The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 98

Chapter 98:

The matter of going to sea naturally caused an uproar in North Korea.

Ling Wei said that the uproar that has been set off in the DPRK over the years is too much, and he is numb.

Hey, speaking of these big|waves, it seems like it has nothing to do with someone.

The people in the court also understood at this time. His Majesty the Emperor of Emotion said that he would let Ling Wei go to the Ministry of Industry to complete a secret mission, that is, to go to sea.

In fact, it was about going to the sea, because Ling Wei made a detailed income and expenditure plan, and finally came to the conclusion that not only will it not cost the national treasury, but it will also make a lot of money. So some people wanted to use the reason of wasting the treasury to oppose, but they were also gagged.

Some people want to say that this kind of business behavior is not in line with the power of a big country. Ling Wei hehe, as if giving away for nothing is in line with the prestige of a big country. Did you lose your value for free? What’s more, if it’s free, where will the money come from? He would rather suggest that the ministers raise money. Presumably this lord is so considerate of the country and he is definitely willing to be the first to contribute money.

His Majesty the Emperor nodded solemnly. If you donate money to the Qing family first, I can consider it.

The opponent was dumbfounded.

But no one criticized anyone who shouldn’t go out. This kind of good thing that promotes our country’s prestige can’t be opposed in the face of it. What’s more, Ling Wei brought so many ‘so-called foreign technologies”, which greatly improved Yan Chao’s national strength and aroused other people’s curiosity about overseas.

Of course, it would be even better if you could find the “Hua Guo” that Ling Wei once had.

Although Ling Wei didn’t go to court for a long time, he went to court (either by coincidence or with someone’s help) and he had never been defeated by lip service, and this time was no exception.

Ling Wei felt that he couldn’t be victorious. His Majesty the Emperor agrees, and the Ministers of the Ministers all agree. The four books are supported with both hands, the ship is built, the logistics materials, cargo locations and even the candidates have been determined. Do your other scum courtiers have room for objection?

The so-called opposition will only work if someone with a certain status opposes it. It’s not just that some of your lower-ranking officials have a loud voice.

Does the aristocratic family think that there are too many people in the court and their voices are loud? None of them have reached the top level. Actually, there has been no foothold for them in the courtroom for a long time.

The land.

His Majesty the Emperor has quietly moved the position of his courtiers since he succeeded to the throne. Now the four books are his people, and the auxiliary ministers are in the top position, and they are completely in the hands of the emperor.

Li Ying has been the emperor’s confidant from beginning to end, and the other clan is a gourd with no mouth, absolutely neutral and does not mix anything;

Qian Hu was an old subordinate who followed His Majesty the Emperor, and Wang Qi was a representative of the power of the family. Later, she lost his way and returned to join His Majesty.

On the military side, the Xuanyuan family, the Ling family, and the Ning family have already grasped most of the military power. Other rising stars from the general family, such as Shi Ci, also have great prestige in the military.

Senior civil and military officials are all of the emperor’s majesty, so how can the aristocratic family jump?

Still the same sentence, generations prospered to be called a family, now they are already weak, and they will soon be kicked from the position of the family.

Ling Wei looked at the group of people in the court hall still jumping up and down, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Didn’t you see that the ministers who stood in the first place looked at you with the eyes of watching a monkey show? Is this really a fan of the authorities?

The result was not beyond what Ling Wei had expected. What had been decided long ago was now just a cutscene.

Do you really expect the feudal dynasty to give you a democratic vote?

In the end, other ministers were also very successful in investing in shares. The auxiliary ministers and the royal family took the lead to participate, and even robbed one of the places. How could other officials not participate?

I heard that this plan was made by Ling Wei, and more people participated.

Although many people hate Ling Wei’s bitter teeth, the impression of Ling Wei’s omnipotence has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in the hearts of his enemies.

This is really a sad thing.

The entry of eunuchs into the ranks has also been opposed by ministers, but when Ling Wei said, this kind of matter requires people whom His Majesty trusts, and His Majesty also trusts the sirs, so have you asked to go out? Every prince can set sail, so can you naturally?

