The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 – Can Touch

…to show him?

Yan Ci was stunned for a moment, and looked down. The young man’s mouth was flattened, his slender eyelashes drooped loosely, and only half of his porcelain-white face was exposed.

When it fell, it was covered with dust, and there was a smear on the side of the face.

“… Xia Zhinian.”

Yan Ci pursed his lips and called him softly.

Raising his hand to wipe away the marks on the young man’s face, Yan Ci lowered his eyes when he looked at his **** palm. The dark eyes were very dark and had complicated meanings.

He didn’t speak anymore, Xia Zhinian didn’t know what he meant, so he glanced at him on the way, and was taken to the temporary medical room down the mountain.

The boy with a handsome face took him to a corner and sat down, opened the medicine box, took his hand to clean it up little by little, his brows and eyes were obscure.

Xia Zhinian looked up at him, Yan Ci held the back of his hand in one hand, and tweezers in the other, slowly and carefully cleaned out the gravel, and then disinfected it with iodophor.

His eyes drooped and his brows were furrowed.

The movement is very light.

The palm of his hand was rubbed severely by the rough rocks. The wound was not deep, but the area was large. It still hurt a little when he handled it, so he flinched subconsciously.

The wrist was quickly held to stop the movement.

“do not move.”

Yan Ci’s voice was cool, and he looked up at him.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

He will try his best.

The air was too quiet, Xia Zhinian pursed her mouth, feeling a little awkward no matter what, endured it for a while, and took the lead, “Why don’t you talk.”

“Yan Ci.”

He looked at the palm of his hand, then looked at Yan Ci’s slightly condensed face, thought for a while, and called him with a clean voice.

“Are you worried that my hand is hurt and I can’t touch it?”

He paused, his almond eyes were round and clear, “Don’t worry, except for my hands, I can touch many parts of my body.”

“… Xia Zhinian!”

Yan Ci raised his eyes, his voice suddenly became cold, and his hostility surged faintly.

Xia Zhinian’s eyelashes trembled.


The young man’s face was slightly pale, the wound on his hand was painful, and his lips were bloodless. His amber eyes were illuminated by the morning sun, like extraordinarily clear glass, inorganic, with an impersonal coolness.

Yan Ci stared at him for a long time with chills, Xia Zhinian was almost stared at him, and lowered his eyes little by little.

For a moment, a deep voice fell into his ears.

“Good boy.”

“Do you really think so, or do you say so on purpose?”

Xia Zhinian lowered his eyes and didn’t say a word, looking at the **** palms, his eyes were drawn away, as if he was distracted.

After a long time, a faint sigh was heard.

The waist was clasped by hands, lightly embraced, and fell into a warm embrace, with a soft voice in his ears.

“Xia Zhinian.”

“It’s not about special medicine.”

Yan Ci touched the back of his head with a very soft voice.

“I don’t want to see any wounds on your body. If there must be, I would rather I give them to you.”

Xia Zhinian’s heart suddenly shrank, and his fingertips curled up slightly.

“What are you running from…?”

Yan Ci said softly.

Shrunk in the shell, unwilling to contact the world.

Xia Zhinian’s body trembled slightly, and he buried his face in Yan Ci’s arms.

escape from what?

…he couldn’t tell.

Yan Ci guarded him, stared at him, angry and dissatisfied, trying to imprison him… The intention was good, he understood.

But he doesn’t know where this goodness comes from, and how long can it last?

He didn’t want to think about it so much.

The human heart is a complicated thing, he would rather that Yan Ci’s specialness to him was derived from his identity as a special medicine, then at least he has this identity, an identity that really belongs to him.

But… it seems that I am very sorry for Yan Ci.

Sorry for that good.

Xia Zhinian’s nose was a little sore, the tails of his eyes were slightly red, his body trembled almost imperceptibly, and he whispered softly.

“Yan Ci…if only I had known you earlier…it would be great.”

When his defenses were not so heavy, the line of defense was not so high, and when he was not so hard.

“It’s not too late now.”

Yan Ci patted his head.

Yan Ci took care of Xia Zhinian’s hands little by little, and wrapped them in a thick layer of gauze.

After all, there was an accident, Yan Ci contacted Xia’s family, and Xia Wenhan drove over to pick him up.

Xia Zhinian and Yan Ci were sitting in the back seat.

