The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 859: Friends are coming

Just as we were about to start the second round of confrontation, the call crystal rang and it was Barbara.

After the connection, I listened to Barbara: "Xiaoyi, where are you?"

"We are doing battle training somewhere in the Fairy Forest. What's wrong?"

"Yang Ku and they are still looking for you" Barbara said, "I'm sitting in the cafe now, and they also asked me, why didn't they go with them to clean up monsters?"

I patted my forehead: Oh, I'm going, why did I forget about this!

It’s not that I forgot to bring Yang Kui and the others over for training. I did it deliberately. Summoners are a relatively rare profession in the Hefeng Continent, and Yang Kui and the others are all summoners. It can be said that they are my Fearless Guild. trump card.

I forgot to inform Yang Ku that they will not go to the dungeon to farm monsters today!

While blaming herself, Barbara continued: "The cafe is busy now, you come back to pick them up quickly, or the customers will be upset for a while!"

"I now......"

Click, Barbara hung up the crystal.


I tried to dial the call crystal again. Barbara didn't speak after connecting, and words such as ‘your coffee’ and ‘please go slowly’ could be faintly heard in the crystal.

It is estimated that she is mostly busy and has no time to talk to me, so helpless, she has to hang up the call crystal again.

Explained to Emily, under her leadership, I walked out of the Fairy Forest and came to the cafe.

No wonder Barbara rushed to ask me to pick up Yang Ku and the others. None of these guys bought coffee. They all sat in their arms and looked at the sky with a look of doing nothing. At the door, there was a group of people who bought coffee but couldn't find it. The elf who arrived at the seat looked helplessly at Yang Yan and the others.

I hold my forehead, helpless, can't these guys wait outside the door for a while?

He greeted them out of the cafe, Liu Yu faced me, slamming his head and covering his face: "It's all from the Fearless Guild, why didn't you tell us not to clean up the monsters today!"

I complained about words like this for five full minutes, a drop of the boss's sweat hung on my forehead, and I nodded and apologized.

At this time, Emily came over from a distance, came to me, and asked me: "Is it over?"

"Well, it's over."

"Then let's go" she said lightly: "There are still many things we need to do."

"it is good."

The moment I turned around, Yang Ku suddenly grabbed me with a complex expression: "Xiao, Xiaoyi, you are..."

Seeing that it is hard to conceal something, I sighed and said, "We are training for the Peace Contest. Do you want to come?"

"Go, why not!" Liu Yu frowned and said displeasedly: "An Xiaoyi, you are too partial. There are such good things that you don't even think of us! They don't treat us as people from the Fearless Guild. Up!"

After that, Yang Kui and Liu Yu followed Emily and I to the training venue. On the venue, the members of our team entered a rest state again. Most of the members of Emily team were still very excited, but there were a few. Slightly panting, it seemed that the second training was much more exciting than the first.

Before we got closer, we heard Billy yell: "Friends are here!"

Why does this sound so familiar?

After thinking about obsessive-compulsive disorder for a few seconds, a scene like this suddenly popped up in my mind: a split head, a mustache, round glasses, big teeth, wearing a cloth sweatshirt, cloth pants, a pair of thick-soled black cloth shoes, nodding and bowing all day long. The guy who opened his mouth and shut his mouth was the'Taijun Taijun'. Not far away, a team appeared not far away, with a white cloth head and a black belt around the waist. When the stems are weaving straw shoes, there will often be a sentence like'Taijun, eight ways are here! ’

That's right, that momentum, that expression, is the same as Billy-except that he doesn't have a center point and a double-faced mustache.

Due to a few more people, the team sequence had to be redistributed. Yang Kui, Liu Yu, and Duan Muyu were assigned to the Phoenix team by me, and the remaining four were assigned to the Lilea team.

After everything is over, training starts again.

This time, I was prepared for one hundred and twenty minutes in my heart. Although I certainly couldn't beat Emily, it was good to be able to compare with her a few times.

No longer keeping my hands, I directly released the killing intent. The red killing intent in the black and red was like a spreading air current, quickly covering my whole body, and at the same time, it also wrapped the big sword in my hand.

At the moment when the black and red killing intent enveloped Odachi, I heard Odachi moan very refreshingly.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked in my heart.

"Nothing" Data said: "It's the moment when you are wrapped in your killing intent, there is a kind of coolness from the inside out!"

"It seems that you are quite satisfied with my killing intent?"

"It's more than satisfaction, what this uncle likes the most is this pure and pure killing intent!" Odachi's voice became excited, shaking with excitement: "I can't stop it!"

"Then when I had a murderous intent before, why didn't you react so strongly?" I wondered.

"Really, it's true, brat, the killing intent you were able to activate before is not enough for this uncle."

"What about the current one?"

"I can barely refresh myself now" Dadachi said hehe: "If you practice hard every day, the killing intent will become more pure and pure."

Speaking of this, Ota paused for a while and said: "I did this not only for my uncle, but also for your kid."

"for me?"

"Yes! It's for you!" Data said: "The purer the killing intent, the easier it is to be controlled. Therefore, in order for you to grasp the ever-increasing killing intent in your body one day earlier, you'd better do it every day. To practice."

I raised my eyebrows: "Should I believe you?"

"Smelly boy, don't be too presumptuous!" Ota Dao said uncomfortably, "Every word and word that this sword says directly passes through the soul! There is no fake!"

"Okay, okay, I see, you don't need to be wordy."

"Dare to dislike my uncle long-winded, you stinky boy..." Dadachi turned on the chatter mode.

Emily's side, when I released the killing intent, she moved.

She really looks like a swift cheetah, no, it's faster than a cheetah. When she rushed over, her shadow was even blurred. With a rush of wind, the silver blade approached my body one step ahead.

I didn't hesitate much, raising my hand was a knife, and greeted Emily's saber fiercely.

With a crisp sound, I stepped back and almost sat on the ground. Emily also took a step back, but she stopped immediately.

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