The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 63

Chapter 62 – Excited (1)

Xia Zhinian’s ears were reddish, her lips were pursed, and there was a strong aroma of milk in her mouth. She turned her head away from him and poked her cuff back and forth with her fingertips.

Yan Ci stood in front of him with a chuckle and patted his head.

On the right of his position is Yan Ci, and on the left are Zhao Jinjin, Yang Jing and Ye Baike.

The expressions of Zhao Jinjin and Yang Jing seemed to be fainted, and Ye Baike, who was further away, couldn’t see clearly, but his expression was vaguely strange.

There were rustling laughter and conversations in the room, but Xia Zhinian always felt that the air was a bit sticky, his face was hot, and his eyelashes trembled a few times restlessly.

Yan Ci’s possessiveness is strong, and his desire to control has never been concealed.

It’s not that he didn’t know, but he never took it seriously.

He is very clear-headed.

He is pampering.

Indulging Yan Ci also indulged himself.

It’s all about indulgence.

“…knock knock.”

The door was knocked twice, and the waiter came in with the dishes, breaking the inexplicably greasy atmosphere in the private room.

They have a lot of people, and a large table is full of vegetables and meat.

“The meat is finally here, I’m starving to death.”

“Me too!”

Yuen Long stretched out his hand quickly, with the meat in his left hand and the vegetables in the right, he poured half a plate of soup into the boiling soup.

Zou Ziqian was sitting close to him, and shouted anxiously, “Give me some, Mr. Yuen Long.”

Young people in the 17th and 18th years eat, as if they were reincarnated from starvation. The girls were a little reserved at first, but after a while, the boys seemed to be grabbing their meals. Anxious.

“Let me go, are boys so reckless when they eat?”

“How hungry is this?!”

“Ah, meat, meat, meat, save some for me!”

“Grab it!”

The moment Xia Zhinian stared at the food, his eyesight was clear, he picked up half a plate of meat rolls with quick hands, hurriedly poured them into the pot, and when he raised his eyes again, there was only an empty plate left on the table in front of him like a cloud of wind and locusts passing through.

Xia Zhinian: “?!!”

Is this a real scene in front of you?

His meow is so terrifying!

The boy’s eyes were round and round, his fair and tender face was full of shock, and he was staring at the small pot in front of him.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, he was in a good mood, and he stretched out his hand.

“Good boy.”

A clear voice sounded nearby, Xia Zhinian turned his head, and saw two plates of meat placed on the table in front of him, one thin layer, neat and beautiful, two complete plates.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly laughed, “Hey, there are still some.”


Yan Ci smiled lightly, the corners of his lips curled up calmly, “I’m fast.”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes sparkled, and he couldn’t imagine Yan Ci’s appearance in the crowd grabbing meat. He laughed, and the hair on his head shook, “Thank you.”

He first took out the freshly cooked ones, divided half of Yan Ci, and then took a little from each of the two plates, and continued to cook them in the pot.

The cooked meat slices were soaked in oil soup, the red pepper color was attractive, and the aroma was accompanied by the steaming heat of the hot pot, and the private room was instantly buzzing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, it’s killing me.”

“Hey, vegetable chicken, my mother is from Sichuan, I eat just right, sizzling.”

“Hehe, you are amazing, don’t drink water.”

Xia Zhinian picked up a piece and put it into his mouth.

The rich aroma mixed with the irritating spiciness instantly pumped on the tongue, and the tip of the tongue felt the extreme spiciness for a moment, and then it was instantly numb, and the lips were numb.


I giao!

Xia Zhinian had never eaten such a spicy food, so he was immediately stunned.

The hair on the top of the young man’s head was pouted, his eyes were empty, his lips were slightly parted to inhale, his cheeks were porcelain white but his lips were very red and slightly swollen, the contrast was unusually sharp.

She looks very good, but also a little astringent.

“Good boy?” Yan Ci handed him a cup of sour plum soup, looked at him, and chuckled, “Niannian?”

Xia Zhinian’s hot head was in a daze, and he turned around in a daze, still taking small breaths, “Huh?”

“Drink some, relieve the spiciness.”