Xia Wenhan already knew the general situation, and looked back from the rearview mirror, trying to make his voice not sound so cold.

“Niannian, does your hand hurt badly?”


Xia Zhinian shook his head, holding up two large cat’s claw-like hands covered with gauze, “It doesn’t hurt much, it’s refreshing after applying the medicine.”

“Brother.” He asked in a clear voice, “Will you delay the company’s affairs if you come here now?”

Xia Wenhan looked indifferent and didn’t care, “I’m the boss, so I have the final say on whether to delay or not.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Alright, it smells like a boss.

Xia Zhinian smiled with her eyes bent.

His self-regulation ability is actually quite strong, and his emotions have eased a lot, but it may be because of this that things are more backlogged in his heart without knowing it.

On the other hand, Yan Ci sat on one side with serious eyebrows and eyes, not saying much.

He was thinking about what Xia Zhinian said before.

— The sooner you get to know him, the better.

The tone of these words sounded like he was expressing emotion, regretting, and saying something that could not be undone.

I didn’t know each other earlier, so what?

His eyes darkened a little.

…The origin of rice cake dumplings should be found out as soon as possible.


The phone rang suddenly, he picked it up to have a look, the screen showed that you have received a friend request—

【,】: Yanci, you are still angry, I must be careful next time, don’t be angry, it’s scary.

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci glanced to the side.

When Xia Zhinian fell down, he instinctively wanted to grab something. The contact area between the palm and the raised rock was large, and the gauze wrapped the palm and eight fingers.

Only two white and tender thumbs were left dangling outside, resting the phone on his lap, poking the screen with his thumbs with difficulty.

Glancing at him, he smiled carelessly.

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at him, and let out a soft sigh.

Xiaoxiaoxiao, I can still laugh out of hiding so many things, no wonder my heart is panicked.

He should be crushed and cried.

It’s good if you can’t stop crying.

He pursed his lips, a little worried, and nodded his rejection.

Reason for refusal: No.

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

Grandpa on the subway looks at his phone.jpg

…Still angry.

Xia Zhinian was bald, bit her lip, tried to poke the screen with her thumb, and sent another message.

Friend requests:

【,】: Yanci, Yanshen, Yange, elder brother? Don’t be angry, I was really careless. I took a photo of the sunrise. It’s very beautiful. Do you want to see it?

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci looked at the young man, and the young man had a smile on his porcelain white face, the corners of his lips were raised, and his almond eyes looked at him obediently, and he looked very beautiful.

He taps the screen.

Rejection, reason for refusal: see.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes lit up, and he continued to work hard.

Friend application: Then you have to go through a friend, otherwise I can’t send it.

[YC] Rejection, reason for refusal: Find me from the contact person in the class, and the picture can be sent.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Friend application: I remember that your group contacts were closed by you, why not add them directly.

[YC] Refused, reason for refusal: no. Good boy, you didn’t tell me when you went to Luoxia Mountain, what’s the use of adding friends 🙂

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian scratched his head with his thumb, and then sent a friend request:

【,】: I forgot, remember next time? On the day of your exam, I wanted to pass, but my brother was on the sidelines and refused to let me pass. Now he can’t see it, so I added it secretly.

Yan Ci, brother? No matter how dark your face is, the glutinous rice skin of your black sesame glutinous rice **** will be broken and the filling will be exposed.

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci was speechless for a while.

There was no reply from the other side, Xia Zhinian pursed his mouth and sighed, and suddenly there was a red dot in the phone message—

Congratulations, you and YC have become friends, please start chatting.


Passed? !

Is it because the elder brother has worked, or is it because the black sesame glutinous rice **** are exposed?

Xia Zhinian’s eyes lit up suddenly, he smiled, and quickly sent the photo.

A round of red sun, reflecting the sea of clouds below, is warm and brilliant, and it seems to be able to feel the scorching temperature through the screen.

It is very nice.

There were several pictures in succession, from all angles. Yan Ci looked down and saved the pictures. After waiting for a while, seeing no more messages came, he clicked his tongue loosely and continued typing.

Xia Zhinian was about to close the screen and press to turn off the phone, when suddenly another message popped up.

[YC]: That’s all?

[YC]: Didn’t you take a selfie with someone?

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian: “??”


