The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 55

Chapter 55:

“Although I have seen corn seedlings emerge from the soil before, I am so excited for the first time.” The prince squatted on the ground, looking at the green corn seedlings in the field, “Jintang, Uncle Wang, you guys. Can this corn bear fruit?”

Ling Wei also squatted on Tian Kan: “It should be possible? Right, Ying Fei, Master Hu?”

Li Yin turned his face to look at Hu Chen.

Hu Chen wiped a sweat: “The growth of corn seedlings is not bad now, but there is still so much time, and the officials can’t say for sure.”

“Hey, I’m so worried.” The prince and Ling Wei sighed at the same time.

Li Ying turned his face to look at Hu Chen again.

Hu Chen wiped his sweat again: “The corn seedlings are growing well now, there must be no problem!”

Mother, the evil spirit on Qin|wang’s body is too heavy, no wonder Chaozhong Tiantian has a colleague impeaching him, maybe he was frightened.

“Let’s go and see the sweet potato seedlings.” Ling Wei took the crown prince and Li Ying, accompanied by Hu Chen, to tour the new crop fields. Seeing that they are growing well at the moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he understood the huge contribution of these crops to the food and clothing of the Chinese people, Ling Wei was still very imaginary when he promoted such a large planting area in one go.

What if it doesn’t adapt to the local climate and soil? What if the planting method is wrong? What if there is a natural disaster? Ganzhou has just stabilized, and there is no surplus in the homes of the people or the official warehouses. If the planting fails this time, the impeachment is a trivial matter. I am afraid that the people will be disappointed in the court and turmoil again.

“Food is really important.” The prince sighed, “I used to hear that the people regard food as the sky, but there is always no real feeling. When I get here, I personally participate in it, and then I know the meaning of this sentence. I am really very good now. Worry, what to do if the harvest is not good.”

“It’s useless to worry. For this kind of place, it’s often dependent on the sky for food.” Hu Chen also sighed. Although he is honorable, but because he is a declining branch, his family suffered a lot and starved to death during the change of dynasty. So even if he develops, he always has special feelings for food.

His Majesty the Emperor valued his point and allowed him to “won’t behave” and made him grateful.

“Relying on the sky for food…” Ling Wei thought about some tools for agriculture to resist the sky in modern society… Artificial rainfall? Mechanized operation? Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation? fertilizer? Well, the operability is almost zero.

Even if he remembers many advanced tools in modern times, modern society is mechanized, and he can’t invent the steam engine right away…

Uh…Do you want to invent the steam engine before you die, and raise the level of technology in the world to a higher level? But even if I remember the principle, it seems that I haven’t seen its production method specifically.

Ling Wei’s thinking was running the train again.

“Jintang? Jintang!”

Ling Wei walked while wandering, and almost stepped into the field with one foot, and was picked up by Li Yin, with the father, father, and princess in his arms.

Prince: “…”

Hu Chen: “…”

The subordinates and farmers: “…”

Ling Wei: “Let me down!”

Li Ying: “Yeah.”

He calmly put Ling Wei down, then calmly said: “Be careful with your steps.”

Ling Wei was extremely embarrassed. Should he say he knows now, or should he say thank you? Even if he stomped on the bottom of his feet, wouldn’t it be impossible to pull him? ? ? What the **** is the princess hugging? ? ? Didn’t you see the people around you were shocked! !

The prince exclaimed: “Uncle Wang is so strong!”

Ling Wei & everyone: “…”

The Prince’s focus seems to be a bit biased?

“Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang, how can you be as strong as you!” The prince said excitedly, “I practice martial arts every day! Isn’t Uncle Wang strong at my age?”

Li Yinggao said coldly: “Well, keep working hard.”

The prince hurriedly said, “I must work hard.”

After that, he clenched his fist: “I also want to lead my troops to war and drive the Turks out of the Central Plains!”

Ling Wei gave a dry cough, “Turkic was not in the Central Plains.”

The prince said: “Kick the Turks out of the grassland! The grassland is also owned by Yan Chao!”

Hu Chen smiled dryly: “Since ancient times, a hero has been a boy.”

The prince nodded reservedly, as if he had really driven the Turks out of the grassland.

Being interrupted by the prince in this way, the embarrassment that Li Ying had caused by holding Ling Wei’s princess just now disappeared. Although everyone was still a little awkward, they were all subconsciously hypnotizing themselves, which was just an accident.

As for how Ling Wei taught Li Ying after he went back, it was the two of them.

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Ling Wei felt that his luck was still good after crossing.