Xia Zhinian slowly came back to his senses, his eyes sparkled, he shook his head, and jumped out word by word, “No, it’s spicy, it’s a good time!”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked carefully at his stomach. The young man turned his head and ate mouthful after mouthful. He continued to eat while hissing. He felt as if he could breathe fire now, and his stomach was hot.

But delicious is really delicious!

Xia Zhinian was so moved that he meowed.

Woo, it’s so delicious.

They ate fast, the shopkeeper served them as they ate, and they didn’t rob so much later, Xia Zhinian’s mouth was swollen, but he was still excited to pour into his own pot.

“Come, come, friends, how can there be no beer in Chachao Hot Pot!”


“Drink your sister, this is so spicy hot pot!”

Zou Ziqian opened a can of beer and looked over with contemptuous eyes, “Vegetarian chicken, don’t make excuses for your food, you have already lost.”


“My descendants of the Yuan Dynasty drink and eat meat, and are never afraid. Come!”

“I do whatever you want!”


Xia Zhinian was eating, and raised his round almond eyes to look at them. A few boys were so hot, they touched beer with their hands, and looked up to take a big gulp, as if they were full of pride.

In the next second, before they finished drinking, they screamed and yelled, covering their mouths.

“Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, it’s too exciting!”

“Shui Shui! I want water!”


Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian was a little dazed, not sure what was going on, but it felt very interesting, and wanted to try it, she turned her head and poked at the boy next to her, her amber eyes were as bright as light, her eyebrows were curved, and she pursed quietly.

“Yan Ci, I want to drink too.”

He didn’t have it with him, but Yan Ci heard it.

Yan Ci looked at him, thinking of the tortured appearance of the rice cake dumpling last time, with a warm smile, “This time I’m drunk, you won’t run into the bathroom to watch me take a bath, right?”


I don’t know who was caught off guard and choked.

Xia Zhinian’s ears turned red, and he retorted in a low voice with his eyes wide open, “What, I don’t have one, you said it all, I don’t remember anything, then if I don’t remember, I didn’t do it!”

“Cheating and irresponsibility?”

Yan Ci smiled and opened a can of beer, “Okay, then I’ll record it next time.”


What are you recording? !

Xia Zhinian’s ears turned red, and he yelled in a low voice, resolutely denying it, “I didn’t, I didn’t do it! And I shouldn’t be that drunk today.”

Yan Ci didn’t pour it into the cup, but handed it to him directly.

Xia Zhinian’s lips were still numb, and her tongue was also numb, Xiao Qianqian took a sip.

The taste of the bitter liquid is not heavy, but the dense bubbles explode on the tongue in an instant, and the already paralyzed tip of the tongue regains consciousness, and it is hot and painful.



Ahhh, it’s so hot, it hurts, help!

Xia Zhinian covered her mouth and didn’t cry out, the corners of her eyes quickly became moist, her face was wrinkled bitterly, she groaned and tugged at Yan Ci’s sleeve, unable to utter a word.

Yan Ci handed over a bottle of yogurt with a straw inserted, Xia Zhinian reached out to take it, but didn’t pull it over, just bit the straw and took a big gulp.


The hotness and pain on her tongue subsided, Xia Zhinian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, took a small breath with her mouth open, and her expression was dull.

“Good boy.”

Yan Ci wanted to laugh a little, rubbed his face, and said in a low and pleasant voice, “Wake up.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci smiled, took the beer bottle from his hand, and asked warmly, “Do you still drink this wine?”

“…No, I won’t drink it anymore.” Xia Zhinian shook his head again and again, sobering up, only now did he realize that Yan Ci was holding yogurt in one hand, while his two hands were covering Yan Ci’s hand.

The palm is thin and the joints are hard and raised.

Xia Zhinian’s head turned slowly, so he took another sip from his hand, finished the small box of yogurt, let go, and went back to the hot pot.

Yan Ci was very helpful to the unconscious dependence of the young man, the corners of his lips curled up in a pleasant way, and he patted his head.

Picking up the beer the boy had drunk, facing the same position, he took a sip slowly and lightly.

There were a few strange screams from the side, I don’t know if I was excited to eat or excited about something else.

After the initial stage of tigers pounced on food, the class chatted while eating, the speed was a bit slow, and Xia Zhinian also said a few words from time to time.