Xia Zhinian raised his head in a daze, the boy next to him was not so cool and swished his face, he leaned on the back of the chair casually, his two long legs naturally overlapped, looked at him sideways, and the corners of his lips curved a little.


Xia Zhinian shook his head, blinked, and was very honest, “This, no.”

He didn’t shoot.

Yan Ci’s face changed slightly in an instant, the smile was still smiling, but it was a little cold.

Xia Zhinian: “…?!” Good guy, you should learn how to change faces in drama.

“Every year.”

A cold voice from the front row was caught off guard.

“Nothing? Missing something?”

Xia Wenhan asked.


Xia Zhinian was stunned for two seconds, realizing that his elder brother had misunderstood.

He felt a little hot at the base of his ears, bit his lips, and said emphatically, “Thank you, brother, I don’t lack anything, I don’t lack anything.”

He didn’t want to buy anything, it was…the selfie that Yan Ci didn’t want.

“Then what did you say just now?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

His earlobe was getting hotter and redder, and he glanced at the culprit, who was turning his cell phone with a smile that was not a smile, and his movements were indifferent, so he had time to watch him make excuses.

Xia Zhinian flattened her mouth, “It’s nothing, I just said it casually, facing the air, talking to myself.”

Xia Zhinian went back to Xia’s house, Jiang Yuan and Xia Hongyu were worried again, Xia Zhinian comforted her for a while.

The next day was the start of school. The sanitation team came ahead of time to clean up. Many people came one after another. As soon as they came, they were lying on the table and writing quickly to make up their homework.

It feels like this summer vacation has passed by in the blink of an eye, and it’s over before it even started.

When Xia Zhinian entered the class holding two white, fat, long-haired cat’s paw-like hands, he attracted a crowd of shocked eyes.

Yuen Long tutted, “The injury is so serious, it’s time to report to that scenic spot.”

“I’ve already reported it. I went up more than half of it, and almost finished it. There is still no place to follow the stage.”

“Garbage area!”

Most of the people in the class were filled with righteous indignation and complained about injustice, and didn’t complain that he had an accident and ruined the sightseeing trip. Xia Zhinian sat back in his seat and smiled, “It’s okay, it’s just that the skin is a little worn.”

Yan Ci was one step behind him, pushed the door open and came in, his whole body was refined and dignified, his eyes fell on the rice cake dumpling who was sitting obediently on the front bar of the stool, with his hands on his knees.

Taking a few steps towards him with long legs, he touched his head.

“How are your hands?”


Seeing that he had returned to normal, Xia Zhinian saw that his almond eyes were round, and his amber pupils were clean and clear. After thinking for a while, he took the initiative to say: “I haven’t touched any water and have no inflammation, and I am slowly recovering.”

Yan Ci nodded.

There are a lot of things to do at the beginning of school, summer homework has to be handed in, and the final papers of last semester have to be handed out. There are a lot of messy things.

But Xia Zhinian was pressed on the seat by Yan Ci and didn’t go anywhere, and he didn’t move his hand during the whole process.

The homework was handed in by Yan Ci, and the final paper was also brought back by Yan Ci. Even the cup that was placed on the table for a holiday was also taken by Yan Ci to wash, filled with water, plugged in a straw and placed on the table.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian almost thought he was a vegetable.

Yan Ci looked at the crooked handwriting on his homework.

After seeing the handwriting comparison, and looking at the handwriting he is writing now, I can vaguely see a trace of imitation.

Rice cake dumpling is trying to hide his writing habits as much as possible, but this kind of thing needs years of training, and it is not very useful to learn it in a short time.

He looked at the bright red exam paper that was almost full of forks, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled very warmly.

“It’s so strange, student Xia, why didn’t you show a little bit of your good luck in the exams and homework during the summer vacation.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?!”

What the hell? !

Good guy, he knew that on the day Zou Ziqian had a question in his dormitory, there would definitely be no doubts about the black sesame glutinous rice balls!

Xia Zhinian’s scalp tightened, his whole body stiffened a little, he tried his best to smile, his voice was clean and soft.

“Accidentally, how can you be lucky every time.”

“…Is it.”

Yan Ci looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, his eyes were deep and the meaning was unclear. Xia Zhinian’s heart tightened, his eyes were round and firm, and he smiled.

During the lunch break, the Xia family was worried that he might hurt his hands by tossing back and forth, so they asked the driver to bring the meal directly at noon, and it was Yan Ci who took it.

