The Perfect Relationship

Chapter 73 - Angry Rice Noodle

In the next few days, fans of Yin Chang on Weibo kept putting Wang Yan and Yin Chang together for comparison, and dug up many details to set off Yin Chang’s perfection.

For example, when they were cooking together that night in Shanding Village, Yin Chang said that he would make cakes but not cook. Wang Ye asked, “Isn’t it the same?”

Soon, two hot topics appeared on Weibo: “Wang Ye lacks common sense in life” and “want to eat a little cake made by Yin Chang.” Especially in the latter one, netizens thought that Shao Junling blushed and said, “My brother went home and made me a small cake.” Kwain Chang is a peerless brother. This topic went directly to hot search.

At the same time Yin Chang received attention, Wang Xi was not affected by any substantial influence.

Although he was worthless by Yin Chang, he was sore and painful when Qin Jingshan shouted “舅舅”. He and Xue Zi asked about the picture of fighting each other in order to grab the last fried chicken wings, and his dumb dumb eyes on the last day. All reflect his truth.

This kind of truth will not only arouse resentment, but will also portray his stupid character. Therefore, Wang Ye also increased a lot of “haha fans” in this comparison.

However, as expected by Wang Jun’s agent, fans’ over-promotion of Yin Chang finally caused backlash from public opinion.

On the fifth day after the second episode of “Super Star Life” was broadcast, Yin Chang’s popularity was almost close to Mi Xiu, the number one idol list. Part of the “Chang Fen” swelled for a while, and Kua Yin Chang was the king of popularity in the new era, hitting Mi Xiu sooner or later.

Although Mi Xiu, who debuted three years ago, became an amateur, he is an irreplaceable phenomenon-level idol in the circle.

Yin Chang heard Lu Lingjuan said that Wang Xi’s team made Wang Xi popular by copying Mi Xiu’s successful path-participating in the “Absolute Idol” draft, winning the championship, recording, receiving endorsements from Ve ads, and hitting variety shows … Maybe the next step is filming.

But the copy is as good as it is good, but there is only one Mi Xiu, which is the consensus of the entire entertainment industry.

As far as Yin Chang knows, Bai Xiaozhi also embarked on the road of singing and dancing because he liked Mi Xiu. Even Lu Lingju was a fan of Mi Xiu. I can imagine how charming this person is.

And three years later, Mi Xiu has a fairly solid popularity. Now, “Chang Fan” is ky everywhere, and it provoked “Mi Fan”, which completely caused the anger of “Mi Fan”.

The two fans quickly launched a fierce battle of tearing-

“Can anyone be an idol now? But it looks good. Last hot variety show, what else can you get?”

“Sisters,” No Self “find out, throw away ten streets of bird songs you can’t understand!

“Don’t make funny songs like” No Self “.”

“It’s another one who wants to replicate our Mi Xiu’s success. The eighteen lines of the ball must be a little face!”

“Eighteenth line? What a joke! We are smooth that his father is a movie emperor. When he debuts, he takes the endorsement of Be. The resources are better than anyone else, and it takes the nili poverty to smash Mi Xiannan?”

It is said that Mi Xiu’s misery is because he lived in a ten-square-meter rental house before being made famous by a gossip reporter, and lived by drinking noodle soup every day-because the reporter wrote too much, he has been used by Mi Xiu’s black powder. He was ridiculed as “Mi Xiannan who can survive without meals”.

“Isn’t Yin Chang able to rely on Yin Dong? I don’t understand where you have so many shows one by one, there are fewer works than anyone, and fans dance more than anyone else.”

“That is, every day I know that our Mi Xiu heat.”

Because of this time, Yin Chang’s fans introduced their idols everywhere and recommended other fans of the stars to watch “Super Star Life”, blowing Yin Chang into a mess, which has caused a lot of passers-by. As a result, there are also many non-circle netizens who have joined rice noodles and ruthlessly attacked Yin Chang–

“I was so annoyed by Yin Chang’s ky fans recently. I don’t want to see any information related to this person on the homepage. See a black one!”

“Typical over-marketing celebrities are said to have debuted through the death of dad, and I was shocked by eating my chin!”

“I don’t have enough **** to eat human blood. I have to draw my brother together … It’s drunk.”

“Hold us Junling, he is still young, he doesn’t know anything.”

In just a few days, even Shao Junling had “Dou Wei”.

Because Yin Chang’s wind comment turned too fast, these loved and hate fans could not wait to let Shao Junling and Yin Chang draw a clear line immediately, and did not want Yin Chang’s **** rain to affect their little brother on the powder.

The guests in the group were stunned when they saw the dispute on Weibo.

Qin Jingshan: “What’s going on with Yin Chang recently? Well, why are there so many people hacking him?”

Huang Han: “Well … I saw it too, and some words are inexplicable. You haven’t posted on Weibo recently. @ 尹 畅”

Lang Zhizhi: “Those people on the Internet are terrible. Brother Yin Chang read it and don’t take it seriously!”

Wang Ye knew that this matter was more or less related to the behavior behind his team, and now he felt guilty.

He refused to accept Yin Chang anymore. After shooting several episodes, he also had a little friendship with Yin Chang. He knew that Yin Chang was really good. He just didn’t want to admit that Yin Chang was more attractive than himself.

