The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 107: Gu Completion

(TL Note: sedge moth Gu will now be referred to as Suo Gu)

Long Xuan didn't overthink or speculate about what effects a house built by a Suo Gu would have. Speculating on the effects of such a Gu would be too time-consuming.

This time, he decided to use the "Let It Be" method to refine the Gu. The abilities of the Gu insect produced would be entirely random. He wasn't fixated on earning a billion contributions; if he could earn a few tens of millions for free, he'd be content.

Since he wasn't overly focused on researching the Gu recipe, it only took him two days to complete it.

With a hundred types of materials, he ordered his clones to buy them all from the market and immediately began the Gu refinement.

The refinement of the Suo Gu would take some time. Naturally, Long Xuan didn't plan to waste this period. While the Gu was being refined, he prepared to craft the Thousand Flowers Pill recipe.

The Hundred Flowers Pill was ineffective for Gu cultivators in the Marrow Washing stage, so he could only research and create an advanced version, the Thousand Flowers Pill recipe.

Since the Hundred Flowers Pill was known as the most potent pill for enhancing cultivation during the Spirit Gathering stage, the upgraded Thousand Flowers Pill would surely be the strongest pill for boosting cultivation during the Marrow Cleansing stage.

He needed to significantly accelerate his cultivation speed by using pills. Creating the Thousand Flowers Pill recipe was essential. By combining it with the spiritual spring, his cultivation speed would multiply exponentially.

With the Hundred Flowers Pill as a template, crafting the Thousand Flowers Pill was just a matter of finding patterns, so it wasn't very challenging.

The only issue was the large number of materials required, which wasted two months of his time.

After writing "◎ Written by Long Xuan" on the Thousand Flowers Pill recipe, he placed it in a small box, stretched heavily, and finally stepped out of the small pavilion.

His gaze fell on the rabbit in the herb garden. Since arriving, the rabbit had been thrilled to see the abundance of spiritual herbs and had settled in the garden with no intention of escaping.

He gave this rabbit a loud name: Fairy Jade Rabbit.

At that moment, a giant pill furnace, much taller than the rabbit, stood before the Jade Rabbit.

Below the furnace burned the Divine Ice Flame. The Jade Rabbit was fully focused on refining pills, it's expression serious as it watched the flames under the furnace with complete concentration.

Before long, the flames extinguished, the furnace lid flew off, and several spiritual pills floated out, landing in a pill bottle placed on the ground.

The Jade Rabbit picked up the pill bottle, sniffed the fragrance at the mouth of the bottle, and revealed a look of intoxication.

Seeing this, Long Xuan was astonished. This rabbit's pill-refining skills weren't bad; it had some real talent.

He was genuinely surprised, giving the rabbit a glance of curiosity. He hadn't expected it to be so skilled in alchemy, which was far beyond his expectations.

Looking at the recipe on the ground, he found it was one of his own creations.

Though, it couldn't be called his creation—he had merely improved many recipes from this world, even marking them with units like grams and degrees Celsius, which most people wouldn't understand. Yet, this rabbit had comprehended it; truly a prodigy in pill refinement!

Long Xuan looked at the rabbit with interest. Initially, he was thinking about what kind of pill he could use this rabbit for, but now he had changed his mind.

Wouldn't using it to make pills be a waste? A rabbit with such excellent alchemy skills shouldn't be wasted.

In the future, he could have it work for him, making pills every day. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

This way, he could save time on pill refinement and focus on other things. He could also trade the spiritual pills refined by the rabbit for resources, opening another revenue stream—a win-win situation. Such a diligent worker was hard to find.

Long Xuan lightly stroked his chin, revealing a devilish smile as an idea formed in his mind.

He took out the Thousand Flowers Pill recipe he had just put in the box, threw it in front of the rabbit, and kindly said, "Jade Rabbit, I have a special task for you."

"Refine the spiritual pills from this Thousand Flowers Pill recipe. The pills you produce will be your tuition for learning this recipe."

Long Xuan's ability to freeload had reached a masterful level. He wanted the rabbit to work but didn't want to pay it, likely making him the stingiest boss in the world.

Seeing a new recipe appear before it, the Jade Rabbit immediately showed interest.

After all, this rabbit's hobby was refining pills, so seeing a new recipe naturally piqued it's interest.

However, when saw that the recipe required a thousand different materials, it's expression fell. A thousand materials? How long would it take to refine that?

Seeing the rabbit's surprised expression, Long Xuan smiled slightly.

The Thousand Flowers Pill, as the name suggests, required a thousand different spiritual flowers as ingredients.

Because of the sheer number of materials, each refinement consumed a lot of time. That's why Long Xuan was reluctant to do it himself and decided to assign this time-consuming task to the rabbit.

He was busy with countless affairs every day; how could he have the time to refine such a lengthy recipe?

Now that he had a working rabbit, the daunting task was fully handed over to it.

Though the Thousand Flowers Pill required many materials, this had its advantages. The law of conservation of mass applied here—the more materials used, the more pills would be produced.

Once the Thousand Flowers Pill was successfully refined, it could produce several hundred pills in a single batch, which would last him a long time.

