long as the territory is connected to our current territory, and then we encounter a good king who can govern, it only takes three generations to turn that place into ours. .”

The fusion ability of Chinese culture is so awesome.

The prince was flushed by Ling Wei’s words: “In fact, Ganzhou was not in our hands before, right? It seems that it was only defeated by the previous dynasty. So now we are going to completely turn Ganzhou into the territory of Yan dynasty?”

“Yes. First eliminate the bandits, then develop the economy, then actively engage in business with the Central Plains, and finally increase personnel exchanges through business. This is economic assimilation. After economic assimilation, cultural assimilation is easier. There are too many. Canglin knows the etiquette, and knows the honor and disgrace. The people of Ganzhou are fed and clothed, and we can develop education, teach them literacy, and let their talented people enter the court as officials. In this step, the newly born people in Ganzhou will think that they were originally from Yan Chao. When the new born people completely replaced the old generation, the fact that Ganzhou belongs to Yan Chao has already been determined. “Ling Wei saw that the prince was completely refreshed, and he was relieved, “This has already been realized in the previous dynasty.”

The prince fainted instantly: “I thought there was something I could do. Uncle Wang hurry up and go to war, and grab a place to come back. It’s great to make others’ own own.”

Where did this robber thinking come from? Ling Wei helped his forehead.

He just emphasized the importance of commerce, and didn’t want the prince to follow the path of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce in the future. Although it is right to emphasize agriculture, it is better to coordinate the development of agriculture, industry and commerce.

But why did the prince get involved in opening up the territory and expanding the territory? Or does it mean that both the emperor and the future place have a heart to expand their boundaries?

“Okay.” Li Ying nodded his head. It seemed that he really wanted to grab a piece of land and come back to try to see if it was the same as Ling Wei said.

Ling Wei smiled dryly: “We Yanchao’s geographical location, it’s not easy to expand the territory. The overseas territory is still very large, but the transportation is not convenient. Long-term occupation is not easy.”

Well, he pulled all the colonies out.

The prince nodded: “Well, all the gold, silver and food from other places will be shipped back.”

Li Ying also nodded: “There are minerals.”

Ling Wei continued to laugh: “Of course there is.” If you need it, I can draw the map for you now. As a liberal arts student, I learned about minerals from all over the world during the college entrance examination.

But this development is not right, isn’t it talking about business? Why did it really get involved in the colony? Is China going from a colonized country to a colonial country in the future? Will it be recorded in history books that we talked about it first? If it is really recorded, is this a long-lasting or stinking relic?

This is really curious.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

With Ling Weitian’s nonsense, the prince’s spirit became much better.

The prince is in good health, and now he is not so uncomfortable after he gets used to the bumps on the road. Seeing it in his eyes, Li Yin didn’t slow down, but drove at a normal speed.

The current identity of the prince is a child in the clan. Speaking of it, his grandfather is the cousin of the first emperor, which is a far-reaching relationship. It was said to be the clan, but his grandfather didn’t have a king, and now their family, except for the surname Li, is no different from ordinary people.

And the emperor is not the only one with the surname Li.

But at any rate, it is a child of the clan, if the emperor remembers it, it is common to take care of it.

So Ling Wei suddenly came to a ten-year-old child, saying that he was the person who was studying with him. Others also felt a fuss.

And this child and the prince are more familiar with each other, and they also feel normal.

Clan children, even if there is no title, they are still connected to the ancestor. What’s more, the child appeared to be more afraid of Qin | Lord, and everyone was even more sure of the speculation.

The prince was also lively, and after he was in good spirits, he soon became well mixed in this team. It’s impossible for those people to really treat the prince as a small official. Didn’t they see how much Ling Wei spoiled him? So most people call him the young master.

Ling Wei listened, how did he think he was calling his brother.

Forget it, Li Yin thinks it’s okay, so let’s call it that way.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The distance from the capital to Ganzhou is about 2,000 kilometers, and the horse-drawn carriage ran for more than ten kilometers a day without rushing, and it was even slower if something was delayed. So about a month or so, Ling Wei and other talents came to Ganzhou.

It’s much easier to go to the south, just go south along the canal. The dry road is indeed much slower.

Ling Wei and others came to Ganzhou servilely. Ganzhou governor Qian Jie and general Ning Xian, who was in charge of suppressing bandits, had already been waiting outside the city. However, the journey was far away and the journey was exhausting. They didn’t do much entanglement. They only took people to the place that had been taken care of for a long time, and rested first. The wind banquet was held three days later.

Ling Wei also couldn’t hold up the long journey. I basically fell asleep on the first day, and only slightly improved on the second day.