But he looked gentle while eating, but he actually ate very quickly, chatting and eating well.

After Yan Ci didn’t look at it for a while, he felt that a large piece of the plate in front of him was missing.

…Is the rice cake dumpling too much?

Usually can not eat so much.

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows lightly, seeing the young man finished cooking in the pot, he was ready to cook some more, and reached out to take his chopsticks away.

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian was about to pick up some duck intestines, when the chopsticks in his hand suddenly disappeared, he opened his round eyes and turned his head to look.

“What are you doing?”

Yan Ci looked down at his stomach, it was flat and couldn’t be seen, but he felt that he had eaten too much, so he frowned slightly, “Hey, I eat too much, and my stomach hurts easily at night.”

“Will not.”

Xia Zhinian looked at him eagerly, “Give me back the chopsticks, I’ll eat…a little bit more!”


With no leeway in his words, Yan Ci took out a wet tissue, took the boy’s tender hands, wiped them corner by corner, and said gently, “I like to come again next time.”

Xia Zhinian was pulled by the hand, and hummed softly, “How can there be so many next times.”


People around were noisy, and the young man’s voice was low, Yan Ci couldn’t hear clearly, and frowned slightly.

The boy’s almond eyes were round and his mouth was flat, “I said, next time is next time, this time is this time.”

Yan Ci looked at him suspiciously.

What the rice cake dumpling just said… is this sentence?

This time, after drinking a little beer and being steamed by the hot pot, Xia Zhinian didn’t feel too dizzy, even his face was hot, and his body felt hot, but his consciousness was very clear, and he returned to Xia’s house.

The same humanities [the school grass and the former pervert started a secret love affair, a love that was not expected by others, it was so sweet! 】Explode 5,000 words again.

Content includes feeding milk, drinking the same bottle of beer, and wiping hands after eating.

[Descendants of the Yuan Dynasty]: The case has been solved, the author of the fan art is from our class, right?

[Department girl]: It must be, this is almost the same as the reality.

[Old Landlord-Author]: Huh, huh, don’t pick a horse, I just wrote it because my imagination is far less sweet than their reality, it’s really sweet ahhhhhhh!

[Banana Yogurt]: Ah, I regret it, I also want to watch the scene, why am I not in the first class?

[This life, this world]: Can you bring someone from another class to the next dinner in your class, let’s have a friendship.

[Details]: Haha, it’s true that you are blind!

[Rejected after class]: Blindness is true!

[Can’t resist]: Blindness is real!

Xia Zhinian drank a glass of milk before eating hot pot, but he probably ate too much, and still had a stomachache. He didn’t care, and went to school after a nap.

There were already a lot of people in the classroom, Ye Baike greeted him, Xia Zhinian responded politely, looked back, the last row was empty, and turned back.


“Ahhhhh! Urgent information! Urgent information!”

Accompanied by a series of ghostly screams, the door was pushed open, and Zou Ziqian rushed into the classroom with a surprised expression, “It’s true that you are blind! Yan Shen really installed the air conditioner!”

“All dormitories in the school are all air-conditioned!”

“Huh? Fuck, is it true or not?”

“Is blindness really true?!”

“The air conditioner is real!” Zou Ziqian yelled, “I just went back to the dormitory to put things away. Many masters installed external units outside the dormitory building. It was so spectacular. I thought I went wrong.”

“So is it really hot to sleep in your arms?”

“It’s hot even when I sleep by myself.”

“Does the same person shine into reality?”

“No, no one cares how much it costs? There are 3,000 people in the school, 700 rooms for four people, 300 rooms for two people, 1,000 rooms and 1,000 air conditioners!”

“Shen Yan is so proud!”

“Xia Zhinian, I love you!”

“Oh, mommy loves you too!”

“It’s hot! Love you!”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian was stupefied, looking at the screaming people with horror in their eyes.

What’s the matter? What do you mean?

Crazy so many people early in the morning? !

As soon as Yan Ci opened the door and came in, he heard a voice saying “I love you”, and raised his eyebrows a little.


The door was knocked inadvertently.