Wang Xun made a phone call to the agent and said uneasily, “I think those people on the Internet have scolded Yin Chang a bit miserably … Actually, he didn’t do anything wrong, would we be a little too much?”

His agent laughed: “Do you think Yin Chang’s current experience is all because we deliberately do it? Hehe, you are too naive.”

Wang Yan: “What do you mean, don’t you?”

Broker: “I did plan to use him to set off your stupidity in order to protect you. By the way, he carried him a wave, but he will have the result today because his brokerage company also took the opportunity to help. Yin Chang’s agent has already seen through it. The hot search for ‘Yin Chang and Little Cakes’ was made by his agent. “

“Why are they doing this?” Wang Zheng puzzled, “doesn’t his agent know that this will” slay “Yin Chang?”

The agent explained to him patiently: “Yin Chang’s agent is Yao Manhuai, a well-known fierce character in the circle. Her wrist is not the same as others. Yin Chang’s father Yin Dong was favored by her, but Do you know how she brought Yin Dong out? “

Wang Yan: “How do you hold it?”

Agent: “In the first half of Yin Dong’s acting career, there was a rival, Luo Chuan, who was also a film-level actor.”

Wang Ye knows Luo Chuan, who is about the same age as his sister and is quite famous, but he seems to haven’t heard of each other in the last two years.

Agent: “Ten years ago, the popular TV gold award, Yin Dong and Luo Chuan nominated the best actor together. Luo Chuan’s” Looking for Reminiscence “is the hottest drama of the year. In the first ten days, a major male partner in “Looking for Me” had a huge scandal due to derailment. And this man’s role in the play was Luo Chuan’s life and death. The two often interacted when the episode aired. The collapsing of staffing and the overall reputation of “Looking for Me” fell, which also affected Luo Chuan’s reputation, so the winner was Yin Dong … I heard later that behind the scenes, the appearance of the man with Yixiang Yi The man in the scandal is Yao Manhuai. “

Wang Yan: “…”

Broker: “The defeat has a great impact on Luo Chuan’s career, because he and Yin Dong debuted at the same time, both of them are ‘tough guys’, Yin Dongyi won the award, originally in both All the resources of the swing were poured out to Yin Dong. Seven years later, the two of them competed for the film emperor again. It was the Huaguo film, and Luo Chuan lost. The circles said that Luo Chuan’s strength was no less than Yin Dong. He A poor man who stumbled on the starting line and lost all the way. “

Wang Yan: “Where did Luo Chuan go now?”

Agent: “He’s gone.”

Wang Yan: “What a pity …”

He just wanted to sigh the cruelty of the circle, so he listened to the agent saying, “But I heard that Luo Chuan had the intention to come back after he learned that Yin Dong’s plane died and died.”

Wang Yan: “…”

“Digression,” the agent said after understanding of Yao Manhuai, and then said, “After all, I guess Yao Manhuai did this to push Yin Chang to the throne and seize more resources. This is her usual routine. But I Unlike her notion, I don’t think that all stars apply that method. “

Wang Yan: “Do you mean Yin Chang will not agree with her?”

Agent: “Yes, I watched your first variety show. Based on my observations and judgments, I feel that Yin Chang is not aggressive about being a star. He is very passive. For those who are not firm enough in this industry, It’s very easy to be influenced by public opinion. I told you two days ago that Yin Chang was only 19 years old. He would probably diverge from the other party because he couldn’t accept Yao Manhuai’s method, and eventually retired. “

Wang Xiuli thought inexplicably, would he defeat Yin Chang in the same way that he would defeat Yin Chang?

At this time, the agent comforted him and said, “Okay, you don’t have to worry about what happens to him in the future, anyway, you are fine now?”

Wang Yan retracted his thoughts and hung up the phone.

Yin Chang hasn’t spoken to the group for two days since the online fan fight began.

In fact, Wang Xi is also Mi Xiu’s fan. He is convinced of Mi Xiu from the bottom of his heart. If the person who was replaced by Mi Fan Xi today is him, he would have collapsed.

Open Yin Chang’s WeChat, Wang Ye wants to say something to him, but he doesn’t know how to start … Hey, forget it, anyway, I can meet again in the fourth shooting in a few days.

In the evening, Xue Zi asked when playing games with Shao Junling, suddenly said: “Boss, I think they are talking in the group, there seem to be many people scolding your brother on the Internet.”

Shao Junling said: “Where?”

Xue Zi asked, “On the Internet, just that, it seems to be called Weibo.”

Shao Junling turned off the game and looked in the group. After that, another person fumbled to download Weibo, and worked for a long time, finally seeing Xue Zi asking those words mentioned.

Shao Junling couldn’t believe it. He quietly glanced at Yin Chang who was leaning on the bed to read a book—no wonder the elder brother had been a little depressed for the past two days.

Shao Junling looked at the messy words on the phone for a while, and was inexplicably uncomfortable.

He thought for a while, took the initiative to walk over, lay beside Yin Chang, and shouted, “Brother.”

“Huh?” Yin Chang answered him absently.

“Do you play a game?” Shao Junling picked up his phone and blinked. “I’ll take you to fly.”

Yin Chang: “…”



Agent: “I don’t have the same idea as her. I don’t think that all stars apply that method.”

Wang Yan (touching his chin): “Brother Li, why don’t you introduce me to the agent named Yao? I think I’m very applicable.”

Agent: “…” You owe the little king Baguao! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

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