The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 59

Chapter 58 – Positioner(1)

Xia Zhinian heard the sudden silence behind him, turned his head back, and suddenly a hand was put on top of his head, resting on his head.

Xia Wenhan asked slowly, “Have a rest, do you want some water?

Xia Zhinian was at a loss, nodded, “I’ll go to the locker room to get it.”

The boy got up and ran to the locker room with two big towels on.

Jiang Yuan stared at his back with a lost expression, and turned to her eldest son in a daze.

“Xiao Han, don’t you remember this last time every year?”

Xia Wenhan frowned slightly, then nodded slowly, “Yeah.”

“That, that…”

Jiang Yuan’s expression was mixed with surprise and joy, her heart was agitated, and she almost couldn’t stand still.

When the youngest son was just found home, they wanted to confirm the identity of the child. At first, they looked alike. Before the DNA results came out, they looked at the back of the neck.

When Niannian was just born, there were four small red dots on the back of his neck, and when he grew up a bit, it could be seen that it formed a neat trapezoidal pattern.

The location is very coincident, a little below the nape of the neck.

It belongs to the place where you can’t see when you are wearing clothes, and you can’t see when you look back in the mirror.

At that time, the eldest son, who was still young, had just finished calculating a math problem, and asked her while hugging his younger brother.

“Mom, my brother has a trapezoid on the back of his neck, will he be good at math in the future?”

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help laughing, “Xiaohan is so young, why is he so rigid and uninteresting, that’s called a butterfly shape with spread wings.”

Xia Wenhan when he was young: “???”

“Where does it look like?”

He opened his eyes wide and looked back and forth, unable to tell, but Jiang Yuan made a final decision, and the four little red moles turned into butterfly shapes.

At that time, every year was only four years old.

Later, when he was five years old, he was lost every year. When he was just found, they asked him if he remembered the mole on the back of his neck.

But at that time, Niannian didn’t know about these four moles at all. They took a photo to show him, and he just gave a dull and gloomy “Oh”.

“Are the four trapezoidal moles enough for you to identify?”

Later, when the DNA results came out, they were happy that the child had been found, so they didn’t mention the butterfly shape.


Jiang Yuan smiled in surprise and grabbed the elder son’s hand.

“I didn’t think about it at that time every year. Now that I’ve been together for a long time, I’m slowly thinking about it?!”

Any behavior of the younger son who was closer to the family would please her.

Xia Wenhan was still calm, he didn’t show any joy, and frowned slightly.

“Mom, don’t rush to get excited.”

He thought back and forth in his head, his voice low.

“I always feel that this matter…isn’t that simple.”

“The person is still the same person, but Mom, don’t you think that there is a big difference in personality between Niannian and when I first came back?”

Xia Zhinian soaked in the swimming pool water for a long time, he choked once, and the Xia family didn’t want to rush him, fearing that there would be some accidents if he was rushed, they let him soak and play slowly in the water.

I stayed there for so long that when I went back to dream at night, I was soaking in the water. I felt that I had become a salty fish in the water, and I still couldn’t swim when I was full of water.

After that, this swimming training became a regular activity every three days.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xianyu’s refutation is invalid, and he sighs sadly.jpg

Thursday afternoon.

Yan Ci sat in his seat and brushed the questions loosely, his eyelids were half down, and the thumb and index finger of his right hand twirled the pen from time to time, the knuckle bone lines were very smooth and beautiful.

Xia Zhinian looked at it from time to time to satisfy his eye addiction, he still stepped on the front bar of the stool, put his mobile phone in the table hole, and quietly played with his mobile phone while holding a bag of potato chips.

During class break, a delicate girl with long hair and glasses came in from the back door, walked to Xia Zhinian in a graceful manner, knocked on the table and smiled at him.

“Hello, new tablemate.”

Ye Baike rolled his eyes, “Old Qin said that neither of us is tall, so we should move to the front.”

Xia Zhinian: “??!!”

I giao? !

Xia Zhinian’s heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly turned to look at the black sesame glutinous rice **** next to him.

Yan Ci held the pen in his hand, turned the pen for a while, and the tip of the pen touched the paper, leaving a round thick black spot.