Everyone thought that the teacher was recruited, and looked back—

Their Yanshen, the squad leader, was standing by the back door with tall legs and long legs. He was gentle and calm, with a clear voice, and calmly said:

“No love.”

Banli coaxed it and exploded again.

“Ah, ah, ah, love it or not, what’s yours is yours!”

“Damn it, absolutely nothing hahaha!”

“I’m going to faint!”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian is still confused.

The people around were whining wildly, as if he and his deskmate Ye Baike were the only two normal people left, Xia Zhinian turned to her and asked, “What are the people in the class shouting about?”

What is hot or not that shines into reality? What does it have to do with him?

Ye Baike’s expression was a little off, and she forced a smile, “Don’t you know, oh, I didn’t read Fanrenwen, it said that Yan Ci hugged you to sleep at night, and you were too hot, and then Yan Ci from Fanrenwen installed air conditioners in your dormitory , and then the squad leader installed air conditioners for the whole school.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?”


Xia Zhinian was dumbfounded, no, what the **** was written in this fanart?

“Knock knock knock knock!”

“What are you doing in your class, you want to rebel! Don’t you know that you have already read the class early!”

The sound of wishing to break through the roof really attracted the teacher this time, and he scolded his head and face. The class was much quieter, but he was still secretly excited, pretending to endorse.

Xia Zhinian picked up the phone and wanted to read the fanfiction, but he was too shadowed by fanfiction, so he didn’t read it, so he found his friend Yanci.

【,】: Did you find someone to install the air conditioner?

[YC]: Yes^_^

Xia Zhinian was stunned.

【,】:? ? ? why? Is it really because of that fandom?

The news from the other side came back quickly.

[YC]: No, mainly because you feel hot.

Xia Zhinian was stunned for a moment.

He is usually fine, but it was a bit hot when he lived with Yan Ci, after all, the temperature has not been low recently.

But it seems like he never told Yan Ci about it.

Installing one is too abrupt, and the school probably won’t allow it, so the black sesame glutinous rice **** are safe for the whole school.

Xia Zhinian curled up her fingertips, pursed her lips, wanted to type, but didn’t know what to type, her inexplicable emotions surged, her heart seemed to be scalded, she touched her nose, for a moment—

【,】: How much is it, I will send you half of it.

Yan Ci smiled, and looked at the rice cake dumpling not far away looking down at the phone.

[YC]: Be good, take it yourself as pocket money.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian was a little overwhelmed.

When Lao Qin came into the classroom, he saw the restlessness in the class at a glance, and clapped his hands to stop.

“What are the students so excited about? The exam results are out. If you pass the exam, you will be excited.”

Lao Qin smiled and clapped his hands, “This time, our class did well in the exam, and some students have made great progress.”

Xia Zhinian looked up, paying attention to the phrase “individual students”.

Lao Qin didn’t go around the corner, and said with a smile: “Student Xia Zhinian, with a total score of 397 points, ranked 770th in the grade, 206 places higher than last time, the progress is very outstanding, everyone encourages.”

There was bursts of applause in the class.

Xia Zhinian breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not in vain that he racked his brains to write so many questions for his modeling homework.

Ye Baike turned her head to look at him, pursed her lips, hesitated to speak, and clenched her palms.

It was agreed to advance two hundred and then switch back. Lao Qin originally refused to agree, but Yan Ci went over to negotiate again. I don’t know what he said, but in the end he agreed anyway.

After morning reading get out of class, Yan resigned from the office to hand in homework, Xia Zhinian was about to pack up and move his seat, but Ye Baike called him out suddenly.

Go to the corner of the corridor.

“What’s wrong?”

Xia Zhinian was a little strange, “What do you have to say?

After being at the same table for a while, he actually had a good impression of Ye Baike, she is hearty and loves to laugh, and she is a very nice person.

“Xia Zhinian.”

Ye Baike pursed her lips, looked nervous and hesitant, took a deep breath, handed over a light-colored envelope, and smiled slightly.

“I…I like you.”

“I, can we be together? Or, if you give me a chance, I will chase you.”

Xia Zhinian: “??”

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

like him?

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, took a step back, and said nothing.

In fact, the meaning is already obvious, Ye Baike took a deep breath, “Can I… chase you?”