This voyage is equivalent to one or two years of release. Someone must do your work, right? That position must be changed, right?

The civil servants who opposed it immediately became miserable. Are they disgusting that His Majesty the Emperor can’t find a chance to push them all down? What’s more, the sailing is hard, and they can’t bear it.

As for the minister of civil and military affairs who did not object, he knew that the emperor’s sailing list had his own consideration. Although he wanted to go out in his heart, he would not dismantle the emperor.

Although His Majesty the Emperor has already decided on this matter, there must always be someone who is in the dark, fighting against the officials, and making a tiger skin for this trip that the officials will not object to.

Ling Wei’s professional back pot is trustworthy.

Who makes him the most trusted by His Majesty the Emperor, and who knows best about the preparations before and after going to sea?

Ling Wei succeeded in drawing another wave of hatred, and many spies and even assassins came in in his family, but they couldn’t escape Li Ying’s fiery eyes.

In the war, enemy spies are more cunning and professional than these people. Playing this set under Li Yin’s eyelids, he said that he was insulting Li Yin.

But with this, Li Yin caught those people’s little tails, and he had a clue about the assassination of Ling Wei back then.

You can’t take Ling Wei out to relax, Li Ying is already irritated. Now take this opportunity to put out the fire.

Li Li expressed his great support.

Li Yin was upset all day, he was no longer invisible, but his brazen brother control was also distressed. Now that my brother has something to do, he is also happy.

Besides, he also wanted to find decisive evidence, and quickly slapped all the annoying flies to death.

The emperor’s patience is very good, but he has endured it for decades, no matter how good it is.

The charge of assassinating a minister of the DPRK and the Central Government, plus the previous foreshadowing, is that the hat of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country is firmly attached. When the time comes, the family will be ransacked, and no one can say that it will work.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Under the **** of numerous naval warships, the sea ship full of cargo left the harbor in a mighty manner, and began to promote my Da Yan Dynasty’s hooliganism all over the world.

The three princes on the boat were full of pride, and the prince was jealous.

“Your Majesty has agreed. When things are stable in the DPRK, the subordinates will set sail together with His Highness.” Ling Wei comforted.

The prince nodded fiercely, not envious in his heart.

Anyway, I will go to sea sooner or later, and it must be more interesting to follow Jintang out.

Li Yin looked at the Prince and Ling Wei helplessly. The prince is such a big person, Ling Wei still treats people as children, and the prince treats himself as a child, and he does not hesitate to act like a baby.

Don’t dislike shame.

Forget it, his emperor brother didn’t feel ashamed, what did he want to do so much.

When the ship set sail, Ling Wei could finally unload the burden on his shoulders and run smoothly.

Hu Chen was so angry that he found the emperor’s theory.

His Majesty said that although the ship was sailing, there were too many people impeaching Ling Wei. Ling Wei asked to resign in order to stabilize the courtier’s heart. He had no choice.

Hu Chen jumped with anger, this group of stupid people should not indulge them! How many times has Ling Jintang sacrificed? ! This time let him take the blame!

His Majesty the Emperor sighed, who made Ling Wei his nephew, with noble character, and strong ability to do things, Ling Wei voluntarily took the blame, and he couldn’t help it.

Hu Chen was so angry that he flew away in front of His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty touched his nose and roared behind him: “Jintang, get out of me! You see, I was scolded by Hu Qing’s family for your waywardness!”

Ling Wei “rolled” out from behind the screen, with a face full of surprise: “Your Majesty, Master Hu is really amazing. I dare to do this before your Majesty…cough.”

His Majesty the emperor sighed, “Is the emperor I rarely scolded by courtiers?”

Ling Wei comforted His Majesty the Emperor, and after cheering up His Majesty, he asked: “Why does your Majesty say that the minister was forced away this time?”

It was said before that he had to resign himself.