Raising his eyes, the usual gentle smile on his face froze a bit, and he looked at the study committee member Ye Baike with a little doubt.

“New tablemate?”

Xia Zhinian: “!”

Bad bad bad bad!

He tensed up and opened his mouth to speak, “Yes—”

“Old Qin said that we will change seats this semester. Xia Zhinian and I will sit in front and ask Xia Zhinian to tell you, don’t you know the monitor?”

Ye Baike froze for a moment, her voice surprised.


Yan Ci turned his head slowly, looked at the young man beside him, the corners of his lips curved in an unclear manner, and his voice was soft, “Oh, my deskmate, you already knew about this.”

Xia Zhinian: “…!”


Xia Zhinian bit her lip, looked over with amber eyes, the hair on the top of her head was limp, and her voice was soft, “Old Qin asked me to tell you about it.”

The young man flattened his mouth, lowered his eyes, and his heart was pounding, “…I forgot.”

He really forgot.

I still remembered it, but after swimming practice that day, my head was empty. I fell asleep and couldn’t remember anything after waking up.


Xia Zhinian sighed.

Yan Ci’s eyes were a little dark, with thin scars at the end of his eyes, his head was tilted, and his voice was soft, “It was Lao Qin who came to see you on Monday. Let me ask you, what day do you think he was studying?”


Yan Ci twitched the corners of his mouth, his smile was very warm, and his voice was slightly cool, “Hey, Lao Qin asked you to change, so you agreed?”

Xia Zhinian’s back shivered when he laughed, his eyes widened, and he hurriedly said: “No, I refused to come… It just didn’t work.”

“I don’t know how to tell you, but I just want to procrastinate…” He glanced at Yan Ci, and said listlessly, “Then I forgot about it.”

Yan Ci looked at him, and then at Ye Baike, who was also surprised. He pursed his lips, and after a moment, he calmed down, and raised his hand to touch his head.

Ye Baike went back first, leaving room for the two of them, Xia Zhinian was slightly surprised.

He thought Yan Ci would be angry.

After all, black sesame glutinous rice **** have such a strong desire to control.

Yan Ci saw his eyes, pursed his lips, and lowered his voice.

“It’s a little upset, but not to you.”

He wished that the rice cake dumpling tied in front of him would be transferred away to be at the same table with someone else, no wonder he was happy.

“I’m going to find Lao Qin, you wait for me here.”

Yan Ci got up, tall and long-legged, and walked to the office, straight to the point, Lao Qin came up with the same argument.

“Squad leader, I know you two have a good relationship, but look at Xiao Xia’s grades, they have not improved but regressed, how can this be the college entrance examination?”

Yan Ci frowned when he thought of the young man deliberately imitating the original owner’s bad words, “Wait another two weeks, there will be a quiz after two weeks, if his grades are still not good, then change, if he improves, then don’t change.”

“Squad leader, Xiao Yan.”

Lao Qin shook his head with his thermos cup in his arms, and said earnestly, “If you want to improve, you should have already improved. Xiaoxia’s grades will not improve but will fall back. Even if you are sure, let others try.”

“Maybe the school committee’s teaching is good, or even better. You two always talk in class. Now you have to focus on the college entrance examination, right?”

“Sit like this for a while, and then change back if it doesn’t work.”

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci was not in a pretty mood.

Lao Qin may have seen that the two of them made too many small moves in class, Xia Zhinian’s grades did not improve, and after eating the weights, he became determined and wanted to change.

After a while, another student who came back from the office brought back a printed seating chart and posted it in front of the classroom.

“Change seats! Lao Qin said that he will move in the next self-study class!”

Yan Ci: “…”

It changed from Friday to Thursday.

Yan Ci pursed his lips tightly.

The seat changes were actually not that big, Yan Ci and Yuen Long Chu Qingjian Zou Ziqian did not move, the small group of people in the back row of the classroom moved only Xia Zhinian.

Changed to Zou Ziqian’s front row position.

Xia Zhinian himself doesn’t really want to change, he thinks it’s good to sit with Yan Ci, but it’s a pain in the **** when moving.

Looking at Yan Ci again, the corners of his lips were curled, his eyes were dark, and his smile looked dark.