Originally, she didn’t plan to confess her love too early, she felt that Xia Zhinian looked easy to talk, but in fact she was very guarded, if she broke through that line, she would definitely be kept away.

But the day of eating hot pot on the weekend gave her a great sense of crisis.

She felt that if she didn’t talk about it, she would really have no chance to say it.

“Is it really not possible?”

Ye Baike asked in a low voice.

Xia Zhinian lowered her eyes, her eyes darkened slightly, she pursed her lips tightly, and said in a very soft voice, “I… don’t want to fall in love, you should choose someone else you like.”

He’s leaving soon, like what he’s doing.

don’t want.

No one.

Xia Zhinian turned his head and walked out, raised his eyes, and stopped suddenly.

His heart suddenly rose, his breathing stopped, and his fingertips trembled heavily.

On the other side of the corner, a boy with a jade-like face stood aside for an unknown amount of time, looking over with an inexplicable meaning.

“…Good boy.”

Yan Ci’s voice was soft, and he didn’t care about Ye Baike’s affairs immediately, but said lightly, “…don’t want to fall in love?”

This sentence… the reason?

Xia Zhinian’s fingertips turned white, his heart was pounding, he felt an inexplicable guilty conscience, and some other emotions surged up, he swallowed hard, looked away, and didn’t make a sound.

Yan Ci looked at him deeply, his eyes seemed to peel off his skin layer by layer, and penetrated directly into the inside.

The side of the waist was suddenly clasped, and there was a strong force, Xia Zhinian’s feet swayed, and he was directly pulled into the warm embrace nearby, his body was a little tense.

Yan Ci held the young man in his arms, and raised his eyes coldly.

Zhao Jinjin, who was not far away, had a dazed expression, and suddenly met that cold gaze, his scalp tightened, his whole body shivered, and his expression was blank.

On the opposite side, the school grass who is known for his gentleness and elegance pressed the young man’s back, trapped him in his arms, touched the top of the hair of the young man with his head bowed and silent, his possessiveness was undisguised, his voice was cold, and he said bluntly—


Xia Zhinian’s eyelashes trembled, he clutched his cuffs, and didn’t speak.

Yan Ci helped Xia Zhinian change positions, Xia Zhinian went to wash his hands, Zhao Jinjin was dragged over by her tablemate Yang Jing, and found Yan Ci alone.

“Squad leader.”

Yang Jing was a little embarrassed, “Then what, I wrote that fanart, and the air conditioner is just a joke, no, I don’t mean to ask you to buy an air conditioner for the school.”

She just wrote it like this, and the monitor actually bought it, and bought it for the whole school. If it was because she wrote it like this, the monitor had to buy it because of face, then she would be guilty of a big crime.

Yan Ci glanced over.

He knew these two people, who sat in front of the rice cake dumplings before.

“I bought an air conditioner just because it’s hot every year, it has nothing to do with Tongrenwen, don’t worry.”

Ooooh every year?

Blindness is real!

Yang Jing and Zhao Jinjin looked agitated, Yang Jing pressed the corners of her lips that were crazily raised, and asked cautiously, “Then can I continue writing?”


Yan Ci paused, then smiled casually, and said gently, “That’s your freedom.”

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.

Just agree? Cultural people!

Yang Jing and Zhao Jinjin hurriedly said a few words and went back.

Instantly add one below the same humanities post.

[Landlord-Author]: Ah, ah, blindness is true!

[Spear Gold]: Ah, blindness is true!

Someone will reply soon.

[Banana Yogurt]: What happened to your class?

[Lesson 3]: Why am I not in Class 1? Damn, I regret it so much!

This fanart post is followed by a new hot post.

[Main building]: What the hell? I heard that the dormitories of the school are all air-conditioned? real or fake?

A bunch of groundhogs below barked and yelled blindly, and the people who didn’t enter almost thought they were scolding the host for being blind.

Xia Zhinian sat back in the last row again, and came back after almost two weeks, feeling a little novel everywhere, touching this and that.

He washed his hands and came back, a lot of reactions came to his head, he always felt a little ashamed what Yan Ci said about yours, mine and him, and patted his cheeks, pretending that he had never heard of it.

