The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 072 – Nature

[295 AC]

Eventually, Varys agreed and swore fealty to him, though Phenex knew the man's loyalties were neither binding nor lasting.

It didn't matter much, however, as the Spider would not be able to draw Phenex or the temple into his schemes, as the only thing that would await him, should he try something like this, was a swift death.

After having the man settled in the city for a few days, Phenex planned to send him back and help him strengthen the Red Temple's influence in the court.

He deliberately kept the Spider away from the temple and the places where Elia and her children lived, as he did not plan to confide the spymaster into any of the Red Temple's and his plans or secrets for the time being.

Currently though, Phenex was in the Heart Chamber, sitting before the magical organ in a lotus position as his eyes were closed and he breathed in deeply and evenly.

With every exhale the black chamber was filled with fire, Phenex' own body becoming a part of the fiery storm around him, while with every inhale his body turned back into mortal flesh, the flames around him pouring into his form.

It was a kind of meditation that Phenex would practice every now and then to clear his mind and settle his heart, so that he could retain his calm and serenity. He was aware that a being like him without the necessary self-control and willpower was nothing but a loose canon. He knew the danger he posed to those close to him and the rest of the world, should he lose control after all.

Sensing Melisandre approaching the doors to the chamber, Phenex stopped his magical breathing and shifted his focus back to the present. With a wave of his hand, the oily black doors opened themselves and allowed the Red Priestess to step into the Heart Chamber.

You wanted to see me, my Lord?”, Melisandre bowed deeply as she greeted him.

Over the last few years, she had stayed with Stannis and had even become his mistress, while being of great help to him when conquering the Stepstones and Basilisk Isles. She enjoyed this relatively calm life, though was also looking for a new purpose and goal.

"Varys, the master of whisperers, has come to Volantis and swore his allegiance to the Red Temple and me. His loyalty though is fickle and he can't be trusted. Nevertheless, with his help, I hope to bring forward some of my plans for the Seven Kingdoms, which will require your service and expertise.", Phenex explained.

Without hesitation, the Red Priestess bowed and stated: "I am yours to command, my Lord."

"Hmm.", Phenex hummed in acknowledgment, knowing the depth of her devotion and loyalty, "After Stannis became the Commander of the temple's naval forces, I expected Robert or Jon Arryn to choose another master of ships to replace him, but nothing of the sort happened."

The Hand of the King managed to convince the King that this was a good thing and would help in forging a more solid connection with the Red Temple and show the Iron Throne's willingness to cooperate.”

And while the truth is somewhat different, as the Hand mostly saw this as an opportunity to concentrate the power of the small council on fewer members and deny the Lannisters the chance to nominate one of their own for the post, this also gives us a chance to spread our influence now.”

The old Lord of the Eyrie and Hand of the King was indeed no simple character. He was aware of how much danger the Lannisters represented to Robert's rule. He knew that with Cersei being Queen and Joeffrey being the heir, the lions already held incredible power in the Realm.

His intention to limit their power by not allowing any of the Lannisters into the small council, even though their line had been raised to royalty, was clear to see.

He was also very smart in the way he did that, as due to the fact that he was practically Robert's foster father, he had almost free reign when it came to governing the Realm and by making two of Robert's brothers part of the small council, he had effectively limited the seven available positions to four, his own included.

Accounting for the fact of how much Robert respected Aerys' former Kingsguard Commander Barristan Selmy and how effective Varys had been in his duty as a master of whisperers, it must have been easy to have him agree to keep them on the council.

The same went for Grandmaester Pycelle, as the old man was intelligent enough to stay subservient to those in power and present himself as a man without ambition, only faithful to his duties.

Appointing Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish as master of coin had also seemed like a way to keep the power of the Iron Throne in the hands of Robert and his allies, though Phenex could only shake his head at the Hand's decision in this particular case, as he knew Littlefinger's ambitions were a great part of why the Realm would welcome chaotic times sooner rather than later.

Nevertheless, Jon Arryn was a very capable Hand of the King with nearly impeccable abilities when it came to administrations and politics, though sadly he was too naive.

And yet it was this quality of his that Phenex planned to exploit for the Red Temple's advantage.

"I want you to go to King's Landing with the Spider and become a member of the small council while carrying a letter from the Commander that will declare his resignation from the position as master of ships.", Phenex declared calmly, his words though caused Melisandre's eyes to widen for a moment.

She knew this task was incredibly important and it would require the full expertise of her political competence and manipulative skills, though she resolved herself to achieve what was asked of her at any cost. Melisandre simply would not allow herself to fail in a task given to her by Phenex.

I will do as you ordered, my Lord. I will not disappoint you.”, she declared firmly.

I know you won't, Melisandre.”, Phenex replied, “Leave as soon as you can and keep an eye on the Spider. Mera will accompany you and act as your guard.”

Sending the female leader of his Feathers wasn't only as an assurance, it was more a show of power, as even the best knight of the Seven Kingdoms would not be able to harm a single hair of his personal guard.

Yes, Lord.”, the Red Priestess affirmed.

[295 AC]

Watching her daughter and grandson fly over Volantis on the back of Obsidian and Lyra, Rhaella's gaze followed their silhouettes with worried eyes as they left the First Daughter behind in different directions.

Strong arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her waist, while a muscular chest pressed against her delicate back, her worried heart being assuaged by the mere presence of her love.

"They will be alright, won't they?", Rhaella asked Phenex, as she turned her head halfway around, her beautiful violet eyes glimmering with motherly concern.

Lowering his head, Phenex left behind a soft kiss on the Targaryen lady's lips, as he whispered reassuringly: “They will. No harm will come to them under my watch.”

The two young dragonriders had been sent by Phenex to retrieve messages from Meereen and Tyrosh respectively, which would take them a few days. He hoped this short journey, they were taking on by themselves, would also help them to become more independent and confident.

It would teach them more about the bond between a rider and his dragon than any explanation or lesson could.

Phenex knew that nothing major would happen to them as the lands they traveled were mostly safe, but he hoped some minor hardships would befall them, so that they may learn and grow stronger by overcoming them.

He didn't want to be harsh to them, but as dragonriders, his expectations for both of them were high, especially so since their personalities were wholly different than Rhaella's.

Rhaella had a gentle and soft strength, which made her the lovely woman she was, but aggression was simply not in her nature. She also did not enjoy having power and authority, nor did she have the heart to actively seek conflict.

Even when she had been harmed by her former brotherly husband, she had endured the abuse with a quiet strength that Phenex admired and loved about her.

Daenerys and Jaehaerys were different.

While both of them had their heart in the right place, authority and power were in their nature, their personality coming truly to life only when given the opportunity to wield such. Their strength, while enduring, had a sharp side to it, that they would unleash when given the chance.

Conflict was something they both strived in, while their talents for combat were simply incredible.

Phenex could see these things clearly, as before his sight their true nature was unveiled, no mortal being able to conceal itself from his senses.

Lowering his head a bit, Phenex inhaled Rhaella's flowery scent, while the former Queen gave herself to his embrace, having never felt safer and more loved than when in his arms.

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