Xia Zhinian sat on the seat, turned his head to look, and saw a boy with a jade face sitting beside him, opened the thermos, took out the nutritious vegetables and soup inside, and put them on the table.


The aroma filled his nostrils, he took a deep breath, his eyes slightly brightened and said to Yan, “But I can actually open it.”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows lightly, with a warm smile, “With your hand wrapped like a cat’s paw?”

“It’s not that serious.”

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, and skillfully held the handle of the spoon in the tiger’s mouth.

To be honest, he has injuries on his hands and he can’t eat many things, but he is basically not picky about what he eats, and he thinks light and nutritious meals are delicious. “

The spoon between the tiger’s mouth and the gauze was suddenly taken away.

Before he could ask, he saw that the person who took away his spoon slowly filled up a spoonful of soup and brought it to his mouth with a soft and indifferent voice.

“Open your mouth.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”


What, what is this for? !

The aroma of thick soup was wafting nearby, Xia Zhinian stayed for two seconds, his eyes widened, looking at the black sesame glutinous rice **** with a natural, casual and gentle expression, his face turned red.

“I, me, myself… yes.”

His hand is not broken, it can still be used.

Xia Zhinian’s face was hot, and he reached for the handle of the spoon, but before reaching for it, the handle of the spoon moved away.


“What are you doing—”


Yan Ci put down the spoon, stretched out his hand carelessly, Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened, the stool under his **** was pulled away suddenly, his whole body shook, his heart beat violently, his body was almost touching Yan Ci.

“…Yan, Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian was supported by his waist, his almond eyes were round and round, and the hair on the top of his head was raised up, wobbling to attract people’s attention.

Yan Ci smiled politely, with a soft voice, “Hey, be honest when your hand hurts.”

The distance was too close, and the summer clothes were thin, Xia Zhinian’s knees were held together with Yan Ci’s, and he could feel a little scorching heat.

The familiar scent of shower gel lingered in his breath, Yan Ci raised his hand, picked up the spoon again and brought the soup over.

The Xia family was worried that he would not be able to hold it stably, and the metal spoon was heavy, so they replaced it with a children’s spoon made of synthetic material, which was smaller and softer, and was held by those cool white hands with sharp knuckles.

The screen impact is not generally strong.

Xia Zhinian’s heart pounded against his chest, his eyelashes trembled, and he was a little flustered looking at this scene, “I still, I’ll come by myself—”

The moment he opened his mouth, Yan Ci was holding the child’s spoon, as if feeding a naughty child. He saw the timing and fed it, then lifted his chin with his hand, closed his mouth and raised his head to drink in.


Yan Ci smiled and stroked his hair encouragingly.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

Xia Zhinian’s ears were so red that his earlobes were almost dyed bright red. He opened his eyes and wanted to reach for the spoon, but his wrists were held together, his voice was startled and soft.

“Yan Ci! I, I’m not a child, I can eat by myself! Give me back the spoon.”

“Yoyo! What are you doing here?”

His voice just raised a little, and Yuen Long, who was close in front, also stayed in the shift for lunch break. Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw the scene in front of him clearly, and let out a groan of excitement.

At the table behind him, Xia Zhinian was holding both wrists, his earlobe was bright red, and his almond eyes were wide open, while their dignified and gentle squad leader was picking up a chopsticks dish, naturally ready to feed it to Xia Zhinian’s mouth casually.

The corners of Yuen Long’s lips rose, “Two two, in the public, pay attention to the influence, the forum will go crazy.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Ahhh help, he will go crazy too!

Xia Zhinian’s ears were burning hot, he gritted his teeth, “I myself—”

A chopstick dish is fed in.

“Huh~” Yuen Long’s lips curled up and he whistled.

Xia Zhinian: “…!!”


Xia Zhinian’s whole body tensed up, the heat on his face almost spread all over his body, it was so hot, he gritted his teeth and stopped talking, trying to pull his wrist out.

The rice cake dumplings looked soft and gentle, Yan Ci smiled softly, and said softly, “Yes, you are not a child, but a big friend, you can eat by yourself.”

He laughed, “The big friend will always chew it, boy, this is not soup, you have to chew it.”

“Puff ha ha ha.”