In contrast, the prince started jumping up and down as soon as he arrived, and he didn’t look sluggish when he was on the way.

Ling Wei lay on the bed and asked Li Ying to rub his legs and waist: “The energy of a child is endless. Looking at Chang Geng, I think I am old.”

Li Ying took advantage of the opportunity to eat soft tofu, and said solemnly: “Jintang is getting old, what about me?”

Ling Wei glanced at him and said nothing.

“Does Jintang despise me for being old?” Li Yin didn’t hold back, reaching under Ling Wei’s clothes.

“Remove the paw, don’t touch it, I’m tired.” Ling Wei yawned, “So tired, I should stay in the capital and feel comfortable.

It’s so cool to be a leisure minister, go to the streets and walk the dog every day. ”

“Jintang! Let’s go to the street!” As soon as he said to go to the street, the prince rushed in, “Ah, the king…the prince is also here.”

“Don’t go, I’m so tired, let me take it easy.” Ling Wei didn’t look up, “You should also stop, there is nothing to go shopping on the street now.”

“Didn’t it mean that it’s safe outside now?” The prince was puzzled, “the gangsters have been wiped out.”

“The gangsters have been wiped out, but Ganzhou is now waiting for prosperity and people are poor. This person is too poor, and it is prone to problems. If you really encounter someone who can’t survive roadblocking, robbery, or even hacking and killing people to retaliate against society, what Do?” Ling Wei casually said nonsense, “Stay well, don’t go out, it’s dangerous, be good.”

The prince was still very obedient in front of the big things: “Then when can I go out?”

“When Ying Fei has all the military and political power in Ganzhou, you can go out.” Ling Wei turned around and glared at Li Ying. Why is he still so dishonest in front of the Prince?

Li Yin looked serious, and continued to perform a conscientious massage. He was just massaging and did nothing else.

“That’s it.” The prince nodded thoughtfully, “Is there anyone who doesn’t welcome us?”

“Generally it is still welcome. The eagle flying here shows that the court attaches great importance to this place.” Seeing that Li Yin was getting more and more excessive, Ling Wei couldn’t help but get up from the bed.

If you pinch it down, he will call out. In front of outsiders, can you be more serious!

“It’s probably me who is unpopular.” Ling Wei said, “After all, I collect taxes on behalf of the country.”

The prince did not notice the “undercurrent” between the two people. He nodded and said: “Welcome the court to send people to maintain stability, but don’t want to pay taxes to the court? How can there be such a good thing.”

“Not just paying taxes. There are also fields.” Ling Wei sighed. Regardless of the arid climate in Ganzhou, there are many fields and pastures at the junction of rivers. After the war, many people were displaced, and the landlords took the opportunity to enclose land.

But after he comes, the land will be re-measured. It was originally not yours, so you have to spit it out, consolidate it into the country and redistribute it.

After Ling Wei read Yan Chao’s tax law, he felt that Yan Chao’s current tax law was quite suitable for social development. He combined the land equalization system with a whip method and some clauses of sharing acreage into acres. Taxes are levied by land instead of people, and the landlord’s private land should also be taxed.

What surprised Ling Wei was that although officials did not submit to corvee, the tax was still to be paid, and the tax rate was not discounted.

This is an extremely rare event in feudal history.

This was still implemented in the previous dynasty. At that time, it was also opposed by many feudal bureaucrats, but the emperor said that the imperial estate under his own name had to pay taxes. Why did those courtiers not pay taxes? So the opposition was suppressed.

After paying taxes for hundreds of years, officials have become accustomed to it.

When Yan Chao was founded, some officials wanted to clamor for not paying taxes, but the Emperor Xian was not easy to fool. He relied on his own soldiers to lay down the world, and he was not an emperor relying on the support of anyone, so he was naturally very tough.

The first emperor said the same, his own imperial estate must pay taxes, who of you is more noble than me?

The first emperor was a little messy in his private life, but he was still very reliable in major matters. Staying in the history books, it is estimated that he is also a Mingjun.

Well, like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, according to the tax law implemented by Yan Chao, these landlords have to spit out the land they have taken, and they have to re-measure the land and then pay the tax.

What a loss it must be.

Therefore, Ling Wei’s unpopularity is almost insignificant, which is simply a hated rhythm.

After hearing this, the prince seemed very happy: “I came with Jintang, so I am also a person who is disliked by others? Hahaha, that’s great, I thought there was Uncle Wang here, so I didn’t have anything to do! , There is a chance to show your ability alone!”