This experimentation of new crops in Ganzhou turned out to be very gratifying. Nothing he was worried about happened, and there were even few diseases and insect pests.

Ling Wei speculated that this might have something to do with the fact that these grains are all foreign varieties and there are no natural enemies yet.

Although it hasn’t been harvested yet, seeing the green fields in the field, the farmer’s heart is also let go.

They have also eaten this fruit. Looking at the current growth, it shouldn’t be extinct, right? If it is true as the adults from Beijing said, the grain yield is high and the taste is good, then the rations for next year will be available.

His Majesty the Emperor also promulgated a three-year tax reduction policy in Ganzhou. Although if it falls into the hands of other local officials, the three-point reduction will become one and a half minutes. But with Qin, the king and the prince in charge, the three-pointer is a solid three-pointer, and no one dares to increase it privately.

If there is a bumper harvest this year, not only will the people have enough food next year, they may still have surplus food.

With this hope, even the dying place who was frightened was energized.

Although these tycoons have lived well in the local area, the years of war and chaos have made their lives very tight. Although it’s okay to eat and wear warmth, seeing that the surplus grain in the warehouse is getting less and less, and they are still raising such a large family, it is impossible to not panic. Moreover, after Chen Liang had been eating for so long, everyone wanted to eat something fresh.

In order to please the imperial envoys, they also took out a large tract of land to grow new food. I had already prepared for an absolute harvest. As a result, the new grains are growing very well. Although the results have not yet come, it is hopeful to see them.

They also tasted the new food, the taste is quite good, and there are many ways to make it. If there is a bumper harvest, I would like to have a good time next year.

Even before the harvest season, the local prestige of Ling Wei and others has risen to a new level. If there is a bumper harvest of food, then the local people will certainly be grateful to the court, and their sense of belonging to Yan will be stronger than ever.

The common people’s requirement for the ruler is to fill their stomachs.

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“A big food businessman?” Ling Wei thought for a while when he heard this, oh, the Arabs, “what are they here for?”

“The merchants of Da Shi heard that Ganzhou was planting new crops, which were drought-resistant and did not require high soil requirements, so they asked us to sell them the seeds and cultivation methods.” The Prince was very curious. “This is the first time I have come into contact with Da Shi Businessmen, why do they wrap themselves up so tightly?”

“It’s only the doctrine, probably, and it can block the wind and sand and the sun?” When Ling Wei heard the Muslim, the word “terrorism” flashed in his head for no idea. He quickly put aside the words in his head. Muslims still have a lot of good people, um, you can’t discriminate against them because of terrorists. Moreover, if Yan Chao is so strong and separated so far, even if they want to expand to the outside world, they cannot come to Yan Chao, “Food? I’m afraid they have asked other people a long time ago?”

The prince smiled and said: “Of course, it’s just that the grain in Ganzhou has not been planted yet, and they have no idea about the follow-up planting. So the big food merchants came to us for business. They were stopped by the doorman, and I happened to come back. I thought it was interesting, so let them go back and wait for the news.”

Ling Wei immediately weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and he had a scrutiny in his mind. He asked: “So from Chang Gung’s point of view, how should this matter be handled?”

The prince thought for a while, and said, “Although the people still don’t know how to grow new grains, they don’t know what to do, but after this year’s harvest, that method will no longer be a secret. So those big food merchants can wait up to a year to use cheap food. You can buy what they want at a price…well, you don’t even need to buy it? So I thought, business can still be done, maybe they have something useful in their hands. But this way

Does it count as corruption and bribery? ”

“If you collect gold, silver and jewelry and you are impeached, it’s hard to say. But there are not only these things, but we are not short of these things at the big food merchant.” Ling Wei is very pleased. The prince’s idea is basically on the right track. Of course, perhaps in the eyes of the ministers of the DPRK and China, this is a long and crooked one?

“Jintang meant… let them exchange something that would benefit Yan Chao? But do they have it? Just a few businessmen?” The prince was puzzled. What else can these businessmen bring out besides money and rare things?

Ling Wei said: “That’s not necessarily. You know, the food is not close to us, and the food merchants are from Europa to our Yanchao. There are more places to go, and they will always see many things. Just get food. In other words, will there be them that we don’t have? The weather is hot and dry. If it is suitable for the food grown there, can it be promoted in places where we have drought and less rain? Or, in a year of severe drought. Used for emergency? Although it may not be as prosperous as Yan Chao outside, the people in every place and country also need food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. They will always have smart people who are unique and allow us to learn from each other.”