Yuen Long grinned all the way from the corners of his mouth to the back of his ears, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and attracted many curious and excited eyes.


Ah ah ah ah.

Xia Zhinian’s heart collapsed, his whole body seemed to be on fire, extremely stiff, he chewed and swallowed it several times.

Yan Ci smiled in satisfaction, looking at the rosy cheeks of the rice cake dumpling, who was very happy to be fed, and cast a glance at Yuen Long, not polite.

“Turn back.”

Yuen Long: “…”

“Okay, okay, you two continue.” Yuen Long Thief smiled, “I’m in the way, I’ll go.”

Yan Ci responded indifferently, “Yes.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”


Are you okay? !

Xia Zhinian tried to glar at people viciously, but his face was flushed, he had no deterrent effect, and instead his hair was rubbed.

Suddenly, there were several low-pitched screams in the distance.

Yan Ci smiled slightly, as if whispering, gentle and soft, “Baby, the longer you delay, the more people will see you being fed.”

“I don’t mind, you can think about it slowly.”


Xia Zhinian first looked at his hands to make sure there was nothing to eat or drink, his amber eyes were moist and warm under the light.

Suppressing his voice, he blushed and spoke quickly, struggling with his arms, “I can eat by myself, you eat your own, let go of my wrist.”

“Just your balled hand, or the only two thumbs left?”

With the other hand, Yan Ci loosely picked up the same cute short chopsticks printed with colorful cartoon pictures, and sent the chopsticks dishes over, smiling.

“Be good, doing it will affect recovery, so there is no such option.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Ahhh, black sesame glutinous rice balls, you are enough!

There was laughter coming from the front, Xia Zhinian’s heart was beating like a drum, the roots of his ears were red hot, and there was a little light pink on his white and tender neck.

For some reason, he twitched his head, opened his mouth and gnawed on his wrist, and waved his hands fiercely, motioning for everyone to relax together!

Yan Ci paused slightly.

“Good boy.”

His eyes gradually deepened a little, looking at the young man’s faintly exposed row of neat teeth and red lips, tilting his head, the corners of his lips were bent, and calling him softly.

“This is currently not allowed to bite.”

Xia Zhinian: “!”

You **** meow!

He doesn’t want to bite in the future either!

The black sesame glutinous rice **** did not let go, Xia Zhinian was not thick-skinned enough, blushed, turned his head and let go.

Yan Ci smiled and continued to feed, “Hurry up, your takeout will be cold in a while, and my takeaway will be cold too.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

He turned his head to look at the unopened packing bag on Yan Ci’s desk, his mouth was flattened, the roots of his ears were still red, and he glanced quietly at the front of the classroom, feeling crazily ashamed.

Yan Ci followed his gaze to the front of the classroom, turned his head back with a suppressed smile, and pursed his lips.

“No one is watching it now, are you satisfied?”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round, and for a moment, his eyelashes trembled, holding back his shame, he opened his mouth to bite off the things on the chopsticks.


The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up a little, and he looked at the red-eared rice cake dumpling who was sipping and sipping. He felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure, and he fed the person to seven or eight full with satisfaction.

Xia Zhinian was so ashamed that he almost wanted to go straight to the remote and uninhabited Pacific Ocean, so he lived in seclusion, his hands were finally let go, he slammed his head on the table, his eyes were closed, and his whole body was steaming.

Just after calming down for a while, a strong fragrance came suddenly.

He opened his eyes, inhaled lightly twice, sat up quickly, and turned his head to look at the source of the aroma.

Yan Ci opened the takeaway box and tableware, and there was a thin layer of oily light inside, glowing red, with an attractive aroma.

…It’s the hot pot restaurant at the base!

Ready to ship.

Xia Zhinian seemed to hear her stomach growling.

Illusion, illusion! He just finished eating!

Yan Ci moved his chopsticks calmly, Xia Zhinian watched eagerly, held back for a while, but couldn’t hold back, his voice was soft.

“Yan Ci, I want to have a bite.”

Just one bite!

“Want to eat?”

Yan Ci looked at him sideways, very pleasant, “Hey, look at your hands, when is it ready and what to eat.”


“You did it on purpose.” Xia Zhinian looked pitifully.

Yan Ci smiled, didn’t speak, and finished eating calmly under Ruju’s eyes.

Not a bite left.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Ah, the blackness of black sesame glutinous rice **** can always refresh the lower limit, never ending!

