The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 5 - Official obituary

At 8.40 pm local time, Yin Chang got on the plane.

At the same time as the plane took off, there was news on the Internet that Yin Chang was traveling to Kenya, with photos of him being flown off by fans at the security checkpoint.

Yin Chang didn’t know. In addition to Lu Lingju this time, he also had an image content guide, two photographers, and four bodyguards. In addition, the entire Nova Entertainment Ace Economic Team was involved.

The fans are real, but the action of sending off the plane is artificially guided.

The photos are real, and the photography is in-house by Yao Manhuai.

The news is real, but the content is written by the text editor of Nova Entertainment.

From the moment he set off to the airport, it was all in Yao Manhuai’s plan.

At the airport in Kenya, Yin Chang also met a fan group who picked up the plane. There were not so many Chinese fans in the country, but the quality was not reduced.

They gathered at the exit, holding banners bearing the names of Yin Dong and Yin Chang. When they saw Yin Chang, someone in the crowd took the lead to sing a song—

“Dear man, think about how I love your eyes …”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t cry, I’ll give you all the tenderness …”

Yin Chang heard it right away. This song is Yin Dong’s “I Will Give You All Tenderness.”

Although Yin Dong is an actor, he also sang several songs in his early years for development. This song “I Will Give You All Tenderness” is the ending song of a niche art film he participated in. The most famous song in the track.

The lyrics of this song are ordinary, but the tone is gentle and easy to sing. It has been covered by many internet singers since its release.

Due to Yin Dong’s busy work, the father and the son have gathered together and separated, and when they were young, Yin Chang missed his father. As long as he listened to this “Gentleness”, he felt his father’s deep and low voice and experienced the lyrics of this song, and he would be cured .

He felt more than once that this song was like his dad’s insight into his fragility and desire, and he sang it exclusively for him.

Watching Yin Chang approaching, fans’ singing became more and more tidy-

“Lonely person, think of my fearless waiting …”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t cry, I’ll give you all the tenderness …”

They repeatedly sang those climaxes, over and over again, probably thinking of Yin Dong, many fans cried while singing. At the airport where the families of the victims were gathered, the sad atmosphere brought tears to the eyes of countless people.

Yin Chang also followed his sore eyes. For the first time, he experienced the warmth of these strange fans.

When passing by, Yin Chang slowed his pace, glancing over everyone one by one, his eyes grateful.

These scenes were also filmed by the accompanying photographers, sent back to Nova Entertainment for post-production, and then spread to the Internet, causing heated discussions.

Thinking of this youth who lost his father at the age of eighteen, many people have developed empathy, especially Yin Dong’s original fans. They have left messages in the media that released the news: “Don’t be afraid!” “Xiao Chang, we will accompany you for your father!” …

By encouraging Yin Chang, they are also expressing their sorrow and regret for Yin Dong’s death.

Yin Chang took a night’s rest at the hotel next to the airport, and took the bus with the embassy staff to the accident site early the next morning.

There was originally an unmanned wilderness, but now it is full of wreckage scattered when the plane crashed. Five days have passed, and there seems to be a burning scorch in the air.

The weather was so gloomy that day on the ground, making people feel depressed.

Yin Chang walked around, thinking that his father’s bones were scattered in such an uninhabited place, a sadness swelled out of his chest.

Lu Lingjuan stood far away from the edge, afraid to come near to bother.

However, the two photographers who accompanied him had a mission. They held their cameras to pretend to shoot the scene of the accident, and they were also taking a sneak shot of Yin Chang.

At first, the atmosphere was quite dignified. Later, a photographer was attracted by Yin Chang’s actions. The more he took more photos, the more he couldn’t help whispering an exclamation when he took photos of little stars on weekdays: “This expression … beautiful … perfect……”

Another photographer heard a black line: “Hey, his father is really dead! Isn’t it normal to make that expression?”

The man put down the camera and whispered, “I feel that every expression on his face is in line with his image and temperament. Do you understand the temperament? So handsome a guy, when he came here to show us a burst of wailing, neither Right, right? “

He also took the camera and showed it to the other party: “Look, this, and this one, can be taken directly as a model of the tragic male lead.”

The other person also liked Yin Dong very much. When he arrived at the scene, he was also touched. When he heard the words, he couldn’t help but whispered: “Then you can shoot and shoot, can you close your mouth, don’t treat him as a little star who loves to show on weekdays!”

“Okay …” After a break, the photographer saw Yin Chang, not far away, squatting down, and suddenly seemed to be hit by something, quickly took the camera, pointed at Yin Changmang, and pressed the shutter.

Seeing this, the other person opened his eyes again: “Hey, shoot more scenes, don’t keep pointing the camera at Yin Chang, it will be embarrassing if he finds out!”

He did not see a response, and the man looked aside, but saw that the other side did not know when it was red.

“……what happened to you?”

I saw him bow his head and said, “I’m so crying …”

He was also relieved when the other party was infected by the environment like himself, but next second, the other party stared at the scene he captured, and truly exclaimed: “This one, absolutely!”


