The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 39 - English tuition

At the beginning of the “Chapter Three of the Law”, Shao Junling was promised, and Yin Chang was not easy to keep his word. After asking Mr. Lin about the precautions for boarding transfer, he went directly to Shao Junling’s dormitory to pack things and rolled homes.

At the Huaihe apartment, Yin Chang asked Yang Na to help Shao Junling to arrange his personal belongings one by one.

Because Shao Junling lived in a study room, this room also became a place where he read and studied daily.

After eating at night, Yin Chang saw Shao Junling walking in and out of the living room, the master bedroom and the study room—the little guy was moving the model toy that was originally in the living room into the study room—thinking of him from now on In contrast to Shao Junling, day and night, Yin Chang always felt a bit unreal.

“You keep it yourself.” Yin Chang found out the transcript Mr. Lin gave him and returned it to Shao Junling. When he entered the study room, he couldn’t help but confirm with that guy, “There is no door in the middle of your room and my room, does it matter? ? “

Shao Junling said “um” without squinting. He had already laid out a row of model parts on the desk to be built.

Seeing him so straightforward, Yin Chang was embarrassed to mention more.

Thinking of Teacher Lin’s exhortation, Yin Chang coughed again and asked, “Are all your final exam papers?”

Shao Junling looked up: “?”

Yin Chang made a pair of parents to check the children’s homework, a serious one: “Take out the English paper for me.”

Shao Junling: “…”

The little guy twitched out a wrinkled paper from his schoolbag, and slowly turned it around for a while, then found out the paper marked with bright red “c-” and handed it to Yin Chang.

Yin Chang glanced after taking it, and frowned.

I saw a single scoring form at the top right of the test paper. Shao Junling’s “word” and “text dictation” are A, both spoken and listening are F (unqualified).

In other words, Shao Junling relied on the silent writing of words and texts to pull the final grade to c-.

Yin Chang remembered that when he was a child, he spoke English, and he learned to listen and speak before he began to learn words, phrases, and composition. How did Shao Junling turn him upside down?

He took a closer look at the text he wrote in crooked English, and found that there weren’t any gaps between the words and the words that should be left. This kind of noodles, the scoring teacher can let Shao Junling score, which is not easy.

Yin Chang glanced at him, and saw that the little guy seemed to be pinched by a dead point, stiffened his neck nervously, and his eyes slipped guilty in guilty conscience.

and many more……

Yin Chang looked at the test paper again, and suddenly thought of a possibility—should Shao Junling not just memorize the order of all the letters to understand the text?

He looked strangely at Shao Junling and tried to ask in English, “Do you know what these mean?”

Afraid that Shao Junling couldn’t understand, Yin Chang also slowed down his speech.

Sure enough, Shao Junling was stupidly there and didn’t know what he said.

Yin Chang didn’t believe in evil, and pointedly pointed at the beginning of one of the “pick-out-the-red-kite” written by Shao Junling as “pickou-tthe”, and asked him, “Will you read?”

Shao Junling opened his mouth, and whispered for a long time, he did not even read a p.

Yin Chang: “………”

Having confirmed his conjecture, Yin Chang was shocked.

Teacher Lin said that Shao Junling had a good memory, but he couldn’t be so good! ?

Everyone knows that remembering a meaningful sentence is far easier than remembering a series of meaningless symbols. What exactly is this kid’s brain?

“You …” Yin Chang stroked his forehead with a headache, determined, “I have to find you a one-on-one tutor.”

Shao Junling: “…”

In this case, Yin Chang could not practice English conversation with Shao Junling at all. It is estimated that Teacher Lin could not imagine that Shao Junling did not even get that “c-” by a true understanding of English.

At night, Yin Chang leaned on the bed and sent the transcripts he had taken before to Yao Manhuai.

Yao Manhuai: “Shao Junling’s?”

Yin Chang: “Well, his final grade this semester.”

Despite the unexpected speed of Shao Junling’s progress, Yin Chang was very proud of his brother’s achievement.

Yao Manhuai also said, “It’s amazing.”

Yin Chang said on the topic: “The English is a little bit worse. His class teacher asked me to find him an off-campus training class during the winter vacation and supplement the English. Is there any contact information for the training institution you asked for Shao Junling before?”

Yao Manhuai: “Yes, but the teacher seemed to be focusing on preschool education last time.”

Yin Chang: “… the level of preschool education is enough.”

Yin Chang estimates that Shao Junling doesn’t even know the phonetic transcription right now, and he doesn’t know how he passed the German teacher’s tutoring place.

Moreover, the pre-teaching English teacher must not only be at the pre-school level, the teacher has also contacted Shao Junling and understood the situation of Shao Junling. I believe she can tailor a reasonable teaching plan for Shao Junling.

Yao Manhuai: “Okay, I’ll contact you.”

Yin Chang paused and said, “By the way, Shao Junling is going to start school next semester. I want to find a family driver to pick him up and go to school.”

Yao Manhuai: “He wants to read?”