As for the materials for the Thousand Flowers Pill, the herb garden had them all. To massively increase the number of Ice Bees, Long Xuan had been frantically planting flowers, so the garden was well-stocked with all kinds of spiritual flowers.

That all the ingredients for the Thousand Flowers Pill could be found in his herb garden wasn't a coincidence; it was inevitable.

Therefore, the materials needed for the Thousand Flower Pill can be completely self-sufficient from the herb garden; the rabbit can just pick them itself. However, it must be taught sustainable development; it absolutely cannot repeat what it did in the ancient tomb, where it only picked but never planted, causing the herb garden to be stripped of all its spiritual herbs, leaving only the Spirit Surge Grass.

Ignoring the still-dazed rabbit, Long Xuan walked toward where the Suo Gu was located, his eyes revealing a look of anticipation.

Speaking of which, the Suo Gu had long since matured into a Gu insect, but building a house takes time, which is why Long Xuan has not yet submitted his research results to the clan.

As early as when the Suo Gu had just matured, Long Xuan had placed various materials in front of it—wood, metal, beast materials, and various other types of materials piled up like a mountain.

Seeing so many high-quality building materials, this insect that loves to build houses immediately showed excitement, rushing over to select building materials.

Sometimes it would pick up a piece of metal, then put it down and pick up a piece of wood. It would look at this material for a while and then at another, revealing a conflicted expression. It was actually overwhelmed by the choices, not knowing which material to select.

It was also because Long Xuan was too rich; his storage bag had all kinds of good stuff, causing the Suo Gu to suffer from choice paralysis.

Long Xuan watched with great interest; he enjoyed watching the Suo Gu build all sorts of exquisite little houses. He was also eagerly anticipating what shape the Suo Gu's next house would take.

Because this Suo Gu was refined using the "random fate method," its abilities were unknown, even after a blood contract. Its secrets were probably hidden in the houses it built.

So, Long Xuan could only wait patiently.

However, this Suo Gu was a perfectionist when it came to house building, refusing to cut corners, which made its building speed very slow.

In the end, Long Xuan finally lost his patience and left to work on the formula for the Thousand Flower Pill.

Now that the formula for the Thousand Flower Pill had been developed, he wondered how the house had turned out after such a long time. His curiosity piqued, Long Xuan decided to go and see its masterpiece immediately.

As soon as he arrived, Long Xuan was astonished by the two exquisite little houses on the ground.

He couldn't help but marvel at the Suo Gu's artistic talent—it had an eye for aesthetics, and the houses it built were indeed impressive.

The first house it built was pyramid-shaped, but with a narrow base and a wide top, and the tip of the pyramid was stuck straight into the ground. It had actually built an inverted pyramid, showing a truly imaginative mind.

The second house it built was somewhat more complex, resembling several thick ropes twisted together in a dead knot. The house was a tangled mess with numerous passages inside, like a giant maze—anyone living in such a house would surely get lost!

Humans could never build houses of this shape; only an insect with a different way of thinking could create such imaginative houses.

But it was indeed interesting, and Long Xuan's interest grew stronger.

He saw the Suo Gu at that moment, happily picking out building materials from the pile, ready to build a third house. It was really a hardworking little builder—was he about to gain another laborer? Long Xuan wondered.

But then he was shocked. He suddenly remembered that the Suo Moth was the master architect of the insect world, known for building small houses. However, it only ever built one small house, just enough for itself.

But now that it had become a Suo Gu, it seemed to have changed its habits. After building one house, it didn’t stop; it wanted to build a second, a third...

Its habit now wasn't just to build one house but to build houses all over the place—the more, the better. It had become a house-building maniac.

There must be a reason for such a change in its behavior; this personality shift wouldn't happen without a cause.

Long Xuan showed a thoughtful expression—could its ability be related to the number of houses it built? He pondered this possibility.

To verify his hypothesis, he walked over to the Suo Gu, who was happily choosing building materials, snatched the materials from its hands, and carried it over to the tangled knot-like house, stuffing it directly inside.

However, the Suo Gu only wanted to build its third house and didn’t want to sleep, so it ran out of the house again.

Long Xuan grabbed it and stuffed it back inside.

The Suo Gu ran out again, and Long Xuan stuffed it back in again.

The two of them went back and forth for countless rounds until the Suo Gu finally gave in and didn’t come out again.

But then, out of the corner of his eye, Long Xuan suddenly saw the Suo Gu emerge from the pyramid house and dive back into the pile of building materials to continue selecting materials.

Long Xuan’s pupils shrank instantly, and he stood up abruptly, shocked beyond words. He was completely stunned.

The Suo Gu had actually come out of another house—he could hardly believe his own eyes. What kind of extraordinary ability was this?

He was dumbfounded. Did this mean that all the houses built by the Suo Gu were interconnected, allowing it to move freely between them?

If two houses were separated by a great distance, could the Suo Gu instantly appear in another distant location through the houses?

This ability was simply terrifying. With such an ability, the Suo Gu’s escape capabilities would be top-notch.

If it ever encountered danger, it could dive into its house and instantly appear in another distant location—who could possibly catch up with it?

No wonder it was building so many houses; it was actually a case of the cunning rabbit having three burrows. If it had this ability, then its change in habits made perfect sense.


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