Yuen Long feels that these two people are like Cowherd and Weaver Girl who have been ruthlessly separated, reluctant to leave, and the air around them is cold and touching.

His eyes rolled around, and he kept silent and dared not speak.

Xia Zhinian pursed her mouth and moved things in front of Zou Ziqian. The school committee member Ye Baike was at the same table on the left, and Zhao Jinjin was at the same table with a girl named Yang Jing in front of her.

“Wow, my former deskmate.”

Zou Ziqian in the back row greeted him.

“You have become my front desk again. It’s really fate. Hahaha, it’s a little lonely for the monitor to sit in the last row.”

Qi Jin, who wanted to put Yan Ci in the basement activity room before, transferred to another school, and there was another student who did not take the college entrance examination and went abroad directly. one.

Xia Zhinian turned his head, Yan Ci sat in his original seat, separated by a section of the aisle, his gaze crossed obliquely.

Sitting alone, with clear brows and eyes, looking at him without blinking.

…Looking lonely, it’s a bit pitiful.

Xia Zhinian’s heart softened, and he blinked at him.

Yan Ci pursed his lips, still unhappy.

Very upset.

Xia Zhinian took out his mobile phone and sent him a message, trying to comfort the black sesame glutinous rice **** who had a strong desire to control.

【,】: Maomao turned belly.jpg Actually, it’s not too far away. You sit next to me in the last row, and I’m in the third row from the bottom. There’s an aisle diagonally.

A message pops up and the screen displays.

[YC]: T^T

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian was a little speechless, and felt that the black sesame glutinous rice **** were a bit funny, so he continued typing.

【,】: High school compulsory accommodation…

Xia Zhinian touched his ears, feeling a little red hot and ashamed, bit his index finger.

【,】: Can I live in your room?

【,】: cat probe.jpg

Yan Ci looked at the screen, and now he smiled more or less sincerely, and the corners of his lips twitched.

[YC]: Good boy, think clearly, I will lock the door^_^

[YC]: Hiding in the dormitory, even if you close the door, you may be discovered.

Xia Zhinian: “…!”

If you can’t hide it, don’t always show it!

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes were wide open, his earlobes were a little hot, he gritted his teeth, and typed angrily.

【,】: That’s fine, then I won’t live with you, I’ll live alone.

Yan Ci smiled, his brows and eyes slightly curved.

[YC]: Good boy, you have to be honest, how can you go back on your word.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Zou Ziqian looked at him first as the same table, then as the former tablemate, and then as the predestined person at the front table. At this moment, he was leaning sideways to the last row, typing on his mobile phone for a long time.

Although he didn’t want to look at other people’s screens, the seat was so big that he accidentally scanned the contacts on it.

Clear [YC] two letters.

…Good guy, monitor.

After class, in the same classroom, there is a row of seats half an aisle apart, no more than two meters away, chatting on the mobile phone is quite enjoyable.

Can’t you just take two steps?

Zou Ziqian was bewildered, he clicked his tongue twice, imagining that he was a romantic bard, shook his head and sighed silently——

Ah, maybe it’s the love and interest of the first parting at the same table.

Yan Ci sat in Xia Zhinian’s original seat, so that he could be closer to the rice cake dumplings.

Just thinking about how to get people back, the dormitory numbers of the new dormitory staff have also come out ahead of schedule in the class.

Yan Ci was in 509.

And Xia Zhinian…in 507.

Yan Ci: “…??!”

Yan Ci’s face darkened instantly, and he contacted the student union member in charge of this.

He had informed the other side before and arranged the rice cake dumpling in his dormitory, why did it suddenly change.

The other side hurriedly searched, “Ah, I found it. A few days ago, Xia Zhinian’s parents called and wanted to provide him with private accommodation. If the student union members don’t know about you, they are very familiar with the requirements of this type of parents, so they will give him a private room.” Done!”

“The parents’ name is…Xia Wenhan!”

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci’s face was ugly, and he smiled as if he was trying to kill someone.

In the evening, Xia Wenhan brought a few people over to help his younger brother clean up the dormitory, Xia Zhinian followed, after eating, he cleaned up for a while, and finally finished the dormitory where he and Yan Ci were not together for some reason.