Yin Chang: “Well, I promised him, let him go to work when his partial problem is solved.” Except English …

Yao Manhuai: “Is he asking for it?”

Yin Chang: “Yes.”

Yao Manhuai: “Did he stick to you?”

After seeing this sentence, Yin Chang froze again. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Shao Junling lying on the desk writing a model.

The study room was lit with warm lights, and the boy’s side face was illuminated with goose yellow light … It felt strange, but it was also a little warm.

…… Maybe he is still young. He is so smart. When he grows up, he can’t wait to flutter his wings early.

On the mobile phone, Yao Manhuai sent another sentence: “I will let Xiaolu arrange for you about the driver. I will contact that training institution tomorrow.”

Yin Chang: “You don’t have to worry too much, he just finished the exam and let him rest for two days.”

Yao Manhuai: “Yes. Exactly, tell you something serious.”

Yin Chang: “?”

It may be that the text is unclear. Yao Manhuai made a video call directly: “Si Wenqi contacted us and they will launch a new Bg series watch during the Spring Festival. I would like to invite you to take a photo in Switzerland in the near future.”

Yin Chang froze for a moment: “If you just take a picture, can you take it in China?”

Since there were no partitions in the two rooms, Shao Junling could hear the words when Yin Chang said this, and he turned his head and looked over.

Yin Chang thought he had disturbed him, so he got out of bed with a phone and went to the living room.

Yao Manhuai smiled: “So obviously it’s not just about taking pictures. I heard that Luca wants to take you to visit the headquarters of Swenki Group and their watchmaking studios, so that you can understand the production process of that watch. You can play in Switzerland, and by the way take another endorsement photo. “

Yin Chang: “How many days?”

Yao Manhuai: “One week, I can come back before the Spring Festival. To be honest, if another star has received such an invitation, I will directly suggest that they arrange you to shoot in China. Because stars with the same popularity as you will not be able to schedule for so long. Besides, at the end of the year, there are a lot of invitations from various parties. Some wave wB nights and You Video annual party have sent you invitations, which coincides with the time when Luca invited you to Switzerland. “

Yin Chang wondered: “What is the annual party of wB Night and You Video?”

Yao Manhuai: “Some large-scale appraisals and social conferences generally only invite popular stars in the circle, and select the most influential people of the year for awards. Being invited can be regarded as a proof of strength. I heard that You Video I also intend to give you a new idol award of the year. “

Yin Chang frowned as soon as he heard: “Should I go?”

Yao Manhuai: “You have to make your own decision on this matter. If you want to win a prize, I don’t object to it. After all, your popularity is real. You Video will not give you this prize for no reason, but you may face a bigger one. dispute……”

As soon as Yao Manhuai said, Yin Chang understood.

Recalling the criticisms against him during the broadcast of “Idol Face to Face”, Yin Chang was uncomfortable.

Yin Dong just passed away in the middle of the year, and he won this kind of award at the end of the year, which is definitely not appropriate.

“Forget it,” Yin Chang shook his head. “I won’t participate.”

Besides, he didn’t like the kind of social occasions where he had to put on a “professional smile” to bother to deal with. Compared to Luka’s sincerity and enthusiasm, he prefers to go to Switzerland.

Yao Manhuai couldn’t see whether she supported or not. She only said, “Yes, do n’t worry about awards. It’s yours, it’s yours sooner or later … Then I accept Swenqi’s invitation for you? “

Yin Chang asked, “Shall I go alone?”

Yao Manhuai: “It says that you can bring one or two assistants at will, and they will provide the same hospitality. If you have no other requirements, let Xiaolu accompany you.”

Yin Chang: “OK.”

Hanging up the phone, Yin Chang looked back and saw Shao Junling didn’t know when he followed and stood behind him.

“You …” Yin Chang looked at his expression, “Is something wrong?”

Shao Junling looked at him and asked a complete sentence: “Are you leaving?”

Yin Changdu was a little frightened by Shao Junling’s leaps and bounds of expressiveness: “Huh? Huh …” When did this kid speak so sharply? What’s the meaning of that word again?

Yin Chang explained: “I’m going abroad to work.” Shao Junling was on vacation, but he didn’t take a vacation.

Shao Jun looked at him for a while and turned back to the room.

Yin Chang stayed there for two seconds, but there was only one question in his mind: how long has the little guy overheard himself?

Sleeping at night, Yin Chang rarely dreamed of meeting Yin Dong.

In the dream, Yin Dong is wearing a black coat with a black suitcase standing next to him. The scene is the villa of pasadena. Yin Dong puts on shoes at the door and then gets up to get a wool felt hat hanging on the wall.

He seemed young and could only look up at his father: “Are you leaving again?”

Yin Dong turned around, showing a bit of resentment on his slightly younger face: “Yeah, dad is going to work.”

“Then when are you coming back?” His voice was slightly crying.

Yin Dong squatted down and touched his head. There was a trace of sadness in his tone: “Xiao Changbei, stay with Fiona at home, and wait for dad to come back and bring you a present, okay?”

Yin Chang was uncomfortable, but he didn’t know how to keep his father.