His Majesty the Emperor snorted: “Although it was said that you would resign yourself and not do it, the ruling and the public all agreed that the opposition was too loud, and I couldn’t bear the pressure of the family, so I regarded you as a scapegoat. Later titles and false ranks compensate you. .”

Ling Wei was surprised: “There is still this matter? Why haven’t the ministers heard of it?”

“You hardly interact with other courtiers, and your teachers and friends know the real reason, and they will not tell you the rumors.” His Majesty said, “You don’t know, there are scripts outside that have written you up and down several times. A bumpy loyal and virtuous minister.”

Ling Wei pointed to his nose: “This is too outrageous, isn’t it? What did the minister say, is it also a group of people who have been promoted too quickly?”

“Humph.” His Majesty said with a smile, “Anyway, they all think you have been wronged, so they can take it seriously.”

Ling Wei said embarrassedly: “But the minister was not wronged. What should I do if this is spread out indiscriminately and affects your majesty’s reputation?”

His Majesty the emperor’s eyes softened: “You worry too much, how can my reputation be affected? As long as they can be brought down, my forbearance before is to prepare for the future victory.”

Ling Wei let out a sigh of relief: “The minister is relieved. This literati’s pen is really terrible.”

“Don’t forget that you are also a literati.”

“The minister never remembered it.”

“Do I need to tell you the teacher?”

“… Your Majesty raise your hand!”

“Hahahaha!” His Majesty laughed. “You should also be aggrieved by me. It’s best to write some poems and words to show my intentions. I am useful.”

Ling Wei nodded to express understanding. This is to use him as an excuse to stir up public opinion and prepare to completely clean up the group of people who are jumping?

His Majesty the Emperor has endured it for so long, and finally he can close the net.

Why did he use it as an excuse again? Why is he always holding back?

Well, he should be used to…

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After Ling Wei went back, he thought hard and wrote a few poems chanting chrysanthemum, plum, bamboo, orchid, and pine.

After spending so many years in ancient times, he was finally able to make a few good poems by himself. This is a great improvement.

These poems also received great praise from his teacher, which made him very proud.

“What are you doing? Suddenly I can’t think of it, I want to be a literati?” Zhao Zhao first spoke highly of these poems, and then sneered unceremoniously.

Ling Wei said, “Teacher, students are literati.”

“Ha ha.”

Ling Wei is dizzy, has this “hehe” been used in ancient times?

“Your Majesty asked the students to write more poems that express their integrity.” Ling Wei sighed, okay, I can’t hide anything from the teacher, “It seems that the students are going to be backed up again.”

Zhao Zhaole failed: “You have become a full-time teacher for your Majesty. It’s not bad, so keep working hard.”

What’s not bad? Keep up the good work? Continue to carry more pots?

Ling Wei became angry.

Zhao Zhao was so happy that he also left Ling Wei to eat a meal, and then killed Ling Wei on the chessboard.

Ling Wei returned home with a heavy heart and was bullied by crying in his arms and crying.

Li Yin gave Ling Wei what he loved and soothed Ling Wei’s injured fragile heart.

“I’m going to find out about the assassin.” Li Ying said, “I will pull the real murderer out to vent your anger.”

“Be sure to vent my anger!”


Li Ying continued to rush into the cruel interrogation.

Ling Wei’s poems have always spread at a very wide speed.

Every time a song is circulated, it can be quickly spread across the streets and alleys. Countless literati, who do not talk about Ling Wei’s latest creation, are like the latest fashion out of the literati circle.

Even the red cards of Qin Lou Chu Hall, without singing Ling Wei’s creations, seem to lose their value.

This time, Ling Wei came out with new works. There were still a few more. Naturally, they were quickly composed into various tunes and sung in every corner of the capital.

There are not many poems handed down by Ling Wei. This time it is so productive, and the output is still works that convey the meaning of life, and there must be a reason.

The reason is naturally to be stimulated, and to be stimulated by being slapped off the official position again.