At half past eleven, it was already very late, Xia Zhinian was so tired that he went straight back to the dormitory and sat down.

In fact, there is no need for him to do anything, just go to Yanci’s place and sit and wait. But Brother Xia pulled him and refused to let him go, asking things, where to put this and that, a series of questions, but he refused to let him go.

…the whole time until now.

Xia Zhinian took a shower and went back to bed to lie down. He wanted to send Yan Ci a message, but he closed his eyes and fell asleep immediately, his head was groggy.

It was that dream again.

He read the entire fanfic, turned off the light and lay back on the bed.

“Knock knock.”

There were two light knocks on the door in the darkness.

Xia Zhinian woke up suddenly, sat up, with tiny beads of sweat on his forehead, bent over and buried his face in his palm.

What’s the matter.

He obviously didn’t remember anyone knocking on the door.

The dormitory was dark, Xia Zhinian turned on the night light, looked at the light with a slightly harsh color, felt that this night light was not as warm as the color Yan Ci used, so he pursed his lips.

It was more than two o’clock in the middle of the night.

…he’s so hungry.

He woke up, feeling extremely sober, with a flat stomach, looking around the small dormitory, found a bucket of instant noodles, and boiled water to soak them.

The aroma gradually permeated, with warm air, ironing the nerves.

It was a little strange to move into the dormitory when he first moved in. Except that he slept alone in Xia’s house, he seemed to be with Yan Ci at other times, and suddenly moved into the new dormitory, and he was a little… inexplicably uncomfortable.

The dormitory has a row of odd numbers and a row of even numbers. He and Yan Ci live next door.

Xia Zhinian sat back on the bed and stared at a small wall beside the bed. If he remembered correctly, Yan Ci’s bed should be behind the wall.

At night, the surroundings were quiet, Xia Zhinian looked at the wall, not knowing which tendon was wrong, stretched out his hand, bent his knuckles, and tapped the wall lightly.

“Dong Dong” two soft sounds.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian regained consciousness, feeling a little stupid, knocking on the wall here in the middle of the night, rubbing his face and turning back.

Just about to move, suddenly—

“Boom boom.”

The same two sounds suddenly came from behind the wall.

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian froze, blinked and said, “Boom boom boom”, knocked three times.

Immediately after that, “咚咚咚” three times.

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

He opened his eyes wide.

It won’t be some alternative building material aging or echoing, right?

It seemed to guess what he was thinking over there, without waiting for him to knock.



Immediately after the message on the phone rang, he picked it up to read, two simple words.

[YC]: Come here.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round, looking at the message, and then looking at the time, his mouth was inexplicably dry, as if it was on fire, he typed back.

【,】: You were woken up by me, right?

[YC]: No, come here.

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, took a sip of water to suppress the inexplicable restlessness, her eyes were slightly bright, and she quickly got out of bed.

The corridor is dark and dull, as if conducting a secret visit, digging for treasure, with a little expectation.

The door was knocked briskly twice, and it opened quickly. Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes were round, and when he looked up, he saw Zhang Shensi’s clear and clear face, and smiled with his eyes bent, with a low voice.

“Yan Ci, you haven’t slept yet.”

Yan Ci looked down and saw that the young man was holding a bowl of instant noodles in his hand, wearing thin short-sleeved shorts pajamas, bare feet, fluffy hair a little messy, bright eyes, smiling.

His heart softened a bit.

His eyes were dim, and his fingertips felt numb and itchy. He pulled the boy in, locked the door and took away the instant noodles.

Suddenly stepped forward, put his arms around the young man’s waist, took a step forward and pushed the young man against the door, bent slightly, and pressed his forehead on his shoulder.

“Good boy.”

His voice is low and hoarse.

Xia Zhinian: “??”


Leaning against the door, Xia Zhinian felt his body being lifted up a little, stepped on the upper of the slippers with both feet, and could vaguely feel the bulging shape of the bones on the soles of his feet, and was stunned for a moment.

“What’s the matter?”

In the past, he would have to hide from this distance immediately, but he didn’t know when it started, and he seemed to gradually get used to Yan Ci’s approaching.

like that key.

