The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 1313: Real dream (fifth)

Over the years, Lin Qian has become a trader on the road, passing through the cities of the Eight Eyes Protoss, and fully understands the attitude of this race, whether men, women or children, towards these nine-day native creatures.

Lin Qian even had a hint of illusion, thinking about this alien predator, would he have some kind thoughts?

But in the past ten years, after passing through nearly a thousand cities, Lin Qian has only one feeling.

Damn it!

The Eight Eyes Protoss, regardless of men, women or old friends, do not have the slightest feeling of sympathy and compassion for the nine-day native creatures enslaved by them.

In their eyes, the lives of these nine-day indigenous creatures are very valuable.

That's right, it's just valuable. The lives of these indigenous creatures are equivalent to the pupil coins, rather than exist as a life.

Only goods and livestock can be traded at will, without the dignity of life.

Old man? Child? woman?

There are no exceptions, everyone in the eight-eye protoss clan feels so.

He has seen more than one case of children from the Eight Eyes Protoss who take pleasure in torturing and killing humans as a childhood game.

I have also seen those old people and ravaged women of all races, without mercy.

That's why Lin Qian understood that these Eight-Eyed Protoss, regardless of men, women, or children, should die.

Following the businessmen behind him, Lin Qian naturally knew, if he didn't think they were useful, why would he let them make more money?

In Lin Qian's eyes, these traders who treat the Nine-Tian Aboriginal creatures as livestock are also a group of fat pigs to be slaughtered.

Moreover, pretending to be friends with them on the road, killing them when the time comes, letting ghosts take their place, and doing things will be beyond doubt and more reliable.

Buying slaves with pupil coins is the safest and safest way to rescue these nine-day creatures.

Lin Qian couldn't save everyone. At least in the process of seeking to go to the enemy's library, he used his own ability to save as many as he could.

The next day, the ghost-dressed merchant went to fetch the slaves and brought them to Lin Qian's mansion.

You know, Lin Qian's mansion, even if it accommodates 100,000 people, is not a problem, it is very large.

Otherwise, how to call it a mansion garden?

After the merchant brought the slaves, he continued to handle what Lin Qian asked them to do.

The first is to purchase the mining rights of the mine in the southeast outside the city.

There are already about 6,000 slaves in the front courtyard of the house.

Among these slaves, there are as many as four thousand human races, five hundred are the ape races, and some other races.

There are slave marks on their faces, and they show that they are all speaking in this small world, rather than being captured from outside, and the price is much cheaper.

They all looked around with some anxiety, especially women of these races.

These people all know what fate they will face as slaves.

Better luck, just hard work, at least able to live longer.

At least, before there is labor, can live.

But sometimes, to be bought is to be beheaded for fun.

Soon after, footsteps suddenly came from the front, and everyone looked forward.

In their eyes, there was an Eight Eyed Protoss who was looking at them with an indifferent expression.

After scanning around, Lin Qian's soul consciousness was enveloped, and he was able to confirm that there was no existence of the Eight Eyed Protoss among them.

After carefully sailing the Wannian Ship, Lin Qian said, "I bought you for the purpose of mining the veins of the soul, understand?"

"At that time, someone will take you there."

"But there are a few requirements, I need to explain a bit to you."

These slaves stood there honestly, not daring to breathe, and looked at Lin Qian's side carefully.

Hearing what the other party said, knowing a few of them, when they were about to go to mine the veins of the spirit, all of them relaxed in their hearts.

Fortunately, it was not bought for murder.

At least work hard in the veins, and you can survive.

However, the faces of the women among them are also very ugly.

As slaves, they also know that the mineral veins are extremely hard.

Even mining that is too exhausted may be exhausted.

Although these slaves all have the strength of the Body Refining Realm, they only have spirit power, not spirit energy.

Mining among those mineral veins is extremely hard. I want to successfully excavate hard ores, get the spirit stones in the veins from them, polish the soul crystals, and want to consume a lot of physical and soul power.

Often in those mineral veins, there are eleven hours of work, and one hour of rest, no food or drink.

Men may be able to hold on, relying on the aura of heaven and earth to survive, but their women may not be able to hold them unless they have better physical qualities.

But what can they do, as slaves, they don't have any choice.

Later, they also resigned themselves to waiting for Lin Qian to announce the rules.

Some slaves, with sorrowful smiles on their faces, secretly guessed how many hours the slave owner needed them to work each day.

"First, after entering the mineral vein, you are not allowed to come out, you must be in it all the time."

Lin Qian's words made everyone know that they were dead.

The order of these words is no different from letting them work without rest at twelve hours a day.

"In the mineral veins, you practice sleeping and having fun, whatever you want, if you want food, someone will bring it in. But only, you are not allowed to leave the mineral vein, understand?"

As soon as Lin Qian said this, everyone raised their heads and stared at each other dumbfounded, like a monster.

They even wondered if they had heard it wrong or were dreaming.

Just stay in the vein, no need to mine?

Cultivation sleep, eat, drink and have fun, just do them?

Are you kidding me, are these eight-eye protoss slave owners mad? Buy them and enter the veins for fun?

When will such a fool appear in the Eight Eyes Protoss.

"I ask you if you hear it, answer it loudly!" Seeing everyone in a daze, Lin Qian looked solemn and shouted angrily.

And the coercion in his body also crushed the past, shocking everyone.

In front of these tribes' efforts, they all knelt on the ground, unable to lift their heads.

"Hear!" everyone shouted hurriedly.

"Secondly, in the veins, no one is allowed to fight or infight, or engage in any behavior that insults others."

"Otherwise, kill without mercy."

"Third, any news about the Eight Eyes Protoss, whether useful or not, will be reported to the person who takes care of you when the mineral vein is reached."

"Observe these three points, your lives are safe."

After Lin Qian had finished speaking, the slaves in front of him were all stupid.

Could it be that the dream you have today is so real?

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