Looking down, his eyes suddenly lit up, he leaned over to Yan Ci’s side, and poked his head over.

“So much sugar!”

There are several square glass jars in the hole of Yan Ci’s table, and the toffee candies inside are different.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes sparkled, he turned his head to look at Yan Ci, blinked, with the corners of his lips curled up, he slowly reached out to the sugar jar in front of him, and asked quietly.

“I took it?”

Yan Ci looked at the young man’s round almond eyes, and thought that at the beginning, he offered to give, but the young man didn’t want it, so he was very cautious. Now that he can take the initiative to reach out, his progress has been obvious.

He smiled and said softly, “Take it, it’s all yours.”



Xia Zhinian was pleasantly surprised, the corners of her lips curled up, she took a jar and opened the lid.

“Wow”, poured half a jar into the hole of his table, and was very happy to hear the sound, then closed the lid and stuffed the sugar jar back into the hole of Yanci’s table.

Yan Ci: “…?”

In this way, will he forget that this candy was given by him in a few days?

Yan Ci clicked his tongue lightly, and the tip of his tongue touched the root of his teeth, and then he took out the jar, and stretched out his knuckle hand to sweep it away.

The sugar went back into the jar, leaving five or six for the boy.

Xia Zhinian: “??!”

What are you doing? !

The young man’s lips pursed, the hair on the top of his head stood up, and he groaned, “You don’t mean what you say.”

Are they all his?

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and he touched his head, “It’s yours, but let me have it, and if you want to eat it, take it from me.”

Xia Zhinian: “…Does it make any difference who you let go?”

“Of course.” Yan Ci smiled politely.

Because he is bad.

He wants the boy to always remember his kindness.

Xia Zhinian hummed speechlessly, took out one, unwrapped it and put it in his mouth.

…is toffee.

The sweetness melts in the mouth, a bit sticky to the teeth, and the tip of the tongue is full of sweetness.

Xia Zhinian squinted her eyes contentedly, and smacked her lips.


Back to the dormitory at night.

Due to the large number of students in the school, the students were not there on weekends, so we first settled in some empty dormitories, and then slowly moved to the residential areas. The progress was very fast, and less than half of them had been settled.

Xia Zhinian’s floor hadn’t been installed yet, and the air was stuffy at night, so he took his clothes into the bathroom to take a shower.

Wash halfway through.

“Zi” once.

The water from the shower suddenly stopped.

Xia Zhinian: “???”

what’s the situation?

Xia Zhinian blinked with a dazed face and a head full of bubbles.

It should be because the water is cut off. After the water is cut off, the remaining water in the water heater can’t come out.

What’s wrong with this.

Xia Zhinian looked at himself sadly, but luckily the shower gel was washed away.

“Knock knock” twice.

There was a sudden knock on the bathroom door.

The voice in the small bathroom of the dormitory was exceptionally clear. Xia Zhinian was taken aback, raised his eyes suddenly, and said in a tight voice, “Who is it?”

“I, Yan Ci.”

A familiar sweet voice came from the door, “My boy, I want to go in.”

Xia Zhinian: “?!!”

What the hell? !

“What? Wait a minute.”

He didn’t lock the door!

Xia Zhinian opened his round eyes, hurriedly wiped off the water, avoided the bubbles on his head, and changed into pajamas.

Bored, the boy at the door poked lightly at the door with his fingertips.

Finally, the door was opened a crack, and the damp and hot air surged out, and the round almond eyes appeared behind.

The young man’s cheeks were slightly red from the heat, his lips were rosy, and his whole body looked extraordinarily soft. He looked over with almond eyes.

“You have something to do with me?”

Yan Ci looked at the dense foam on the top of the young man’s head, a little foam slipped to the back of his neck, it was white and soft, and looked cute.

He chuckled, “The water is cut off. The school dormitory can’t move everyone’s air-conditioning and electricity. It needs to be repaired, but I don’t know how to move the water pipe.”

“Did you rush over?”

He calculated that the rice cake dumpling was taking a bath at this time, so he came over to have a look.

Xia Zhinian pursed her mouth and shook her head with bubbles on her head, “The body is flushed, but the hair is not flushed, how can this be done.”