He handed over the key of imprisonment.

While closing the door to hide, it also opened the unknown Pendela’s Box.

Yan Ci held his waist, his voice was dull, a little weak and hoarse in the silent night, sighed, and said softly—

“I’m uncomfortable.”

First the seat, and then the dormitory was meddled with, and the rice cake dumpling ran so fast, it gave him the illusion that he couldn’t catch anyone.

He watched the rice cake dumpling talking to his new tablemate in the afternoon, and walking with Xia Wenhan in the evening, feeling jealous and dark in his heart.

…his rice cake dumplings, his.

Why are people staring at him.

The ink in Yan Ci’s eyes surged, bottomless, and there were countless crazy jealousy and worries buried in them. The skin hunger and thirst that hadn’t fully flared up for a long time began to spread violently since Xia Wenhan came.

The disease can act irrationally because it is jealous that others can be touched and comforted.

Maybe he doesn’t need the disease.

He himself is so crazy and jealous, he is irrational, and wants to lock people tightly in a corner where there is no light.

Leave him alone.

Yan Ci’s arms tightened a little, hugging the boy in his arms tightly, lowering his eyes to cover the terrifying color inside.

Xia Zhinian saw a few clear scratches on his arm, realized that it was a seizure, blinked, and put his hand on his arm.

“Is this better?”

Yan Ci felt a soft touch on his arm, chuckled, and his voice rustled, “It’s not good.”

“Good boy, this is a full-blown attack that I haven’t had in a long time, and it’s not very useful.”

Just a seat and a dormitory drove him like this.

If the rice cake dumpling really ran away, he might go crazy.

Yan Ci thought casually.

Xia Zhinian was pushed against the door by him, his whole body was hugged, his movements were restricted, and he blinked.

“Let go of it first, you won’t be able to touch it through the clothes if you hug like this.”

“And my instant noodles are getting lumpy.”


Still thinking about eating.

Yan Ci let out a muffled laugh, carried him directly to his bed and sat down, and then brought his instant noodles to the table.

Xia Zhinian was used to being carried around by him, her expression was normal, she glanced at the empty bed opposite, only now did she realize that the bed was already made.

The bedding is soft and tidy, but under the dim night light, it looks unpopular and a bit cold when it is so tidy.

Xia Zhinian paused, pursed her lips, a little surprised, “Your bed…”

“I prepared it for you, but it’s a pity that it’s useless.”

Xia Zhinian curled up his fingertips slightly, looked at Yan Ci, felt a warm glow in his heart, he didn’t know what to say, it was a bit strange anyway, he stuttered twice, and lifted the lid of the instant noodle .

Yan Ci sat next to him, lowered his eyes, and shook his cold arm. Every pore seemed to be enlarged, and countless bugs got in and gnawed non-stop, crawling all the way up to the sensitive nerves.

“Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian felt that his complexion was not very good, thinking of the full-scale attack he just said, he pursed his lips, and his amber eyes were clean and bright.

“You, otherwise…” He gritted his teeth with a slight heat in his ears.

“…hug me?”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and his voice was very soft, “Small area contact is useless, large area…”

“Good boy.” He smiled, “Don’t you don’t like people touching you? I bit me several times when I gave you a bath.”

Xia Zhinian: “…!”


His face was hot, and the blush on his earlobes was not obvious under the night light. Instead, he looked like warm jade, which made people want to touch and feel it.

Xia Zhinian gritted her teeth, blushed and hummed, and said in a low voice: “Wake up, when you’re awake, I can barely…tolerate it.”


Yan Ci paused slightly, his eyes darkened as he watched him, and his voice was very soft.

“Then, how far can you tolerate me?”

Xia Zhinian looked at him with round eyes, and the roots of his ears were red and hot. He always felt that this topic was so shameful that he wanted to beat someone up, so he flattened his mouth, “How far do you need to go?”

“I need to be as far as I want, can I do it?”

Yan Ci leaned over to get closer, his eyes were dark, and a faint smile spread on his lips.

Xia Zhinian felt inexplicably awkward being looked at by him, turned his head away from his eyes, and hummed lightly.

