The People Who’re Supposed To Kill Me Fell For Me Instead

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 1105.32

I am not prepared to accept as a disciple. Gu Yanlai’s introductory trial is only to confirm this target object, and it is the latter thing.

He wants to take the Vatican from Shen Shen, preferably a transaction that allows both sides to reciprocate. Anyway, this thing has no sub-benefit for people. Bringing it to the side will only damage the body. If you use it for trading, you will not be unwilling.

The young group holding on her hand was fried, and she thought about it and then groped for the reason. Gu went out of the trial field with a subtle mood.

The youth, as always, looks cold, and the deacons who watched the other party leave have no idea what the young people’s intentions are.

The young man’s gaze just stayed on Shen’s body for a while, and now it’s so simple. Is this a fancy or not?

And this matter somehow passed to the head, and the next day, Gu Yan received a book that was sent by the head.

This is for the record of the new introductory disciples, and now sent to him, according to the person who conveyed, the head is to mean to him that these disciples can choose him.

This is probably to compensate for the thing that was originally given to him.

Gu Yangang put the book on the table, and the young group that was originally held by him moved. Jumping out of his arms, jumping to the table, then pressing his body on the book, looking up and staring at him with a scream.

Yesterday, he was scratching the jaw of the young group, and licking the ‘ball ’ to bring the hair of the baboon back.

This vinegar… Compared with the last world, it is not inferior.

The cubs are small, but they have grown up in the past month, and the crouching on the volume just fits down.

This kind of muffled look is very familiar, so familiar that Gu can not resist to tease, he reached into the edge of the volume pressed by the young group, and raised a finger to lightly poke This young group pressed the front paws on the volume.

The cubs were allowed to poke the stamp, and they groaned and said that they would not move.

Just like the last world, with a cat stick to tease that Hertis, knowing that it is the same person, Gu Yan is now amused to pick up this cub, and some can’t stop.

The consequence of overslept in the last world was that the gangsters were lost, and that Hetis was ‘eaten’ and there was no residue left. In this world, Gu obviously did not learn the lesson.

The poke was addictive, especially the young group looked at him with a squint, which was a very bully look, and Gu said that he could not hold it.

Then the consequences came.


Just poked on the soft side of the cub, the next second, Gu Yanyi found that his sleeve was shackled by a child. The black-haired child grabbed his sleeves and did not use any force, or dared not to use force, his eyebrows were low, and the black-eyed eyes were half hidden under the eyes.

Jiang Tan did not want to look at the young people in front of him. On the contrary, this ** is very strong. But just because the young people have been so funny, he just now looks at the youth, there will be an impulse to deceive and hold this person under his body.

Still young, this young girl certainly doesn’t know what kind of ** it is.

Respecting the teacher is the first rule taught by Zongmen. In the original plot, before the blackening was so fierce, Jiang talked about his master, although he did not have a good feeling, but the basic respect is still there. After the blackening is a mess, it will not be mentioned.

But now it is different. The youth in front of him has some indescribable and strong appeal to him. Jiang Tan even has forgotten what the youth used to be. I only remember that for more than a month, the youth was very indulgent to him, and he could even describe it with pets…

Almost as long as it is what he asks, the youth will not refuse.

How could he have such a big rebellious idea, Jiang talked with a low eyebrow to reflect on himself. I don’t think about it any more, I want to do something after pressing the youth down.

Although I waited until a few years later to think back to today’s affairs, Jiang Tan actually regretted why he didn’t think about it.

If he thinks about it, he will be able to understand his own mind earlier and know what kind of thought he has for his master.

It seems to be over teasing…

Wait, why is it again. When the child was cold, he couldn’t keep his face cold. When he returned to God, Gu Yan had touched the head of the black-haired child.

“Ken is coming back.” Retracting his hand, Gu Yan pretends to be a cold voice.

Probably it is a kind of bad taste. This time, because this young girl is still in his infancy, Gu has not tasted any actual consequences, so he can continue to tease.

In order to change to the last world, Gu Da has now been pressed to the bed. Besides the breathing and the rapid breathing, I can’t say such a complete sentence.

Jiang talked about this voice, although it was like a cold, but when he looked up at the youth, he could see the expression on the face of the youth as soft.

The curvature of the young eyebrows is very small. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t find it. However, compared with the really cold look in the previous memory, this silk is particularly obvious for Jiang Tan.

I don’t know what kind of answer can satisfy the youth. Jiang talked about the sleeves of the young people and did not get rid of it. He immediately responded with a low voice.

The image of the youth in front of the eyes that has been indifferent to the memory has become blurred, trying to get closer, and Jiang talks about holding his hands on the youth.

He is now holding his hand to reach the waist of the youth, leaning his head back. In terms of height, his head can only rely on the waist position of the youth.

“Masters…” are not pushed away. This little cub will get the hands clinging to the youth tighter.

He read these two words in the form of human beings, in fact, it is similar to the low-pitched voice of young people in the form of cubs. Many times it is simply to attract the attention of the youth, and there is no other purpose.

It’s time to stop, and if you tease it, it’s not good to let this little cub scream again…

This cub is very good and very embarrassing. Although it has such a bad taste, Gu is still bullying.

