The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 54

Chapter 53 – Embrace (1)

Xia Zhinian looked at the serious boy across the table, and was speechless.

Install, install again.

It’s been a long time since I called classmate Xia the black sesame glutinous rice balls.

Just don’t want to give him the key.

Xia Zhinian leaned forward and leaned against the table, blinking, trying to pry open Yan Ci’s fingers. After drinking water in the middle of the night, his voice was soft and waxy, speaking outspokenly.

“I want that key.”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile, “That’s my key.”

“I just gave it to you.”

“Yes, if you don’t give it, it’s mine. If you give it, it’s mine.” Yan Ci smiled softly.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

He knew it was the key to Yanci, but…

He bit his lip, turned his head around, his almond eyes were bright and round, “Otherwise, you give it to me first, and I will open the door, and then you lock it.”

That doesn’t count as him actively locking the door.

Yan Ci: “…”

The boy was soft and gentle, trying to repent and erase the behavior just now.

But it’s no use regretting it.

He won’t let go.

The key is, and so are the people.

Yan Ci still pressed the key, the corners of his mouth curled up, pretending to be puzzled.

“Just lock the door, why bother.”

He chuckled, “I forgot tonight, don’t worry, I will never forget to lock the door next time.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

The backs of his hands were wrapped together, covered with warm touch, Yan Ci grabbed his hands that were restlessly trying to clasp his fingers, grabbed them, and easily took the key with the other hand, put it in his pocket, and smiled warmly at him.

“Hey, good night, go to sleep.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci was calm and gentle, turned around and lay down, closed his eyes and covered the quilt in one go, not giving the boy a chance to speak.


Xia Zhinian gritted her teeth, stared at him with round almond eyes, and took a deep breath for a while.

Forget it, it’s just a key, at best it’s a symbolic meaning, without any practical use.

Xia Zhinian comforted himself, but early the next morning, he saw Yan Ci get a thin red string from somewhere, pass it through the keyhole, and hang it on his thin and cold wrist without hesitation.

Zou Ziqian saw it with sharp eyes, and it was very in line with Yan Ci’s doubtful inquiry.

“Shen Yan, what is that hanging on your wrist?”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled slightly, and he smiled warmly, “The key is the one that locks the door.”

“Why hang this up?”

Yan Ci glanced at the white and tender young man next to him with an indescribable expression, and chuckled, “It looks good and stands out.”

Give the rice cake dumpling a little more impression.

Xia · rice cake dumpling · trying to forget what happened last night · Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian was speechless and choked, turning his head and ignoring it.

It rained a lot at night, and the cool air seeped into the room through the open windows. He caught a little cold, sneezing non-stop, and his nose was blocked. Yan Ci took medicine several times, but luckily It didn’t completely turn into a cold.

He didn’t take it seriously, but the next morning, the sun was shining outside, and there was a bit of fresh water vapor in the air. Xia Zhinian stood on the playground track with a dazed expression.

“Yan Ci, it’s so early in the morning, what are you doing?”

He is so sleepy.

The young man seemed to want to lie down on the spot. Yan Ci touched his head, feeling his head dangling and drooping, his lips curled up tenderly, “I told you last night, I will get up and run around in the morning.”

If there is a little wind at night, he will catch a cold, and he often has a fever. After careful calculation, since the car accident, the boy has been sick several times.

My physique is a bit weak, it’s better to exercise.

It’s just that rice cake dumpling has asthma, so it’s better to learn to swim, but not long after the incident of falling into the water last time, the base didn’t have this condition, so I jogged a little first.

Yan Ci pushed him on the back of the waist, “It’s already here, good boy, go back after running.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

He thought Yan Ci was just talking casually last night.


Xia Zhinian’s head was dizzy, he stared in a daze, he was half asleep and his whole body was weak, he didn’t move and hummed, “I don’t want it, I want to go back to sleep.”

“Sleep after running.”

The wrist was pulled, and an arm was pressed against the back of the waist, and strength came from both sides, Xia Zhinian’s upper body leaned forward, and his legs instinctively took two steps.


Oh let him go.

The boy had a painful expression, Yan Ci half supported him, and ran slowly with his long legs.