“I don’t know, but I can let you… give it a try.”

The smile on the corners of Yan Ci’s lips widened, and sporadic smiles penetrated into the surface of the skin. He hadn’t touched it yet, but he felt that his illness was about to disappear without a trace, and his mood suddenly improved.

No, it’s better not to disappear.

Yan Ci stretched out his hand from the side, wrapped his arms around the young man’s waist, and lifted him up easily with his arms.


Xia Zhinian was still holding the instant noodles in his hand without taking a bite, caught off guard by the rising altitude, his eyes widened, and he quickly grabbed the bowl in his hand tightly.

In the blink of an eye, the altitude dropped back again, but there was no longer a soft bed under the buttocks, but two hard touches instead.

The legs in shorts came into direct contact with the body temperature of another person without warning, and the skin was close to each other. The grateful boy trembled from the strange touch, and immediately wanted to stand up and run away.


The young man snorted, his eyes widened, his sensitivity to touch made him feel a little bit of panic, his head went blank and he wanted to run away.

But a hand came over from the belly, and the back touched the broad embrace, the upper arm was pressed, and the slender arm stretched loosely, wrapping around his hand holding the instant noodle bowl.

His whole body was wrapped up.

There is nowhere to hide.

“Good boy.”

Yan Ci hugged the warm and soft, delicate boy into his lap, and put his chin on his shoulder.

The tip of the tongue touched the sharp teeth, stroking the boy’s furry head, and soothingly.

“Hey, bear with it, you’ll get used to it in a while.”

“It’s not that good, let me try.”

Xia Zhinian: “…!”

Xia Zhinian groaned, trembling, wanting to repent.

The skin on his legs, which had never been in contact with anyone, suddenly touched another person directly, the body temperature gradually merged, and the feeling was so exciting that he had never felt before. He instinctively stretched his legs and wanted to stand up first.

As a result, Bai Nen’s feet wobbled, and she couldn’t reach the ground.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci laughed, and raised his knees a little, making the boy farther away from the ground, “Hey, it’s cold on the ground.”


cool you uncle.

There was a slight friction between the movements, Xia Zhinian was agitated, and his body became more and more stiff.

“Okay, okay, good.”

Yan Ci patted his head and comforted him softly, “I won’t move, boy, don’t be so tense like a rock, eat instant noodles, it’s going to be lumpy.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Eat like this? !

How to eat like this? !

The boy’s eyes were round, and Yan Ci could see that he was thinking, and smiled, with the corners of his lips slightly curved, “I don’t want to prevent you from moving your mouth to eat.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian’s stomach grumbled.

Yan Ci laughed softly, and a tremor in his chest spread to the young man’s back.

This is his meow.

Xia Zhinian gritted his teeth, the roots of his ears were red as if dripping blood, he ate instant noodles with a fork, the instant noodles were placed on the table, he leaned over and straightened up again, rubbing his legs with every movement, his hair was numb, he simply picked up the bowl Hold it to you.

Yan Ci stretched out his arm to give him a tissue, and his body moved slightly.

The boy froze suddenly, and the instant noodle bowl shook in his hand.

Yan Ci quickly supported the bowl with one hand, his eyes were sharp, and his voice was very soft, with an unknown smile falling into the young man’s ears.

“…My boy, I think I found out.”

He put the tissue in the palm of the boy’s hand, took the fork away, slowly rolled up a section, and brought it to the boy’s mouth, with a soft tone, “I don’t like others touching you, I don’t like skin contact, is it because… Sensitive?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian froze.

Yan Ci smiled gently, and touched the edge of the instant noodles on the fork to the young man’s lips, “Okay, don’t tell me if you don’t say it. The noodles are really going to be lumpy, eat it quickly.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian regretted it, he shouldn’t have come here tonight to cause trouble for himself, his ears were bright red, his mouth was flattened, and he bit the noodles away with a groan.

Yan Ci’s attack this time was far more severe than before.

Xia Zhinian slept at Yan Ci’s place last night, curled up with four arms and four legs together, but Yan Ci still scratched from time to time.

The next day in class, Xia Zhinian sat at the front, Yan Ci couldn’t touch anyone, and the restlessness and boredom began to surge again.