“About the theft incident in Zongmenli, the teacher has sent people to find out the truth.” Being held tightly, Gu Yan did not make the action of pushing people away, only raised his left hand and put it lightly. On the other side of the head, and then touched the soft black hair on the head: “It was wrong for the teacher that day, go to Jingtang tomorrow, will give you an innocence.”

Jiang talked about ‘Yes’, he hesitated and looked up, his voice was very low: “The Master does not mind the disciple is…”

I paused for a while, and the last two words really can’t be said. The blood is passed down, and Jiang talks of course already knows what he is. He also knows that in the eyes of most people who practice the monks, the beasts need to eradicate the existence of extinction.

But when he just awakened the blood, this kind of memory has no memory and no power… The weakest period is that the young people are taking care of him.

“As long as you don’t do anything that hurts the world, it doesn’t matter what the teacher is.” Knowing what the other party wants to ask, Gu Yan is very light and his attitude is very serious.

Good and evil can never be divided by race.

Gu Yan knows what he will do in front of him in the original plot. But just as in the last world, the thought that Hertis did not want to destroy the earth, the end of the world can be changed, as long as he raises the baby well and does not raise it.

“The disciple will not do things that make the master unhappy.” His master does not like what he does, he just doesn’t do it. In the face of youth, the idea of ​​a young child is usually very simple.

This answer made Gu Yan stunned for a while, because he remembered that in the last world, the other party also said to him almost exactly the same words.

It is also said to him that he will not do things that make him unhappy.

“The ball is smashing.” Did not hold back a little soft eyebrows, Gu Yan touched the head of the child before the eye.

This young child is very embarrassed, and Gu has a greater confidence in the good young people who have cultivated this child.

Ginger talked about his lower lip. He originally seemed to belong to the eyes of normal humans. When he heard the young man telling him the three words, there was a moment when he changed into a contracted erect.

He wants to behave a little obediently, a little bit, so that his master will be happy… and then he will say this to him again.

The volume on the table was still taken up by Gu Yan. In the eyes of the child who was holding on to her, Gu Yan gave a low cough and calmed his voice: “The teacher has no energy to teach more disciples. “”

The implication is that it means that the disciples will not be accepted.

When the voice just fell, the eyes that were seen as black and ink were like a slight light. If it was still in the original form, Gu Yan felt that the young cub must have bowed down to him.

The next day, I will give myself to this disciple in Qingtang. Gu Yan was personally present. Basically, he was sitting on the seat with a cold face. By the way, when the person being interrogated answered the question, it was only the pressure that made the other party dare not speak out again.

Coupled with the conclusive evidence found by the deacons in the early morning, these internal disciples who colluded with others to blame others did not take long to repent and began to admit their mistakes one by one.

Jingtang is a place to impose penalties for disciples who have committed major mistakes. The young people demanded that these inner disciples be brought to this place for interrogation. The inner door deacons could touch the other side’s thoughts with a few things.

It seems that this respected one of his only pro-disciples is still concerned, but it is not revealed. It is certainly not good to punish these inner-door disciples. He still wants to sit on the seat of the inner door deacon and feel at ease.

“Respect, you think…”

When the words were not finished, the deacon of the inner door saw that the young man didn’t even lift his eyelids. He only said coldly: “The character is not good, why do you cultivate it.”

Hearing this sentence, the disciples who had just repented and admitted the wrong eyes raised their eyes and looked terrified. At the same time, they could not restrain themselves and cast resentful eyes on the dark-haired children standing next to the youth.

It must be what the other party said before the youth. Even if they are wrong, they are not subject to such punishment.

The inner door deacon certainly understood the meaning of Gu Yan’s words, so after a few days, Zongmenli spread the news that several inner disciples were expelled from the sect.

This is really a very heavy news. How long has it been in the Zongmen that no one has been expelled from the sect? Now it is seven or eight, and they are all inside disciples.

Because the number of people with cultivation talents is decreasing day by day, no more than the prosperous situation of comprehension in the realm of hundreds of years ago. Generally speaking, for disciples who have made mistakes, Zongmen rarely uses the punishment of eviction, but instead Such as punishment, such as confinement, whipping.

Expelling the sects from such a serious matter, of course, other fellow disciples will take the initiative to understand the details and know the origin of the whole incident.

Almost from this day, there are no disciples in Zongmenli who dare to provoke the dark-haired children who could have been bullied in their eyes. Because they are unwilling and malicious, they are now carefully raising their minds. .

This part of the disciples still despise Jiang Tan, but now no one puts this contempt on the bright side, who makes the other party have a status as the master of the peak.

“Building the foundation.” Looking down at the young group that climbed onto his lap, Gu Yan said this in a statement.

A monk who compares himself to a low-level person can usually see at a glance what level the opponent is at.

Before awakening the blood, Jiang Tan did not even build the foundation. In the eyes of others, the qualifications were extremely poor and it was not suitable for cultivation. But after awakening the blood, this is all the same.

“Oh.” He snorted, and the young group was close to the young man’s arms, swinging his tail gently as the young man touched his back.

He will soon cultivate to the extent that other colleagues can’t despise, and will not let those people have the opportunity to say his master’s gossip.

The author has something to say: This chapter only puts 3,000 words for theft prevention. After the replacement, there are actually 4000=3=

Ok, after the update, 99 is going to draw the card.

Take your European gas first!

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