Xia Zhinian finally woke up, with a sluggish expression, raised his head and glanced at the boy nearby, his eyes round and round, he put his weight on the boy’s arms, tentatively bent his two slender legs, lifted his feet off the ground, and flew at a low altitude .

Yan Ci: “…?”

“…Baby, you are quite comfortable.”

Yan Ci lifted the man up with two arms, and made him laugh. He stopped, wrapped his arms around his waist and shook him a few times, shook off the two bent thin legs, and forced his feet to touch the ground, soothing and urging.

“It’s good to run a lap, it’s not as good as more than half of the 1,000-meter physical test, dear.”


Xia Zhinian was completely awake, humming in pain, with a head as big as a cow trying not to run away.

“Yan Ci, I really don’t need to run, I… I have strong physical strength!”


“…” Woo.

Yan Ci ruthlessly suppressed the boy’s resistance and ran out with them.

The early morning wind was cool and refreshing, Xia Zhinian took a deep breath and strode forward strenuously, the boy next to him casually followed him.

The base is remote, and there are not many tall buildings around. You can see a round of red sun jumping up from the horizon, and the two shadows become shorter and overlapped.

Xia Zhinian ran for a while, and stopped instinctively when he was short of breath, breathed slowly with his soft legs, his almond eyes opened round.

A little weight fell on the back, put one hand on it, and let it go down smoothly.

Yan Ci looked at him, and said with a casual smile: “It’s only half a circle, is this because of your good physical strength?”

Xia Zhinian: “…This is most of my life.”

The side face of the young man was a layer of crimson, his almond eyes were pitiful, he slowly bent his waist and supported his knees to take a few breaths to recover.

“rest assured.”

Yan Ci followed his back, the corners of his lips curled up, “Your life doesn’t need to be measured by running.”


Xia Zhinian’s waist suddenly tightened, and through the thin clothes, the warm body temperature passed over, supporting him up.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened a little, and he wanted to shrink subconsciously, but his whole body was weak and he had no strength, and there was a voice from the back of his head, gentle and clean.

“Don’t stand still, take a walk, or your legs will hurt tomorrow.”

The boy behind stood very close, almost touching, his waist was buckled and lifted up a little, and the knees were lightly pushed by the long legs behind him, forcing him to step forward, and was forced to walk by the people behind him.

Xia Zhinian: “…”


The knees were rubbed through the pants, and it was a little itchy. The roots of his ears turned red for no reason, and his whole body became hotter. He stammered, “I, I, I will go by myself, you… let go of me.”

Yan Ci tilted his head, looked at the young man’s red ears, raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, and said softly, “No, I’ll take you, you rest for a while.”

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

Xia Zhinian was carried away, and the temperature of the people behind him approached from time to time, the hair on the top of his head was straight and pouted, his eyes were round, his body was stiff, and he instinctively wanted to struggle.

But he really has no strength.

Simply hesitate for a while, and slowly relax your body.

never mind.

Too lazy to struggle.

Just walking like this, it’s quite… saving energy.

Xia Zhinian’s ears were red, and he let the people behind him sway, his whole body limp.

It was hot, they blotted ink for a while, and the temperature of the sun gradually rose.

The young man used his hand as a fan to gently fan the wind, his porcelain-white cheeks were flushed, and tiny beads of sweat hung on his neck, sliding all the way down, into his collar, and disappeared without a trace.

Yan Ci looked at it, his black eyes darkened a little.

Xia Zhinian went into the bathroom to take a bath, Yan Ci sat on the stool, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the received documents, watching the boy’s back disappear behind the door, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It may be an accident, or there may be some other factors for the rice cake dumpling to become the current Xia Zhinian. Anyway, this is an inevitable result, but the rice cake dumpling obviously wants to return to its original body.

In the same country, with the same name Xia Zhinian, it is unclear whether they look the same, but their ages should not be much different, and their family background… is obviously not short of money, a noble young master.

Grades and proficiency in games are to be determined.

Seeing that Rice Cake Duanzi was not too surprised by allergic asthma, maybe he was not in good health before, and he got his handwriting.

And when the transfer student Lin Siyu first arrived, he asked in surprise if his name was… Lin Qing. He knew a person named Lin Qing who looked similar to Lin Siyu, and he had an unusual relationship.

All of these have been able to outline the general characteristics of this person.

