The People Who’re Supposed To Kill Me Fell For Me Instead

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 1118.43

The vows of the Taoists are mutual. As the object chosen by the other party to exchange vows, Gu Yan immediately noticed the passing of this idea.

How to describe it well…

A nature is a cruel and fierce existence. When you face it, be careful to hide its minions. It will stick to you and obey your every request, and will unreservedly hold your heart. To you.

It’s too late to stop, when Gu Yan’s side noticed it, the young man’s vow to him was already completed.

If you change your mind, you will find out what is going on, even if you look at the whole world of comprehension, you will not find the second person who will not give yourself a little retreat.

“Or the disciple can also dig out the nucleus and hand it over…” Feeling that the lips were gently rubbed, the handsome young man suddenly stopped his voice, and the dark black squint looked at the young man in front of him. Paranoid but very smooth.

The idea of ​​stopping the other party as if he would implement the words to him in the next second, Gu Yan decisively chose to respond to the vows first.

The person in front of me is the type that can be said, especially when facing him.

Even the words that dig out the nucleus are all said. Gu Yan has no choice but to let the cockroach change back to the original form, and then he can come over and lick a hair. When the other person turned his belly out, he only licked him and licked his fingers, so that the other party would not think about this kind of thing.

The nucleus is equivalent to the lifeline of the monster, although in front of his eyes is a cockroach, and the ordinary monster is not at a level, the nucleus is still a vital thing.

The two sides exchanged vows and witnessed the Heavenly Way. Jiang Tan soon felt a different place.

It seems that the two have established an invisible connection, faintly pulling each other.

There is a feeling of becoming more intimate with the youth, and this feeling makes Jiang talk about erecting. Except for the last time he completely occupied the youth in front of him, this is his second time, the endless greed ** from the nature of is filled with satisfaction.

“Why is the teacher and the disciple staying in the abyss of the imprisonment?” Beyond the paranoia, Jiang talked about the eagerness of the youth in front of him, leaving only pure hunger.

You are very greedy, but he only has the same things he wants. Shouldn’t it be greedy?

If you can get this treasure that is the most precious to him, he can look at it without looking at it. As long as he guards this most precious treasure, he will be satisfied.

“Good.” Gu Yan did not hesitate, and did not even think too much. He only nodded and nodded as the other party wished.

He had to give a confession to remove Guan Zongzong, and the rest would be nothing.

It’s easy to get the answer you want, and it’s indulgent. The erected erected figure is a bit of a slap in the face: “The disciple will accompany the teacher to see the ancestor once.”

I have also taken this into consideration, and Jiang talks certainly won’t let the young people leave alone, even if the maximum ban is set up.

Compared with the human world, Jiang Tan is indeed more willing to stay in the territory of the Mozu. In addition to the beauty of the human world, everything else is better than the human world. This is the case in Jiang’s eyes.

The two went to see Guanzong in accordance with the good sayings, and spent a lot of time doing a reasonable explanation. Before returning to the abyss of the abyss, they went to the sky to stay at the summit and deal with the things that need to be destroyed or taken away.

It is early spring, the new leaves of the branches of the trees have just grown, they are all green, and the soil under the trees is lying on the old leaves.

“The disciple has no other important things.” The young man asked what was needed to take away. Jiang Tan’s line of sight had been stopped on the straight figure that had just asked him, and the low voice slowly answered.

There is no other important thing, the only one of the most important treasures he has got, no need for anything else.

Gu Yan listened to the other person’s meaning, and raised his hand to the young man who was already higher than him.

At that time, the small and small group was raised by him. When I recalled the first time I saw the original form of the other party, Gu Yan bent and bent: “You just got awakened when the blood was forced to become the original shape. A small group, when you drilled out of the house, pressed the whole body to the boots of the teacher…”

There was a very handsome young man standing there and suddenly looked like some unnaturally squinting. He didn’t talk, and the black eyes were quietly reflecting the face of the young man.

At the time when he was awakened to the blood, he was no different from the ordinary babies who were ignorant of the ignorance. When he did not possess the memory of the human form, he did not know anything except the innate instinct.

He felt more sensitive to the breath than the human monk. At that time, he felt the breath of the outsider in the house. At almost the moment he found out, he could not restrain the idea that he wanted to approach. When he saw the door, he could only fit into the person he saw.

I want to be liked by this person, I want to make this person happy… There are still many unseen thoughts in my heart. He instinctively approaches to press the body on the other’s boots and look up at the person.

Looking at it will give you a sense of satisfaction, and only this feeling can fill the gap in greed.


At this point, I noticed that the young man had bent a little bit of curved brows. This point of curvature made the youthful face of the youth in front of the day soft and soft, and laughed like a spring mountain. Ginger talked back to the original form without thinking more, imitating the scenes in memory close to it. This cockroach, which has grown up, also pressed the body onto the youth boots.

The change of this matter came very suddenly, but the weight on the boots still allowed Gu Yan to react. He leaned over and took the silver-breasted big cat into his arms. The voice whispered: “Go back. It is.”

The big cat, who was stroking the back, responded with a low snoring from his throat, and it smashed into the youth.

The Mozu has a **** talk and is not invading the human world. In this case, the two circles maintain a delicate balance, which means that their wells do not make river water.

“The disciples heard that the Taoist monks would practice the double practice together, and the Master has not been repaired with the disciples.” Stepping into the palace, facing the eyes of the young man who was lying on the soft couch and seemed to have just finished meditation and cultivation, and prepared to look at it. Jiang Tanxuan suddenly mentioned such a sentence, and Wu Shen Shen has some light.

