The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 81

Chapter 80 – Thinking About Me


He couldn’t hold back, put down the small cake, and went straight to the bathroom.

“Every year?”

Jiang Yuan was looking in the direction of her youngest son, saw him move, stood up and followed, and hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong, feeling uncomfortable?”

“What happened every year?”

The rest of the people also paused and got up to have a look.

Xia Wenhan looked at his brother’s half-eaten cake and frowned.

“Did you eat the cake?”

This is newly made by the boss in front of him, and the store has a good reputation. Could it be a problem with the cake?

Yan Ci glanced over the cake, caught a glimpse of a honey-yellow thing in the center, and frowned slightly, “What’s that yellow thing in the middle?”

“Honey.” Xia Wenhan said in a low voice, “The store said that there is honey in the ingredients of this cake.”

“Is there any problem with honey?” Xia Hongyu turned around and asked.

Yan Ci looked in the direction of the young man, recalling for a moment.

“Niannian doesn’t seem to like eating honey.”

He drank wine a few times before, and he never drank the honey water and rice cake dumplings in the morning.

Xia Zhinian locked the door, vomited out the contents of his stomach, the feeling of dizziness and nausea was still surging, his face was pale, his whole body was cold for no reason, shivering for no reason, and he almost couldn’t stand up.

But there was nothing in my stomach to vomit.

His heartbeat was abnormally fast, his breathing was difficult, and an inexplicable discomfort pervaded his whole body.

“Every year?”

At the door, Jiang Yuan patted the door lightly, her voice urgent, “What’s wrong?”


Xia Zhinian took a deep breath, managed to slow down a bit, went to the sink to scoop up a handful of cold water, washed his face, rinsed his mouth, opened the door and went out.

Jiang Yuan looked at him worriedly, “Niannian, why don’t you feel uncomfortable?”

Yan Ci stood on one side, sizing up the boy’s pale lips, his fingertips trembling slightly as if he was exhausted, pursed his lips, picked the boy up, put him back on the sofa and sat down.

Xia Zhinian’s heartbeat was unsteady, fast and anxious, he rubbed his head against his shoulder, panting lightly.

“Every year?”

Xia Wenhan looked at him with narrow eyes, and said in a slow voice, “Is there something wrong with the cake?


Xia Zhinian slowed down, sat up a little bit straighter, shook his head, his complexion was still not very good, his breathing was a little messy, “Maybe it’s just… I don’t like the smell of honey.”

Covered by cream and jam, he found it in his mouth.

Then the violent nausea surged up in an instant, blocked his throat, dragged his heart to beat fast, and hit his chest one after another.

Xia Zhinian looked at the remaining half of the small cake and the fork that fell to the ground, pursed his lips, his complexion was not very good, and his voice was very soft.


The elder brother specially brought him food.

A good intention wasted.

Xia Wenhan frowned, patted his head, and said in a low voice, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand clearly, next time I won’t buy the one with honey.”

It’s just a little strange… When I was young, I didn’t seem to have any aversion to honey.

Jiang Yuan handed him a glass of water, Xia Zhinian took it, and thanked him in a low voice.

He is really uncomfortable.

He couldn’t explain why, a sip of honey seemed to be poisonous to him, the young man’s ears were ringing, his breathing was scattered, and it was as if someone was holding an awl and drilling down in his head.

Sharp pain.

He had no strength at all, closed his eyes, and leaned on the sofa, his head hurting, and his consciousness quickly blurred.

The young man frowned and fell asleep, his face pale, Jiang Yuan was worried, “Why don’t you go to the hospital, don’t eat badly.”

Before Xia Zhinian was completely confused, he grabbed Yan Ci’s hand and was quickly grabbed back.

“It’s okay, don’t go…”

He’ll be fine with a little sleep.

His consciousness was depressed, as if he was gradually falling into darkness, and his ears were abnormally silent, not even the sound of a wind.

“…knock knock.”

“…knock knock.”

Two slow knocks on the door suddenly came from the darkness.


The door is opened.

A ray of cold-toned white light burst into the doorway, shining quietly on the ground.

“Chinen, are you asleep?”

A voice of laughter came in gently.


Xia Zhinian woke up suddenly.

The almond eyes are round, the heart beats uncontrollably at a high frequency, the chest rises and falls rapidly, and the cold sweat on the forehead is exceptionally clear.

How is this going.

With a tight waist, he was pulled up, followed by a wide embrace.

The slightly unfamiliar smell of men’s shaving water fills the nose.

“Every year?”