He sent people to investigate across the country. Of course there are people named Xia Zhinian, and there are many people named Lin Qing, but those who can completely match the above conditions——

not a single one.

He even looked up people who died within the last three years.

Nor does it match.

This is…

It’s a little strange.

Where do rice cake dumplings come from?

If he wants to go back, wants to go back to the original body where he doesn’t know where…

Yan Ci squeezed the phone tightly, with bulging veins on his arm, and drooping eyes, Mo’s deep eyes flashed a chill, paranoid and terribly, and he smiled lightly.


He won’t let anyone go.

Xia Zhinian followed Yan Ci to class for a day, of course, Yan Ci was in class and he played games. In the evening, Yan Ci answered the phone, and after a while… asked for leave and took him out?

It is said that the base cannot ask for leave, and I don’t know how Yan Ci did it.

But thinking about the new bed table and wallpaper in the dormitory, it doesn’t seem very surprising.

He wanted to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but Yan Ci carried him out neatly, put him into the back seat of the car waiting outside the base, and tied him into his seat belt.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci smiled at him, patted his head, and said in a gentle voice, “It won’t take much time, it will be over in a while, you should accompany me.”

He can put the boy alone in Zou Ziqian’s dormitory next door, because it’s not far away, but if he leaves the base, let the boy stay here by himself…

He is worried.

Still have to watch.

Yan Ci took out the small cake that he asked someone to buy in advance, unpacked it, and handed it to him.

“Try it, is it delicious?”


Xia Zhinian was clearly arranged for the whole process, seeing the slight smile on the boy Ruyu’s face, he glanced at him with round almond eyes, and flattened his mouth.

Good guy.

How does this feel like a bad uncle who tricks kids with candy?

But the black sesame glutinous rice **** are neither bad nor uncle.

Xia Zhinian smacked and smacked his mouth, took the small cake, inserted a piece of it with a fork, and put it into his mouth, the sweet and soft taste melted on the tip of his tongue, it was light and slightly sweet, not greasy.

His eyes lit up, and he reluctantly accepted the fact that he was pulled as a pendant again. He heard Yan Ci talking to the driver Qin Xu on the way, and then he realized that Yan Ci’s grandfather had a banquet today and asked him to go back temporarily.

The fan fiction he read didn’t have this part of the plot, Xia Zhinian didn’t care too much, he indulged in eating cakes, looking at the scenery outside the window from time to time, his eyes were bent, and a few hairs on the top of his head were loose and curled up.

It’s not good to be nice.

It looks very deceiving.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and he stretched out his hand to snort on his head.

The setting sun was gradually setting, and the afterglow was burning red with large expanse of clouds. When they arrived at the place, there was a vast manor with several small villas inside. The place was very large, even better than the Yan family, quite luxurious.

But not many people came, not counting the top group in the circle.

When Yan Ci got out of the car, a not-young man in a Tang suit quickly stepped forward, trying to grab his hand, but he looked down at him, and then stopped stiffly, only standing nearby.

“Xiao Ci, you child, you’ve come, you have to help grandpa with such a big matter!”

The man sighed, and poked the ground with his cane a few times.

Yan Ci was elegant, elegant, and gentle, “Grandfather, don’t worry, I called my father.”

“The business is going well. Our Wei family has invested almost half of our property in it. If the business is completed, our family will be able to make a comeback.”

Mr. Wei looked anxious, his brows furrowed deeply, “But the price suddenly increased over there. Now only your father, the Yan family, can fund this hole. You must call him here.”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhiqing frowned.

He heard Yan Ci call at the restaurant before, and Yan Ci himself told him that he wanted to intercept his father Yan Shiwei’s business, which shows that the relationship is normal.

How about Yan Ci’s grandfather…

He moved a little from his seat, got out of the car, and stood on the side.

Mr. Wei was in a hurry to talk to Yan Ci just now, but he didn’t realize that there was another person. He took a look and saw that he was a junior.

“Xiao Ci, who is this?”

As he got older, he knew more people from the older generation or young and middle-aged people from various families, and he was not very familiar with the younger generation.

Yan Ci took Xia Zhinian to his side, and said in a calm and indifferent voice, “My classmate, please come to me if you have something to do.”

Xia Zhinian raised his eyes, met Yan Ci’s dark eyes, blinked, but said nothing.