Xia Zhinian ate lunch at school for several days. He tried to get the thermos by himself, and then found another place to eat alone, but he always met Yan Ci who went to get takeaway at the same time.

His hands were wrapped in gauze, and the thermos bucket could only be hung on his wrist, so he was easily taken away, and then he was forced to go back to the classroom obediently to wait for feeding.

At first, I was blushing, but after I was transferred to the water room at the back of the classroom, I gradually became numb, adapting to the life of an injured patient who opened his mouth and stretched out his hand while eating.

But he ate a supplementary meal, black sesame glutinous rice balls, hot pot today, barbecue tomorrow, spicy hot pot the next day, and finished eating under the eyes of the young man eagerly watching Li Wen.

You can only smell it, you can’t eat it, it’s extremely cruel.

Xia Zhinian was so anxious that she wanted to remove the gauze by herself.

After waiting thousands and thousands of times, it was finally healed, and I had a mouthful of clear soup hot pot.

The make-up classes have gradually entered the right track. In math class, Xia Zhinian stepped on the front bar of the stool, played with his mobile phone for a while, and then looked at his hands.

There were too many abrasions, almost the entire palm was covered with a thin layer of scabs, and the fingers were also bent slightly, and the scabs were stuck in the palm of the hand.

Many times, if you don’t pay attention, the scab will collapse immediately.

The knuckles have fallen off a bit, and it may be the period of falling off recently, and the palms are very itchy.

Lao Qin kept talking on it, and Xia Zhinian raised his hand to buckle.


The back of the hand was patted.

The boy next to him was looking at the question with his head slightly lowered, holding a pen in one hand, his finger bones were as long as jade, and holding his wrist with the other hand, looking back.

“Don’t buckle.”

“It’s not easy to grow up.”

Xia Zhinian bent her fingertips, pursed her mouth, and sighed softly, “It’s so itchy.”

When it itches, he wants to scratch.

The same is true for severe allergies before, itching and scratching all over the body, and then the allergies became more serious.

When asthma strikes again, the itching sensation will be ignored.

Xia Zhinian wanted to scratch her.

The more the wrist was grabbed, the more itchy the palm of the hand felt, and the more I wanted to scratch it, I couldn’t even look at the phone, so I turned my wrist uncomfortably.

Yan Ci turned his head to look at him. The young man was stepping on the front bar of the stool, hugging his knees and curled up into a small ball. His hands were staring right in front of his eyes, wanting to grab them from time to time.

The focus is on it.

Xia Zhinian was scratching his heart and lungs, wanting to stop the itching, when he suddenly stretched out a hand in front of him, with the palm facing up, the fingers were cold, white and thin, with the beauty of a jade artwork.

…but what are you doing?

Need something?

He looked at the hand in front of him, with a blank expression, and asked the owner of the hand, “What do you want?”

“your hands.”

A clear voice sounded from the side.

Xia Zhinian: “??”

his hand?

Xia Zhinian was a little dazed, but after groping around recently, he was used to the touch of Yan Ci with his hands, blinking, raised his hand like a kitten, put his fingers on it, and asked in a low voice.

“Are you suffering again?”


“Then what is this for?”

Xia Zhinian heard a boy nearby laughing, his voice was low and clear and slowly fell into his ears.

“Seeing that you have nothing to play with, I’ll give you a toy.”

Xia Zhinian: “…??”


He paused for a moment, looked down at the hand in front of him, pinched two fingers, felt slightly warm, and the palm lines were clear.

It’s slippery to the touch.

He was a little confused, and rubbed his fingertips against his palms twice, “What’s so interesting about your hands?”

Yan Ci wrote an answer on the paper with his right hand, and casually chuckled, “If you don’t play with my hand, is it possible that you want to play with me?”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

What kind of genius logic is this?

His eyes were wide open, he was a little distracted, the hair on his head was shaking, and he asked in doubt.

“What fun do you have?”

The tip of Yan Ci’s pen suddenly stopped.

The ink condenses into a thick circle on the paper.

It was just a casual joke, but I didn’t expect rice cake dumplings…

“…Why, my boy is curious?”

He looked sideways at the rice cake dumpling who asked sincerely, his eyes darkened a little, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he said softly—

“Then why don’t you try it and see what I have for fun.”

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