The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 043 – Chance and Desire

[289 AC]

Night looming over Sunspear, Doran found himself sitting in his solar in the Old Palace, as he thought about all the news his younger brother had brought with him from the First Daughter, especially news about one particular being.

Phenex Firestar of House Dayne, Sword of the Morning, Lord of Light, Heart of Fire, Flaming Giant, Titan Slayer, Father of Dragons, God of Volantis and Ruler of the Blessed Cities.

The list of titles and names the people had given that 'man' didn't end there though, but even those were enough to instill a healthy amount of respect and fear into everyone who heard them.

And Doran Nymeros Martell, definitely belonged to those people.

The Lord of House Nymeros Martell may have a somewhat weak and tainted reputation, which was largely owed to his sickness and willingness to take a step back even when offended, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Doran Martell was a patient, cunning and ruthless man, and in consideration of his family and people he had simply chosen ways to destroy his enemies that were more elaborate and wouldn't cause the blood of his people to be spilled needlessly.

Still, as the Prince of Dorne thought about the 'offer' Oberyn had brought back from Volantis, even he was at a bit of a loss, as he knew it was not an offer at all. It was warning and a chance.

The God of Volantis didn't have to ask for Dorne's support in his future plans, nor ask them to abstain from trying to seek revenge. As a god, Phenex could no doubt force them to obey his words.

The fact that he had not done so, didn't make him look weak in Doran's eyes, but very dangerous instead. The Lord of House Martell was sure that this only proved one thing, and that was that the Ruler of the Blessed Cities didn't really care if Dorne submitted or not, as before his power such things were inconsequential at the end.

As such, his offer was nothing but a warning that Dorne should choose their enemies carefully, while at the same time it was a chance to ally Dorne with the Blessed Cities and their god.

Dorne's and especially House Nymeros Martell's proud history of not bending the knee, even in the face of overwhelming odds, mattered little when it came to dealing with a god.

If the stories he had heard and the things Oberyn had told him were even a little true, than the question of resistance was a moot point in itself.

On the contrary, Dorne could instead benefit massively from such an opportunity.

His brother had mentioned in detail the incredible prosperity of the First Daughter, which was something their own sandy Kingdom may share if they accepted Phenex' offer.

And of course Doran wanted to accept.

He had loved his sister and would be overjoyed to have her back, but as the Lord of House Martell and Ruler of Dorne he had to think things through from all angles. In this case though, his decision had already been made. Because as he had already realized, it wasn't really an offer to begin with.

But that didn't mean that Doran couldn't try and gain more from this arrangement.

In the long term, the possibilty of the Red Temple i.e. Phenex expanding his rule all over Essos and/or Westeros wasn't to be dismissed at all, as at some point the common people would probably hope for such a thing themselves.

A fair ruler that wasn't greedy for power and wealth, how could they not want such a thing.

And it was for that exact scenario that Doran wanted to make arrangements. As stated he was a patient and cunning man, planning ahead carefully instead of acting impulsively, like his younger brother.

Thinking about the best way to secure House Martell's position in Dorne, the sickly Prince's thoughts inexplicably drifted to the failed marriage arrangements he had made for his daughter and the late Viserys Targaryen.

Oberyn had told him that Phenex wouldn't allow anyone but Daenerys herself to choose her husband, so finding a fitting match for his son was something that the Dornish Ruler would have to think about some more.

His daughter on the other hand wouldn't become Queen as things stood, but maybe there was an even better option. Afterall, what greater husband could there be than a veritable god?

With silent steps Phenex approached the stone bench in the temple gardens and it wasn't before he had already arrived right next to it, that the gorgeous silver-haired Targaryen lady noticed his presence.

M-my L-Lord … I- … “, Rhaella stammered, too embarressed to really look Phenex in the eyes, the memories of her pleasuring herself to her fantasies of the godly man too vivid in her mind.

Do you mind some company, Rhaella?”, Phenex' deep and slightly raspy voice sounded out, the way he pronounced her name, sending a tingling shudder down the former Queen's back.

Of c-course n-not.”, she stuttered softly.

Seating himself beside the silver-haired beauty, Phenex reclined relaxedly against the backrest, as he enjoyed the afternoon sun warming his face and body.

Like he did most days, he was wearing a black linen tunic, the coarse fabric rubbing pleasantly against his smooth skin.

Stealing glances at the man, who had found his way into all her fantasies, Rhaella fell into a slight daze, as she watched him just enjoy the sunlight. His eyes closed, as he faced upwards.

He was an enigma for the former Queen with all the things she had heard about him, things that he had accomplished, all of them feats truly worthy of a god.

And yet, there he sat, enjoying the afternoon sun with a kind of serenity that she had only seen in young children or the elderly. Even the coarse tunic he wore, resembled the clothes of a poor commoner more than those of a god.

There was no pride or arrogance in his actions, only calm confidence, while his mild mannerism towards those that served him, was something incredibly foreign to her. There was no fear towards him in his subordinates, only respect and devotion.

Rhaella had met incredibly honorable knights and good rulers in her time as Queen, and yet they paled in comparison to Phenex. Not because they were not as powerful, but because even they were not free of selfishness or desires.

Some of them pursued honor or glory, while others wanted to better their territory just to enrich themselves.

Phenex though, it seemed, had no desires. He wasn't interested in wealth or power. He didn't rule for personal gain, didn't enjoy the authority he had over others. He simply made decisions to the benefit of the people.

And while he was ruthless and decisive when it came to dealing with those that broke his laws, the justice he enacted was fair. Poor or rich, it didn't matter before the law if you were guilty.

Phenex was everything that Aerys, her late husband had not been.

Rhaella felt drawn to him since the moment he had revived her, this feeling only growing stronger as the days passed. But she couldn't bring herself to act on them.

He had given her, her life and her daughter back. Protected and cared for them, while she harboured lustful thoughts about him, which caused her to feel undeserving of his grace.

So how could she even attempt to close the immeasurable gap that existed between them? It wasn't about status or power, but self-awareness.

All these thoughts coursing through her mind though came to a halt, when she felt his hand gently grasping her own. His molten gaze finding hers, as he voiced out quietly: “You think too highly of me, Rhaella.”

And the next moment the man of her dreams leaned forward and pressed his soft lips gently against hers. Surprised, but joyful, the former Queen didn't reject his advance, as she closed her eyes and practically melted into the kiss.

Her hands falling forwards and onto his well-muscled chest, as she tightly clung to his tunic, while she felt his other hand wrap itself around her waist.

His forehead pressed against hers, Phenex broke their kiss, as he whispered against her lips: “I too have selfish desires.”

His eyes were aflame with desire and gentle affection, causing Rhaella to be at a loss, unable to find words to answer his advances. And so, the gorgeous silver-haired lady did the only thing she knew would let him know without a doubt, that she wanted this too.

Leaning forward, she reconnected their lips again, as she opened hers and welcomed his tongue into her mouth. A gentle dance was fought between their tongues, his taste on her lips simply heavenly, as Rhaella lost herself in their intimate kiss.

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