Those apricot eyes were round and round, with a little faint light, Yan Ci’s palms were a little itchy, and he smiled at him.

“Then tell him not to wander around, there are many people today.”

When Mr. Wei heard that he was not a child in the circle, he looked away and sighed, “Xiaoci, grandfather knows that your mother passed away and your father remarried. You had a hard time in the first few years, but at that time the Wei family also lost, really. I can’t help you.”

“But even if your mother dies, you are still a child of the Wei family. If the Wei family is well, you will be well, right?”

Oh shit.

It sounds like a story about not caring when it’s useless, but trying to build relationships when it’s useful.

Xia Zhinian looked at the two of them with wandering eyes, Yan Ci’s gentle mask was perfectly embedded in his body, and he comforted, “Grandfather, don’t worry, father will come.”

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, an extended car drove in with a high profile, and a man in a suit and leather shoes got off, with a dignified expression, obviously a successful person.

Old Master Wei was overjoyed, he immediately ignored the two juniors, and stepped forward excitedly, “Shiwei.”

Yan Ci patted Xia Zhinian, signaling him to wait here, and walked forward slowly, gentle as before, with dark black eyes, and greeted him.


Yan Shiwei snorted coldly, “You know you’ve shown up. I thought you planned to live in your mother’s dilapidated villa for the rest of your life, and you won’t be coming back. Look at your younger siblings, stay at home all day, and you!”

These words sound like scolding Yan Ci, more like slapping the Wei family in the face.

Yan Ci twitched the corners of his mouth, but he still hadn’t spoken. Mr. Wei Quan assumed that he couldn’t hear the sarcasm, so he explained a few words first, and by the way drew closer, “Isn’t Xiao Ci busy with studies? If it wasn’t for this incident, I would let him Hurry up, I guess I won’t see him a few times.”

Yan Ci watched them sing the big show with a broad smile and said nothing.

The two of them went in to chat, and Yan Ci took Xia Zhinian, making a mistake and not getting too close.

Xia Zhinian moved behind Yan Ci with small steps.

“What’s wrong?”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows and looked back at him.

Xia Zhinian clicked his tongue, “Your father has seen me, if I tell your grandfather, I will change from your classmate to the youngest son of the Xia family.”

The Wei family obviously lost later, and now they seized the opportunity and were in a hurry to turn around. Seeing the Xia family was there, they probably would be in trouble.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled, and he said softly, “Why, you prefer to be my classmate?”


The black sesame glutinous rice **** are shameless.

Xia Zhinian was too lazy to break up with him.

There were quite a lot of people inside, so Yan Ci temporarily took the young man to the rest corner not far from the fierce scene, prepared food for him and asked him to wait for a while.

Everyone at the banquet was well-dressed, and Yan Ci stood in a casual outfit in the crowd, but he was still clear and eye-catching, especially eye-catching.

Xia Zhinian is not interested in this kind of banquet, so he took a plate of dim sum and ate it leisurely, hearing something from the people next to him.

The Wei family is optimistic about a large piece of land in the south of the city, and they plan to rely on this to regain their former status in one fell swoop, and spend all their money.

… south of the city.

A bit familiar.

Xia Zhinian recalled the original text, and it seemed that the south of the city was mentioned, but…how did he remember that Yan Shiwei bought that piece of land?

“Hey, Xia Zhinian?”

A voice called him in surprise.

Xia Zhinian turned around, his eyes suddenly darkened, a tall and burly figure leaped closer, pressed against the back of the sofa, blocking the light, with a grin on the corner of his mouth.

— It’s Yuen Long.

Yuen Lang smiled pleasantly, and patted him on the shoulder, “Xia Zhinian, why are you here? I heard from Old Zou, aren’t you and Yan Shen at the training base?”

Xia Zhinian bit off half of the snack, “Yan Ci is here on business, so I’ll follow.”

“Yan Shen is also here.”

Yuan Lang looked around, and quickly found the head of the squad who stood out from the crowd, and suddenly remembered something, “Oh yes, the Wei family is the family of Yan Shen’s grandfather.”

“I heard from my sister that the Wei family is interested in a piece of land. For this reason, they should find Yan Shen to connect the Yan family.”

“should be.”