Jealousy flames blazing.

The black color in his eyes gathered and solidified, and he looked at the boy.

When handing in the homework in the morning, Ye Baike, the new student committee member at the same table, is also the team leader, and Xia Zhinian handed the homework directly to the side.

He had always copied Yan Ci’s homework according to what Lao Qin said before. After Yan Ci finished writing during the day, he took it home and copied it at night.

When changing seats last night, he just made up some points himself.

Ye Baike glanced over and found few correct answers. She was a little shocked, but didn’t show it, and calmly put it in the group homework.

“Xia Zhinian, I heard from Lao Qin that you used to copy the monitor’s homework before, but now that you change your seat, your support person becomes me. You can copy mine instead, and I’ll give it to you before school every day.”

Xia Zhinian shook his head, with round almond eyes, he politely refused.

“Thank you, but no need, I don’t think it makes any difference whether you copy or not.”

Ye Baike put her long hair into a ponytail, and smiled at him, “Don’t be shy, we are at the same table now, since you think it’s useless, I will give you ten questions every day, you do it, and I will teach you if you don’t know how to do it.” .”

Xia Zhinian: “…” Ah.

This is a responsible girl paper.

Xia Zhinian was confused.

To be honest, he wanted to continue sitting with Yan Ci, but the reason for changing the seat was because of his grades. If his grades improved with the help of his new deskmate, then Lao Qin would not move him back.

If there is no improvement…then it might be a new tablemate.

But he doesn’t have that much time.

“At the same table, I think your English writing is not bad, you can practice more copybooks, I have extra…”


A deep voice sounded behind him.

Xia Zhinian turned her head and looked at Yan Ci who was standing in the aisle, her amber eyes were clear and she blinked.

Yan Ci touched his hair, the corners of his lips curved a little, his voice was steady, as if it was a matter of course, and he repeated, “He doesn’t need it.”

Ye Baike was stunned for a moment, “But I’m at the same table…”

Yan Ci’s ears were a little bit pierced when he heard the words “same table”.

He snatched this title from Zou Ziqian before, and now this title has been taken away by others.

No matter how unpleasant he heard it, the corners of his lips curled up, “I will be responsible for the progress of my studies every day every year, and I will take him back if I improve my grade ranking by 200 in the next quiz.”

Xia Zhinian: “…??!”

Why did you suddenly change your name to Niannian?

I knock! There are people all around, why are you saying such weird things? !

No, advance two hundred? It’s better to kill him directly!

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round, and the bullet screens in his head frantically swiped, and he didn’t know which one to complain about first.

The students around were all startled when they heard the words that seemed to be an oath of possession.

“…Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian made a small sound.

Yan Ci leaned close to his earlobe, whispering, sighing softly, his voice was very low.

“Every year, I feel uncomfortable, and I am not happy anywhere.”

body is.

So is my heart.

Xia Zhinian raised her head, her almond eyes were round.

The black sesame glutinous rice **** are obviously abnormal, and the risk of aggression has soared much higher than usual.

…Or in other words, it is usually hidden well, but now it is revealed.

It’s difficult.

Xia Zhinian sighed, pursed his mouth, didn’t say anything, and used his movements to inadvertently pull his hand, rubbing his fingertips, trying to help him relax.

I wanted to let go quickly, but was pulled back at once.

Looking at each other instantly, Xia Zhinian could see a bit of dissatisfaction and grievance in Yan Ci’s eyes, and he let him loosen his hand after a while.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Fuck, when will this disease be cured!

It was only the second day, and he felt overwhelmed.

The black sesame glutinous rice **** are too tossed, a bunch of moths.

But at night, Yan Ci suddenly said that he wanted to take him out to play, Xia Zhinian didn’t know what the black sesame glutinous rice **** were doing, so he went with him.

The third year of high school requires compulsory accommodation, but this accommodation is more reflected in noon, and you can’t go home for lunch at noon, wasting time and affecting your lunch break, and the evening is long, so you can still go back if you don’t mind the trouble.

Xia Zhinian followed Yan Ci out, only to find out when he got there that it was where the motorcycle was last time.

“Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes lit up.

