The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 50: Elder Longs Creditor

After Long Xuan said those words, the man’s eyes immediately lit up, and he smiled, “So you’re one of us, nice to meet you. I was going to just ask for a cup because I’m shy, but now I wouldn’t mind drinking dozens.”

“That old man owes me five million spirit stones. A master's debt is to be repaid by his disciple! Bring out the good wine quickly!”

Upon hearing this, Long Xuan was dumbfounded. He never expected his words to have the opposite effect. Not mentioning Elder Long would have been better, but mentioning him only doubled the request!

However, the good news was that this person seemed to be an acquaintance of Elder Long. This meant he wouldn’t cause trouble for Long Xuan. Feeling more at ease, Long Xuan said,

“Um… Senior, you may not know this, but my wine is not something normal people can drink. It’s extremely potent, and anything that reaches an extreme can be harmful. Once the wine becomes potent enough, it can be deadly!” Long Xuan kindly reminded him.

He wasn’t exaggerating. Even the wine bug, known for its drinking capacity, almost died from it. Let alone a human?

Long Xuan himself almost got drunk just from smelling it and hasn’t dared to touch a drop since.

Distilled wine was drinkable, but Long Xuan had his own plans.

He knew he couldn’t avoid this ordeal today, so if he had to serve this person wine, it couldn’t be ordinary wine.

Otherwise, what if he got addicted and kept coming back for more every day?

The only solution was to serve wine potent enough to scare him off, so he wouldn’t bother him again.

Sure enough, upon hearing Long Xuan’s words, the man became even more interested.

“What? Wine that normal people can’t drink! Wine so potent it can be deadly! What a boast! Are you bluffing?”

“Or do you look down on me!”

“I’ve loved strong wine since I was a kid, and my drinking capacity is renowned far and wide. I’m known as the God of Wine!”

“I’ll drink what humans can’t! Come on, let me see how strong your wine is. I’ve never found a wine strong enough for me to feel its strength!”

“Do you know my name? I’m called Long Lie, because I’m particularly good at drinking strong wine! Today, I want to see what kind of strong wine can knock me down!”[1]

Long Lie felt challenged and was determined to test this potent wine today.

Long Xuan’s mouth twitched. It seemed today he had encountered a wine enthusiast who even named himself after strong wine. No wonder his nose was so sharp; he could smell good wine from so far away.

Could this guy really have such an incredible drinking capacity? Long Xuan wasn’t sure if his distilled wine could knock him down.

But there was no turning back now. He had to go through with it. He braced himself and said, “Alright, let’s go to the Qian Clan restaurant over there.”

Long Xuan pointed to a Qian clan restaurant ahead.

He couldn’t take out the spirit wine in public and needed a secluded place.

“If there’s good food to go with the wine, even better. Let’s go!” Long Lie didn’t hesitate and strode toward the Qian clan restaurant.

The two weren’t far from the restaurant. Before they even got close, the waiter inside rushed out to greet them with a fawning smile, “Welcome, esteemed guests! What would you like to drink? We have everything you could want at Qian’s restaurant!”

With Long Xuan’s good wine, Long Lie had no interest in the restaurant’s offerings and immediately declined, “No need, we brought our own wine!”

The waiter was stunned on the spot.

Bringing your own wine to a restaurant? This guy must be here to cause trouble!

Long Xuan couldn’t bear it anymore and quickly said, “First, bring out all your signature dishes!”

The waiter’s eyes lit up. No longer bothered by the previous comment, he hurried to serve all the signature dishes, which weren’t cheap. Even without the wine, he could make a good profit.

“Right away, esteemed guests! This way, please!”

The waiter led them to a private room on the second floor by the window. After they sat down facing each other, Long Xuan didn’t hesitate and took out a small bottle of bitter spirit wine.

Although bitter wine had its own charm, if he had to rank the four wines, bitter wine would be his last choice based on personal taste. So, he naturally offered it to others.

But to his surprise, Long Lie waved his hand and said playfully, “Don’t be stingy! I can smell you have four types of wine. Bring them all out!”

Long Xuan’s arm froze, cursing inwardly. Does this guy have a dog’s nose?

Helpless, he had to take out the other three wines and place them on the table.

“Don’t say I’m stingy. My wine really isn’t for ordinary people. To avoid waste, I’ll pour you half a glass of each. If you can handle it, I’ll pour more.”

With that, Long Xuan reluctantly poured small half glasses of each wine.

Calling them half glasses was generous; they were more like tiny sips, enough to rinse a cup.

Don’t blame him for being stingy; his wine was extremely expensive. These four small cups alone cost about ten thousand spirit stones.

He was already thinking about how to recoup his costs. He was not one to take losses easily and wouldn’t let this shameless man drink for free.

Long Lie looked at the four tiny cups with disdain and said, “What’s this? Are you doubting the drinking capacity of a God of Wine? I used to down bottles in one go, and you’re giving me this to rinse my mouth!”

He took a deep sniff of the wine’s aroma, making a gurgling sound in his throat, and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

“Damn! This wine smells so good! Too good! What on earth is it made of!”

He wanted Long Xuan to pour more, but now he couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed the spicy wine and gulped it down.

The spicy wine was the strongest, and he downed it in one go. Long Xuan instinctively shrank back.

The fiery wine burned his throat and set his stomach ablaze. His whole body became hot, and his pores opened, releasing heat.

Long Lie’s face turned red, and he looked like he was breathing fire, his eyes wide open.

“Delicious! Absolutely delicious!”

“I’ve traveled far and wide for years and never had such strong wine. It’s so strong it’s burning me! This is the wine for men. What I drank before was nothing but water! My life has been wasted until now!”

Long Lie shouted excitedly, his eyes growing brighter. His loud shouts attracted the attention of people downstairs and on the street, curious about what kind of wine could be so good.

After shouting for a while, Long Lie suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was about to get drunk. He held onto the table to keep from falling.

Long Lie was shocked. This was a feeling he hadn’t experienced in years. He didn’t expect to get drunk again in his lifetime, and he had only drunk a small half glass. What a powerful wine.

No, I can’t get drunk! There are still three types of wine left…

Long Lie’s eyes widened, and he stared at the remaining three glasses. Using his strong willpower, he resisted the urge to pass out and downed the remaining three glasses in one go.

Long Xuan was stunned. He had to admit, this guy was really tough!

1. So the lie "烈" from Long Lie name is play on word as it means strong alcohol. That's why he can take strong alcohol lol.



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