Gu was undoubtedly stunned, but after he finished, he asked the question: “How do you want to double repair?”

The young man who said this was still lying on the soft couch, his posture was quite leisurely, and his brow was slightly curved. Look at Jiang’s eyes, so lazy… The gesture of being very indulgent to him, so that he wants to press the young man in front of him now.

Both of them have already become Taoists under the testimony of Heaven. The other party’s request for double repair is understandable. Gu Yan thinks so.

There are also advantages and disadvantages in the double-practice method. It is naturally the best that Jiang talks about. Gu has no opinion on whether to double-education. In this day, he was not pressed by the other party. It was originally a wishful thinking.

But I have to say that when I really experience this double practice, Gu Yan once again realizes deeply what it is called himself.

Clearly feel that the body is repeatedly entered by hot and hard objects, the sweet pleasure that every sensitive point is rubbed, so that the young man who has been untied in the robes is almost unable to suppress the intermittent whine, but this is only A normal period of time.

The double repair is to run the exercises at the time of the cross. This operation is dominated by the active party, and the passive bearer can only follow.

At the moment when the exercises began to work, Gu Yan noticed the same.

“——” Suddenly there was a strong multiplier of feelings that made the youth’s eyes lose their eyes for a moment, and they could no longer suppress the sound. He couldn’t help but lean back on his body, and the open pale lips finally came out. Let the young man who violated him squat and sing.

Behind me is the bed, and there is no way to retreat. Under the operation of the exercises, the youth’s body became extremely sensitive to the touch of young men. The sticky water of the youth gradually became louder and clearer, so that the young people who could not suppress the sound wanted to raise their hands. Live your own eyes.

“I want to stay in the Master.” The operation of the Gongfa will not have no effect on the dominant party. I will play it in an unrestrained manner. Jiang Tanyi bites on the throat of the youth and observes the knot in his throat. His majesty encouraged him to say that the words of his exports were straightforward and honest.

“Well…ha…” The young man’s eyes were reddish, and there were some transparent water stains. The face of Yan Xiu’s desertedness was rarely caught in a state of confusion, but the party that caused the invasion gave birth to more Greedy**.

“I like to see the teacher respected by the disciples.” When I said this sentence, I turned my head. From the sterility of the young man’s austerity and the serious demeanor when he spoke, his sentence was honest.

After finishing the round on the bed, it was not finished. When Gu Yan discovered that the scene had been transferred to the bath, there was no more rest time, and the hot and hard object filled his body again.

“Enough □ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

After being changed to various postures and continued several times, Gu Yan did not know how this ** was stopped without end, because his consciousness could not be awake until that time.

When I woke up, Gu Yan blinked and saw the young man who stood in the vicinity of the bed and seemed to have quietly watched him for a long time. The next second he was bent down by the other side to kiss the lower lip.

“Master.” The young man who called the two syllables squinted at the dark, dark eyes, and the handsome face was a kind of lame emotion. He stared at the man he called, very focused, and only reflected in the dark eyes.

Being pampered, he greedily made something more excessive than before, and more greedy, he still wants to continue to do more.

I thought of what I promised, and the young man in front of me looked down and looked obedient. However, Gu took down his eyes and answered it.

It was the pit that I dug myself, and I made it myself. He recognized it.

The two circles have nothing to do with each other, so Gu Da and his apprentices have settled for thousands of years.

Under the ‘rules’ can also be said to be the preference of the heavens, and the double-repair object is such a powerful existence, Gu Yan succeeded in breaking the situation that no monks have been robbed into immortals in the past millennium. In the current world where spiritual power can be described as scarce almost thousands of years ago, this is already a breakthrough in the world.

The gods are not immortal, but their long life is equivalent to eternal life. In the current world, God has no longer existed, and Xian is a Gu Yan who has successfully robbed under the favor of Heaven.

“Masters…” For thousands of years, it is so long that people can’t remember the exact time, but Jiang Tan still clearly remembers that he spent six thousand and forty-one years with the youth in front of him.

He should actually feel satisfied.

It is sensible to be clear about this, but the nature of jealousy is still too greedy, he always greedily wants more.

“Yeah.” Knowing that the deadline is approaching, Gu Yan should have a voice and raise his hand on the head of the young man in front of him.

The eternal life of the gods is a kind of eternal life in the narrow sense. There are a few changes in the world. They still exist. If put it in a broad sense, no matter how powerful the existence is always a day of extinction, this is a necessity.

The immortal **** does not enter the reincarnation, and the demise is the return to the heavens and the earth.

“The ball is smashing.” Gu Yan touched the head of this cockroach and they really had a very long time. In terms of life, the life of a monk who is an ancient beast is much longer than that of a monk who has become a fairy.

“I will see you again.” Gu Yan’s hand was placed on the head of the young man, and he saw the eyebrows hanging down. He softly said, “I have never lied to you for the teacher.”

Still greedy, the young man’s squatting gaze was firmly on the face of the young man. After a long while, he was obedient and obedient.

If the young man says so, then he is willing to believe.

At this time, 037, as always, there is no emotional ups and downs in Gu Yan’s mind: “The body is about to die, ready to transfer the plane, countdown 3, 2…”

“The ball is ……”

I have met again in this world, and in the next world they will certainly have the opportunity to meet. Asked about his own system, Gu Yan can basically affirm this fact.

“I will try to find you soon.”

The author has something to say: Today’s update is a lot late…

Because I didn’t expect the number of words to be qwqq

Anti-theft put 3k, the result is written to 4k words to end _ (: 3 ∠) _

The next chapter is about to start a new world! [The meat of this chapter will not be added later…

Unconsciously, the code is a little bit more. Go to sleep first.

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