“Chang Gung, you’d better pay attention to claiming yourself, otherwise tomorrow there will be countless officials and local famous families who will give you money to send you beauties. If you are not sure, if you just walk on the street, you will encounter the betrayer and the burial of your father. Those who snatched up to be concubines, escaped from the brothel, etc.” Ling Wei yawned along his mouth, and Li Yin quickly handed over the tea.

Ling Wei took a sip of tea and glanced at Li Ying. You just want me to forgive you with a cup of tea, no way!

“I’m thirsty, too.” The prince looked at Li Ying eagerly.

Without expression on his face, Li Ying poured a glass for the prince.

With Ling Wei backing up, the prince was no longer afraid, and dared to let his uncle Wang serve tea and water.

“I’m still young, these tricks are too early for me.” The prince was curious, “The stories that appear in these scripts will really happen? I thought they were all made up, too outrageous.”

“It all comes from life, no matter whether it is outrageous or outrageous, someone will be fooled.” Ling Wei nodded Li Ying, “Qin|The prince can meet young widows who deliberately hit a carriage in the capital, not to mention you.”

The prince almost squirted out the tea: “Why is it a widow? This level is too low, right?”

“Well, I also think that the level is too low. At any rate, she must be a poor lady.” Ling Wei also nodded in agreement. The kind. The kind that has a decent background, a well-educated and well-rounded person, the kind that can be a concubine for the prince.”

The prince said: “Otherwise, it’s an oiran who doesn’t want to accompany guests? The kind of acting and not selling yourself?”

“Oiran… will anyone take the oiran into the house?”

“The script is often written like that.”

The prince and Ling Wei looked at Li Ying together: “Has anyone ever brought an oiran into the house?”

Li Yin was full of black lines: “What do you guys look at? What kind of story? What kind of young lady, what kind of oiran? Even if the oiran is good, it is impossible to enter the door of the palace, even a person with a little rules is impossible.”

“No one has ever come in?” Ling Wei didn’t believe it, “There must be.”

“I also think, there must be.” The prince did not believe it either.

Li Yin suddenly felt a headache: “If any family member really does this kind of thing, I won’t let others know.”

Ling Wei and the prince nodded: “Sure enough, there are.”

After speaking, Ling Wei began to discuss with the prince about what methods the corrupt officials and local tycoons had used, and how they faced the “imperial ministers”.

At first, Li Ying felt curious about how the emperor’s brother tolerated the story in Ling Wei’s speech book to the prince. In the eyes of others, this is probably a symbol of ignorance, right? However, after listening to the conversation between Ling Wei and the prince for a while, he thought he probably understood it.

With a textbook, Ling Wei can also inspire the prince to think about some serious things, and even rise to the height of thinking about human weakness.

Li Yin had to sigh, Ling Wei really can use anything as a teaching material. This is what he said, is it entertaining and entertaining?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The people around Li Ying are soldiers, and the prince is also a trusted guard, so even though the prince occasionally leaks, he still does not reveal his identity.

So when receiving the wind banquet, the prince actually failed to sit at the main table.

But the prince did not feel humiliated or anything, on the contrary, he found it very novel.

But Ling Wei obviously couldn’t let the prince sit at a table alone. He knew that the prince would not be angry about this kind of thing, but he was worried that the prince would accidentally leak his mouth.

Your Majesty is hiding the prince’s going out of Beijing. Although I don’t know if your Majesty can hide it, he can’t have any problems here.

Let the prince sit alone, who knows if he will let go?

Sitting with them, those people hold their own identities. Even if they know that the prince is a child of the clan, they will not talk to him because of his “family path” and young age.

If you talk less, you will have fewer chances to reveal your stuff.

With the status of a clan, even if there is no official position or no knighthood, it is natural to sit at the main table. Of course, as Ling Wei expected, those at the main table would not take the initiative to speak to the prince.

The prince sat there in silence, listening to the greetings of people on the table with his ears upright.

Naturally, Li Ying followed the high-cold route. He was there with a cold face, and whoever spoke with him would end the conversation with the shortest words. Although there were still people who kept hitting the iceberg, it was almost impossible to use Li’s high-cold style.

However, Ling Wei took the line of Gu left and right. Whatever others say, he can get to Fenghuaxueyue’s poems and songs, completely treating this as a time for personal talent.

After eating a meal, others have a deep understanding of the talent of this Sanyuan and No. 1 champion, and they all say that the champion is really good at learning rich and five cars, and the other… er, don’t know anything.

The prince felt that he seemed to have learned something.

For example, although the etiquette mother teaches that she can’t eat and sleep, she still has to put wine on the dinner table if she wants to talk. (Wait, something seems to be wrong…)

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