Yin Dong saw that he was no longer talking, sighed, got up and dragged the suitcase away.

In an instant, Yin Chang’s mind flashed countless news about the plane crash and the scene of the devastated accident …

He was so scared that he chased out, crying while chasing, and there were countless words in his heart to say to Yin Dong.

——Daddy don’t go!

——The plane will crash!

——Daddy, don’t leave me …

But in the dream he seemed to be choked on his throat, no matter how hysterical he could not make a sound.

So he watched Yin Dong go further and further, until he disappeared in front of himself.

Yin Changmen woke up, panting openly like a dying fish.

“Brother …” Someone called him softly.

I saw Shao Junling lying beside his bed, staring nervously at him.

“… Huh?” Yin Chang wiped his sour eyes, pretending to be calm, “Why are you up?”

Do not know why, Shao Junling found himself wet eyes because of nightmares, making Yin Chang feel particularly disrespectful. Although not long ago, he also witnessed Shao Junling’s humming tortured by nightmares. But in the end he is an elderly person and does not want to be found vulnerable by a child.

Yin Chang calmed down a little, only to find that Shao Junling was only wearing a small thin vest at this time, standing barefoot on the carpet.

“You … quickly go back to sleep,” Yin Chang frowned. “Be careful of cold.”

Shao Junling stared at him for another two seconds. Before Yin Chang repeated the instructions again, he slowly took a step back, and went back to the study three steps at a time.

Yin Chang lay down with a paralyzed body, thinking about everything that happened in the dream, and still could feel the feeling of powerless suffocation.

… how did he have this dream?

Obviously, these two things happened at different times.

Yin Chang closed her eyes, and the words that Shao Junling stood at the door of the room before she went to bed again appeared in her mind.

— “Are you leaving again?”

Same sentence, different tone.

Could it be that Shao Junling’s words stimulated him to remember the past?

Yin Chang could not help thinking of Yao Manhuai’s phrase on WeChat: “He’s kind of sticky to you.”

Similarly, the first time he left Shao Junling and returned to Pasadena, Lu Lingju also said.

But the child … usually looks like a heartless and heartless ah. Not only did he have few words and expressions, he didn’t know what he usually thought about, and he couldn’t see any dependence on himself.

Yin Chang stumbled to think and fell asleep again.

The next day, he received a response from Yao Manhuai.

“I contacted that training institution. The teacher who previously taught Shao Junling had lessons recently. I couldn’t find the time to guide Shao Junling. Would you like to help you find another home? However, it is already close to the New Year. Better teachers don’t expect time. “Yao Manhuai said on the phone.

Yin Chang: “That’s it.”

Deyin Elementary School ’s winter vacation is only forty days in total. Excluding the ten days before the holiday and the Chinese New Year holiday, Shao Junling has few days to be taught alone before the start of school. Out-of-school teaching can also be carried out … Thinking of this, Yin Chang was not so anxious.

“Then say after the Spring Festival.”

While chatting with Yao Manhuai, Yin Chang saw Shao Junling come out of the room and looked at himself eagerly.

That look immediately reminded Yin Chang that he was drunk the night, and Shao Junling crouched on the bed waiting for his poor appearance.

“Aunt Yao …” Yin Chang had a hot brain, turned his back, and whispered to the phone, “Can I take Shao Junling to Switzerland?”

Yao Manhuai, who was on the phone, gave a stunned look.

Yin Chang said, “I can bear the cost of traveling with me.”

“This …” Yao Manhuai thought for a while, hesitated, “It’s not impossible. Originally, there was a friendly invitation to invite you to go there, and the invitation also said that you could take one or two people. But Wouldn’t it be troublesome for you to bring that child? And, he has never been abroad, can he adapt? “

These Yin Chang did not think: “Uh, I haven’t asked him, and I don’t know if he would like to follow me.”

Yin Chang is thinking that since Shao Junling was unable to take training classes before the Spring Festival, his English is so bad. If he can take him this time, let him experience it in a pure foreign language environment, maybe it will stimulate his interest in language learning.

“You think about it more carefully,” Yao Manhuai said. “If I really decide to bring Shao Junling, I have to explain to him in advance that he is a minor, and the procedures may be more troublesome.”

Yin Chang: “Well, I’ll ask him first.”




Before the exam, Xue Zi asked Shao Junling: “Which one are you most afraid of taking?”

Shao Junling: “English.”

Xue Zi wondered: “English? Is it harder than mathematics?”

Shao Junling: “It’s much harder!”

The trenches tacitly wrote a series of meaningless symbols on draft paper.

After taking the exam, I finally got all the scores I could get. I was relieved.

The longest review period and the worst exam.

His brother discovered his secret …

After taking a vacation, I had to continue to study ABc.

Shao Junling: Despair.jpg



Shao Junling: Yeah! Finally I can see my brother every day!

Yin Chang: I’m going to Switzerland for a week.

Shao Junling 😕 ? ?

Yin Chang: Take you to take you.

Shao Junling :! !! !! (☆ _ ☆)

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