The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 007 – Kinvara

[282 AC]

Do you know why I came here...?“

The phoenix asked her, but Kinvara's mind was still struggling with what she had managed to see and she wasn't in the right state to answer, so Phenex simply continued.

This heart that you pray to, the heart you think belongs to a god, it is nothing more than an artifact created with magic. It has attracted me here, because it was made with the ashes left behind by one of my rebirths, a few thousand years ago.“

At this point Kinvara's clothes had already been turned to ashes and the amulet around her neck, including the ruby, has also been destroyed by the heat and fire, that was now also covering her figure.

With the destruction of the amulet, her true appearance could be seen, the one of an old and wrinkled woman without teeth and almost no hair. Still, the fire left her completely unharmed.

With fire still filling the small chamber, Phenex appeared before Kinvara as a small human figure made out of fire.

While using rituals and the artifact to extend your own life may have worked, it has left you more dead than alive. Tell me, what is it that you seek, Kinvara? Why have you endured this long in serving a god, that didn't exist in the first place? What is it that you want?“

Life.“, Kinvara whispered.

In her long life Kinvara had seen all that humans were capable of, from the worst atrocities to selfless kindness and sacrifice. And it made her realize that the only thing that really mattered was life itself.

She had seen the powerful Dragonlords and slavemasters of Valyria in their glory, but the end had come for them, as it had come for any other powerful man or woman before and after them.

So the only thing she had learnt to value was her own life. And she had done unspeakable things to keep it in her long years wandering this world.

It was true that power played an important part in keeping herself alive, but power had ultimately just been the tool she had used. Likewise, her own faith had been a tool, that had ensured her survival.

Ah. Of course, someone who has lived as long you knows that the only thing truly worth something is life itself. Because what use does power have without life? None at all.”, Phenex voiced out slowly, before he continued, “But let me ask you this: If I give you eternal life, would you be willing to forsake your freedom and serve me like you have served your 'god'? Spread my will and do my bidding.“

As Phenex said the last few words to Kinvara, his flames slowly receded from the room back into his figure, until he stood before her in his child-form with his blazing eyes.

Kinvara didn't have to think much about her decision.

Being offered what she had pursued her whole life by a being, who well and truly deserved the title of a god, when her Lord of Light had only ever been silent when it came to answering her true desires.

So she kneeled down without hesitation before the godly creature and answered Phenex: “I am willing, Lord. I will serve you with all my being.“

Touching her forehead with his index finger, Phenex responded.

Good. Then be reborn, Kinvara the Phoenix Priestess.“

Using the inherent power of his fire to let Kinvara's physical form be truly reborn was easy enough for him, as was forging a small connection between their lifefires, so she wouldn't age and die of natural death. Of course he put a mark on her, that would give him complete access to her mind and location at any time.


Unfortunately her flaming rebirth wouldn't be without severe pain, as he literally had to burn her alive, so she could be reborn through fire.

Well, he could make it painless, but she was sure to treasure his gift more, if she had to pay a price for it.

Phenex wasn't some good guy, gifting people eternal life and such, just because he could. From his perspective there was no good or evil, there was only power.

Power was tool and opportunity itself, and those with power had the privilege to decide what was good and evil. The same went for mercy, it was a privilege of the powerful to grant mercy. All others who advocated it, were just fools in his eyes.

Ned Stark was the prime candidate for such an example in his eyes. He thought he was honor-bound to show Cercei mercy and allow her to flee King's Landing with her children, but he lacked the power to be able to grant such privileges to his enemies. And so he got killed for his foolishness.

And while Phenex had his own subjective views on what he thought was 'good' or 'evil', he was very aware of the fact that his own power granted him the privilege to choose and judge.

As the flames slowly died down around Kinvara, her screams stopped and she just kneeled on all fours panting heavily, while still tensing up and spasming from time to time in phantom pain.

Still, Kinvara's beauty and youth were restored fully. She had long dark hair, clear green eyes, full lips and smooth skin. Her body had curves in all the right places, with a flat stomach, full breasts and perfectly-shaped derriere.

Stand up, Kinvara.“, Phenex ordered calmly.

Kinvara struggled for a few moments, but eventually got up on her still shaky legs.

Look.“, he said, conjuring a mirror of flames in front of her and showing her her reflection.

Inhaling sharply, she answered almost breathlessly: “I-I... Thank you, Mylord.“

Kinvara was shocked and overjoyed to see herself being young and beautiful again, and she didn't forget who to thank for this gift.

Dying from old age is no longer a concern for you. As long as your loyalty is ensured.“

I am your loyal servant, Mylord.“, replied Kinvara, as she bowed her head deeply towards Phenex.

We shall see about that.“, he answered simply.

Turning away from the bowing woman, Phenex floated towards the magic organ.

Touching it with his palm, unobstructed by the wards and magical defenses, Phenex inspected the artifact more closely. He could feel the dozens of connections the heart had to all the Red Priests, who used the organ as a catalyst and source of power.

You will unite the temple of the Lord of Light under your rule and you will bring Volantis under your full control. This, will help you in accomplishing your mission.“

Saying so, Phenex poured his magic and inner fire into the heart, making fundamental changes in its structure and breaking any and all connections it had to the priests, besides Kinvara's. While before, the heart only gave off a small pulse of light, now it was a true burning heart, its power having risen more than a hundred-fold.

Anyone you approve of and can convince to join your cause, you can reestablish their connection to the heart.”, Phenex explained, before he continued, “You may also call for my help in a moment of crisis, though I hope you will be able to accomplish the tasks given to you without additional help. You have five years to fulfill both of my requests. There are more tasks, but these are the most important ones for now.“

Kinvara could feel the power the heart granted her, through the connection she had with it. It felt like a dragon was sleeping inside her veins, ready to be unleashed. Her awe, reverence and fear for Phenex increased even further, knowing he had done this by transforming a thousands of years old artifact with a simple touch.

It will be done, Lord.“, she replied with devotion.

Mhm. Also, any Valyrian steel you can find, collect it. I have a need for the metal.”, Phenex reminded, as he remarked, “And one last thing, Kinvara. I do not care very much for sacrificing the innocent by burning them alive. Do keep that in mind, if you do not want to experience the same thing yourself. Though you may do with the criminals as you please.“

Nodding and bowing her head, Kinvara signaled her understanding, while a shiver of fright ran down her spine.

Good. Now show me what you are capable of, Kinvara.“

WIth these last words, Phenex vanished in a swirl of flames.

After he left, Kinvara fell deep into her own thoughts, she knew that Phenex wasn't the Lord of Light she had prayed to for all these decades and centuries, but he may as well be.

He was a being of Fire, Life and Rebirth, all things that were characteristical for the Lord of Light. So maybe it was him she had prayed to for all this time, but she had just not known it until now.

Phenex meanwhile had done all he had planned for the day and reappeared back at his home in a shower of flames.

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