The prince nodded: “I see, what Jintang meant is to let them exchange our new methods of growing food with food or other technologies related to food, clothing, housing, and transportation, such as planting and sewing?”

Ling Wei smiled and said: “That’s it, it’s best to find someone who is very familiar with them, lest they use useless things to fool us.”

The prince frowned: “Although the local people have seen people at Dashi, they have never been to Dashi. I guess they don’t know much about it.”

Ling Wei touched his chin: “I guess I will be the only one…but I have to find someone who is more familiar with big food, especially the language.”

This fudge, first let the other party think that you know him well.

Negotiation is more than who has more cards and who knows the other party better.

Ling Wei’s memory is very easy to learn languages, but in modern society… he really has no chance to learn Arabic, so he can’t learn this language.

And even if it does, there is still a big difference between modern Arabic and ancient Arabic.

Ling Wei still knows the Arab region well. After all, modern information is so advanced and there are also geography classes… But he doesn’t know much about the Arab customs of this era. Therefore, he needs a person who has best been to Dashi, and understands the local situation and language.

, And then go to Huyou people’s house.

As for the food merchant, let’s leave it alone. It’s best to make them feel hopeless about this, and then meet them again.

These big cannibals must also know that they will have the opportunity to obtain new grain cultivation methods in the future. They probably just want to take this opportunity to meet the officials of Yan Chao. After all, Yan Chao is stabilized, and the Silk Road will definitely be unblocked in the future. The merchants of Da Shi will definitely go to Yan Chao in order to make money. At this time, it is also very necessary to be able to meet Yan Chao’s high officials and understand Yan Chao’s policies towards foreign businessmen.

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At this time, Li Yin and the prince saw the horror of Ling Wei’s learning ability.

On this Silk Road, there are many people from Yan Chao who understand foreign languages and have communicated with foreigners. Ling Wei successfully found a person who is proficient in eating language and learned daily conversations with him.

Then within a month, Ling Wei was able to use Da Shi Yu fluently.

The friends were shocked.

This is from the malice of Xueba.

Ling Wei touched his nose, embarrassed for everyone’s “adoration”.

In fact, it is not difficult for a language to achieve daily conversation. Take English as an example. Even if he is not as memorable as he is, after a month of training, daily conversations are not a problem.

Although the textbooks of Da Shiyu are certainly not as scientific and easy to learn as other language textbooks in the future, he has a good memory and can still speak in a month.

Then Ling Wei met the big cannibal who had stayed in Ganzhou to do business after he heard that Yan Chao might meet him.

The first glance that the big cannibal felt when seeing Ling Wei was probably the same as the first time the others in Yan Chao saw Ling Wei.

To use the Chinese proverb, it is probably that it is not strong to do things without hair. Such a hairy boy does not look like a deterrent.

It was the same young man behind him, but he was murderous at first sight, and the soft-legged person looked scary.

But then, the food merchant knew how wrong the so-called first impression was.

Ling Wei is not like other people from Yan Dynasty. No matter how well he hides, he has a sense of superiority from the heart. He also has a superior sentiment towards people from other countries.

He is really kind, really kind, and his smile comes from the heart.

But when Ling Wei spoke, the food merchant almost couldn’t help kneeling.

That fluent Arabic, that know-how about Arabian terrain, climate, customs and architecture made the big food merchants feel a deep terror.

These foreign businessmen flickered Yan Chaoren, relying on these people who have never seen or been there, and rely on the sense of mystery. Now that the mystery has been removed, there will be ghosts without fear.

Moreover, many of these businessmen are “political businessmen”. For example, the present big food businessman is. He couldn’t help thinking, does Yan Chao already know big food well?

But it’s fortunate that Da Shi and Yan Chao are not close, basically there is no conflict, so he was relieved.

Because Ling Wei “knows” Da Shi too much, the Da Shi merchant also put out his random thoughts, and was fooled by Ling Wei to quickly tell the situation of the place he had walked.

This food merchant has indeed traveled many places, not just Europa, even the British Isles by boat, and even North Africa.

Relying on his little geographical knowledge, Ling Wei not only fooled the food merchants into believing that Ling Wei had indeed been to these places, but even Li Yin and the crown prince who were in the audience were even more convinced that Ling Wei’s life before returning to the country was turbulent. Wei’s slightly illusory life experience adds a little more reliability.

After the prince returned to the palace, he said that to Li Li, and his Majesty was finally relieved.

Ling Wei is so enchanting, it is true that there are too many places to go. And the country of China and the country of tigers and wolves that invaded China did not pose a threat to Yan Chao. Because not only Ling Wei didn’t know how to get there, even the merchants who had walked through so many places didn’t know that there was still such a place.