Xia Zhinian nodded, Yuen Long’s family is not well established, but as mentioned in the same article, Yuen Long’s sister is very skilled and can handle things very well.

Yuen Long sat down on the sofa, took a plate of snacks, tugged at his tight suit, and sighed coldly.

“Now that I know how to make connections, why did I go there earlier? I don’t think the Wei family’s Yan family is very good.”

“That’s why Yan Shen has a good temper. If I were Yan Shen, I wouldn’t care about this bad thing.”

Yuen Long seemed to know a lot of gossip about wealthy families, Xia Zhinian looked at Yan Ci who was calmly talking to people not far away, suddenly a little curious, and asked a few questions.

Yuen Long explained to him in a low voice.

Yan Ci’s mother died when Yan Ci was very young, and the Wei family was going downhill at that time. He played emotional cards and wanted to ask the Yan family for help, but Yan Ci’s father was a new wife and an illegitimate child, so he didn’t care at all.

The Wei family even angrily resigned from this grandson, as if there was no such person, and ignored him.

At that time, Yan Ci was only five or six years old, and his stepmother and illegitimate children came into the house. Yan’s father doesn’t care about the family affairs, and his stepmother will inevitably make Yan Ci unhappy.

Yan Ci lost his mother, and his grandfather’s family didn’t care about it, so it was inevitable that he would suffer.

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips and glanced at Yan Ci’s direction.

Although black sesame glutinous rice **** are quite dark now, few people can beat adults when they were young.

Yan Ci…

The boy being watched was not far away, keenly aware of the sight behind him, turned around, and saw the rice cake dumpling with a strange expression.

“What, bored? We’ll leave in a while.”

“Shen Yan, Xia Zhinian loves you dearly.”

Yuen Long, who was neglected, had a big heart, hey hey.


Yan Ci guessed at a glance that it was rumored about him when he was a child.

But in fact, the three stepmothers have average IQs, except when they were very young, they were basically not enough for him to play.

But watching the rice cake dumpling hesitate to speak, Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and he sighed softly, “It’s okay, it’s all in the past.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”


Xia Zhinian gave him a strange look, and suddenly became a little hesitant.

…If the black sesame glutinous rice **** are really being bullied, it shouldn’t be this reaction, right?

This **** is not a half-true rumor, is it?

The young man turned his head quickly, Yan Ci smiled softly, “Wait a little longer, and leave soon.”

When Yan Ci went back, Yuan Long sighed, “I have to spend time here after you leave.”

“Oh, by the way, the class said that they want to find a time to watch the sunrise. They are voting to determine the number of people. Do you want to go—”

“My point of view?”

Yan Ci’s voice got closer, and Yan Shiwei and Mr. Wei walked by. Yan Ci’s voice was calm, indifferent and gentle, “After all, I am the grandson of the Wei family, so I naturally want to help if I can, and I don’t care about the land. good.”

Actually, this trip didn’t take much time. In the evening, Xia Zhinian and Yan Ci returned to the base.

Then, as always, Yan Ci brushed up the questions, he played with his mobile phone, and added the painful task of running around in the morning.

After playing on the phone for too long, his eyes have started to ache from playing recently.

Youyou sighed, and while Yan Ci was taking a bath, she ran to the next door with a lot of newly bought packets of spicy sticks, and played Rubik’s Cube with a change of mind.

Zou Ziqian sighed into the phone, “This question, ah, I’m going to throw up, what the **** are these riding horses?”

The next door is full of people today, except for Han Qinsong last time, another Wang Jun who is experimenting with foreign languages is also there, and he snorts coldly.

“If you throw up after doing it, it means you did it. It’s much better than some people who are idle and occupy the quota for nothing.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

He looked at the Rubik’s Cube in his left hand and the spicy strips in his right hand, and he let out a sigh.

…he is the only one who is idle and takes up the quota for nothing.

“Wang Jun, what are you talking about?”

Zou Ziqian frowned.

Wang Jun was as thin as a stick, with a small mole on his chin, rolled his eyes, and glared at Xia Zhinian, “Am I wrong? I’m still an auditor.”

“I don’t know what kind of back door I got to sneak in, I don’t do business and still take a spot for nothing, and I don’t know who is so unlucky to be squeezed out!”