The young man whimpered, his rosy lips flattened.

Yan Ci felt the hot air coming out of the crack of the door, pursed his lips slightly, and closed the crack of the door a little.

“I’ll go and think of a way, dear, the temperature in the bathroom is high, you stay in it, don’t come out, it’s easy to catch cold.”

Xia Zhinian shrank behind the door, his eyes round and round, and he said “Oh” obediently, wondering where he was going to get the water.

The soundproofing of the dormitory building is not very good, he could vaguely hear noises outside, such as water cut off, it is estimated that the range of the stop is not small.

He didn’t think of a way, and Yan Ci came back directly after a while.

Holding a mouthful of… pot?

“Where did this come from?”

Xia Zhinian was dumbfounded, opened the bathroom door, and Yan Ci naturally went in with the pot.

“I have bottled water at my place. I asked Yuen Long to borrow a pot for them to cook supper. I boiled it and brought it over.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

“Is there a basin?”

Yan Ci held the pot with his well-articulated hands, his posture was calm and composed, and his gentle temperament was not affected by his hands at all. When he rolled up his sleeves, the lines of his arms were very beautiful.

Xia Zhinian reacted for a second, quickly found the water basin, watched him pour the water in, understood what he meant, and paused, “Drinking water is a bit of a waste.”

“Good boy.” Yan Ci took out unboiled bottled water and poured it in to check, his voice was calm and indifferent.

“Water is not important, it is more important not to get sick.”

Xia Zhinian’s heart suddenly shrank.

He was hospitalized so many times in his previous life, and the people who sent him to the hospital always left in a hurry as if they were afraid that he could take people’s lives.

No one ever told him that it was important not to get sick.

Fingertips curled up, rubbing back and forth on the palm, Xia Zhinian slightly bent his eyes and smiled, “Thank you.”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curved slightly, he closed the bathroom door with his backhand, gathered the hot air in the room, and pulled his arm.


The boy was caught off guard and pulled closer, his waist was grabbed, and through the thin fabric, he could feel a little line of the opponent’s arm muscles.

The door was closed, and there were two boys in the narrow and closed bathroom, which seemed a little crowded.

The air is damp and stuffy, and the temperature is scorching hot.

Xia Zhinian’s heart thumped twice, a little panicked, “What are you doing?”

Yan Ci put the towel he used to wash his face in his hand, and pinched the back of his neck with one hand, “Cover your eyes with the towel, bend over, and rush away.”

“…” Xia Zhinian blinked and stretched out his hand, “I can do it myself.


The hand was tapped.

The boy said softly, “Be good, be honest.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian covered his eyes with a towel and bent over, his head hanging above the water basin. When the vision is blocked, the other senses are very clear.

There was a rustle of cloth rubbing against each other, followed by a splash of nearby water.

Like someone tested the temperature.

A warm hand came up from the back of his neck, and pressed his neck tightly. The voice of the boy nearby seemed to be full of water, low and slow, falling into his ears, light and floating.

“Hey baby, slump down a little.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian inexplicably felt a little itchy in his ears, and the place where he held the back of his neck was hot, so he bent down.

The young man’s waist was soft, and he grasped it tightly. The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up slightly, and he picked up some water to rinse the white bubbles on the top of the young man’s head little by little.

The fingers shuttled through the hair, the movement was very light, and the warm water flowed over it little by little.

A little unspoken preciousness.

Rubbing the tip of her fingertips behind her ears, Xia Zhinian was itchy from him, she bit her lip to hold back, feeling that the bathroom was terribly hot.

The blood flow speeded up, and the whole body felt a little hot.

After flushing, the remaining water in the pot was left for a while, and now the temperature is just right, so I flushed again.

Yan Ci took another towel and covered the young man’s head, rubbed it, and dried it a lot, then led him out like a child, pressed him on the seat, and dried his hair with a hair dryer.

The young man sat obediently, with a little crimson color on his fair and tender face after a bath, his eyes were round, and he almost thought he was a disabled child without long hands.

Yan Ci felt an itch in his heart when he saw it.

Yan Ciqing smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and scratched the boy’s chin twice.