Late at night domestic time, Yao Manhuai was shocked when he saw the film that was sent after the company’s post-processing.

Amazing, heartbreaking, and beautiful … She didn’t know what words to use to describe how she felt in the photo.

I saw Yin Chang squatting on the barren ground covered with the wreckage of the plane, and his long fingers loosely holding a handful of soil, he closed his eyes and lowered his head and sniffed.

The breeze blew his forehead hair, revealing pale skin and long fan-like eyelashes. With a sad face on his face, he looked like an angel with folded wings, an elven spirit …

Looking at this photo, Yao Manhuai couldn’t help thinking of the passing Yin Dong, and his heart couldn’t be calm for a long time.

The two of them have known each other for more than ten years, and they have gone through the storm together. In the end, he became the film emperor and she became a well-known agent.

In the early years, she had thoughts about Yin Dong, but she didn’t have enough fate. When she woke up, she immediately decided to change her career. Yin Dong also let her leave for the fulfillment of her ambitions. She even scolded her to help her set up a brokerage company.

After all these years, although they were not eligible to become fellow birds, they were still close brothers and sisters.

I always think that both people have a long way to go, and they have a broader future and future. However, when thinking of Yin Dong just coming to a year of no confusion, they first let go.

Yao Manhuai looked up, took a deep breath, and she was indestructible in front of everyone, and finally shed tears at this moment.

“Xiao Yang, get ready,” Yao Manhuai gathered his emotions and telephoned Yang Jiajia. “Tomorrow at 12 noon, use Weibo account of Yin Dong Studio to send a formal obituary and prepare a memorial service.”

Yang Jiajia was startled: “Is it tomorrow night? So fast!”

“Fast? The whole world knows that Yin Dong is dead. You still haven’t spoken. Imagine that Yin Dong can live from death?” Yao Manhuai on the phone was a little hoarse, but the words he spoke were so mean and almost cruel that people could never imagine her. Tears burst into tears a few minutes ago.

Yang Jiajia’s mood also came up: “Sister Yao, Yin Dong’s death certificate hasn’t come out yet!”

Yao Manhuai was silent for a moment, and softened his voice slightly: “You know, for Yin Dong’s reputation, we can’t drag on for too long …”

Yang Jiajia froze for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Yao Manhuai.

On the Internet, the heat that can be triggered by a settled event lasts for up to ten days. The mood of the masses generally peaks in three to five days. Once prolonged, the influence is not so great, and sometimes it will cause Negative effect.

It’s like someone chanting “Yin Dong is dead” in your ear every day. Even if you chant for thirty days, even if you have the most sympathy for this person, you will gradually become bored.

Therefore, they cannot wait in a step-by-step manner as they handle real-life cases.

Although Yao Manhuai’s decision made people feel uncomfortable, the death of Yin Dong’s plane crash is a matter of course. Yang Jiajia said that waiting for the death certificate is not an unrealistic fantasy.

He was reluctant to admit it, and tried to delay again: “But Yin Chang hasn’t returned yet.”

Yao Manhuai: “When he returns will not conflict with what time you give an obituary, and I will say hello to him later, he will be mentally prepared, you just have to prepare your copy.”

Yang Jiajia said helplessly: “Okay.”

Shortly after hanging up the phone, Yang Jiajia received another email from Yao Manhuai, saying: “I just forgot to say that the memorial service should be held within ten days after the obituary is sent. Remember to use this photo on the invitation.”

Originally, Yang Jiajia still dismissed Yao Manhuai’s cold and ruthlessness towards Yin Dong. After seeing the photos in the email, his brain suddenly became blank and no complaints were gone.

At 12 noon the next day, the official blog of Yin Dong Studio sent an obituary to the death of Yin Dong.

In just one hour, this Weibo was retweeted 300,000 times, making it the top spot on the list. There was no public relations and no marketing, and people in the entire circle spontaneously reposted and mourned for this.

At the same time, the studio has confirmed that a memorial service will be held at the Huaxing Hotel in seven days. Yang Jiajia sent electronic invitations to the memorial service to various media, celebrities, and friends in front of Yin Dong. The invitation was accompanied by a photo of Yin Chang mourning his dead father at the accident. .

At ten in the evening, Yang Jiajia reported the results to Yao Manhuai with excitement: “As of now, eighteen media and thirty-two star agents have confirmed with me that they will be there!”

Not only that, even some media that were not in the scope of their invitation invitations took the initiative to ask, including some companies that had little business relationship with them before.

Yang Jiajia asked: “E-mails are written with sincerity. How can we respond?”

Yao Manhuai said: “As long as they can get the guarantee from the formal media we invite, please.”

Yang Jiajia: “Okay, I know.”

Yao Manhuai reminded: “Don’t forget to prepare this memorial service with the highest specifications, and don’t lose the face of your brother.”

Yang Jiajia: “Of course!”

Yao Manhuai got up and went to the window, looking at the sea city in the night.

If everyone’s life is a movie, then Yin Chang is the best curtain caller in Yin Dong’s life, and the departure of Yin Dong is also the best prologue for Yin Chang to go to the stage.

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