His grades are not top-notch, and he tried his best to enter this training camp, but in the end he was still a substitute, and he was ridiculed for a long time! It was hard to wait until a sick person quit to make up. I couldn’t keep up with the progress of the base and had to go out every day to stay up late. I asked the teacher questions and was said that my brain was slow.

He worked so hard, why did Xia Zhinian get a spot as an auditor so easily? !


Seeing his contemptuous and disgusted eyes, Xia Zhinian raised his eyebrows, ate the spicy strips in his mouth in a leisurely manner, and said casually, “Student, think too much, I don’t have anyone’s quota.”

This quota was imposed by Yan Ci.

However, he also guessed that there would be such unconvinced people. He played games in class these two days, after all, he was more eye-catching.

He didn’t intend to talk to him, but Wang Jun felt that he was guilty, and said sarcastically: “I don’t have any skills, that is, I was lucky enough to cast a good baby. What do you want to change parents?”

“You can’t write a single question on this software, or you can compare it, and get out of the base if you lose.”

“Wang Jun! Did you **** say enough!”

Zou Ziqian’s face turned cold and angry, and Han Qinsong’s expression was not very good.

Xia Zhinian put together the middle layer of the ninth-order Rubik’s Cube in his hand with a click, and suddenly felt that he and Yan Ci had stayed together for a long time, and his reaction was a bit similar. He glanced over, lazily, and his voice was clear and clean.

“Yeah, I just rely on luck, do you want to compare?”


He readily agreed.

“At the same table as before!” Zou Ziqian was anxious, Chu Qingjian sat on the upper bunk and glanced down, then took out his mobile phone.

Xia Zhinian sat at the table, not far from Wang Jun. Wang Jun sneered and took out his mobile phone, and put it directly on the table, “Come on, it’s the one next to this one, count it now.”

Xia Zhinian took a glance and fiddled with the Rubik’s Cube, “What’s the point of me relying on luck? I guess the answer is one.”


Wang Jun was stunned for a moment, hehe, and sneered, “Slapping a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, I just finished calculating this question, and it is 0.1.”

Xia Zhinian flattened her mouth and didn’t care, “Oh, really.”

Wang Jun fills in 0.1 to submit, and the answer is displayed directly—

The answer is wrong.

The correct answer is 1.

Seeing it from the same side, Han Qinsong couldn’t help laughing out loud. Wang Jun’s eyes widened, embarrassment burst on his face, “What are you laughing at! You, you are fooled!”

“Yeah, I was fooled. It’s just luck. I guess the answers to the following questions are two, three, and four.”

Han Qin clicked the blank submit one by one, and the answers to the next three questions were displayed at the same time, and then he was stunned and said shit.

“Really right?! It’s two three four!”

Come down in turn, there is nothing wrong with it!

Zou Ziqian leaned over to look in surprise, “What the fuck?”

Wang Jun’s face was blank for a second, and he clenched his fists, “You, you are just lucky, what about the latter! I don’t believe the answer is from one to ten!”

Xia Zhinian smiled, his almond eyes curled up, looking at the obedient and milky girl who had no attack power, “You also guessed that it couldn’t be one to ten in a row, I can definitely guess it too.”

“It’s my luck to guess four correctly, and I’m not stupid if I guess ten.”

Zou Ziqian suppressed his voice and let out a haha, “What was the bet just now?”

Chu Qingjian put down the phone.

Wang Jun’s face was disheveled, and he raised his voice, “I don’t care! You promised to compete, ten questions!”

A thin and slender figure appeared beside the wide-open door. He stood at the door for an unknown how long, and walked in with long legs.

“It’s so lively.”

The smile on Yan Ci’s face was very shallow, and he looked at Wang Jun in a slow manner, so cold that there was almost no warmth.

“My auditor, if you want to compare, you are comparing with me. It’s your turn.”

He smiled slightly, and said casually, “Why don’t I compete with you.”

“you you…”

Wang Jun’s eyes were tearing apart, his eye sockets were scarlet, and his fists were clenched tightly, staring at the unshakable number one in the city.

Xia Zhinian glanced at the one, two, three, and four just now, then quietly aimed at the boy behind his stool, and tapped the Rubik’s cube with his fingertips.

…Why did Yan Ci come here?

He is right about this answer, no, it won’t be very eye-catching, right?