Sure enough, it was on the other side of the sea, on the new continent.

Thanks to the navigational conditions at this time that still did not allow them to find the New World. Even if they found the New World, Ling Wei could write that this was not where he was. Because there are no satellites, it is impossible to take a panoramic view of the earth, so the earth is so big, who knows where Ling Wei is talking about?

Ling Wei finally understood the whole picture of this world.

Originally based on the history before the Yan Dynasty, Ling Wei believed that this timeline was probably in the Tang and Song Dynasties. I originally thought that the history of China was different, but foreign countries’ estimates were the same, and I could guess the time. I didn’t expect that the history of foreign countries would be different from what I had learned.

Although roughly still in the Dark Middle Ages in Europe, European navigators have already begun to go to sea and guest pirates.

Ling Wei was really taken aback. Fortunately, Yan Chao’s ship technology is not very good, and Europe’s sailing skills are not better than Yan Chao, so they just wander around Europe. It is estimated that even if they arrive at Yan Chao, they are not capable of making waves.

However, should we blow the air with His Majesty and let Yan Chao also quickly develop sailing skills? Before the European adventurers come to Yan Chao’s waters, they should go to the sea for a round to demonstrate Yan Chao’s national prestige. , So as to shock the group of people who say they are woolen but are actually robbers.

After just inquiring about overseas news and supplementing the big lie he had once told, Ling Wei asked for a detailed map of Europe—though it was still very crude, but the outline was roughly correct, and it can be remembered by Ling Wei The map contrasts.

In addition, Ling Wei also asked for the seeds and planting methods of the grain that he didn’t have in his hands-only carrots, which he didn’t like very much.

Well, carrots are also very nutritious. During the Chinese New Year, it is also very fragrant to stew pork ribs with carrots. What do you say in the hometown idiom? “Carrots, sip sweets, look like they are going to celebrate the New Year.” Now that they are planted, I don’t know if they can eat them during the New Year.

However, Ling Wei still feels that this transaction has taken so much effort (mainly language learning) to get such a thing, which is really not worthwhile.

What? The food merchant wants to exchange for gems?

No, no, we don’t take bribes or corruption, we want something useful.

Then, under Ling Wei’s repeated “torture”, he finally found good things—wool processing and textile methods such as woolen cloth and woolen yarn. He also bought a batch of European sheep.

I don’t know what kind of breed, but when I touched the sheep’s fur, I knew that the sheep’s wool quality was better than Yanchao’s local sheep.

“This is what Jintang said. You can make clothes and wear them every year without skinning.” Li Ying still remembered Ling Wei’s words. He thought it was a technology unique to Hua Guo. Ling Wei didn’t remember it. Yan Chao guessed it. I couldn’t get it. I didn’t expect that Europa also had this kind of technology, which made Li Ying curious about that far away country that was said to be very backward.

“I have seen a carpet sold by a big food merchant. It is such a small piece and needs to be exchanged for a thousand dollars.” Hu Chen couldn’t help but sigh. “I thought it was a cloth woven from crops that Yan Chao didn’t have. The wool? It turns out that only sheep’s wool can be used to make clothes?”

Ling Wei slapped another sheep’s soft back, sweaters and sweaters, which were much more comfortable than wearing animal skins. What fur and fur clothes are really just used to show off their wealth, and they are not as comfortable as a woolen sweater.

“It’s much cheaper than fur if you just use wool.” Li Ying also smiled a little. “The white stacks that Jintang said before have been made into cloth and cotton clothes, and they have been distributed to soldiers and soldiers. They have better warmth than linen. Too much. If the wool can be woven, the army can also raise this kind of sheep after planting.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the spinning machine in China looks like.” Ling Wei sighed. He remembers the picture of the Jenny spinning machine in the history book, but according to the picture, it is impossible to make a spinning machine. We can only hope that the working people of the Yan Dynasty will give full play to their ingenuity and transform this textile machine with poor textile quality and efficiency.

“Just leave it to the craftsman.” Hu Chen said, this time there are so many others brought, and there are so many talents, so don’t worry.

They came to Ganzhou this time and brought cotton seeds “bought” from Tianzhu. The cotton in the imperial village has become cotton blankets and cotton clothes. Hu Chen is very relieved of cotton. It’s just that new crops, whether it’s grain or cotton, are promoted near the capital, and there is great resistance.

Not everyone can accept new things. In particular, there is no shortage of food in the Central Plains. Traditional food and linen can keep the people full and warm. They are not willing to take risks.

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