People in Beijing are living well. After their lives are well, they can’t help but want more gossip to adjust their boring life.

Ling Wei’s business is a big gossip.

Thus, the emperor’s conspiracy succeeded. Ling Wei’s story is getting more and more outrageous by the general public, and it has reached the level of Meng Jiangnu crying on the Great Wall.

Some enthusiastic scholars even signed a letter jointly with them, asking Qingjun to punish the villain.

Ling Wei was so scared that he hurriedly rolled into the palace and asked if the emperor could stop?

His Majesty the Emperor happily said, this banner was actually played out by himself, and he let the people under his care to play it out.

Ling Wei almost knelt to His Majesty the Emperor. Your old man is scary, okay? He has a shadow on Qing Jun’s side. Generally, when these words come out, it is the rhythm of rebellion, okay?

However, in the history where Yan Chao was located, there was no rebellion under the banner of “Side of the Qing Dynasty”, so His Majesty still couldn’t understand why Ling Wei was so excited.

“Ahem, the change of courtiers naturally has your Majesty to call the shots. It is wrong for ordinary people to force your Majesty to change the position of courtiers by acting in joint names.” Ling Wei flattered and went around the matter.

Can’t you say that this slogan seems to be a rebellion?

His Majesty the Emperor was all smiled: “It’s just a banner. Without my permission, no one would dare to say it.”

Ling Wei immediately bowed down and worshiped, His Majesty the Emperor was wise, His Majesty the Emperor was mighty, His Majesty ruled the rivers and lakes for generations to come, and then his Majesty laughed at him and scolded him.

The nonsense was kicked out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The people in the capital reacted so strongly, the North Korea and China would naturally respond accordingly, and some of the ministers said they would arrest these unsophisticated people.

His Majesty said that he did not support or disagree in the hall, and when he came down, he let Ling Wei go to the street where scholars gathered to give a speech, so that everyone was quiet and convinced everyone that he would not be able to go on like this, and he would be arrested as a mob. Get up, everyone must pay attention to safety.

Originally it was just a discussion, and the people who were not prepared to make trouble heard it with tears in their eyes. Lord Ling Hou is really a good official who loves the people! Protect the people despite their grievances! The kind of people who will arrest people only after saying a few more fair words are really villains!

This Jingcheng’s remarks were calmed down by Ling Wei’s persuasion, but the seeds that had been suppressed for a long time had sprouted.

Those few “bad guys” families who have been talked about felt clearly when they went out. In the past, they met with awe and envy when they went out, but now they look with hatred wherever they go. When they go out to buy something, they are all told not to sell.

Although they have their own shops, they are just looking fresh when they come out to go shopping and buy things, but this is very embarrassing, okay?

If they get angry, the store will sneer, saying that if it is not sold, is it possible to grab it? Let’s go to the Yamen to make sense. Now that your Majesty is so wise and kind, he doesn’t believe that at the feet of the emperor, it is not a place to reason.

Naturally, they won’t go to the government—do you want to face? But they can retaliate privately and find fault.

But finding fault doesn’t work.

Business oppression… I’m sorry, the store in Beijing is not the only one of them, and it can’t be suppressed.

Sending someone to make trouble… I’m sorry, the government officials rushed in immediately, and they looked as if they had been waiting there before they waited for the shop to report to the officer.

If you want the official to come forward, you are directly scolded by the official… Open your dog’s eyes and see, is the official the kind of person who commits crimes and perverts the law for personal gain? Humph? Want revenge? Want to make the official lose his black hat? Okay, see you at the court!

The family is gone, how can it be so difficult to deal with an ordinary store?

Ling Wei smiled gloomily.

Nonsense, that shop is opened in my house, if you have the ability, you can keep coming.

The aristocratic family really continued to come, he sent someone to smash the store, but Li Yin hit the door.

Li Yin sneered, I opened that store, Ling Wei, my best friend, you bully my best friend, I can’t understand you, so I won’t sell your things, you have broken the store, okay! See you in the hall!