Xia Zhinian’s heart beat twice, he blinked, a little nervous.

Black sesame glutinous rice **** are very clever. The last time the teacher asked a question, the answer was 21 under the square root of 20 times. When he answered 20, Yan Ci stared at him for a long time.

this time…

Ahh why did he take such a bet.

Xia Zhinian felt guilty, his almond eyes were round and round, and he turned the Rubik’s cube back and forth.

Wang Jun didn’t want to compete with the first grader, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and he wanted to swear a few dirty words.

As soon as he raised his head, he met his upper pair of indifferent and dark eyes, which seemed to be looking down on the humble ants with a vague coldness, contemptuous and indifferent.

It is easy to crush him completely.

His throat seemed to be choked, and he couldn’t make a sound, so he could only stare.

Trembling, as if facing an abyss.

Yan Ci glanced at the screen casually, and pointed out a few, “These four questions, the answer is five to eight.”

Wang Jun clicked on the answer, trembling and staring.

“Damn, what a god!”

Han Qinsong was shocked.

Zou Ziqian laughed, “I, Yan Shen, have already said it, so the answer must be this. If you didn’t run away, Wang Jun, why don’t you find out which answers are nine to twelve, hahahahaha.”

“No. 1 in the city is too scary, and the ones who got the first to the fourth, how did you get it?”

Xia Zhinian didn’t raise his head, hearing that Yan Ci’s voice was not much different from usual, he pursed his lips and breathed a sigh of relief.

But all of a sudden, two arms stretched out from behind, brushed past his ears, and rested on his hands holding the Rubik’s Cube.

There is a thin red rope on the left hand, and there is a metal sheet key hanging on it. The cold white color contrasts with it, and the voice is very soft.

“…here, wrong.”

The shadow shrouded, Xia Zhinian sat on the stool, he could feel a faint approach on his back, as if his whole body was wrapped.


Aw, my giao!

His heart skipped a beat, his body stiffened, his fingers gripping the Rubik’s Cube vigorously.

Yan Ci touched his hand with his fingertips, led him to press the corners of the Rubik’s Cube, and turned it gently, with a careless voice.

“Turn right.”

The Rubik’s Cube was lightly turned a few times, and the ninth-order Rubik’s Cube was quickly put together, with all sides neatly arranged together and held in the palm of the hand.

Xia Zhinian’s heart was pounding.

There was warm breath coming down from the ear, falling on the earlobe, and he let out a chuckle of unknown meaning.

“Good boy.”

“It’s a good guess.”

Yan Ci approached his ear and whispered in a low voice, “How did you guess, teach me, okay?”

Xia Zhinian: “…!”

Aww help!

He raised his eyes and met those black eyes, with a loose smile inside, swallowed hard, and tried to bend his eyes.

“Luck, good luck, just guessing, ha.”

The earlobe on the boy’s side was stimulated by the heat of his breath, and it was quickly dyed a layer of bright color, smudged on the delicate porcelain white skin.

Yan Ci looked at his earlobe, his eyes were dark, he hummed softly, and touched his head.



After this movement, Xia Zhinian was inexplicably relieved.

It may be that Yan Ci touches his head too much, and he can feel a little bit of Yan Ci’s emotion.


But not to the point of shocking inquiry.

Xia Zhiqing breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the shadow behind her leave, and her heart rate slowly slowed down.

Bending his eyes, he put down the Rubik’s Cube and followed Yan Ci back.

Xia Zhinian thought that after going back, Yan Ci would ask about Mongolian questions again, but Yan Ci’s reaction was normal and he didn’t ask.

It is estimated that it should have been fooled.

Or for some reason, Yan Ci didn’t want to get to the root of the problem.

But it’s fine if you don’t ask.

He was lying on the bed, and before going to bed, he vaguely heard Yan Ci on the other side turning over several times on the bed.


The night light was dim and dim, the young man curled up on the bed, his whole body huddled into a small ball, his brows were tightly frowned, the blood on his lips faded, and a pale white appeared.

There were bursts of throbbing pain in the stomach, as if a hand was twisting, and a sharp pain suddenly rushed to the nerves.


Xia Zhinian opened his eyes, his body curled up more and more, his eyes were almost dizzy, his body was covered in cold sweat, and he bit his index finger.