“What are you doing here?”

There was a cool breeze in the evening, and there was no one else around, just the two of them, Yan Ci felt quite happy and smiled.

“Bring you to play, do you want to play?”

Thinking about his plans for the future, he reckoned that he had to make people happy in advance.

So make a special trip.

Xia Zhinian was pleasantly surprised, “I think so!”

He has been thinking about it for a long time!

Yan Ci put on the helmet for the young man, put his straight and slender legs on the ground, and straddled him. Xia Zhinian followed closely behind, hugging his waist forward.

The sound of the “rumbling” accelerator is deafening.


The car almost flew off the string like an arrow, and rushed out in an instant.

With the wind blowing on his body, Xia Zhinian squinted his eyes, his heart was beating violently, his almond eyes were curved, and the corners of his mouth were raised rapidly.

Yan Ci turned the accelerator to the end, the rumbling sound intensified, and everything around him was blurred.

Only the wind.

and those close by.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes sparkled, and he let out a little “Oh Huo”.

When Yan Ci heard it, the corners of his lips curved, and he led him around a few times.

Returning to the starting point, I suddenly asked, “How is your driver’s license?”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

“pretty good.”

He would.

Yan Ci smiled, Qing Jun’s eyebrows were covered with smiles, “Then do you want to ride?”

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

“Can I? I don’t have a motorcycle driver’s license.”

Xia Zhinian raised his head unexpectedly, his eyes were bright, full of excitement and joy.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled slightly, and he was very talkative, “I’ll teach you with it, it will be fine, learn?”

Without hesitation, Xia Zhinian nodded excitedly, “Study, of course!”

“Hey boy, don’t worry, I’ll teach you…Of course you can.”

Yan Ci looked at the happy appearance of the rice cake dumpling, tilted his head casually, with a smile that was not a smile.

“Speak nicely and listen.”

Xia Zhinian: “…??”

Xia Zhinian touched his flushed face from excitement, his voice was clear and crisp.

“Brother taught me!”


Yan Ci took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes dizzy with a little smile, he was very happy to be called, and the irritability that could not be vented by his numb fingertips and galloping suddenly subsided.

The corners of his lips curled up, leading Xia Zhinian to change positions.

The handlebars of the motorcycle are very low, and it is necessary to bend down. Xia Zhinian propped up on such a wild and brutal machine, feeling like his blood is on fire.

With a little weight on his back, Yan Ci took his hand and explained to him the various parts of the car ahead.

Xia Zhinian listened with full concentration, completely not paying attention to the white and tender paws being held.

When I almost remembered, Aoao was excited to get started, grabbed the handlebars, Yan Ci was behind him, stretched his arms to cover his hands, held the boy in his arms, and held the accelerator and brake empty, acting as insurance for the rice cake dumplings.

Xia Zhinian bent his eyes, his heart was beating fast, and he held the accelerator.

Whoosh, the car rushed out in an instant.

He got started very quickly, and started to drive very slowly. With the wind behind him, he felt that the field of vision in front was extremely wide and hearty, and he couldn’t help but started to speed up.

Yan Ci felt the not-so-low time, and looked at the excited rice cake dumplings nearby, facing the wind, he clicked his tongue lightly.

Suddenly I was a little unhappy again.

He thought the focus was on “brother” and “teach him”.

As a result, Nian Gao Duanzi only had eyes for teaching him, not for his elder brother.

Yan Ci: “…”


He gritted his teeth lightly.

Xia Zhinian had a good time, but he didn’t know why the black sesame glutinous rice **** suddenly took him out to play.

I took it with me because I saw that he was in a bad mood.

Xia Zhinian didn’t realize that after school the next afternoon, he should learn to swim again.

Yan Ci followed closely.

Probably because he was just learning and he still has asthma, Xia Wenhan and Jiang Yuan also came today.

Seeing the two of them, Jiang Yuan smiled softly, “Niannian, Xiao Ci, come quickly.”

“Mom, brother.”

Xia Zhinian stepped forward, bent his eyes and smiled.

Jiang Yuan urged him to change clothes, telling him to take the time to learn more and exercise more.

After Xia Zhinian finished changing her clothes,

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