Xia Wenhan patted his younger brother on the back, “Did you have a nightmare?”

He just said he couldn’t go to the hospital, and then fell asleep on the sofa. After only ten minutes of work, he woke up with a start.

Xia Wenhan frowned slightly as he looked at his younger brother’s dazed face.

The boy’s eyes were a little blank, and it took him a while to recover. He was hugged by Xia Wenhan, his fingertips curled up, a little stiff, his head was buzzing and he couldn’t sort out his thoughts.

His eyes searched around and fell on a familiar Qingjun boy. He wanted to raise his hand anxiously, but his body was so stiff that he only moved his fingertips slightly in the end.

…Yan Ci.

…Yan Ci.

Brother Xia noticed and pursed his lips slightly.

Yan Ci was originally on the same sofa with the young man, but Xia Wenhan was sitting on the other end, and the young man was taken away by his elder brother just now, so he couldn’t say anything.

At this moment, seeing the young man moving, he moved closer, raised his arm to bring the young man over, and stroked the back of his neck soothingly.

“Hey, I’m here.”

Xia Zhinian retracted into his arms, his head was still a little confused, his whole body was chilly, his fingertips were pale, as if he was looking for a safe haven, he buried himself in his arms with all his strength.

The members of the Xia family knew the youngest son’s dependence on the eldest son of the Yan family, but seeing it with their own eyes was still a bit uncomfortable.

But this is what they themselves discovered too late to realize the situation of their youngest son.

You can only blame yourself, not others.

Yan Ci hugged the young man, smoothed his back, and said in a gentle voice, “It’s okay, just wake up.”

He moved closer, lowered his voice, and comforted him with a gentle voice, “Baby, you are in my arms, at home.”

“You are safe, no one can hurt you.”

A deep voice came to mind, calm and peaceful, Xia Zhinian’s rapid heartbeat gradually calmed down, rubbed against his neck, pressed his chapped lips, a trace of blood was clear, and his eyelashes trembled uneasily.

Yan Ci brought the glass of water to his lips, and said in a warm voice, “Hey, drink a little.”

Xia Zhinian took two sips with his hand, the warm water entered his stomach, it was warm, his body became a little hotter, and his sanity gradually returned.

“Every year?”

Jiang Yuan said softly, “Is it better?”

It was only now that Xia Zhinian realized that he was hugged by Yan Ci in front of the Xia family.

Although it happened before, I was still a little embarrassed, I backed out, sat up straight by myself, and spoke very slowly.

“I’m fine, just…a little sleepy.”

From time to time, I always dream of that scene.

He lowered his eyes.

Jiang Yuan thought of the state of her youngest son during the time when the car accident just happened.

The young man’s mouth was too strict, and he hid it in secret. The three members of the Xia family, including Yan Ci, could only guess that there was something wrong with the young man’s previous life experience between words and ordinary actions.

But no one knows the specific situation.

They have no way to go to another world to investigate, and the only way to get news is the boy himself.

The night outside is gradually falling, the warm lights in the room are flowing, and Jiang Yuan’s voice is soft.

“What did you dream about every year, is your mother in your dream?”

A soft and concerned voice sounded nearby, Xia Zhinian’s heart flinched, he looked over with amber eyes, shook his head lightly, “I’m not dreaming anything.”

It’s just a messed-up door-knocking scene.

Jiang Yuan unwrapped a candy for him and handed it over, with a bit of imperceptible worry in her eyes, she smiled softly and asked in a low voice.

“Year after year, mom missed your thirteen years of growth, what is the world like over there, can you talk to mom about it.”

The surroundings were quiet, the lights in the room were slightly warm, and the sweet taste spread in his mouth. Xia Zhinian raised his eyes, looked at the three members of the Xia family opposite him, and Yan Ci who was holding his wrist, his eyelashes trembled.

…These people worry about him, and he understands that.

But, but…

Xia Zhinian’s heart twitched, she pursed her lips, and the sugar in her mouth became sweeter and sweeter.

never mind.

The boy finally opened his mouth.

“I used to be…in poor health.”

He didn’t know when he got into that body, but his impression was that he woke up in the hospital, and someone told him that his parents and brothers were all dead.

Parents are the pillars of the family, the cash cow.

They died, but he, a weak and sick man, survived.

The older generation is superstitious, saying that he took other people’s lives, they don’t beat and scold them, they just put on the airs of upper-class people and speak harshly.

In the beginning, no one believed in sacrificing his life, but his allergic asthma was extremely serious, and there were so many allergens that he couldn’t avoid them.