…How is this going?

“… Xia Zhinian?”

A deep voice sounded softly, a little hoarse, calling him slowly.

Yan Ci frowned slightly, just woke up, the creases of his double eyelids were deeply pressed, and the thin scars at the end of his eyes were stained red.

Just now, he seemed to hear a little movement of the rice cake dumpling.

But there was no response from the other side across the table.

Xia Zhinian’s stomach hurts badly, his face turns pale, the stomach pain seems to involve the central nervous system of the brain, all kinds of messy thoughts are running around in his head.

It suddenly occurred to him that Yan Ci tossed and turned before going to bed, it must be insomnia, he just fell asleep not long ago.

He breathed slightly, clenched his index finger tightly and made no sound.

The shoulders were suddenly pulled together, the hands with distinct bones fell down, and a deep voice sounded from nearby.

“Xia Zhinian? Stomach pain?”


There was a sudden cramping pain in his stomach, and he trembled unexpectedly, his teeth clenched.

“Don’t bite.”

Yan Ci frowned a little, pinched the soft flesh of his cheeks with his slender finger bones, and with a little force, freed his fingers and touched his head, “Maybe his stomach was ruined, go to the hospital.”

“Well, no, no…”

The young man opened his eyes, his almond eyes were moist, and the ends of his eyes were glinting, and he said again in a soft voice, “I won’t go.”

Yan Ci’s expression darkened a little, and the line of his lips was flattened.


Xia Zhinian’s face was pale, she held the corner of his clothes with her fingertips, stared at him with almond eyes, her voice was small and weak, it sounded light and soft, and she called him slowly.

“…Yan Ci.

…not going.

He doesn’t want to go.

The boy curled up, his body trembling slightly.

Yan Ci stared at him, his eyes darkened. Xia Zhinian just looked back like this, eagerly, and refused to go if he couldn’t say it, extremely firm.



Yan Ci was helpless, got up and poured him a cup of slightly hot water, and helped him sit up, “Did you eat anything today, isn’t it all the same as me?”

The arms around his waist were slender and strong, and Xia Zhinian was gently picked up by him, and he sat on the head of the bed, and was forced to open the curled up position holding his stomach, and the pain in his stomach suddenly intensified.

With a groan, he wrinkled his face and instinctively leaned forward, trying to shrink into a ball.

The waist was supported, and the forehead suddenly touched some broad and firm place, and the warm body temperature passed over, carrying the fragrance of shower gel.


Xia Zhinian was stunned for a moment, his almond eyes were round, and he raised his head to take a look while covering his stomach.

Straight ahead… is Yan Ci’s shoulder.

It happened to be the side where he had bitten, and the pajamas were loose, revealing half of the teeth marks that were about to disappear.

“Come on.”

In the dim light, the back of his head was stroked soothingly, the voice in his ears was soft and pleasant, and the warm body temperature almost enveloped him, dispelling the damp coolness of the night.

Xia Zhinian was stunned for a second.

The tense emotions because of the pain relaxed little by little, but the heart constricted inexplicably for a moment, the eyelashes trembled, and slowly leaned over, with his forehead resting on the shoulder of the nearby boy.

He shouldn’t have done this before.

Ordinarily, it shouldn’t be done.

But today, for some reason, probably because of the pain in the middle of the night, the line of defense suddenly loosened a little.

Handing over a glass in front of him, Yan Ci took out a straw from somewhere and inserted it into it, followed his back, and said warmly, “Drink some water.”

Xia Zhinian raised his hand to get the cup, but the glass was moved a little away to prevent him from touching it.

“Just drink it.”

Yan Ci’s clear voice sounded from above.

Xia Zhinian couldn’t speak a few words due to stomachache, pursed her lips, and took a few mouthfuls of Yan Ci’s hands slowly.

The warm water flowed down to the stomach, diluting the churning stomach acid, and the whole body seemed to be injected with warm currents, and the pain subsided a lot.

His lips were a little wet, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his waist suddenly tightened, and he was firmly clasped and lifted up.

“…Yan Ci?”

He opened his eyes wide, and before he could react, his leg was hooked by a hand with sharp knuckles, and his posture changed instantly.

A pillow was stuffed in his arms, and two straight long legs sat under his buttocks

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