After the quiz was over, the Ghost Festival followed. A few brave people in the class clamored to go on an adventure to catch ghosts and see the world.

The last time Yuen Long went to the haunted house, he was so scared that he screamed and screamed at anyone he caught.

And he brought in the classmate Xia Zhinian who didn’t change his face in the haunted house last time.

Xia Zhinian suffered from asthma halfway through the Haunted House, and felt regretful before finishing playing, and agreed to follow.

When he goes, Yan Ci also goes.

The school grass went, as if there was a Dinghai needle in the team, there were more people.

A total of eight or nine people.

The location of the adventure was a dilapidated old laboratory building in the school. The outside was overgrown with weeds. The four-story laboratory building stood in the darkness, and the windows were dark, as if eating people.

A little reflection on the glass outlines a slender figure. At first glance, it seems that a female ghost is watching the person behind the window.

A group of people entered the house with mobile phone flashlights.

With a candy in his mouth, Xia Zhinian carried a small schoolbag, and looked left and right with his mobile phone.

In the long and silent corridor, the doors on both sides can be opened and closed, the blackness is thick, and it bites people’s mind.


Yuen Long whimpered in horror, “It’s so dark on the horse, why can’t my flashlight illuminate that side.”

“Fuck, big brother, stop screaming!” Zou Ziqian cursed.

“Ah, don’t talk about ghosts at night, let alone during the Ghost Festival! My grandma said that ghosts like this will really be called here.”


A crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded very close to the crowd, and the corridor seemed to carry an echo, reverberating horribly.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Yuen Long yelled so loudly that he was trembling.

“what sound?”



Another sound.

“It must be among us!”

Xia Zhinian crunched the potato chips in his mouth, and was caught off guard by the glare of the flashlights that turned around quickly, and instinctively squinted his eyes.


In the next second, his eyes warmed up, and he was covered by his slender palms to block his sight.

“Keep out of your eyes.”

Yan Ci glanced ahead.

“My big brother, what are you doing?!” Yuen Long slapped his phone barefoot, and the tall man who was about 1.8 meters collapsed, and grabbed Chu Qingjian, who was at the same table, “Grandpa was scared to death, woo woo. “

“Woo, your seniority is a little messed up.”

“I was scared to death too.”

Yan Ci let go of his hand, Xia Zhinian’s eyes regained light, he tilted his head, and his voice was clear and clean, “I’ll eat potato chips, do you want them?”

He said he was going to stay overnight, but he was afraid of getting hungry, so he brought some food.

Xia Zhinian patted the small schoolbag, his almond eyes curved into crescent moons, “I have other flavors.”

Yuen Long: “…”

Zou Ziqian: “…”

Chu Qingjian: “…”

A group of people: “…”


Are you here for an adventure or for a snack?

Yan Ci smiled and patted the boy’s head, very inhumane, “Good boy, they are not hungry.”


Xia Zhinian clicked, clicked and bit, gave Yan Ci some, Yan Ci reached out and took a piece, and put it into his mouth.

The empty and silent corridor was filled with the sound of biting potato chips, which was very festive.

Yuen Long: “…”

It seems that I am not so afraid anymore.

Even a little hungry.

Yuen Long was furious, sticking to the bottom line of catching ghosts, and turned his head into the darkness.

He was caught off guard by kicking something long and hard, his pupils constricted suddenly, and cold sweat broke out in an instant.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shark people!”

“This has a leg! Someone has a leg! Help.”

Xia Zhinian was startled by him, and quickly looked over there, he really had a leg!

…an upside-down table leg.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci: “…”

Zou Ziqian: “…”


Xia Zhinian took a bite of the potato chips, ignoring what happened, and the people around him also ignored him. Yuen Long howled for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to open his eyes.

At first glance, it was a table leg, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at it again, they have all gone out for a long time, why is he alone in the darkness? !

Immediately screamed and followed.

Zhao Jinjin pushed open a door with her mobile phone, took a photo inside, and smiled softly, “My grandma told me a story.”

She smiled softly, “Our school used to be a research base, and there was a girl who was the research institute here, and the results of hard work were taken by the dean.”

“She tried to prove herself everywhere, but everyone was bought by the dean, and no one believed her, even

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