For more than ten years, his life was hanging by a thread every time, and he was often admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment.

He can always hold his breath and come out alive.

Gradually, more and more people will be trusted.

There are only some messy friends and rich second generations who come into contact with him as if exploring, but they can’t play together.

It took him more than ten years to grow up precariously, but he didn’t grow up into a heartless, indulgent and fun-seeking look.

Later, he suffered from accidents several times, and his friends also became less.

In fact, there is nothing to say, his life is boring and monotonous, repeating the same life, the same diet, and the same mental torture day after day.

With three lives on his body, he couldn’t breathe.

Then suddenly woke up and came here.

Xia Zhinian is not a person who reveals himself easily, picks and chooses, finds some unimportant ones, and with a light voice that doesn’t care, it seems that nothing happened.

But Jiang Yuan was still crying, her eyes were red.

Xia Zhinian began to hesitate whether he shouldn’t say these things.

The small cake on the table has been taken away by the aunt, and the fork on the ground has not had time to get it. They are talking here, and it is inconvenient for the aunt to come over, so they put it on the ground for the time being.

Yan Ci glanced at the little fork dipped in butter, his voice gentle and steady.

“What about the honey?”

He asked: “Did you not like to eat before, or could you not eat?”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian froze for a moment, then shook his head, “I haven’t eaten it, maybe I just don’t like it.”

At night, Yan Ci followed Xia Zhinian into the bedroom, but no one in the Xia family stopped him.

After washing, Xia Zhinian lay on the bed, a little distracted, the discomfort in his body subsided, and his mind was still a little empty.

The light of the night light seems to flow slowly in the night, and the room is quiet.

Yan Ci lay beside him, stretched his arms together, and hugged the boy into his arms.

“Good boy.”

Xia Zhinian: “Huh?”

Yan Ci looked at him, Qing Jun’s brows and eyes were half hidden in the darkness, and his tone was hoarse and soft.

“Touch me, I feel a little uncomfortable.”

The gloomy air was hidden deep, and the fierce cold air permeated every blood vessel in his body.

Yan Ci clenched his teeth, the soft place at the tip of his heart seemed to have been sprinkled with coarse grains of sand.

There are his rice cake dumplings.

But now, his rice cake was standing in the sand, with wounds all over his body, dripping with blood.

But he couldn’t catch those who sprinkled sand.

Yan Ci stuck his fingertips into the boy’s hair, rubbed it softly twice, and said softly, “Touch me.”

Before you forget, just remember me.

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes are round and clean, “Where do you want me to touch?”

“It will be all right-“

In the middle of Yan Ci’s speech, he suddenly stopped and looked over.

Xia Zhinian: “??”


The side of his waist was suddenly caught, and a pair of hands stretched out, caught him, and moved up easily.

Xia Zhinian opened his round eyes, his whole body was turned over, and he lay on Yan Ci’s body.

His limbs intertwined, his chest pressed tightly together, and a warm temperature spread over him, tightly wrapping him.

A few faint vibrations came from under the body, and the boy’s heart hit his chest, even Xia Zhinian, who was lying on his chest, seemed to have been hit.

Shrouded in scorching heat, Xia Zhinian’s heart jumped twice, his eyes were round and round, and his ears were a layer of crimson.

“…Yan Ci.”

He called out softly to the boy, his voice was soft, and he stretched his arms trying to get up.

Yan Ci said “Yes”, clasped the boy’s waist tightly, and asked slowly, “My boy, what are you thinking now?”


Xia Zhinian was stunned for a moment, tilted his head, his amber eyes were clear, pure and clear reflected the boy with a jade face, and blinked.

“… thinking of you.”

Yan Ci was the only thing in front of him, and naturally only Yan Ci was on his mind.

Yan Ci smiled slightly, the corners of his lips curved slightly, “Okay, you must always think of me.”

Use his shadow to cover those wounds, forget about those, just remember his resignation.

Xia Zhinian made a small sound, soft and obedient, “Well, good, I’ve been thinking about you.”

His hand was held and pulled upwards, brushed against the cold white skin, and covered his uneven neck.

The Adam’s apple in the palm is clear.

“Good boy.”

Xia Zhinian: “!”

Yan Ci’s hot skin was inexplicably hot, and when he spoke, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down, rubbing against his palm, and it was hot and itchy.

The boy’s heart thumped twice, his almond eyes widened a little, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he instinctively wanted to raise his hand.

“Don’t move, just touch here.” Yan Ci slightly bent his lips, “I like you to touch.”

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