Who would dare to meet Li Yingchao in the hall? Who doesn’t know that Li Ying is the most unreasonable? Who has the brain to fight with the emperor’s precious brother, who is eyeball-like, in front of the emperor?

Besides, everyone has said it, private grievances. You bullied Ling Wei, all Beijing knows, I am Ling Wei’s best friend, all Beijing knows. Isn’t it a matter of course that my store doesn’t sell anything? You actually sent someone to smash the shop, and it doesn’t save face, so let’s smash it.

His Majesty the Emperor pretended to reassure a few words, and then said that it is wrong for you to smash the shop. There is no king’s law. You actually threatened the officials in Beijing. They have already filed a complaint with me. Well, stop making trouble, and throw your son who threatened the official directly into the cell for a few days.

Only then did the aristocratic family wake up, and His Majesty the Emperor was dissatisfied with him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Before the emperor could take a step closer, the Xie family had a scandal.

Xie Qiong, the youngest son of the Xie family, molested the young lady of a certain family, and was found by the suffering master. Now that family says that the reputation of our lady has been ruined, you must give an explanation, such as married.

Xie Qiong originally had a marriage contract, but it was only because of the death of her grandfather and her filial piety that she did not get married. If you want to marry this lady, you must retreat.

Then Xie Qiong cried and hung up, saying that he was designed, and there was nothing wrong with that young lady, he was wronged, and that his reputation was ruined, and his conscience was disturbed, so he ran into the moat and jumped down. .

Well, I happened to meet Ling Wei and frightened Ling Wei, so he jumped down and picked up the kid.

Xie Rong was shocked and angry, but they had no evidence that Xie Qiong didn’t molest the lady—there were all witnesses. However, Xie Rong didn’t want his son to die, so he tearfully asked His Majesty to be the master. He slapped his son’s official position as a compliment. He also said that he was hurting the Xie family and demanded to be removed from the position of the head of the Xie family. And divided into clan.

His Majesty the emperor persuaded and persuaded, saying that he understands that kid Xie Qiong, that kid is very honest, definitely not that kind of person-let alone go specially

How stupid to molest the family lady? There must be some misunderstanding.

However, Xie Rong said he wanted to calm down the situation, and his Majesty was also helpless, so the official position of the guard in Xie Qiong’s palace was gone, and he was beaten.

Xie Rong’s division of the clan was not promised by the Xie family, but the position of the head of the Xie family was given to someone else—needless to say, that person was the eldest prince who was die-loyal to the party.

The eldest prince also pretended to express his regret, and Xie Rong sneered.

Concubine Xie has changed from the sister of the Patriarch of the Xie family to the younger sister of the Xie family. Are you very proud?

The eldest prince was so angry that he walked away and let Xie Rong do it for himself.

Then the prince was more angry than this. Although this matter didn’t come from him, he wanted to take this opportunity to let Xie Rong, the old stubborn, give up the position of Xie Family Patriarch, which made him add to the flames.

Now that the Xie family is in his hands, he was very happy.

As a result, Xie’s family lost Xie Rong’s household book, and suddenly felt a lot weaker. It seemed that nothing could be done well.

That’s all.

His mother was also reprimanded by the Queen’s Yizhi because of his brother’s bad family virtues.

Yes, this concubine also has a responsibility to persuade the tribe. Concubine Xie’s elder brother’s brother’s family had something to do, isn’t it that Concubine Xie also has to bear the responsibility?

However, Concubine Xie’s mind was convulsed at the time, and Xie Rong had nothing to do with her, and Xie Rong was no longer the owner of the family and had nothing to do with her.

The queen haha. This palace was originally a routine business, and if someone in the concubine’s family committed an offense, he would receive such a decree. Her distant relatives who did not know her parents committed crimes under the banner of the Liu family, and she punished herself. You just received a painful and itchy decree that you want to sever relationship with your elder brother. It is cold hearted and inhumane.

So Xie Guifei was reduced to Xie Concubine’s remarks by her for a while.

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